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Everything posted by Anomalocaris

  1. Thanks! Now I have Aptitude on everyone. If anyone wants Aptitude on Corrin, Beruka, Oboro, Benny, Fuga, Arthur, Anna, Nyx, Odin, or Gunter, stop on by at 04603-39159-53736-97084.
  2. Looking for Aptitude on Flora and Yukimura to complete my collection.
  3. Even though that's your cousin's ladyparts you're caressing?
  4. "You can save it, right?" "Of course. Your colon will be fine, I assure you- You're talking about the lollipop."
  5. I have several questions about capturable bosses. What skills can be obtained on bosses only on higher difficulties? I know Haitaka and Kumagera have a few Hard Mode skills, while Daniela just has Resistance +2 which you can get on her anyway, but do any of the paralogue bosses come with Hard-locked skills they cannot otherwise get? I want to make sure I'm getting their full skillsets before I start using them. The bosses that show up in Museum Melee can be captured, yes? If so, do they ever show up with skills? Do Daniela, Haitaka, or Kumagera ever show up in Museum Melee, or is it only the paralogue bosses? Also, unrelated, but if I save a normal unit to the logbook at the end of the game, then recruit them in a different file, do they retain their expanded class options via Partner/Friendship seals, or are they restricted to their standard options? Additionally, do they keep all the skills they ever learned, or only the five they currently have equipped?
  6. Japanese media in general loves to use western names for things gratuitously.
  7. It's unlikely that Roy will be made compatible. That would necessitate bringing on a voice actor post-production for what amounts to a very small bonus only a few people will bother accessing.
  8. Awakening was smart. There were 2 more dudes than ladies in the first gen, so even in the absolute worst possible scenario (Female Robin steals a dude, and Chrom marries the maiden, thus removing himself from the genepool) there's still exactly enough men to ensure every woman gets wed (Unless you fuck up with Sumia and her overly-high standards). For Fates they just decided to be idiots. I don't know why. I left Hayato forever alone in my Revelations file. I never liked Tharja so I have no interest in Tharja 2.0 (Though I did recruit her as a logbook unit), and Hayato's basically Ricken but supremely arrogant so he gets to be forever alone. It's basically a win-win.
  9. Whoever said Stale Bread shouldn't be able to hurt enemies has clearly never handled stale bread that's been broken off at the end. Stuff is jagged and sharp as hell. The only weapon name that kinda annoys me is the Nageyari weapons wielded by some bosses; unless my memory is mistaken in-game they're just depicted as throwable naginatas, when they're supposed to be more spear-like. Edit: Oh, and "Ink Painting" was originally "Rainbow Sage's Ink Painting", right? That annoys me, I like when the weapons are named after characters.
  10. I wouldn't mind recruitable Garon/Mikoto/Sumeragi/Arete, so long as they're not being brought back from the dead or anything that would undermine the story; either alternate universe versions, like Yen'fay, or just Einherjar-style bonus units.
  11. That's a valid point. I may need to add that. Though it's not so much Shadowgift as it is I just used a Shadowgift icon to represent dark magic capabilities. :P
  12. He mentions when working an ore mining site that gravity manipulation makes it easy.
  13. Gangrel and Emmeryn also have special barracks/sparkly-tile convos.
  14. That is true, but I don't think either Dark Mage or Drifter would make sense to use Light Magic. Though if I did add Light Magic, I would totally need a special class that uses both Dark and Light Magic.
  15. Let's try some Awakening. Robin: Tactical Advice - Adjacent allies and Pair-Up partner gain Hit +15. Chrom: Commanding Presence - Adjacent allies and Pair-Up partner gain Avo +15. Lissa: Hope Symbol - All allies receive +3 damage dealt and Crit +10 against enemy units that have inflicted damage on this unit. Frederick: Unflinching Guardian - +10% Dual Guard chance if paired with Ylissean royalty. Sully: Competitive - If supporting unit is male, Crit +10. Virion: Romantic - Damage taken -2 and damage dealt +2 when paired with female unit. Additional +1 damage dealt if paired with S-rank partner. Vaike: Tenured - If unit takes damage greater than half the unit's max HP in one turn, Defense and Resistance +4 for remainder of map. Stahl: Unfailing Median - If a higher level than pair-up partner, pair-up partner's damage taken -1 and damage dealt +3. If a lower level than pair-up partner, Stahl's damage taken -1 and damage dealt +3. Miriel: Loquacious - +1 damage dealt for each Tome equipped by the unit. Sumia: Animal Lover - Speed +2 when in a mounted class, but -2 damage against mounted enemies. Kellam: Nondescript - Select as command to make unit untargetable for one turn unless adjacent to enemy. Lon'qu: Gynophobe - +15 Avo but -3 Ddg when a female unit is within 2 spaces. Ricken: Precocious Pride - If supporting a higher-levelled unit, +10% Dual Strike chance and +2 damage dealt in Dual Strikes. Maribelle: Tea Break - Select as command to restore 10% health to self and all adjacent allies. Gaius: Sticky Fingers - Luck/2% chance of obtaining a Gaius' Confect after defeating an enemy. Panne: Taguel Solitude - +3 damage dealt when no allies within 2 spaces, excepting S-support partner and children. Cordelia: Forlorn Fantasy - Crit +10 and damage taken -2 when paired with Chrom. Nowi: Playtime - +10% Dual Strike chance when supporting a unit with C-support rank or higher. Gregor: Veteran - Speed +2 and Skill +4 when HP < 50%. Libra: Mistaken Allure - -2 damage taken from male enemies. Tharja: Devotion - +10% Dual Guard and Dual Strike chance when paired with Robin. Olivia: Personal Space - +10 Avo and +5 Crit if total amount of allies and enemies within 2 spaces is greater than 4. Cherche: Indomitable - If unit's Strength is 5 or more points higher than enemy's Strength, damage taken -4 Henry: Carnage Connoiseur - +3 damage against enemies that have already taken damage. Donnel: Farmhand - +10 Avo and +3 Speed when fighting on Forest, Waste, or Field terrain. Lucina: Changing Destiny - Second-generation allies within 2 spaces receive +2 damage dealt and -2 damage taken. Owain: Sword-hand - When equipped with a forged weapon whose name is at least 12 characters, Critical rate +10. Kjelle: Training Regimen - HP is restored by 30% if unit levels up during battle. Laurent: Analytic - +2 damage against enemies of the same class this unit has already defeated during a map. Cynthia: Grand Entrance - The first time this unit initiates combat on a map, +20 Crit and -3 damage taken. Brady: Frightening Visage - Enemies within a 2 space radius suffer Avo -10 Yarne: Craven - Mov +1 if unit's HP < 50%. Severa: Fierce Rival - When user is the support unit, if the lead unit triggers a critical hit, the user is guaranteed to Dual Strike with a critical hit. Nah: Horrible Person - This unit becomes the final boss if you S-support her with Inigo or Laurent. Disarming Presence - Damage taken -3 if enemy initiates combat. Noire: Moody - +2 damage dealt on odd turns, -2 damage taken on even turns. Inigo: Fancy Footwork - Strength and Speed +1 to all allies within a 2 tile radius for one Turn when the “Rally” command is used. Gerome: Masked Identity - Strength, Magic, and Speed +2 when HP > 50%; Strength, Magic, and Speed -1 when HP <= 50%. Morgan: Fast Learner - Weapon proficiency x2 (Like a built-in Discipline). Say'ri: Single Stroke - Crit +10 if unit is equipped with a 1-range weapon. Tiki: Reminisce - Allies within 2 spaces using weapons named after heroes of legend gain +10 Crit and +2 damage dealt. Basilio: Stubborn - If this unit is hit with a fatal attack while at >1 HP, Luck% chance of surviving with 1 HP and dealing 50% damage back at the enemy. Flavia: Ruling Khan - +1 damage dealt and -1 damage taken if Basilio is present on the map. Anna: Spendthrift - Luck% chance of receiving a Small Bullion when moving within the first 7 turns. Gangrel: Nihilistic Whim - Skill +4 and Crit +10 if HP < 50% Walhart: Presumably, Conquest would be his personal skill. Emmeryn: Well-Grounded: This unit takes fatal damage if battling on elevated terrain. Voice of Peace - Enemies within 2 blocks suffer -10 Hit and -2 damage dealt. Yen'fay: Bushido - +10% Dual Guard and Dual Strike chance when paired with Say'ri. Aversa: Presumably, Shadowgift would be her personal skill. Priam: Legendary Scion - Skill*2% chance of not consuming weapon durability when equipped with a legendary weapon.
  16. Thank you for the feedback! My personal favorites of the new classes I created are Armored Griffin for being a unique combination of flight and armor (Not to mention armor + magic being rare), Chimera Rider for sounding like a total abomination, Bodyguard, and Illusionist. I can imagine Illusionist having a skill that lets them create copies of themselves that can't attack but can trick the opponent into attacking them. Like a more diversionary version of Mechanist's Replicate. Drifter promoting to Druid was actually a bit of good fortune on my part. I needed a tome-using class to bridge the gap between Ninja's Illusionist and Merchant's Wanderer, so I decided to create a second Dark Magic class. When trying to think of a middle promotion for it I decided Dark Magic with Staves would be an interesting combination, then realized that was in previous games as Druid, so it was fun to bring that back. Dark Mages losing access to dark magic when promoting is, sadly, a necessary evil. Dark Magic is supposed to be quite scarce.
  17. So I wanted to see if I could create my own class chart for a theoretical FE game, with a class system similar to Awakening and Fates'. With a tweest! Instead of each class having two promotion choices, they all have three; two shared with other base classes, and one exclusive to itself! It was fun coming up with tons of new classes and finding places to link these together. I might have gone a bit overboard, though. Link here, because it's way too big to embed. Should be fairly easy to make sense of; blue is base classes, orange is promotions, red is special classes, and green is DLC/amiibo-locked shit. Green weapon icons indicate S-rank proficiency. Story-prominent classes like the main lord's are not present, mind you. I was hoping for some feedback or suggestions!
  18. Robin all the way. I haven't played with Kris so I can't judge, but I've heard mostly bad things. Corrin I feel fails as a player avatar in comparison to Robin. Robin is a tactician; this is reflected in the fact that the player is the one issuing commands and devising the strategy in each battle. It's a perfect fit. While Robin has reign over the battlefield, they're subordinate to Chrom in other respects, so their choices rarely extend beyond general gameplay choices. Corrin is not a tactician; in fact, Leo outright tells Corrin their tactics suck in their support. This is just plain silly since we're supposed to believe Corrin is our stand-in, making all these awesome tactical decisions. Corrin is a lord, and ultimately the one in charge of everything in your army. This gets frustrating whenever Corrin does something stupid in the plot, since if we were Corrin we'd be making different decisions possibly. Not that Chrom makes any particularly awful choices during Awakening, but at least if he did we could justify it with "Well, he's the boss so I can't overrule him", whereas in Fates we're left with "Why the hell am I not getting a choice in how my avatar acts?" in every case except the big Chapter 6 decision. Robin is a fairly humble individual with no real special abilities beyond a gift for tactics, which if you're playing FE you likely have yourself. Corrin is a dual-royalty Lindbergh baby literal demigod who can turn into a dragon and was chosen by a sacred chainsaw sword. It's completely ridiculous and breaks any real immersion or ability to put yourself in Corrin's (lack of) shoes. It's like reading someone else's fanfic starring a Mary Sue; as much as I hate the term "relatable" in regard to media, Corrin is unrelatable to the point that they might as well not be an avatar at all, just a fixed character. The whole avatar-fellating is also a lot worse with Corrin than it was Robin; EVERYONE defers to Corrin and makes them the center of their life, and you have eight siblings and three attendants who are singlemindedly devoted to you, to the point that it starts to get kinda creepy interacting with them, like they have no choice but to bend to your authority, let you pet their faces bond with them, and marry you if you so desire it. And on the opposite side, Garon and Iago make you the center of their universes too, to the point that their massive hate-ons for Corrin just make them come across as petty strawmen designed to make Corrin look better in comparison. While there is the endgame reveal that Robin's a chosen vessel of Grima, this comes AFTER generally riding backseat and giving the player about 21 chapters' worth of time to settle into the role of Robin, so it comes across as genuinely shocking yet not immersion-breaking (Unless you really can't fathom the idea of your father being a giraffe monster, which is genetically a tough sell). Corrin's super-speshul from the start and it just doesn't work. Robin makes me feel like I'm actually in the game, kicking names and taking ass. Corrin makes me feel like throwing up.
  19. I don't know about villains, but I'd like next game to go back to having a sort of "Ahab and Ishmael" dynamic with the main lord and avatar, like in Awakening (Sans the endgame reveal that Robin was the Grimas). It's the main lord's story first and foremost, but told through the perspective of the avatar. Imagine this: The game begins with your player avatar being ushered through the halls of the royal palace, an applicant to apprenticing under the royal army's current tactician, who is looking to retire soon. Since your avatar is totally new to the place, it serves as a good chance to introduce player and avatar alike to the main lord, Jeigan, early healer, Cain and Abel, ect. Prologue fight would be a mock battle to test the avatar's current tactical abilities, then the first few chapters would have your usual early-game stuff dealing with brigands and other easy threats. Come chapter 5 or so, war breaks out with whatever enemy nation we're facing this game, and tragedy strikes; the army tactician is assassinated (One day before retirement, damn), leaving the royals with no choice but to put you in charge of strategy despite your inexperience. I think that strikes a good middle point between the avatar being a total non-entity with no bearing on the plot, and being a metaphorical black hole warping the plot around themselves (Like in Fates). Also no need for the player to have amnesia or any other backstory-concealing element; they could just have lived a relatively nondescript life until being thrust into this war.
  20. Are we only allowed to discuss the pseudo-skinship lines? Because I like to trot this out whenever the subject of lewd My Room lines comes up.
  21. Yooouuur faaaace... it looooks liiiike... some sorta traaaaaap. Ah! You got me...
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