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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. @shadowofchaos Congrats! I'm really happy that you managed to find an ideal solution. Honestly, I never know what to say during good and bad times, haha. Anyway, here's hoping there are only good times from here on out ^^
  2. I kept getting this problem, but I just treated it as a blessing as I can't spend money even if I wanted to XD For me, the problem sometimes fixes itself randomly. Anyway, just now, I fixed it by hopping into the Google Play Store and accepting the new Terms and Conditions. I assume the ToCs changed at some point and I never got around to accepting it...
  3. I have a feeling they created the opening montage early on as well. On a related note, the CG of Conrad rescuing Celica was initially going to take place during the day, instead of during the sunset in the final game. Anyway, when Conrad is riding during the night, I am pretty sure he's riding towards Zofia Castle. Besides, the only other castle town is Rigel, which looks completely different. Also, the "evil man" is Jedah, right? Or were you purposely trying to hide spoilers? ^^ Finally, I assume Celica standing down from the Mila statue would have occurred near the beginning of her story. Mainly because the background looks just like the Priory. But they probably removed the scene since it was immediately preceded by the dream of Alm and Rudolf fighting.
  4. It sounds like one of the game's many RAM glitches. I assume you've been saving using savestates? During normal gameplay, you're expected to use the in-game save function and close/re-open your SNES/Super Famicom to continue your save and refresh the RAM. But when playing on emulator, there's little reason to save "normally" and thus you can run into (usually) minor glitches.
  5. I am really looking forward to this. Hopefully there's some cool lore information. For instance, we're missing most of the chapters of the Valentian Revelations.
  6. Seems reasonable although Dusk Lycanroc placing is a bit surprising. I love how the female voters are generally the majority XD
  7. I'm sorry to hear your troubles aren't over. I really hope you manage to pull through. Yeah, it seems extreme to hold you completely responsible, when I'm sure you did your best. Hmm, after you did all the treatments, did you get any confirmation or guarantee that there were no traces of bed bugs? I mean, can they really prove the bed bugs appeared while you were still there and not after you left?
  8. To be honest, the only one that makes me go "huh" is Brigand Boss. As you said, the guy doesn't even have a proper name XD That said, I guess he, er, was kind of interesting with Silque... The rest I imagine are simply too obscure to ever appear in the game. I mean, Daniel and Jorge are pretty cool dudes, but it would feel really weird if they got in before any other playable character (even forgettable ones like Glade). A few others, I would actually be really excited for if they got in, like Elena and Layla. Mainly because they have interesting designs ^^
  9. Just to be 100% sure, is this the order you did things? 1. Enter the battle with Zeke 2. Retreat without killing anyone 3. Go the other direction (east) and defeat Nuibaba 4. Recruit Tatiana 5. Return to the battle with Zeke Only thing I can think of is a flag not being flipped between steps 1 and 3. Because I tried step 3 first, then 1, 2, 4, 5 and it worked for me.
  10. Yup, you're correct. Heroes is actually the last batch (and I checked a few spaces afterwards, just in case). Where it has 113, replace it with 1XX where the range is 01 (Shadow Dragon) to 12 (Fates).
  11. Here ya go! https://support-cdn.fire-emblem-heroes.com/campaigns/vote/images/faces/113001.png Just increment by 1 for the rest.
  12. Here are some new additions since round 1. The blank ones after Fjorm are Gunnthra and the Book II villains.
  13. Thanks for the info! Hmm, must be Nintendo's image cache being funky. EDIT: They're coming...
  14. Kind of random, but has anyone noticed some of the Gaiden portraits have been updated in the old Choose Your Legends site? I dunno when it happened; I only noticed when I was checking my results and Delthea has her portrait from Echoes. On my end, other characters with updated portraits include Forsyth, Jesse, Grieth, Zeke, Silque and I think that's it. Here's three of them, since the rest don't seem to work for me anymore. I assume they're in the middle of revamping the website for round 2?
  15. Nice! I love me some Legendary Pokemon ^^ Hang on, Shiny Zygarde? Yeeeees. That will go nicely with my shiny Xerneas and Yveltal from one of the previous years.
  16. Well, I don't disagree that the price point is kinda absurd. However I was more arguing that the DLC isn't necessary and doesn't really have a place in the base game, hence why I bolded the last part of your post. As you also said here, the grinding maps aren't needed since you can already break the game with stuff like the Dread Fighter loop and the Secret Shine. Likewise, the Overclass are all fluff and absolutely not required to beat the game or even the postgame (which you can trivialise with a few Dread Fighters). These things are just designed for people to speed up gameplay and essentially give their characters another costume. Finally, as others have mentioned, Cipher is a collaboration that definitely wouldn't have existed unless it was DLC. Essentially, no matter what you think of the DLC, at the very least you're not being (massively) disadvantaged by not buying it.
  17. I'm not terribly fond of their practices either, but I feel like Shadows of Valentia is pretty fair with its DLC. Most of the DLC is fluff that isn't necessary for the core experience (which is essentially a remake of Gaiden with some extra bits and bobs, plus a postgame). Anyway, I would second the recommendation for the Cipher pack. Having more characters is always cool and the pack is decently priced at around 6 dollars. I noticed you wanted experience and gold. In that case, you might like the Undaunted Heroes pack, which has money/item/experience farming maps for 10 dollars. But personally I think it's a bit pricey and unnecessary to get the whole pack. Instead, you might be better off just grabbing Inner Sanctum for 4 dollars. That map is focused on farming items, but you can still earn decent experience and you can sell the items for money. That's 10 dollars gone already. For the remaining 10 dollars, I'd save it for something else (like a future FE game) or maybe a meal out XD But if you really liked the Deliverance characters, there is the Rise of the Deliverance prologue that costs 13 dollars for 4 maps (with additional story and support conversations). I thought it was decent, although nothing remarkable.
  18. Good luck with the patch! Hopefully more people can get to enjoy this cool game ^^
  19. Also, Parthia and Cymbeline can be refined it seems. Parthia weakens the first magic hit and Cymbeline boosts Atk for multiple allies. EDIT Oh, the refinement effects are right below. So Cymbeline buffs if fliers are near.
  20. It's the same wormhole. If you bring the right Legendary at the right time, you get access to all three options: Ultra Warp Ride, Ultra Megapolis and the reverse world. Otherwise only the first two options are available.
  21. It's a bit early to say, but I think the mystery isn't actually that complex ^^ According to an old interview done at the time of Binding Blade, the opera group involved in the original commercial was Tokyo Nikikai (referred to as just Nikikai [二期会] in the interview). At least, that's what I understand. This detail was revealed since both games shared the exact same song for their commercials. Japanese fans have probably known about this for decades (considering I got most of this info from their Wikipedia) XD
  22. Whoops, did I actually forget to add the tables I made for DLC characters onto the website? >___< Emma: 0.55 Randal: 0.5 Yuzu: 0.6 Shade: 0.45
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