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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i find generally when celice gets the leg ring oifaye never does anything in chapter 6 the other mounted units in gen 1 are all pretty terrible other than Fin early on anyway (ironically he's the best with wtd) A delmud with inheritance is pretty much Oifaye without lances in 5 levels or so anyway. The avaliability thing is in Oifaye's favour though, i'm one of the people that has the opinion that he's still pretty good in the later chapters too.
  2. People consider Sigurd to be better because his surrounding cast is much worse, can you imagine if you had Oifaye instead of of Cuan in gen 1? And Oifaye isn't as good in gen 2 as Cuan is in gen 1.
  3. Glad you're enjoying it. Here's Chapter 13! Two updates in two days, that's like, unheard of! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ_PTqYrvfU&list=UUcp11fr85Q1lEVSEHtv53pA
  4. Ok, finally had some time to sit down and work on this today so here's a normal boring clear of chapter 12: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMbxLHi3H-M&feature=youtu.be can't do the annotations yet for some reason because it's been stuck at 95% processing for like an hour... Expect them later on tonight sometime.
  5. It'd be cool if you posted unit levels at the very least at the end of chapters so we have SOME idea where the exp is going per chapter.
  6. honestly i don't think fe7 has been done very well at all in general, hopefully i'll fix that with my playthrough also just a normal ltc of fe6? I forget if Espinosa's was all units or just girls only. I think somebody (Mekkah?) did an fe4 0% run ages ago, don't remember if it was ltc or efficient though, might have just been clearing it. I think its possible to improve on all games currently completed, IIRC my unfinished clear of FE8 cuts something like 12 turns off my old 83 turn clear which I thought was pretty good at the time. EDIT: Has anyone actually done an fe3 ltc? It's vastly different from FE12.
  7. Apocalypse is cool, but I like Naglfar better. I don't know what Glepnir even looks like, never used it.
  8. the same also applies to dudes like abel/macellan/dolph/robert, I think it just means they're worse than the tier above them, which is pretty godawful also calling it now, PKL will be back
  9. FE4 - Alec. I have wayyy better luck with Noish. FE6 - Roy, Alan, Fir FE7 - Eliwood, Priscilla FE8 - Kyle FE11 - Abel. FE12 - Ryan, Luke
  10. I had a 20/20 Eliwood with 12 speed once. NEVER FORGET. On the plus side, I was arena abusing in chapter 8 to farm money for a wifi team in shadow dragon years ago, and Caesar capped strength unprompted. Probably the most ridiculous unit I've had without rng abuse
  11. I use them all on one unit so they become super OP.
  12. I've been on holidays over in Europe visiting my parents and well, they didn't have wifi. I'm back on Friday and then going to a wedding on Saturday, and I'll probably be too tired to do anything for like 2-3 days, so it'll probably be a week before I do anything else with this.
  13. I wear sunglasses EDIT: Oh dammit I wasn't the first to say this. I don't wear eyeglasses though.
  14. CHAPTER 3 - 8/25 TURNS GORDIN WHY Doga has yet to proc strength too... Anyway I got the devil axe, and a combination of Marth, Jeigan, and Darros killed Hyman. It was pretty bullshit. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL MARTH LORD 04.02 21 07 00 04 08 08 08 00 D SWORD DOGA THWOMP 06.12 23 07 00 05 07 03 15 00 C LANCE JEIGAN DRAGON ??/02.96 21 08 01 10 08 01 11 03 B LANCE E AXE GORDIN MYRMIDON 04.11 19 04 00 10 12 05 04 00 E SWORD WRYS ARCHER 03.89 16 05 02 07 07 03 06 02 E BOW BORD DARK MAGE 03.80 16 03 02 04 03 01 06 03 E TOME DARROS HUNTER 06.33 24 08 00 05 07 05 06 00 E BOW LENA CLERIC 03.00 16 00 02 07 08 08 03 07 C STAFF yeahhhh i'm boned. Also I noticed that Merric should have been a cav and not a myrm but oh well. EDIT oh he is a cav, its just wrong in the OP. CHAPTER 4 - 9/34 TURNS Forged Gordin a +3 MT +10 crit sword. He's kind of ok since he doubled honestly. Got Matthis and Merric. Only one more unit to get now! Also I didn't feel like taking a penalty so Matthis became a pegasus knight! CHAPTER 5 - 7/41 TURNS my team is incredibly offensively challenged and took 3 turns to kill the boss i think this will be a common theme because i don't have any hammer users until Jeigan hits C Axes, and his level ups have sucked anyway. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL MARTH LORD 05.48 22 08 00 04 08 09 08 00 D SWORD DOGA THWOMP 07.91 24 07 00 06 08 03 15 00 C LANCE JEIGAN DRAGON ??/03.83 21 08 01 11 08 02 11 03 B LANCE E AXE GORDIN MYRMIDON 05.88 20 04 00 10 13 05 05 00 E SWORD WRYS ARCHER 05.63 16 05 02 09 07 03 06 02 E BOW BORD DARK MAGE 05.17 17 03 02 06 04 01 06 03 E TOME DARROS HUNTER 07.28 24 08 00 06 07 06 06 00 E BOW LENA CLERIC 05.27 16 00 03 08 09 09 03 08 C STAFF MATTHIS PEGASUS 04.30 20 04 02 06 08 01 05 06 D LANCE MERRIC CAVALIER 02.25 23 05 00 05 10 04 09 00 E LANCE E SWORD
  15. man your guys logs are hard to read CHAPTER 1 - 8/8 TURNS DOGA OP but actually having Wrys was pretty cool, Jeigan could attack the boss and get healed, so he could take a counter and retaliate without dying. also GORDIN CHAPTER 2 - 9/17 TURNS GORDIN WHY Sacrificed Cord, Caeda, and Castor for the greater good. Doga walled the north enemies, Darros actually contributed quite a bit (he got two bad levels!) and Jeigan and Wrys carried the team. I'm not looking forward to chapter 4...
  16. i lost my snes once for like a day when i tried to play soccer in the basement and broke a picture frame when i was like, 5
  17. actually i'm gonna take boah instead because he has an awesome stache.
  18. just realized i could have made vyland an archer. That's now Linde's job, Archer->Swordmaster. I take RIkard if it's my turn.
  19. My preference now is earliest units that don't cost turns, so Rikard>Boah>Tomas then whoever.
  20. ha, MATTHIS is mine. I only need one more class A dude for a guarenteed dracoknight!
  21. I'm super happy about getting Merric, he's actually pretty good at everything. Vyland is your hero, he's a cavalier->dracoknight because i'm locked into it. What's the stance on forges? I just realized it's H3 and my team is gonna have a bad time.
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