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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i'm both happy and sad shin got eliminated we need some more TAUNTS people games have been fun to watch so far though.
  2. i've been willing to host stuff in the past because it was pretty easy but this is way too many possible auras for me to consider hosting (and playing, i'd rather just play the PvP in Fates).
  3. I think the only appeal of Kirby is people wouldn't know how to play against him as well, which might steal a game in a set occasionally. Definately not as strong as the rest of the list bar maybe Falco though.
  4. the only relevant character with a kill throw is ness. There's like, Mario's bthrow but that doesn't kill that early. characters like prepatch bowser (why sakurai), charizard and dk are supposed to kill early, they're heavyweights with strong moves (and throws). Giving a kill throw or setup to someone who's fast and can rack up damage easily and safely that can just end a stock with a grab (not to mention it's easier to grab with faster characters too) seems kinda dumb. There's a reason sonic's killthrow got nerfed. ZSS is kind of dumb but it's not a braindead combo like Diddy's was and you can actually mix up your opponent or if you're good enough escape the boost kick.
  5. i really think there's something wrong with diddy being able to kill you off a grab at 80% with rage when he has no issues racking up damage in the first place, and it's not like he got nerfed into oblivion either, he's still very very good
  6. It sounds like you're trying to make it harder than it really is for yourself, you don't want to be seen as the person who plays Mario because he's easy, but if he fits the bill for what you want, you should probably take it if you want to succeed. Pit or Dank Pit probably aren't bad alternatives, but they're also pretty easy and worse than Mario/Cloud.
  7. Karin gets +1 str/skl/spd, +2 def, and +3 movement. She also hilariously has E lances, but I doubt she does any (relevant) fighting in this playthrough. She's pretty close to D at least. Also Lara has 1 base skill, not 0
  8. Yeah, I think FE7 should have just made Legault/Matthew promote to Rogues and had Jaffar as his own standalone assassin for plot related reasons. Thieves aren't supposed to be fighters but a more utility based class, and the promotion to assassin takes some of that utility away.
  9. the dlc characters aren't broken or pay to win (imo). Bayonetta's frame data is horrible and her combos are escapable for the most part, and Corrin has issues against shields and is pretty slow. They're both still good yes, but it would be kind of a letdown if they were release Mewtwo tier.
  10. holy shit legitimately didn't know that you could find torches in the forts
  11. If you really want Jamka to pass down swords, you can always have him kill Jacoban and Shagaal for the Thunder Sword and Silver Blade. Jamka's offence is good enough that he should be able to manage it.
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