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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I thought i'd make a ruleset that allowed the use of more units, a lot of units (especially in book 1) are merely useless since they cost turns to recruit, but through the use of the warp staff i've figured out a way to make a lot of them recruitable without the loss or gain of turns. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Marth, Jeigan, Feena, and the book 2 final chapter Priestess' are free for all. 3. Both Book 1 and Book 2 will be played, so take that into consideration when drafting. Picking Alan might not mean very much in book 1, but he's not a free unit in book 2, so he may be very valuable there. Rules: 1. Undrafted Characters may recruit characters, and trade items/weapons. They may not do any other action, including finding desert treasure, shopping, opening doors/chests, entering combat, etc. 2. Book 2 must be played out to the true ending. Don't forget any star shards! 3. The Warp staff may not be used on Marth* (see exceptions). Yumina cannot use the rescue staff on Marth if she has been warped earlier in the chapter. Penalties: 1. Any use of an undrafted character is a 4 turn penalty. 2. Any illegal use of the warp staff is an 100 turn penalty. 3. Any illegal use of the rescue staff is an 100 turn penalty. Exceptions: 1. Paola is free in Chapter 3 Book 2. 2. Maria is free in Chapter 8 Book 1 (see warp exceptions) 3. The chumps in the cell are free to be attacked in Chapter 10 Book 1. 4. Julian may lower the bridge in Chapter 11 Book 2 without penalty. 5. Oguma and Sirus are free for Chapter 4 Book 2. 6. Navarre is free in Chapter 7 Book 2. 7. Marich is free in Chapter 10 Book 2. 8. Est is free in Chapter 15 Book 2. 9. Midia is free in Chapter 20 Book 2. 10. Warp may not be used on any unit in the final chapter of each game (you can still use Warp on any non-Marth unit in Final Part 1 and 2 of Book 2 if you wish) 11. Julian or Ricardo may be used to obtain starshards in chests in Book 2. They may not open any other chests without penalty. Warp Exceptions: In order to not make a large portion of the cast unviable, I've allowed Rena/Yumina (or one of your draftable units if they can use warp) to use the Warp staff in certain chapters to allow the recruitment of some characters, (namely Minerva, Maria, Paola, Katua, George, and Linda in book 1 (unfourtunately Samson/Arran still cost turns if you gave Marth the boots), and Roshe in book 2). 1. Rena may warp Marth to Maria's Cell in Chapter 8 Book 1. She is free for this chapter, so she is able to use door keys so drafting Maria doesn't automatically save turns. It's highly recommended you do this since it is faster than running the long way around with Marth. 2. Rena may warp Marth to Jeorge's or Linda's village in Chapter 9 Book 1. You may only do this if you drafted Jeorge/Linda, and you must visit their village if you do so. Note that Linda costs 1 turn in comparison to a regular clear/Jeorge's village, but it may be worth it if you have no other means to kill Gharnef (since Marth is really the only option to deal with him quickly in FE3, Falchion is probably worth it). 3. Rena may warp Marth to Samson/Arran's villages in Chapter 13 Book 1. 4. Rena may warp Julian to the boots chest in Chapter 10 Book 1. He may open this free of penalty. 5. Yumina (or any drafted unit that can use warp) may be used to warp Marth to Roshe's village if he is one of your drafted units. You must visit his village if you do this. I've marked units only available in book 1 with one *, and units only available in book 2 with **. Unmarked units are available in both books. [spoiler=units] Teams: Dylan Thomas - Sheeda, Linda, Cecil, Roshe, Chainy, Wolf, Warren, Caeser, Yubello, Saji, Maji, Tomth, Mishelan, Lorenz General Horace - Paola, Navarre, Katua, Hardin, Marich, Doga, Rena, Biraku, Astria, Ellerean, Zagarro, Maria, Thomas, Sheema Jedi - Kain, Abel, Wendel, Sirius, Gordin, Julian, Est, Rody, Midia, Kashim, Samson, Ricardo, Mallesia, Ellis Refa - Ogma, Yumina, Minerva, Alan, Luke, George, Boa, Barts, Machis, Samto, Ryan, Raddy, Chiki, Banutu
  2. Ok. Literally any unit that can use staves can easily use the warp staff by the time it shows up. You get 15 turns in Fog of War and torch is a D rank staff that gives 5 WExp. You get 11 turns in Chapter 26 and Denning's chapter (you'll have A staves before then anyway, but the option is still there). To use Barrier or any staff really. Who else are you going to have Ninian dance in Battle Before Dawn past the first turn or two? Lucius (or Canas or Erk) can easily gain ~130 staff exp here; that's almost enough to go from D staves to A staves. it's really really easy. I disagree with Irysa's notion of promoting Lucius early and have never suggested it, he likely kills the same stuff unpromoted as he does promoted and staves are almost totally useless from the period he suggests promoting Lucius to my suggestion of right before the desert, so it's pretty easy for him to hit 14-18 before the desert. Your levelling of Serra is still in a ranked playthrough, one that took 11 turns in Guy's chapter (even disregarding LTC this is awfully slow) and waited out the pirate ship, among other slow clears that allow Serra to gain levels she doesn't have in other playthroughs. I agree with the notion that if Serra is somehow the same level as Lucius, she is slightly better. But in any playthough that isn't a ranked playthrough this isn't happening. They wyverns in chapter 22 are a lower level than enemies in Dragon's gate, in compensation for them having reavers or something. If you say you promoted Serra in 23x of your ranked playthrough, and such she should be in a ranked playthrough. Not everybody waits out every defence map either. I've done more than one S-Rank playthrough myself, and smashed the exp rank by over 5000 experience, in a recorded one previously (which unfourtunately I lost the videos for), i'm well aware of how exp distribution works in this game. If you don't wait out defence maps (oftentimes there's no point since there's very little exp to be gained anyway even in casual/efficient/ranked playthroughs) Serra loses a TON of early experience while Lucius or other combat units hardly lose any since enemy count is down. I'm again only stating my opinion (with several others agreeing that Lucius is the superior unit) that Lucius is a better unit based on the way I play the game (which isn't absolute LTC every time, I like using chumps like Dorcas and Wallace when i'm not drafting/doing an LTC playthrough). I've (and several other people) have acknoledged that Serra is the better unit in a ranked playthrough. Any other run? She's too much of a pain to level and doesn't contribute anything meaninful outside her forced chapters (and she's pretty useless in one of the 4 already). Lucius is actually still pretty decent himself in ranked runs since his base level is low and his offensive bases are very good and let him net easy kills while maintaining a low level too.
  3. Lucius orko's all enemies (sans bosses) in the desert pretty easily and unless you're dumb and throw him at hoardes of wyverns he's a very effective unit there. He can warp people with his high magic lategame. The more important fact is that Lucius can at least gain exp in other maps where Marcus/whoever are saving turns to stay relevant for the chapters he can contribute well with his good combat (like rout maps) while Serra is a waste of space more often than not past the first few chapters where she's force deployed.
  4. in a world where serra is level 8 in chapter 24 instead of 19/2 because you're playing at a much faster pace than ranked play.
  5. In ranked play it's pretty obvious that staff users are a lot better than any any type of play since they're essentially free exp and combat units get sandbagged for the exp rank.
  6. oh man i'm seriously disappointed out that you didn't use Est to save turns Tiki does way more damage than I remember to lategame manaketes, it's pretty crazy.
  7. i'd say bowser is too high if anything going offstage for him to do anything really hurts because you can't b-reverse his up b and he doesn't ledgesnap when facing away from the ledge so if he fails an edgeguard he's going to get punished by whatever move the opponent wants, it's really stupid. the only real good things he has are upb oos and a command grab EDIT: he has a good dashgrab too actually, but throws don't do a whole lot for him I actually agree with the list for the most part though.
  8. pretty sure you got an 8 turn penalty for rescuedropping with Marcus/Isadora, they aren't fliers (why is that rule there anyway)
  9. never forget 12 speed eliwood never forget probably still good enough for enm though.
  10. Favourite: Berserkers. They can do neat stuff with terrain and the crit bonus makes them pretty awesome, Least Favourite: Archers. Why must you make them all so horrible. I like Snipers though.
  11. im going to be very disappointed if Sylvia doesn't refresh 4 people
  12. Fairly certain i've updated everything up to Gradivus's post above. If you see i've missed something let me know.
  13. ive got her to warp before, and she's almost at C after chapter 12 so probably. CHAPTER 12 - 7/81 TURNS had a doog beat on Garcia until the last turn and Gerik got poisoned so L'arachel got a lot of staffwork done. Tana rescued Saleh north, and he beat up a bunch of stuff. Tana went to killer lance the mountain spiders and kill the gargoyles, Forde went to the top right corner, and Saleh used Barrier when he could and took out the boss. EWAN TRAINING TIME DOZLA AND SETH NOW'S YOUR TIME TO SHINE EDIT: WORTH IT? CHAPTER 13 - 1/82 TURNS Promoted Tana. Gerik and Tana cleared enemies out so Saleh (with a dance) could fight the boss on turn 1. He 4HKO'd with Thunder. L'Arachel healed Ewan once after he tanked a soldier, a true MVP. Might have to burn some Hammerne charges to get Saleh to warp. CHAPTER 14 - 7/90 TURNS Carlyle went down to killer lance Tana (who actually doubled, she's so OP) and Saleh Hammerne'd Barrier to propel his staff rank, I think he'll make warp on time. He ate an energy ring before chapter 13, forgot to mention. L'Arachel and Ewan went to the south treasure room to get the dragonspear and another energy ring, and Ewan can actually promote next chapter and be extremely underwhelming. Carlyle is so much easier than Vigarde. CHAPTER 15 - 4/94 TURNS Tana flew south, and a freshly promoted Garcia, Innes, and SUMMONER EWAN followed. Tana killed Valter on turn 3 after being healed up by Ewan with the dragonspear, then i finally cleaned up the stupid troubadours and eclipse shaman on turn 4. Saleh killed Caellach with Excalibur, and hit A Staves. L'Arachel is pretty close to B Staves! UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 20.00 29 10 18 20 19 10 06 A SWORD GARCIA 20/01.45 46 16 21 15 12 11 08 A AXE C SWORD FORDE 17/05.13 40 15 17 19 15 12 07 S LANCE C SWORD TANA 16/07.16 42 21 19 23 17 12 16 S LANCE INNES ??/02.81 32 14 13 16 17 11 09 A BOW GERIK 10/04.74 38 18 15 16 10 13 08 B SWORD C BOW TETHYS 03.65 20 01 02 13 11 06 05 DANCER SALEH ??/07.90 34 24 20 16 13 09 16 S ANIMA B LIGHT A STAVES L'ARACHEL 06.30 20 09 08 11 14 05 10 C STAVES EWAN 11/01.73 26 11 10 14 14 10 15 B DARK E STAVES EPHRAIM 14.68 32 11 13 15 13 12 06 C LANCE CHAPTER 16 - 2/96 TURNS Saleh warped Tana to the throne room, and she killed the purge dude so Saleh could use it in the egg chapter. Saleh warped Eirika the next turn to seize. L'Arachel hit B Staves, Innes hit S bows. CHAPTER 17 - 1/97 TURNS L'Arachel Barried Tana, and Saleh warped her. CHAPTER 18 - 5/102 TURNS Warped people places, Ewan's summons tanked shadowshot and killed eggs, and L'Arachel fixed Warp. CHAPTER 19 - 1/103 TURNS Killed Riev with Tana. CHAPTER 20 - 1/104 TURNS Warped Tana, L'arachel rescued Eirika north, Saleh was danced and then Warped Eirika in front of the gate for her to seize after Tana killed Morva. CHAPTER FINAL PART 1 - 1/105 TURNS L'Arachel rescued Tana ahead, and Saleh warped her. She attacked Lyon, and Saleh was danced and Physic'd her to full health. Tana finished Lyon on the enemy phase (needed one pierce) CHAPTER FINAL PART 2 - 1/106 TURNS Tana got danced and did a shitton of damage to the goat demon and Ephraim chipped in, allowing Eirika to finish. The first 9 chapters are so Franz/Vanessa dominated I think this drafting format might be worth it? I dunno. Maybe only do the altered drafting order in the first round then go back to drafting like normal? Boss Kills: Eirika - 9 Tana - 7 Garcia - 3 Saleh - 2 Forde - 2 Innes - 1 Orson - 1
  14. CHAPTER 11 - 6/74 TURNS While it may seem weird, promoted Gerik (instead of Garcia) to Ranger and promoted Forde to Paladin. Tana, Innes, Tethys, and Gerik went south, while Forde went east, with Garcia following at a distance. Gerik aggro'd the boss on turn 5, and base Innes OHKO's him with the Silver bow. Tana went to the treasure room and killed the enemies there, and Forde got a secret book (what a champ) UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 20.00 29 10 18 20 19 10 06 A SWORD GARCIA 20.00 42 15 17 13 12 09 06 A AXE FORDE 17/02.28 37 14 14 16 14 12 07 A LANCE C SWORD TANA 12.59 30 12 13 18 13 08 11 C LANCE INNES ??/01.63 31 14 13 15 16 10 09 A BOW GERIK 10/02.55 36 17 14 15 09 13 08 C SWORD D BOW TETHYS 01.50 18 01 02 12 10 05 04 DANCER SALEH ??/01.00 30 16 18 14 11 08 13 A ANIMA B LIGHT C STAVES L'ARACHEL 03.00 18 06 06 10 12 05 08 D STAVES My team looks a lot bigger now.
  15. rip liberal majority i wouldn't mind nearly as much if it were a minority but Trudeau doesn't instill confidence in me.
  16. I'm sure i've made every class A unit a dracoknight at some point. I like reclassing quite a bit, I use it a lot.
  17. I always found that the enemies got easier to deal with when they got brave weapons since all your dracoknights units had reasonable defence and ended up taking less damage overall
  18. If Guy died he count as 0 exp towards Jerme. I've drafted Dorcas and killed him before so I could avoid Jerme's map since he had more exp than Serra.
  19. yeah im just not used to seeing wyverns suck that much. Also Gradivus the Wolf Beil can be sold. Only the Mani Katti can't be sold.
  20. there's something seriously wrong with matthew orko'ing wyverns I enjoyed all the unpromoted enemies getting oneshotted by pent too, enm too strong. Drafts don't count that stupid turn that the game adds on for no reason btw Refa for defence maps.
  21. Hector/Eliwood > Lyn for me, Lyn really hates me. Regardless, Eliwood gains the most from getting a promotion than the other two do anyway, because horse and lances >>> Sword and Bows. I only really promote Hector before Lyn because he's so easy to use on Eliwood mode.
  22. There are enough door keys in the chapter to beat it (assuming you recruit Asvel, he has one)
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