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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. Sadly I didn't get a Bingo, but I came close. Smash Bros Ultimate Bingo Veteran Adjustments Trophy Rush Elma Event Matches New Stages Home Run Contest Classic Mode Adventure/Story Mode King K Rool Live Action Skit Sakurai Trolls Us Simon Belmont Free Space Smash Run New Assist Trophies Heihachi Mishima Mii Costumes Dixie Kong Shadow Smash Tour New Items Shovel Knight Brand New Mode Incineroar Break The Targets
  2. I'm ready for the direct guys. Here's my bingo card. Smash Bros Ultimate Bingo Veteran Adjustments Trophy Rush Elma Event Matches New Stages Home Run Contest Classic Mode Adventure/Story Mode King K Rool Live Action Skit Sakurai Trolls Us Simon Belmont Free Space Smash Run New Assist Trophies Heihachi Mishima Mii Costumes Dixie Kong Shadow Smash Tour New Items Shovel Knight Brand New Mode Incineroar Break The Targets
  3. So you have the equal yet opposite problem as a Netflix user as I do as a non-Netflix user. I'll usually by Blue-Rays if it's for a movie I know I'll want to revisit every once in a while, but if not my family likes to rent stuff from Vudu every once in a while, which is basically a digital renting service with no subscription tied to it so you only pay for the things you want at any given time instead of the full catalog. But above all else, no mater how we consume movies/TV at home, nothing beats a night out at the movies in my book.
  4. I cannot tell you how many times I've made small talk about TV/Movies where someone asks me about a show that I've never seen and they tell me to go watch it on Netflix and then I have to explain that I don't have Netflix and after that the conversation just ends. It's really annoying when people assume I'd have Netflix because it's popular. It's also frustrating that it's where the conversation always ends because I legitimately am rather passionate about film, animation, and similar media and enjoy having in-depth discussion around said entertainment.
  5. As some who has preformed in stage productions in the past I can definitely say that having a good understanding of the context of any given line can make all the difference when delivering dialogue. Though I must admit that I've never been cast for a significant speaking role in anything other than comedies where the whole point of my characters was to be as exaggerated as possible, but even those characters went through some emotional beats that could have easily fallen flat if I didn't understand them.
  6. I would be more exited about, but I think I heard from someone that it's going to be exclusive to a single streaming platform which means I won't be able to watch it. If it's coming to cable I'm all in, but if not it's a real shame because I've loved the Star Wars cartoons for a long time.
  7. Agreed. It was a pretty underwhelming fight for a character with so much personality.
  8. DC hasn't been great at making live action adaptations in the past few years, but things are starting to look up. Aquaman doesn't wow me from what I've seen so far, but it defiantly didn't look bad either. Justice League was an ok movie at best, but I though Jason Momoa's Aquaman was a decent character. Different, but decent for what it was. Overall it'll probably be a movie I'll see when it comes out, even if I'm not jumping out of my seat for it. Shazam however, is a different story. I didn't even know that they were making a Shazam movie until the Comic Con trailer, but after seeing it I am all in. The movie's premise is very different than anything else we've seen in the recent superhero movie boom of the past decade and more importantly it looks like there having fun with it. Gritty realistic superhero movies can be done well, but I'm at the point where I'm more interested in seeing ones that embrace the sillier side of comics and Shazam looks like it will absolutely fit the bill. No comment on Titans because I don't even want to watch the trailer from the things I heard.
  9. As someone who's played the game before and has context for the song, looking back this a near perfect song when considering the tone of the story at that point in the game. 10/10 Okay then, lets bring the mood up a little. Windmill Hills - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
  10. It looks like Voldo snuck in to Ivy's wardrobe lol.
  11. Is it too much to ask for both? Would you rather... A. Play all new games for free, but you can't play old games anymore. B. Play any old game you want, but never play a new game again.
  12. I'd take a Mars Djinn, because it'll be useful when I need to start the fireplace during winter. It could also help me grill burgers in the summer. I'm looking for some action. Has anyone seen Nathan Detroit anywhere?
  13. Bring in Carrie Keranen to do the sassy hype man computer from Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. Seriously. It is the best thing ever and I love her.
  14. As in a clone of some kind? Maybe, it might get a little confusing though. How many more FE games can we predict will be made until the franchise dies?
  15. Eliwood is their favorite Blazing Sword protagonist.
  16. I didn't. I ate steak for dinner. Why am I on an Internet forum while I'm waiting for a musical to start? (I'm seeing Newsies tonight)
  17. As many as it takes to eat everyone inside city hall. If I was plotting a revolution what would my rallying cry be?
  18. The things you can take for credit in collage(and to some extent high school) seem to get stranger and stranger all the time. However, if it allows somebody to do something they like doing it's not a bad thing. I personally think it sounds fun since I haven't gotten into many pools ever since I left Florida and it would be fun to go swimming more often again.
  19. I like option 2. Mainly because my preconceived notions of what a fairy is makes it hard to take option 1 seriously unless you were going for a Maleficent type fairy, but I also think option 2's villain sounds like a potentially more interesting character so long as he's not motivated by malice and believes that what he's doing is good, a hero of his own story if you will. But don't let my suggestions limit your own creative freedom. Why don't I write my own stories despite the fact I am comfortable providing insight on storytelling devices?
  20. To me "The Incredibles" is the greatest movie Pixar has made so far. For me at least "The Incredibles 2" had a lot to live up to especially after 14 years of waiting while pixar was craping out "Cars" sequels left and right. Ultimately it's nowhere near the masterpiece it's predecessor was, but is still a worthy successor none the less. Animation wise it's Pixar at it's finest. All of the characters look amazing and the special effects for the various superpowers were fantastic. A lot of things in the movie feel heavily influenced by Silver Age Comics in terms of design and style that just oozes personality. The plot was very predictable, but it was still a fun time thanks to the likable cast of entreating and relatable characters. Despite the fact that big twist that Evelyn was the Screenslaver all along was really easy to see coming, the movie still did a really good job making her motivations believable. Also as a side note I though it was awesome that a voiceover actor like Phill LaMarr was the voice of not one, but two minor characters(Krushauer and He-Lectrix)! There are plenty of talented voice actors that just don't get the recognition they deserve so hopefully we'll see more take minor or even major roles in big, high profile hollywood animated movies in the near future. Those are just some quick impressions of mine. I would write more, but it's 10:00pm and I don't have the energy to keep going right now.
  21. I am very much a T-Shirt and Jeans person. In the cold months of the year(which by the way here in Minnesota is at least 8 months) I will wear the same jacket every single day until it needs a wash or needs a replacement. Also, when I dress for special occasions I must be wearing a bowtie because they're the best thing ever. Fight me.
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