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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. Ninjaed again. *Plays with the cute little Eevee* *See previous post*
  2. *Vomits from being inside of all these vortexes* *Presents a collage lecture on the history of Carthage*
  3. 9/10, That choir gives me the chills every time! Devil May Cry 5 - Devil Trigger I haven't played any of the DMC games, but this song just get's my blood pumping whenever I hear it.
  4. I shall join you in grieving. We have lost one of our greatest vehicles of trolling on this day.
  5. My apologies if anyone has already shared this, but I'm not going to read through 18 pages of forum posts to double check. Regardless I scrolling through Twitter and found out that Christina Vee has revealed herself to be the voice of Edelgard, one of the game's major characters. https://twitter.com/CristinaVee/status/1006571917631819776
  6. Sounds like Microsoft pulled of a pretty decent showing this year. I say "sounds like" because I'm visiting relatives this weekend so I can't watch anything live. By the way thank you all for sharing your opinions on all the games being shown because this forum has become my main source for E3 stuff right now.
  7. "You cannot resist my cute face can you? Submit and obey!"
  8. Ryen never runs out of memorable lines, which is one of the many reasons he's one of my favorite characters from anything period. Also the game's introduction to Colonel Vangarre will never not be amusing. Edit: Video has characters using new game plus gear so spoilers ahead.
  9. 7/10. Megaman Zero is best Megaman series. La Danse Macabre - Shovel Knight
  10. How soon would you say eventually is? Me and my friend are considering getting a refund on the game until it get's fixed, but we don't want to be too hasty about it.
  11. A friend and I tried playing the Steam version of the game and it's got bad frame rate issues. We though maybe our computer just wasn't powerful enough to handle it, but other people are reporting the same problem so we may just have a bad port job on our hands. Anyone else on the steam version running into frame rates dropping to 40fps or less when entering a match?
  12. 100% agree with that statement. We can debate this all day long, but at the end of the day E3 only has only ever had 2 winners. The investors paying for the games and the fans who get to play them.
  13. I was thinking it would have been on a smaller scale than Warriors. Enemies would be stronger and would come in smaller packs.
  14. Hector is pretty much the star of his own game thanks to the unlockable Hector mode in FE7. If he had his own game however it'd probably be a hack n' slash because of his wild self taught fighting style. Also he would probably pump iron and drink protein shakes in between battles to gain new abilities and stat increases.
  15. I feel the safest way to implement such dialogue to Super Smash Bros. would be to have it be text only, maybe with a few grunts or one liners on top of it like in Awakening or Fates. This way if it is absolutely necessary for a traditionally silent protagonist to partake in a vocal conversation I think fans would be more accepting of the changes where they would otherwise not be. There's a big difference between between reading something and having it said aloud in my experience.
  16. Normally I try to stay as ambiguous as possible about my age or other sensitive personal information about myself, but I'm alowing myself to break the rules just this once for a rather special occasion. Yesterday I had my graduation ceremony and officially recived my diploma. It's a large milestone in life that I'm proud to have reached, especially since I graduated with honors which I never thought would happen when I started high school. But now that it's over it's a really weird feeling reflecting on it. Definitely the biggest change in my life since moving to Minnesota. Knowing that I'm going off to college to college in 3 months is just crazy to think about. But all that sappy stuff aside I also just wanted to let the everybody here on the Forest Forums know about it because you all are a great online community I love being apart of that I want to celebrate this achievement with. If anyone else wants to share a milestone they have reached recently, feel free to do so here as well.
  17. Amen to that! Usually I'd be looking forward to the Nintendo news the most, but without a Switch I can't really say that(Unless there's something good for the 3DS lined up somewhere in there). I'll just be looking out for any third party games that might come to the PC since it's really the only thing I have that supports the new games coming out these days.
  18. I played some of the beginning chapters at a friend's house since I had never played a David Cage game before and I can definitely see why it's caused such a buzz. It's a very unique game if nothing else. To my surprise I found myself rather engaged at times even when I was doing mundane things. Playing the piano was the best part to me personally, as a musician I thought it was really cool. Though I still have not played very much of the game so I would take my opinions on the game with a grain of salt. Also I'd agree that the writing is very heavy handed and a little exhausting by the time I stopped playing.
  19. It was a really simple set up. I flipped a quarter and if it landed on heads the character was in and if it was tails the character was out.
  20. I'm the kind of person who turns to the strangest of things to pass the time and in the latest of these endeavors I decided to determine who from Super Smash Bros. 4 would return in Smash 5... by flipping a coin! Here are my results. Luigi, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Link, Sheik, Gonondorf, Toon Link, Samus, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario, Captain Falcon, Ness, Lucas, Marth, Roy, Pit, Olimar, Sonic, Rosalina & Luma, Greninja, Robin, Corrin, Dark Pit, Shulk, Duck Hunt, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Ryu, Mii Brawler, Mii Gunner. Pretty terrible right? Please don't take this seriously though. Nintendo obviously won't be choosing characters by the literal flip of a coin. Feel free to try this yourself and share your results here. Or just discuss how to make the worst Smash Bros. roster ever.
  21. *It's a hard landing, but I'm fine.* *Sucks the next post into the vacuum of space.*
  22. Xenoblade Warriors is something I think will happen in the future. Each game has large, diverse casts of characters that would fit the mold really well especially when you consider the previous Nintendo x Warriors games. There's a lot of games I want Arc System Works to make, but here's my top two. 1. Put Guilty Gear characters in Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. 2. Give the Dragonball Fighterz treatment to a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fighting game. Final Fantasy x Fire Emblem, so that we can all stop complaining about why Square Enix hasn't made a new Tactics game. Call of Duty vs. Doki Doki Literature Club.
  23. Maxi's a character I always liked using in the past so seeing him back with some flashy new moves makes me pretty happy. If I'm not mistaken it looks like we may have also gotten a look at a new stage or two in the trailer.
  24. How about a fighter or mercenary or something along those lines who can only communicate in grunts and occasionally short one to two syllable words, perhaps due to an injury or from living in isolation. Either way I think it could be fun, though that may be because in my head I keep imagining he sounds like Andy Serkis in Planet of the Apes.
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