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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Johalva: Don't ask questions, little man. Just go play with your Fire Emblem games. Lester: Wait,Celice! Where are you going? Celice: I'll be back in a little while. Just sit tight..... Johan: Wait, on his horse.....That's Tinny! You're trying to steal Tinny.....from us! Lester: Stop, Lord Celice! Celice: I better get outta here! Ike, is there anyone who would get sympathy from you?
  2. Tinny: Aww, thank you.....I actually inherited my beauty from my mother, Tiltyu. To the remaining Grl Stealerz, why don't you try to steal someone like Micaiah or Lyn? Personally, I think Micaiah and Lyn are hotter than Tinny, but that's just me.....
  3. Sety: Well, Tinny hit me with Elthunder.....It's pretty obvious she doesn't want to go with us. Aless: Out of respect for you, we will not steal Tinny. But, we will steal all the other girls.....Because we are the Grl Stealerz! Marth, are you ready for when the Grl Stealerz come for your girl?
  4. Easiest: O'Neill Hardest: Medeus (H5) It's hard for me to say who the hardest boss is, almost any boss can become easy if approached with the right strategy and strong enough units. O'Neill is easier than Batta because he is also a scripted battle on the lowest difficulty. And even on the higher difficulties, you have Seth, whereas Lyn has to fight Batta alone.
  5. Johan: It wasn't me, it was the Boshi that Aless gave me! He ate Mana in one gulp..... To any evil king/villain, when your plans go awry, do you get as upset as Hitler in the movie Downfall?
  6. Since we're on the topic of defense chapters, it is impossible to beat Chapter 13 with only Ike being deployed. The enemy will always seize the location before Ike can get there. The interesting fact here is that it shouldn't matter if the enemy succeeds, since it is discovered after the chapter that Sanaki was not there.
  7. Tinny: Well, it's those ridiculously high love growths that caused me to fall in love with you, my dear. Sety: Tinny! I'm here to steal you at last! Tinny: Sety, stop it! You know I'm with crashman_alpha..... Sety: Leave that loser and come with me. Tinny: No! ELTHUNDER!!!!!! To any Cavalier/Paladin, have you considered trading up to a Yoshi? You wouldn't have to do so much work, you could just let the Yoshi eat your enemies.....
  8. Sety: Have you not figured it out by now? It is a benefit of being a descendant of Holsety. You, crashman_alpha, shall never reach my status! I will find a way to take Tinny from you..... Marth, which of these two lines would you most likely say: "I can't wait to shoot down some dracoknights!" or "Oh boy, I'm so hungry, I could eat a Manakete!"
  9. I don't know about FE 6, it's been a long time since FE 7 was released in North America. They took Roy out of Brawl, and Shadow Dragon came out shortly after Brawl, most likely because of Marth's appearance in the game. To be honest, I don't even know if we'll ever get the Japanese Fire Emblems on this side of the pond. But if we do, we'll most likely get FE 4 first. With the advent of the 3DS, Nintendo is looking for innovation, and they can market FE 4 as a new game because it's quite a bit different from all the other Fire Emblems, and most Americans probably don't even know about the Japanese Fire Emblems. I didn't know about them until Radiant Dawn was released.
  10. That's the great thing about Fire Emblem, you can turn off animations and skip through dialogue to save time. Anyway, I like the GBA animations better. I guess it's because I started with the GBA Fire Emblems, but the DS animations were quite underwhelming for me. Nothing in the DS compares to the GBA Warrior Axe Critical or the Swordmaster Critical. Although a very rare occurrence, I like the Bandit critical, where the guy raises his arms and yells "RAAAAAHHHH!!!!"
  11. Chapter 24x is the only chapter where you can face Warriors, Berserkers, and Swordmasters as generic enemies. Incidentally, these classes were not in the original game, so I suspect that's why. Since this might be a weak fact, I'll include one more: Nobody joins as a Swordmaster or Berserker, if we're not including generic units. To get one you either have to promote/reclass a unit.
  12. Julius: I have no need for women, but with the Grl Stealrz out recruiting, that means more people to oppose me.....They must die. Hector, do you know of any Grl Stealrz in Elibe? You're not one yourself, are you?
  13. If you want to convince people that FE is a good series, mention what you like about it. For example, if you think that FE has great replay value because there are a lot of units to use, mention that. Also, if it's possible to show gameplay footage, perhaps that could add to your speech. I'm impressed that someone is trying to give a convincing speech about Fire Emblem. Good luck!
  14. Levin: Ordinarily, I would say yes, but Sety inherited it from me. So, you will have to ask him. Eirika and Ephraim, how do you respond to accusations of "twincest"?
  15. Tinny: It was a Krabby at first, I took it home because it was so cute......But then it evolved! Nanna, did you think Homer was a spoony bard when you first met him?
  16. Zelgius: It was either that or Red Knight, and since I normally wear red armor, it would have been a poor disguise. Medeus, your new death quote is now "No! Not the Fire Emblem! It BURNS!!!!!" What do you think of that?
  17. Are you sure it wasn't because of the RNG? Anyhow, I was playing Final Fantasy IV and found a weapon called Killer Bow. My life is Fire Emblem, and partly Final Fantasy IV.
  18. No, you'll just get Excalibur right after handing over the adamantite.
  19. PC, because Mac is short for Macintrash. Would you rather have a long tongue like Yoshi or be able to inhale stuff like Kirby?
  20. I picked Wait, I am lazy by nature and like to sit on my ass.
  21. Wow, it's been a while since I answered on this topic. Here goes..... Reyson: Enemies are near! To wing, my brothers! Keep up with me if you can! Ike: Wait, Reyson! Don't get too far ahead of us! Reyson: I cannot just rest on my wings while the rest of you risk your lives! Nailah: Hmm. I was right about Reyson acting like Tibarn..... Very well. Reyson, let's see if you can keep up with me. Reyson: With pleasure, Queen Nailah. What if the SOS Brigade was in Fire Emblem?
  22. Erk: I did say that even the most hardened criminal would flee in terror after five minutes of Serra's company..... Serra: Now, Erk! Don't be like that, you handsome man! Come here! Erk: No! Stop!!!!! Someone HELP!!!!! Marth, what would you have thought if they had made a CD-i Fire Emblem and made you have an annoying voice like Link did?
  23. Odin is weak to Thunder, cast Thundaga on him. In order to challenge Bahamut you need to have Leviathan,not Odin. EDIT: If you're asking how to fight Odin in the first place, you need to visit the land of the summoned monsters first.
  24. Then Ike would have red hair. What if Fire Emblem had PINGAS?
  25. No, but at least I can also be in a Swordmasters HnH..... To any Shaman or Druid, why is Luna in FE7 but not FE6?
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