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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Alvis: It was all a part of my carefully calculated plan.....I wanted Sigurd to die a glorious death at Barhara, not die in the boonies of Verdane. That way the citizens would be afraid to rebel against me. Micaiah, a lot of people have weighed in on Sothe's belly shirt, but I want to know, what do YOU think of it?
  2. Seth: *steals Tinny* Pretty nice, actually. Tinny: Yay! We're riding off into the sunset! I could never be rescued like this in FE4! To any Greil Mercenary (except Mia), do you think that all the fanboys drooling over Mia is justified?
  3. Recently, I've been watching Kekkaishi, Bleach, and Fullmetal Alchemist if I can stay up late enough. They're all pretty entertaining shows, I think.
  4. It's possible to have a paradox in the ending. Tiki: Returned home to live peacefully with Bantu, or something like that. Bantu: Killed at [insert chapter here] How did Tiki return home to live with Bantu if Bantu is dead?
  5. Not true, you have your death quote in FE11. Tinny: You have to learn that there are consequences to misusing the Golden Axe Dragon, so even if you bring Sety back you still have to sleep on the couch tonight. Marcus, in a character rating topic you were declared to be the best character in FE7. Your thoughts?
  6. Marth: I fight for Caeda, of course. And my people. To any FE1 or FE11 character: What do you prefer, fan translation or official translation?
  7. If you've already beaten HNM there's no point in going back to Eliwood's mode. Just go on to HHM.
  8. L'Arachel: Cower in terror, forces of evil! Leon S. Kennedy shall defeat you! Leon: L'Arachel, will you shut up already? The zombies are gonna get us! What if the GBA Fire Emblems had assignable skills (i.e. Adept, Vantage, Corrosion, and so on)?
  9. Tinny: Why, of course. Shall I play some music from FE4? Roy, what would you rather have: All of the women that you can support with, or a spot in the next Super Smash Bros. game?
  10. It might help to think of H2O as HOH, and treat the OH as one unit and the SO4 as one unit. I'm still working on it. The main problem seems to be that with H2SO4, you have 2 H to every H in HOH. @I Eat Tables: S is Sulfur, not Sodium. Na is Sodium. EDIT: Whoops, it just seems that you had your equation wrong. I shoulda caught that.
  11. This is a pretty minor error but in the FE6 Supports section, when you click on a page to read the actual supports it says "Fire Emblem:Blazing Sword" at the top of the page when it should really be "Fire Emblem:Sword of Seals."
  12. Sure, but since this is a newer model, it's gonna cost 50,000 gold. Ike, who did you think your toughest opponent was in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
  13. I don't think Mia would settle down with anyone, but I voted anyway. I didn't vote for Rhys because I think he's better for Titania than for Mia.
  14. I'm sure everyone knows this already, but if you give Ike the skill Aether and have him attack a door, he will sometimes Aether repeatedly without actually hitting the door. I guess Ike is afraid of doors.....
  15. Tinny: I broke it over Hilda's head. Valtome, are you gay for Zelgius?
  16. FE7 Like/Love - I like Hector the best. He's confident and he has the strength to back it up. I also like his pairing with Lyn. Don't Like - Farina. She seems really arrogant and selfish. FE8 Like/Love - This game doesn't have as many colorful personalities as FE7, but I'm gonna go with Ewan. He knows magic that can make girls happy. And,he's not a womanizer,the only woman he ever hits on is Amelia. He's nowhere near as bad as Sain or Gatrie. Don't Like- L'Arachel. I cannot stand that woman. You shouldn't go on and on about banishing the forces of evil if your starting class can't even attack. FE9/FE10 Like/Love - There are a lot of good people in this game, my favorites are Ike and Mordecai. I'll join the SSBB crowd in chanting "We like Ike!" Why? Because he fights for his friends, and contrary to what Ike says, people often will get some sympathy from him. I like Mordecai because although he is a simple man, he is a good man at heart. Don't Like - No one I particularly hate from the Tellius series, but I would like Ilyana a lot better if she didn't look so melancholy. FE 11 Everybody looks all depressed in this game, yet there were still some characters who stood out (besides Marth and Caeda). I like Maria, so no protesting!
  17. Jill: Sure, but I'm going to bring Ilyana and Haar as well. Haar: Whuh? Jill, is someone there? Zzzzz...... Jill:Never mind, I'll just go without Haar. Ilyana:Ooh....I'm so hungry.....I hope you made.....lots of cookies.... Marth, who do you like better, Ike or Roy?
  18. Although I voted for FE7, my second choice for a newcomer would be Shadow Dragon, as it's very simple and it's got Marth in it. After all, the first question people usually ask about a Fire Emblem game is "Does it have Marth or Roy in it?"
  19. Oh wow, this is kind of a tough one, but I've made up my mind. Best: Elincia (in FE9, as she is a Queen in FE10) Worst: L'Arachel (FE8, the only one she is in)
  20. Levin: I can't tell you that, but what I can say is that the developers really liked me. Too bad they didn't like everyone else..... Marth, are you expecting to have an English voice for the next Super Smash Bros. game?
  21. Then the growths would be fixed, as there isn't a generation system in FE 5. There would also be no way to prevent from being criticaled..... What if characters from Golden Sun appeared in a Fire Emblem game?
  22. If it hasn't been nominated yet, I'd like to nominate Best/Worst Defense, the reverse of this current nomination. Now for my votes: Best Offense: FE10 Caineghis Worst Offense: FE10 Fiona
  23. Mareeta: I would choose Mia, she knows what it's like to be a female swordfighter in a male dominated field. Since Lakche is Queen of the World, she doesn't have time for me. Gheb, have you ever gotten dizzy and threw up after performing your Warrior Axe Critical?
  24. Ike:Woah! There's so much power in this Tyrfing......Even more so than Ragnell! Now,not even mages can defeat me! Sigurd:Wait,what is this?! Ragnell is so weak compared to Tyrfing.....Wait,at least it can attack from 2 spaces away. What if IS decided to discontinue the Fire Emblem series permanently?
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