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Everything posted by Leif

  1. Her Nohr outfit is (strangely) more conservative than her Hoshido outfit. It doesn't have as many holes as the white dress does.
  2. I will not spoil the story. This happened to me with Awakening, and it ruined my gameplay experience. I want to read about the classes, skills, and weapons, but NOTHING related to the plot. I guess I want to see how Kamui can be customized so I can design my avatar.
  3. I haven't seen a topic about this, so I thought I'd bring it up. B&B (Disney Version) is, by far, one of my favorite animated pictures of all time. When I noticed the announcement a few months ago, I had mixed feelings. Considering that the director did the last Twilight movie (argh), this could end up a flop (i.e Maleficent (2014)). However, with acting legends like Emma Thompson and Ian Mckellan in the film, this could, conversely, end up being pretty good, such as (2015) Cinderella. Cinderella had great casting and performances overall (Although Helen Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother was weird). Also, I read that B&B (2017) was going to stay true to the original cartoon. Should that be true, it seems like they can't mess it up that bad. However, one never knows. On a positive note, they got the guy who did the music for the cartoon to do the music in this film; that's a major plus!! I am not so sure about Emma Watson as Belle. Don't get me wrong, she's a fine actress. I'm just worried about her singing voice (she has no experience whatsoever). The actor from Downton Abbey, Dan Stevens, couldn't have been a better choice (in terms of looks alone) for the prince. He was decent in Downton Abbey, but I don't know how he'll look or act as the beast; his performance should be a surprise to say the least. What do you guys think? Let's hope that this'll be a good movie. :(
  4. Leon and Marx couldn't have been designed better; I love them both. I wish Elize's skirt wasn't so tiny. Other than that she's well done too. Camilla is the worst by far. As Sentinel07 said, this is a HUGE step up from Awakening. Hoshido is decent, but Nohr is VERY well done.
  5. I knew it! I definitely noticed the "a" "no and "su". I suspected that the second character would be "ki". Good job figuring it out.
  6. I wonder if Maximus would be a good name for Marx. He could be called "Max" as a nickname by his siblings, say Elize or Camilla. Also, what about Leon? I think Leonidas would be a very royal sounding name.
  7. I have a suspicion that that is the white-haired butler from Hoshido. He could be a healer of sorts.
  8. We only took a look at a few characters from all the information that has been trickling our way since January. I compiled a list of all the playable I found from the scans and videos: Main Characters: Avatar Aqua Hoshido: Ryouma Hinoka Takumi Sakura Saizou Suzukaze Kazahana Tsubaki Orochi Felicia White-Haired Butler Rinka Nohr: Marx Kamilla Leon Elize Gray-haired Cavalier Blue-haired Cavalier Mercenary Thief Archer Female Dark Mage Blonde Fighter Man Elfui (Knight Girl) Purple-Haired Great Knight Blue-Haired Maid Hopefully I didn't miss anybody. That's twenty-seven units. Awakening has 43 Playable Characters, excluding Spotpass Characters like Priam and Emmeryn. I didn't include DLC characters as well. Do you guys think we'll see a smaller cast of characters in this game? I wouldn't mind a smaller cast, if there is a focus on tighter character development.
  9. Remember, FE4 had infinite siege tomes. Take Chapter 5's fire mages in the desert, as well as the Dark Mage from Chapter 1 with the Fenrir tome. I wouldn't rule out siege tomes from FE14; it'll just be enemy only, probably... EDIT: The Geek beat me to it.
  10. When Orochi cast her spell I didn't notice any HP damage to her. Though, it would be cool if Dark Mages had access to a "Blood Price" skill that improved their magic attack at the cost of some HP per attack.
  11. ^ THIS. If we want Fire Emblem to continue to succeed here in the west, I think catering to the casual player is most beneficial. If they didn't allow the option for classic mode, then I'd be angry. However, since Phoenix mode and Casual mode are options designed for the casual gamer, I think we should just play this new fire emblem on classic mode and let newcomers choose easier settings. Phoenix mode is really silly, however, it just might help someone out, perhaps a younger gamer, get used to the series.
  12. That makes sense. I'd have infinite weapon uses and have maps that require lots of strategic planning, than have finite weapon uses and poor map design. Compare Awakening's maps to Thracia 776's. Look at chapter 7 in Thracia and Chapter 7 in Awakening. Both were similar, with there being a straight line from point A to B. However, there was a sense of desperation in Thracia's chapter because when "X" amount of turns were hit, a ton of reinforcements came after you from the north. Awakening only had a few Dragon Knights come in from the south, which was the only challenge from that map. I didn't panic when the dragon knights started attacking in Awakening, like I did when I was bum rushed by the cavaliers in Thracia 776. So if they focused more on clever map design this time around, I'll be a happy camper. Yes, Awakening was incredibly broken in that regard. I think they are attempting to balance the game a bit better. Why else are they introducing Phoenix mode?
  13. The change would work if weapons like, Steel Swords or Silver Bows, were rare. Legendary weapons would be even harder to come by. They could bring weight back, so a unit could hang on to an iron sword to double attack, or use the steel sword to land a stronger strike. I believe most of the units that we get will start out with basic weapons. Kazahana, the female myrmidon, only gets an iron blade instead of the traditional killing edge. We may get one killing edge sword or one brave sword in an entire playthrough, so we won't have an army of brave wielding units. If IS is balancing Pair up, I think they will address the infinite brave weapon situation in Awakening...
  14. ^ This. To be honest, my OCD hated the weapon uses. I didn't like having multiple copies of the same item loaded on my character. I am really happy with this to be honest. Maybe they will have weapon weight come back, so we are less inclined to use a more powerful weapon? If there are weapon shops, perhaps they will only have limited quantities of weapons, like one iron sword and one steel axe available for one chapter? Maybe a character's starting weapon will factor in to their usefulness too. Maybe gold will be used to hire units or to replenish that dual guard slot that we saw on the scans?
  15. Well, we had Eirkia and Ephriam, as well as Lyndis, Eliwood, and Hector. Those were all main characters and they were pulled off fairly well. Not the best, but not as bad as Awakening and New Mystery. We have a pretty talented writer for this game, so I hope he'll handled the two well.
  16. This is a hilarious addition. However, I believe we should keep in mind that this is optional. We can pretend it doesn't exist and play classic mode. No issue.
  17. I hope they make Leon someone who cannot handle making mistakes. Perhaps we'll see him go mad with frustration if Kamui joins Hoshido? I remember Nintendo saying that we'll see different sides to the characters depending on what route we take, so I hope that's how they handle him. At least, that's how I would write him if I were the writer for this game.
  18. Ugh, that game was awful. I played both Partia 1 and 2 - don't waste your money. Why is nobody mentioning the PSP remake of Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together?! It is a fun game with an amazing story! I highly recommend it. I swear FE:if took inspiration from that game with the whole "what if" scenario.
  19. My list: 1.) If re-classing is a mechanic again, I'd LOVE to see the characters have alternate portraits to match his respective class. It bugged me that Tharja, as a knight, still retained her Dark Mage attire. As someone who has a touch of OCD, it irks me when I spot laziness in a game's design. I don't think this is likely though since it would be a ton of work on the artist's part. 2.) Unique bosses. I liked how FE8 and FE9 designed every enemy boss with unique portraits, models, and palettes. It gave the enemies just the right amount of personality. I didn't feel as if I were fighting another generic enemy. FE10 got a little lazy on that respect; FE11 and 12 ignored it completely. Awakening was guilty of this as well, so the designers better not have repeated it again in this entry. 3.) Same-sex relationships. We need more sexual diversity in games. Heather in FE10 was great, however, I believe she, along with Excellus were the only units to even be considered as LGBT (I was considering Homer from FE5, but he was a womanizer). It's not that straight men and women are bad, I just want more inclusion. If they do include a gay unit, I PRAY he or she is not a stereotype like Excellus was... 4.) Tactics Ogre, Shin Megami Tensei and Final Fantasy Tactics plot. I believe these games had amazing stories complete with my favorite story theme: gray morality. I want to feel that my choices matter. Major decisions in one's life aren't going to please everyone. Reality isn't so black and white, so I hope that the game captures this facet of life. I really hope that the Neutral path isn't deemed the "true path." Tactics Ogre did this so well because there were pros and cons for heading down the Law, Neutral and Chaos routes.. 5.) Deep Characters: I don't want cardboard cutouts, I want memorable characters. For instance, FE13's Noire was hilarious at times, with her main gimmick being an alternate personality. However, they played this trope so often that it got old fast. She never showed any growth.
  20. Orochi's "Fan" is not really a fan. It looks like a collection of spell tablets. It's the eastern equivalent of a tome. If you watch the first trailer, you see the fan disassemble and rotate in the air in a circle then reassemble back into the fan shape. I don't think she actually hits foes with it.
  21. Perhaps we will see some censoring of Camilla's outfit. I think this happened in Bravely Default right? Tharja's DLC beach scene was censored in Awakening, so it's not an impossibility.
  22. Yeah, if that large skill slot was for a personal skill, then I'd assume every playable character would get a unique skill so as to differentiate themselves from the other recruitable units. If I had my way, I would have that large skill slot for a locked personal skill. The rest of the skill slots would be for skills learned via leveling up, reading skill manuals, or reclassing. Those skills can be removed/swapped out. I like the idea of personal skills because it can differentiate one unit from another. For example, on the Nohr side, we have those two cavaliers. Perhaps one has crappy base stats, but has the good growths personal skill where the other has another personal skill that allows him to have more movement. It gives two seemingly identical units a way to serve different roles. However, I don't want to rule out the possibility of having that slot for a class-locked skill.
  23. Ryouma is a swordmaster. His animations and overworld sprites are almost an exact copy of awakening's swordmasters. He could have a different class title, so he could be like a faux third-tier promotion?
  24. Ninjas for cavaliers? It is an odd parallel, but perhaps they have high movement since Ninjas are very mobile? Yes, the two ninjas are red and green respectively, so that guess is not far off. I hope we get a ton of new classes that parallel the two versions. Class parallels make sense since you wouldn't want to have players get gimped by having a lack of a specific unit type.
  25. [spoiler=Status Screen] I don't know if anyone ever brought this up, but something struck me when I looked at this picture again. See the skill slots on the right side of the picture? One of them is bigger than the rest. Awakening had five skill slots and now IF has six. Could it be that the skill in the bigger circle is a class inherent skill? It would be analogous to the dark mages and sorcerers in awakening having that hidden shadowgift skill. Instead of that skill being hidden, this sixth skill slot could display class-only skills. If a unit reclasses, then that displayed skill will disappear and change into that respective class's inherent skill? It could signify personal skills too? I'm simply speculating here. Finally I want to bring up another idea that I thought about. Could the classes in both the White and Black Kingdoms parallel each other exactly? For instance, here are some of the parallels I've documented thus far: Hoshido: Pegasus Knights (Fliers) Archers (Bow Unit) Mace-Wielding Warrior (Axe-wielding unit) Shinto Priestess (Cleric) Myrmidons (Sword Units) Eastern-style Mages (Magic Unit) Nohr: Wyvern Riders (Fliers) Thief (Bow Unit, since thieves now seem to wield bows) Fighter (Axe-wielding unit) Troubadour (Cleric) Mercenary (Sword Unit) Dark Mages (Magic Unit) See how the classes function similarly? If this theory is correct, then we'd have to see a Hoshido counterpart to Cavaliers and Knights, which I don't think we've seen yet... Discuss.
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