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Everything posted by Leif

  1. I agree with you on everything but one thing. Kamui could be affiliated with the Eastern Army due to his/her Eastern name and allies in the trailer. It seems that the allies are mostly from the Eastern kingdom, due to the Pegasus Knight, Myrmidon, Mage, and Dancer in the trailer. However, that grey-haired Cavalier could be affiliated with the Western Army, I don't know..
  2. I figured, no worries. This is the scene I was referring to earlier. Look in the bottom corner, there is an enemy unit holding an axe. It looks like he has exposed legs. I think that's how the bandit overworld sprite will look like.
  3. No! Anything but the generic replacements! I detested them in FE11 since they were so terrible. Plus, faceless units on the player's side would be kinda creepy.
  4. Hence the word "almost". In the teaser, the scene with the bridge and red-haired pegasus knight shows a new overworld sprite for enemy fighters. It could be the "pantsless" ones you are referring too.
  5. You are right. I forgot that FE4 had Anima Magic at a disadvantage to both Light and Dark. Then in that case, I hope FE14 treats magic like FE10 in some way. I love the variety. I don't like magic grouped up under one "Tome" weapon level. I love my Wind, Fire, and Thunder mages. However since FE14 is using the FE13 engine, magic will most definitely be handled like it was in Awakening.
  6. Look at the unit I circled in green; it's almost identical to FE13's Dark Mages. I think we are going to stick with the traditional Dark Mage -> Sorcerer or Dark Knight path in this game. Though, I hope there would be more special classes that use Dark Magic, like how Izuka was handled in FE10. Anyway, I'd love to see some sort of Master Knight or Baron class return. I love the idea of having a class that uses all 4 melee weapon types.
  7. I mentioned this in another topic, but I imagine it will go like this: The Western army will have the traditional Fire, Thunder, Wind, Light, and Dark, with the triangle operating like it did in FE4, 5 and 10. Then the Eastern army will have the Taoism elements, but operating like so: (Fire > Wood > Water > Fire) > Metal > Earth > (Fire > Wood > Water > Fire). Essentially, Metal is going to be the eastern equivalent to light and Earth the equivalent to dark. The Fire, Wood and Water triangle is like the traditional Anima triangle.
  8. I noticed that too. I think the Avatar is that dragon. Look how the head is unrecognizable. This is similar to how Awakening treated Robin - they alway had him/her with his/her hood on. This scene probably involves one of the "important choices" that Iwata mentioned.
  9. Look what Thracia 776 did with characters like Olwen, Misha, Eyrios, Miranda, etc. I think that's a really cool concept for FE14 because it would feed into the concept of choice and the branching routes idea.
  10. Regarding this, I believe the new weapons will be handled as such: The Western army will have Swords, Lances, Axes and Bows. The weapon triangle will still be the same: Swords > Axes > Lances > Swords (Bows excluded from the triangle) The Eastern army will have Katanas, Naginatas, Maces and Bows. The weapon triangle will be the same as usual: Katanas > Maces > Naginatas > Katanas. Again, bows will be excluded. I think these new weapons don't bring much to the table, other than expanding the cultures of the two warring armies. Perhaps it will be the same with the magic triangles as well: Western will have: Fire > Wind > Thunder > Fire (This triangle will be grouped as "Western" Anima Triangle) Then have: Western Anima > Light > Dark > Western Anima The Eastern culture is a bit more tricky since there are five elements in the pentagram. So, my interpretation will be very speculative. Eastern will have: Water > Fire > Wood > Water (This triangle will be grouped as "Eastern" Anima Triangle) Then have Eastern Anima > Metal > Earth > Eastern Anima. Metal would be the Eastern Army's equivalent to light magic and Earth be dark magic. Tear Ring Saga had earth magic that counted as dark magic. Plus, in the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance series, the Ninja class had a "Metal Veil" spell that had an animation similar to light magic. I should win the nobel prize if my prediction is correct, haha. Perhaps that Ice Rat spell would count as water magic?
  11. I would love Fire Emblem if, if it had a shield item that units could equip for an extra Avoid or Defense bonus. Tear Ring and Berwick Saga did that pretty well. Maybe units like knights, paladins, or other foot soldier units have the option of equipping shields.
  12. I know bioware hasn't been performing spectacularly. I guess I wasn't clear when I said "Mass Effect" I should have been more explicit and said "Mass Effect 3". The first two entries to the series were a start towards sexual diversity in video games, but they weren't perfect. I guess my point was that I really appreciate Bioware's efforts to include more diversity in their narratives and that other companies should move towards that level of progressiveness. As for Fire Emblem if, I know in my heart that there probably won't be more romance options for the avatar; it's a pipe dream, honestly. I don't want romance to define Fire Emblem, because strategy is the focus of the game, but it would be nice to have more options should they include marriage again. I'll stop my liberal rant.
  13. I know that. I was just pointing out that Awakening was more like a typical JRPG in terms of design than the other entries in the series.
  14. YES! That game was amazing because of that! The Law, Neutral and Chaos routes added to the unique narrative! I loved how Law was the seemingly "bad" route to take as well.
  15. I disliked the "waifu" phenomenon in Awakening, because it threw any semblance of sexual diversity out the window. Again, this is Japan so, if I'm not mistaken, they are not as tolerant of homosexuality as America is. I would like to have the male avatar have male romantic options and the female avatar with female ones. Mass Effect did that stuff pretty well. Sadly though, I'm betting they'll have the traditional marriage system again, but I'm praying that they'll not involve time-traveling children again. Time-travel is a sure way to ruin a narrative - too many plot holes. As for the avatar, why not? I like customization. However, Robin had a personality equivalent to that of a paper towel, which ruined his/her character. Since the trailer makes it seem that the Avatar is somehow connected to that white dragon, perhaps the avatar can have a quiet/reserved nature due to his/her inhuman connection? I can tolerate a semi-silent protagonist.
  16. I am concerned where the Fire Emblem series is going now. I feel that the art style is creeping down the "overly-anime" lane. I love the older Fire Emblem games, as well as the spin-off games like Tear Ring Saga and Berwick Saga, because their art style was much more mature. Aside from the technicolor hair and large eyes, characters, for the most part, dressed and acted like individuals from a medieval era. I was turned off by Awakening's art because the artist over-expressed the high-fantasy element that is present in all Fire Emblem games. For that reason, we ended up having knights and cavaliers with silly-looking armor in Awakening. Juxtapose Oswin, from FE7, with Kellam from Awakening. Which one looks more dignified? Yusuke Kosaki is a talented artist, but his designs are bordering Tetsuya Nomura's level of impracticality and silliness.
  17. Highly unlikely. It appears to draw upon a medieval/high fantasy setting. The plot will most likely revolve around the conflict between the Eastern and Western cultures (of this fantasy world). Since the screenshots depict many player units from the Eastern setting, the "good" guys will probably be the Easterners where the "bad" guys will be the Westerners.
  18. I don't know if this has already been mentioned. But I see the prince in that picture having brown hair instead of his normal white hair. I think there has already been a consensus that he/she is the Avatar, but I thought I'd point it out.
  19. My friend code is: 0576-3786-4691 I've already added Lord Raven, frat_tastic, Slypheed, Arvilino, Rothene, and Wobbly Blissey since their safaris have pokemon I need.
  20. Same here. Although I like it when he says "Now I'm angry" and does little to no damage on a tough foe with a twig as his weapon. :)
  21. Sumia cannot get Magic +2, unless you meant All Stats +2? Sumia would be better as a Dark Flier for Apotheosis since she can abuse Forged Celica's Gales. I would have to say that DonnelxSully and VaikexNowi would be better combos to have. Vaike would be better to pass down his Strength Modifier to Nah instead of Kjelle... With Vaike as her father, Nah can get the Knight class route and get Dual Guard +. True she can't get Gale Force, but she can make a good support partner as a Great Knight to give the extra +1 movement during Pair Up. She can make good use of her extra +5 strength with a forged Brave Lance in addition to skills like Acrobat and Deliverer. Nah cannot get Dual Guard + with Donnel as her Father. Vaike as Kjelle's father gives her only +8 stat modifiers and fewer class options.DonnelxSully is slightly superior to VaikexSully. I would pair Ricken with Miriel. Laurent gets his highest magic modifier of +6 (barring the + Magic Avatar of course). He makes a good support healer bot. He can get Dual Guard + and Dual Support + from Ricken's Great Knight Class and Miriel's Valkyrie Class respectively, so he can also act as a powerful pair-up unit. He can make good use of his +6 magic modifier with a forged Celica's Gale when he attacks. When Gregor is Brady's father, Brady can get not only Galeforce, but also Armsthrift, the two skills that are ideal for post-game and the Apotheosis DLC. Laurent cannot get Galeforce since Miriel does not have the Pegasus Knight class route, so in my mind, he's stuck as a support healer or attacker. He was not meant to be a sweeper.
  22. Ohmygosh. Vincent responded to a topic I made! I feel so special!! ^_^ Anyway. I was surprised that Fortify had the same design as the Valkyrie myself. Perhaps it was another callback/reference to FE4 considering the fact that most of the other legendary weapons in the game (like Armads) were redesigned.
  23. Thanks for these tips. I fixed the list in the first post. I did not realize that Fortify has Valkyrie's design! Nice catch! I made these pairings to resemble the hair color that the decendants had. Tordo decendants had gray hair, so I went with Virion. Fala decends had red hair, so I went with Gregor, etc. I think you guys get the picture.
  24. I was reading through one of the topics on this forum and one member pointed out a potential reference that the twelve future children are reminiscent of twelve FE4 crusaders. In light of this, I decided to make pairings that would make the children resemble descendants of the crusaders as best I could. This is just for amusement. Here are the pairings: [spoiler=Baldo Descendant] Child: Female Avatar!Lucina Class: Paladin Holy Weapon: Tyrfing [spoiler=Hezul Descendant] Child: Libra!Owain Class: Dark Knight Holy Weapon: Mystletainn [spoiler=Odo Descendant] Child: Lon'Qu!Inigo Class: Swordmaster Holy Weapon: Balmung [spoiler=Noba Descendant] Child: Frederick!Cynthia Class: Wyvern Lord Holy Weapon: Gáe Bolg [spoiler=Dain Descendant] Child: Kellam!Gerome Class: Wyvern Lord Holy Weapon: Gungnir [spoiler=Neir Descendant] Child: Donnel!Kjelle Class: General Holy Weapon: Helswath [spoiler=Ulir Descendant] Child: Gaius!Noire Class: Sniper Holy Weapon: Yewfelle [spoiler=Blagi Descendant] Child: Vaike!Brady Class: Battle Monk Holy Weapon: Goddess Staff (Pretend it's the Valkyrie Staff) [spoiler=Holsety Descendant] Child: Stalh!Laurent Class: Sage Holy Weapon: Forseti [spoiler=Tordo Descendant] Child: Virion!Yarne Class: Dark Knight Holy Weapon: Mjölnir [spoiler=Fala Descendant] Child: Gregor!Severa Class Dark Flier Holy Weapon: Valflame [spoiler=Narga Descendant] Child: Henry!Nah Class: Sage Holy Weapon: Book Of Naga [spoiler=Loputousu Descendant] Child: Chrom!Male Morgan Class: Sorcerer Holy Weapon: Goetia (Pretend it's Grima's Truth or Book Of Loptyr) As you can see, I tried to make the children resemble prominent characters in FE4, such as Laurent resembling Arvis and Nah resembling Julia, etc. Some I couldn't replicate as well as I could due to hair color limitations. =( What do you guys think?
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