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Everything posted by Leif

  1. Dual Guarding should not be relied upon since characters, even with maxed supports, have about a 40% chance of activating it without Dual Guard +. Fortify staffs are more efficient to use since you can have a galeforce pair up team take damage after taking out three enemies and have a staff bot heal off the damage for both units at once.
  2. Oh really? How do you manage to heal off the damage from Hawkeye and Luna+ Berserkers or the Vantage+, Counter and Luna+ Snipers? I had a maxed Emmeryn and Laurent both have two Fortify staffs to heal the 60+ damage done to my units who were all maxed out with all the Rally skills applied to them. I can see you not using staffs for the easy, normal route, but it's impossible to not heal your units and survive all five rounds in the secret route.
  3. I didn't play the normal route. Looking at the enemy stats for the normal route, the enemies are nothing compared to those found in the secret route. For the secret route, there is no way to beat it without forged brave weapons, lots of Fortify staffs, rally bots, and galeforce. The characters have to be completely maxed out in order to survive the Helswath!Berserkers ...
  4. This is what my Rally Bots looked like: Male Avatar and Yarne (his son): Rally Defense Rally Magic Rally Skill Rally Spectrum Rally Strength Lissa and Maribelle: Rally Heart Rally Luck Rally Movement Rally Resistance Rally Speed Ideally it's best to have four Rally Bots, two male and two female. Legacy Characters work as well. I would have them in a mounted class so they can have 8 Movement to reach allies better.
  5. Not to boast, but I completed the hard "secret route" the one with Anna as the final boss. It's all thanks to my Rally Bots, Yarne, my Avatar, Maribelle, and Lissa, and my top fighters, Morgan, Severa, Brady, Inigo, Noire, and Owain. [spoiler=Proof] Oh my... I can finally put Fire Emblem Awakening down now that I have completed everything. That was an EXTREMELY hard map to complete. Those Helswath!Berserkers were a total nightmare.
  6. [spoiler=Gregor > Brady] Gregor: Ah! Brady... Is good to see you still breathing. Brady: Pop?! No way... Did the Risen get me? Did I pass into the other world? Gregor: Hah! Is much too soon for you to die, yes? Relax. This Gregor come from other world. Not the same man as your dearly departing Gregor! Brady: There's two of you?! So, what are you doing in MY world? Gregor: Gregor has come to help in time of need! Is Gregor not allowed to worry about his dear, sweet son? Brady: ...You're worried about me? As if I didn't cause my real pop enough grief... Gaaah! I'm sorry! *sniff* I turned out worthless. Worthless! *sob* Gregor: Oy! Stop with the crying. You have work to do, yes? Brady: *Sniff* Gregor: Is okay to have regrets. Gregor have whole mountian of regrets! Lousy clients... Lousy jobs... Lousy taverns... But now is not time for regrets. You must put those thoughts aside and instead take action! Your friends did not make big sacrifice for nothing, yes? Brady: So you saw all that... Gregor: Yes, from distance. So Brady, tell Gregor... Is your job to boo-hoo? Is your job to wish things turned out different? No! Brady: That's right. My job is to deliver the Gemstones! Will ya help me, Pop? Gregor: Of course! Gregor will finish job of other Gregor and keep his little son safe. [spoiler=Virion > Owain] Virion: Hmm? Unless my eyes deceive me, you are my son, Owain. Owain: What? ...F-Father?! Virion: Correct! I am Virion, Fatherest of Fathers! But not the Virion you knew. I have come from a world far, far away... Owain: You did? Oh no... It's all over, isn't it? I'm finished... My own father has come from the next world to claim me! Virion: Ha ha! Save that wild imagination for the ladies, my boy. Do you really think your father would stand by while his son breathed his last? No, I say! He would command you to fight tooth and nail to survive! Owain: But this isn't possible... Virion: What does THIS Virion know about MY Virion, you might ask. But we Virions are of one mind! Even across worlds! And any Virion would want his son to live to be a toothless old man. ...After saving the world and earning his place in the sagas, of course. But even if you fail--better you live in disgrace than die gracefully. Owain: Oh, sure. You're one to say that. You died protecting me, remember? The Archest of Archers--felled by an arrow! Pah! Do you have any idea how I felt? How much I blamed myself? Virion: Ah. Is that how this world's Virion met his end? All the same, he did not choose to die. He CHOSE to protect you. Death was merely the consequence. Owain: There's a difference? Virion: Put yourself in his choes, my boy. Would any father willfully leave his son to fend for himself? No, I say! Your father intended to live. He did not want to protect you once. He wanted to protect you always. You, however... You chose to die. How does that keep your friends safe? Owain: Hmph... Virion: That is where you are your father differ. A true Virion never dies on purpose! Owain: ...... Virion: Nonetheless, he did leave you behind. And for that, I must apologize. Allow me to atone by destroying your enemies here. You might find this Virion to be a share more tenacious than yours! Owain: Huh? F-Father, wait! ...... He's right. I didn't think my actions through. This time, I choose to fight... Not to the death. Just to fight. Here you go!
  7. I will claim [Virion > Owain] and [Gregor > Brady] in Future of Despair 2.
  8. Did anyone manage to get the special conversation Cordelia has with Chrom if she is single? I really want to see if Cordelia gets really angry at Chrom , or if some other humorous event occurs.
  9. Since Morgan is the best unit (statistically) in the game, I was curious to how the rest of you members set up your Morgans (for the postgame ideally). Feel free to post screenshots/photos. [spoiler=Screenshot] Good luck damaging my Morgan. :)
  10. I find that Chrom!Inigo is an excellent Assassin. My build for him is as follows: INIGO: HP: 80 STR: 52 MAG: 41 SKL: 61 SPD: 59 LUCK: 57 DEF: 40 RES: 39 SKILL 1.) Armsthrift SKILL 2.) Galeforce SKILL 3.) Lethality SKILL 4.) Rightful King SKILL 5.) Limit Breaker Have fun having a 25% chance to instantly kill an enemy! Ragnell is a good weapon for him to have 1~2 range as well as a +5 Defense boost. Brave weapons don't hurt either.
  11. It's a shallow technique to attract heterosexual male gamers. =/
  12. The mousetrap alarm one was pure gold.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aIyQn9jRjP8#! >:)
  14. Go Lucina. Having Morgan be a Sorceress with Aether > Shadowgift!Morgan. As for Donnel, he should never be the father of a male child. He gives more class options for female children and grants the Mercenary class (for Armsthrift, which is essential for the postgame). I paired him with Sully and got a pretty useful Galeforce!Kjelle.
  15. Gah, that is what did the trick. I forgot about that, thanks!
  16. For some reason, I cannot launch lost bloodlines 2. Anna pops up and says that it isn't released yet. Help???
  17. I figured, this blows...
  18. I really regret going for a Hard Mode/Casual Run in this game, due to the reason that I cannot delete/kill off the Spotpass Units from my roster. Is there some way you can dismiss them without having to kill them?
  19. [spoiler=My avatar: +speed/-Strength] Can't wait for the Limit Breaker skill to come out.
  20. I paired Olivia with Chrom and I just beat Chapter 13 and got Lucina. Lucina inherited Luck +4 from Olivia since I haven't had a chance to get Galeforce on Olivia yet. I haven't gone to the Paralogue where you recruit Inigo. If I train Olivia and get her to have the Galeforce skill, could she still pass it on to Inigo?
  21. I was wondering if the number of times a unit has died is recorded similar to what the GBA system did? I had some accidental deaths as a result of surprise ambush spawning. I still power-off my 3DS despite playing on casual mode. xD I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I could hate to have some of my favorite characters have their record marred by a loss count.
  22. That's it?! I should deserve a medal of honor if I manage to save their butts from running straight into Pegasus Knight range. >_>
  23. What happens if you don't save the villagers in paralogue 3? Is there a reward at the end of the chapter? I wasn't expecting them to rush HEAD ON to the Hard Mode!enemies.
  24. Remember that players can recruit/meet and learn all about each of the legacy characters through DLC or Spotpass. So they can do some form of research in-game since the character usually asks "have you heard of me?". ;)
  25. Twenty-one year-old college student-athlete and a pretty busy one as well. I have found that I don't enjoy playing games as much, however, the only game series I follow is, of course, Fire Emblem. Occasionally, my friends may play Smash and I play along. I cannot play action games by myself because I don't find them really enjoyable alone. I moved away from console games entirely and only prefer hand-held ones (which is why I am not going to but the ShinMegamiTensei x Fire Emblem game). Surprisingly I am only a nerd about Fire Emblem, but I hardly know anything about other popular games like Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, etc. I will still be interested in FE as I get older as long as it stays faithful to the originals to some degree..
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