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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Tarvos are "colored cavalry" since they can wield weapons (Axes and Bows). I put Mauthedoogs down for "colorless cavalry" because I do not know what they would be otherwise, much like how Revenants are "colorless infantry" and Baels are "colorless armors." The normal niches of Infantry, Fliers, and Cavalry are covered by Bonewalkers, Gargoyles, and Tarvos. As for a "normal armor" the Fiends (skeletal Barons) can serve this purpose as they can wield proper weapons, unlike Baels. In other words... Bonewalkers = Weaponized Infantry Revenants = Colorless Infantry Fiends = Weaponed Armor Baels = Colorless Armor Tarvos = Weaponized Cavalry Mauthedoogs = Colorless Cavalry Gargoyles = General Fliers Mogalls = Magic & Tomes Necrodragons = Dragons & Breath (the ones from Valentia can be a colorless flier since they do not use a breath attack.)
  2. Originally I wanted to run Ryoma, Hector, Takumi, +1 because the ability to counter at any range was amazing. Now that Skill Inheritance is a thing though, I would love to run... Bride!Cordelia (+ATK, -RES) || Brave Bow + || Draconic Aura, Rally ATK & SPD || Life and Death, Wings of Mercy, Breath of Life Ryoma (+SPD, -ATK) || Raijinto || Astra, Swap || Defiant Attack, Vantage, Hone SPD Nino (+SPD, -RES) || Gronnblade+ || Draconic Aura, Drag Back || Fury, Desperation, Breath of Life Azura (+HP, -DEF) || Sapphire Lance+ || Iceberg, Sing || Fury, Wings of Mercy, Hone ATK Bride!Cordelia and Nino would nuke with Azura's support while Ryoma would act as a tank. Ryoma would dance between HP thresholds as he tanks because he can be healed by girls due to Breath of Life, more so because Azura can provide an additional action. I keep Astra on him because I am so used to having my Ryoma use Astra, even if the other options are more efficient. As Bride Cordelia is lethal against the majority of the character cast, I decided not to use Desperation on her and put on Wings of Mercy instead. This is more for defensive arena nonsense than active player play, and Nino covers the Desperation niche in the team. Thing is, while I have the Ryoma and Nino, I lost my chance for Bride!Cordelia and do not own any Azuras... * * * * * Other dream compositions include... Lyn's Companions: Lyn, Kent, Sain, Wil Hector's Comrades: Hector, Oswin, Matthew, Leila Promise of Magvel: Erika, Ephraim, Duessel, Seth Dawn's Liberation: Micaiah, Nolan, Aran, Laura Crimea's Chosen: Bastian, Astrid, Nephenee, Volke Laguz Royals: Dheginsea, Tibarn, Caineghis, Nailah Separate Lives: Sirius, Nyna, Zeke, Tatiana Ram Village Militia: Alm, Gray, Tobin, Kliff The Saint and the Sacrifice: Celica, Saber, Conrad, Mae
  3. Mozu is good too if FE: Warriors wanted a Villager character, and I'll happily take Mozu over Donnel. Thing is, outside of being a villager, she has little relation to the other cast which makes it unlikely in (in my eyes) that she'll make it in. As for archer confirmation, it's nice to know that they are in. I suppose I probably forgot about that fact, or for some reason never heard of it until now.
  4. Round 49 [Ylissean Summer]: Raigh, Beruka, 4* Lilina, 4* Selena, 4* Klein Round 50 [Ylissean Summer]: Azama, Laslow, Barte, 4* Laslow (+ATT, -RES), 4* Ogma Round 51 [Ylissean Summer]: Clarine, Gaius, Laslow, 4* Jagen, 4* M!Robin Round 52 [Ylissean Summer]: Est, Barte, M!Robin, 4* Nowi, 4* Lucius Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement) * * * * * * * * * * Do not fear for poor luck, for I have taken it upon myself to take the bad pulls so that others can enjoy their time in the sun. // I'm getting flashbacks to my "Blazing Shadows" pulls. It doesn't help that the orbs I spent on the summer banner were saved since I didn't roll on the Echoes of Mystery banner, and this is the payoff for being patient... notsaltyatall The only redeeming pull from this banner is an "optimized" Laslow, but as he is now voiced by someone else instead of Liam O'Brien, my enthusiasm for his character has plummeted. It doesn't help his Heroes artwork is not to my liking as well. In other news, this is the first time I ever pulled Laslow (and I get three of them, I guess he really wanted in on that summer vacation with all the sightseeing), as well as Ogma and Klein. Klein is useful for Death Blow fodder, but Ogma is not really worth it outside of his Brave Sword compared to the alternatives (Laslow for Noontime, Adult!Tiki for Defiant Attack). Brave Sword+ will be a 20k feather investment, and I don't have the feathers to spare just to promote someone to 5* status for skill inheritance. Everyone else I either already have or they have undesired Boons and Banes. All in all, just another day for the life of a Summoner... * * * * * Past Pulls
  5. So far Heroes has been doing pretty well and most of my initial suggestions and concerns were addressed in some form or another. Sure, I will always be wanting for more Feathers and Orbs, but I started playing Heroes more casually and no longer grind the heck out of everything for efficiency's sake. As for stuff I would like to see... 1. An alternative use for excess Badges and SP. Perhaps they can be an alternative to "merge allies" in terms of the stat boost? It is far more expensive this way than normal merging, but at least the Badges and extra SP would have some use. This can also help characters who can not innately merge, such as the Askr Trio, or heroes found in limited amounts such as the GHB characters (F!Robin, Xander, etc.) 2. The ability to "recycle" unwanted skills for SP. Whether this is cleaning out a default character's skillset to get SP for a proper build, getting something out of a "mistake in inheritance," or just cleaning up the skill list, I would like this feature to be implemented. I have some skills on Anna I would love to recycle, and I have some characters who do not need to use Obstruct but could use the SP... 3. Generic Voices for Generic Classes. A minor detail, but since the heroes are voiced, why not show the generics some love as well? 4. Monster classes, such as Revenants and Bonewalkers from Echoes or Mauthedoogs and Baels from Sacred Stones. I can see Revenants being a colorless melee unit while Bonewalkers, Gargoyles, and Tarvos round out Infantry, Fliers, and Cavalry with their respective weapons. Baels can act as a "colorless Armor" while Mauthedoogs are "colorless cavalry." Mogals and Necrodragons cover magic (tomes) and dragons (breath) respectively. Having them playable in some fashion would be a nice bonus, but I'll be content if they remain enemy only. Thing is, it is probably better if Heroes just focused on the characters instead of generics and enemies, but a man can dream... 5. "Support, Base, Bond" Conversations, alternative known as Character Interaction. I would like to see characters interacting with one another in Heroes. What would Marth say to Chrom? What would Chrom say to Lucina, Spring!Lucina, and Not!Lucina? However, due to the amount of possibilities and the amount of text involved, I doubt this is going to happen. While the story of Heroes has it shining moments of decent writing (Blazing Shadows, the Xenologues), for the most part it is irrelevant and forgettable. 6. An expanded 3-Star pool. Seriously, Heroes could use an actual expansion to fluff out the roster of 3* characters or demote some of the existing characters because I am tired of all the new people remaining 4-stars or higher. Heck, I wouldn't mind a banner where everyone is a 3-star unit so there is a possibility of rolling some of harder to obtain characters (5* exclusives and 4.5* heroes). I've been wanting Lyn, Lucina, Takumi, Hector, and Azura since release, and they still elude me...
  6. I did not re-roll as this was my first ever gacha game, and the above is what I ended up with. I retired Hinata because I did not like him that much, and ended up sending Sheena home because I wanted the feathers for something. (Skill Inheritance was not a thing back then, and resources regarding natures were scarce with some inaccuracy.) As for the other three, I actually still have them in my roster. Hana is now a 4* unit at Level 20 who is waiting to be eventually merged with her "prime +SPD, -HP" counterpart while Gunter is a Level 32 4-Star who serves as my Hone Cavalry man while also waiting for his "prime." Felicia (+ATT, -HP) remains a 4* unit but is Level 40, and she had the honor of being my main "lead" and being one of my favorite characters until Erika and Ephraim came along. I still plan on promoting Felicia eventually, but other units have higher priority than her. * * * * * Now for memorable first pulls, honorable mentions to Marth, Cain, Camilla, and Ryoma. I got Marth and Cain on my 2nd pull, Camilla on my 3rd, and Ryoma on my 4th. They were my first 5* units and these guys are what I used for Story Mode. Sadly, Marth, Cain, and Camilla have subpar natures and are now benched waiting for their prime versions to come along, but my +SPD, -ATT Ryoma remains a mainstay on my team to this very day. We have stood together since February 4th, just two days after FE: Heroes was released. Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]: Hana 3* || Hinata 3* || Gunter 3* || Felicia 4* || Sheena 4*Round 2 [Legendary Heroes]: Jegan 3* || Shanna 3* || Sakura 4* || Cain 5* || Marth 5* Round 3 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Lissa || 3* Barte || 4* Roy || 4* Arthur || 5* Camilla Round 4 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Jegan || 3* Gwyndolyn || 3* Henry || 4* Sheena || 5* Ryoma
  7. Non-even distribution? It makes sense since I know Fates have tons of characters and Awakening has a fair amount as well compared to Shadow Dragon. I was expecting Fates to get a bit more characters due to its roster and the whole "Hoshido vs Nohr" thing, so Fates can technically be counted as two or three games instead of one giant one. This will likely mean Shadow Dragon gets the short end of the stick. While I don't mind this as much, I would like to see more than just Marth, Young!Tiki (due to the amiibo), and a Shadow Dragon Villain. I want to see Camus, Caeda, or Linde in. Camus probably has the best shot at because he is a mounted lance user and cavalry are confirmed in FE Warriors, both as a generic and in the form of Xander. For Caeda and Linde, we currently have no indication of pegasus knights (or any flying unit for that matter) or proper mages. Sure, M!Robin is practically confirmed, but I have a feeling he will be a sword user that also wields magic, much like how F!Corrin uses a sword but complements it with her Dragonstone. The Kotaku article stating that they put "strategy first, which focuses on swords, lances, and axes" is also an interesting tidbit. As far as I am concerned, this means War Cleric Lissa is a thing. Now for Donnel, I would prefer if he did not make it in. Give me Kellam over Donnel if we are sticking to Awakening, please. Kellam is a member of the Shepherds and would fit right in alongside Chrom, Lissa, and M!Robin, even if he is forgotten about all the time. Otherwise, Azura or Oboro would be superior choices over Donnel, especially due to their ties to other characters. Azura has "plot importance" to Corrin and knows both Xander and Ryoma while Oboro would be perfect if she was fielded alongside Takumi. Speaking of which, I don't think we saw any archers in the E3 gameplay. I know Archers are a thing in mainline Warrior games and hope they were not cut for FE Warriors and its focus on the Weapon Triangle. We have staves, but not bows?... (While Thieves are confirmed, I have a feeling they are sword users instead of "hidden weapon" users in terms of the classic weapon triangle of Sword > Axes > Lances > Swords.)
  8. Tempest Trials changes are nice, specifically the better points for doing Normal and Hard difficulties. It still doesn't do much for the grind, but at least players can have some options instead of doing Lunatic all the time. The other changes are also nice for me since I try to use two actual teams, and the "dead units stay dead" mechanic will help if things start going south. I'm still concerned about the burnout, but maybe the point rewards have been shuffled around to make it less of a grind...
  9. Lissa is in? While I shouldn't really be surprised after learning about Staves from the E3 videos, I didn't really think Healers would make it into Warriors. Of course, I was basing this more off of their "staff-only" gimmick instead of whatever weapon they may gain on promotion (Elise -> Tomes, Sakura -> Bows, Lissa -> Axes), but this revelation throws off my character predictions a bit. The next thing that will surprise me is if they include dagger users which will toss my predictions entirely out the window. M!Robin and Lucina being in was expected though. I wonder how both characters will play. Will Robin be more of a mage or stay a hybrid between swords and tomes (like F!Corrin does with her sword and dragonstone)? Will Lucina get a unique moveset with her Parallel Falchion, or will she use something else? As of present, Awakening has its obvious hero representatives in (Chrom, M!Robin, Lucina, Lissa). All that is really left for Awakening is a villain (personally hoping for Walhart and Grima) and bonus characters. I think Tharja is still a strong possibility, but I would like to see Kellam, Virion, Severa, Inigo, or Owain instead. Considering that Lissia is in, if any of the other child characters have a chance, I would say Owain (or Odin). This gathering of heroes is too good for him to pass up...
  10. F!Robin looks nice, but the art looks a little too busy with all the fish and the octopus. Adult!Tiki is interesting, but is nothing I'll go crazy about. Gaius... I'll pass. I never really favored Gaius, even in his original Awakening incarnation. I know he has some interesting supports, but he is not my favored type of character. Frederick though. He looks pretty good and I say he has the best art out of all of them. F!Robin would be second if it went with the "less is more" approach. I'll probably drop some orbs on this banner since it is "exclusive and for a limited time," but am otherwise unimpressed. The Summer Banner is nice, but it does not have characters and artwork I'll go crazy for (like Bride!Cordelia). Here I was hoping for a Sacred Stones banner too...
  11. Well, apparently there's been some more streams since this was last updated. A shame there was no announcement here, but I guess it make sense to probably have a Twitch Account and subscribe over there. Anyways, here is the vod list on Twitch as well as some descriptions of what was covered. I'll probably watch the backlog when I have time. Stream 1: May 31st (Start to Ram Valley || Initial Announcement) Stream 2: June 3rd (Ram Valley to Deliverance Hideout) Stream 3: June 10th (Deliverance Hideout to Zofia Castle) Stream 4: June 14th (Celica Start to Zofia Seaway 2 || Erica Lindbeck [Voice of Celica] is a guest, and she is the one playing this stream.)
  12. 1. Giving Heroes!Anna skills that I no longer intend to use. I gave her Seal Attack from somebody and sacrificed one of my Chroms to give her Sol, with the idea to try and make Anna more durable. My new idea is to give her the classic Life and Death with Desperation combo, but skill fodder is hard to come by. 2. Sacrificing a spare Selena to my Erika so Erika can learn basic Triangle Adept. I really dislike not inheriting skills that are "maxed out" by default. 3. Creating a "Blazing Flame" Cherche (+DEF, -RES) build, then Michalis comes along and immediately outclasses her in every way for such a build due to his Hauteclere and his stat spread. I guess this Cherche I heavily invested into will become merged with my +ATT, -RES Cherche instead... 4. Retiring my 2 Hinatas before Skill Inheritance was a thing. 5. Giving Ursula a Blárblade tome, only to realize she doesn't have the SP to learn it as a Level 40 4-Star. I could have saved that Odin...
  13. 1. Anti-Burnout Mode: Essentially what Ice Dragon is saying. Add either an option or a bracket that doubles/triples the points earned, but also doubles/triples the stamina cost. This is the best compromise that retains the hardcore grinding for HM and SP while allowing more casual players a chance to get the rewards. // I mostly stopped playing Heroes because I was burned out on Tempest Trials, and I just got to around 7k in score. At least I got 4* Masked Marth, but the Seals will elude me for the time being... 2. Make Difficulty Tiers More Competitive: Right now, there is no real reason to play the lower difficulties because the stamina cost to reward ratio is too low. Of course, Lunatic (or Infernal) difficulty should remain the highest value and the most efficient, but I want alternative ways to play Tempest Trials besides using my max level units all the time. Sometimes I just want to mess around with my lower level units while also training them up in Tempest Trials. This variety should also help with burnout issues. * * * * * Wishlist: A part of me would still love to see Nohr Azura (Black Dress Azura) as a reward character from Tempest Trials, but I have a feeling Masked Marth will be the mainstay of TT due to its "ending dialogue." This will allow Masked Marth to eventually be merged to +10, but it can be disappointing for those who were hoping for other "alternative" characters. // Although, I could see some "side characters" making a surprise appearance, such as Lilith being a Manakete for Fates or Leila representing Blazing Sword Blade. Just give me Matthew x Leila already, IS!
  14. I would love to hop on the Team Elise train, but I don't have an Elise. I also got rid of my only Sakura because at the time I thought it was clever to make a "super cleric" that had all the healing skills (and that cleric happened to be Azama.) I am somewhat regretting sacrificing my clerics to Azama, but I do have plenty of other healers around that are decently leveled. So, I'll probably just roll with Clarine since I have her near Level 40 as a 4-star character. If / When Clarine loses, I'll probably just join up with Elise and ride casually to "victory." I know I could pull on the "soothing sisters" banner, but I am saving my orbs for a new banner that interests me.
  15. This is from the Visual Novel of Steins;Gate 0. I can't wait for the anime adaption for it, but that is for a different topic entirely...
  16. Q: Do the Cipher characters keep their normal attire when Overclassing, or simply become their Overclass variants like everyone else? While I am nowhere near to overclassing them, a part of me wants to keep them in their main classes since they fit the character better. Yet, the appeal of another 20 level-ups for stat gains and some extra skills is a little hard to ignore...
  17. A part of me was wondering if they were simply referring to Fire Emblem Heroes' Tempest Trials but by another name (Boundless Chaos). Otherwise, I'm willing to guess it is more of a Cipher thing. I do not know much about Cipher save for the awesome artwork, so I don't know if it truly has any relation. Of course, it could be a subtle reference to FE Switch or is brought up as a concept of how the Cipher characters travel "continent to continent."
  18. While I love the trio, from a story standpoint I would prefer if they did not appear in any future titles outside of their own world. Handwaving it with the Dragon's Gate and other nonsense gets old rather quickly, and I don't want them coming up with new identities every single time they head out on an adventure. Also, I am not a fan of some of the recycled supports. Callbacks are nice, but not when the entire chain is more or less the same thing. If there were to appear in a future title, I would like to see them in a pure "Future Past" scenario where the children characters from Awakening (alongside some new characters) get the spotlight and a game of their own, or an "After Awakening" game. The Future Past versions will showcase their earlier selves while "After Awakening" can be after their adventures in FatesLand. Needless to say, Owain's (Odin's) and Inigo's (Laslow's) kids are bound to follow them home, which opens up some interesting possibilities.
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