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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I was wondering if somebody could look this over and see what I did wrong. Every time I try to insert it, it crashes the program. It gives me a "Values do not fall into the specified range." error. [spoiler=whole chapter file] //Made by Camtech075 of SerenesForest #include EAstdlib.event #include RoDDefinitions.txt EventPointerTable(0x00,Prologue) ORG 0x9E863C Prologue: POIN TurnBasedEvents POIN CharacterBasedEvents POIN LocationBasedEvents POIN MiscBasedEvents POIN Dunno Dunno Dunno POIN Tutorial POIN Ballista1 Ballista2 POIN GoodGuys BadGuys POIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 POIN BeginningScene EndingScene TurnBasedEvents: TURN CharacterBasedEvents: CHAR GoodGuys: UNIT Ryen RyenLord Ryen Level(1,Ally,false) [8,6] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 [YouthSword, Vulnerary, 0x00, 0x00] [NoAI] UNIT Jason Cavalier Rye* Level(4,Ally,false) [8,7] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 [ironSword, SteelLance, Vulnerary, 0x00] [NoAI] UNIT LocationBasedEvents: House(03,HouseConvo,4,13) LOCA HouseConvo: FADI 5 BACG 0x00 FADU 5 Text 0x921 REMA ENDA MiscBasedEvents: DefeatBoss(EndingScene] CauseGameOverIfLordDies AFEV Dunno: //DO NOT TOUCH CODE $00 Tutorial: //DO NOT TOUCH CODE $00 Ballista1: BLST Ballista2: BLST ALIGN 4 BadGuys: UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 Baddie_Move1 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI] //break UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 Baddie_Move2 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI] //break UNIT 0xAA Bloodhound ONeill Level(1,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x01 Baddie_Move3 [FireFang,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI] //break UNIT ONeill Fighter ONeill Level(4,Enemy,False) [16,1] 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 [ironAxe,0x00,0x00,0x00] [NoAI] Baddie_Move1: // X/Y Spd Resc Delay REDA [3,7] 0x5 0x00 0x20 Baddie_Move2: REDA [15,8] 0x5 0x00 0x10 Baddie_Move3: REDA [8,13] 0x5 0x00 0x10 BeginningScene: MUS1 0x52 LOMA 0x40 //Loads Triannos map TEX6 0x5 [0,0] 0x0664 //"Triannos Castle" LOU1 GoodGuys ENUN FlashCursor(Ryen,60) //flashes cursor on Ryen before convo Text(0x0907) // "Franz, ride ahead and..." // WARP START LOU1 GoodGuys WarpOut(Ryen) WarpOut(Jason) FAWI 10 //Fade-in with white LOMA 0x00 //Loads prologue map FAWU 10 //Fade-out with white WarpIn(Ryen, 0, 15) WarpIn(Eirika, 2, 16) //WARP END FlashCursor(Jason,60) Text(0x090D, 0x22) // "Princess! This way! I can see..." //Introduce bad guys FlashCursor(16,1,60) //flash on temple Text(090F) // "Your highness, I won't lie..." MUS1 0x25 //Tension LOU1 BadGuys FlashCursor(Ryen,60) Text(0x0910) // "Renais dogs! Where do you think..." ENDA EndingScene: Text(0x0907, 0x0x22) STAL 0x01 MNCH 0x__ ENDA MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
  2. Okay. @TC: You should probably mention the data that villages/houses point to, yes? Since this is "for dummies" it would be nice for you to elaborate on what data "South_village" has under it.
  3. This is definitely better than the last tutorial you made. It explains a lot more. A question though. Is Opening_Scene and BeginningScene the same thing?
  4. ...Ah, the FE community. Full of pessimists who take delight in seeing my hardest work and reducing it to ash. Obviously, the TSA for the stat sheet is still off. Thanks for pointing that out. ...It's a background from Kirby: Nightmare In Dreamland, and the only thing I changed about it was splitting it into two pieces so I can use two separate palettes. I will. Probably from Chapter 1 onward, unless I figure out how to make my own custom chapters from scratch. It's kind of hard to edit the prologue map and make it look good while keeping the enemy units from destroying the main lord. (While also keeping the events functional...darn you Seth for not just appearing out of nowhere like I want you to...) That's a good idea, actually. After seeing the flame war that went on in here I think I'd rather keep all my hard work to myself until it's all done. -_- Oh yeah! I downloaded that. Haven't gotten around to looking at it yet, though I probably should. Nice to hear it has an event tutorial in it...arch's may be more detailed but there are certain parts of it that's confusing. >_< That being that FE8 commands are on a separate post, rather than being in the same post with the FE7 codes like them, so when I get done I'm like "wait what?"
  5. Yay. another guy who didn't read my first post at all. :P I do intend on changing most maps and editing the events to the best of my ability. Heck, there might even be custom chapters if I ever figure out how to make them. It's just a matter of me finally understanding arch's event tutorials and/or the event assembler language. ;>> I will. Once I finish formatting/inserting those face portraits. I've been too busy with everything else. XD I think it's because I never dulled the colors on it like I did the rest of the stat sheet background. It's still a bit bright...
  6. This hack features most of my sprited Original Characters as they're warped from their own worlds into a realm in peril. It centers around Ryen, a prince from the land of Triannos, and Luke, the prince of Aquatos, as they find themselves within a strange, unknown world. As they explore their new territory, they gain many more allies. Together, they will find out what brought them here, and what they must do before they can return to their own worlds. DISCLAIMER I, BlueLeafeon, am not reponsible for any damage done to your computer, ear drums, eyes or head while you are playing this hack. I run a virus-free computer and my site should be virus-free as well. I am also not responsible for any stuck game files that result in your careless decisions while playing. If the game tells you to go through Ryen's mode and you pick Luke's, that's YOUR OWN fault, not mine. Teaser Info Specialized battle animations for the main lords, and a custom battle animation Somewhat stronger monster enemies Completely new plot, not just a rehash of FE8 Edited stat sheet and title screen backgrounds Custom weapon, map and possibly other palettes as well. Completely new maps! Imported battle animations STATISTICS: Progress: I've mostly been working on battle animations, title screens and stuff, but have gotten a good amount of the Prologue scripting done. Chapters Done: 0 Portraits Inserted: 1 Battle Animations Imported/Edited: 5 Screenshots Etc You can also view a short video displaying a "custom" battle animation I made with FEditor:
  7. So with my BRAND NEW MONITOR SCREEN I've come to realize that what I was seeing was not what everyone else was seeing. What I was seeing: What everyone else was seeing: So yeah, now I'm going back through my characters and giving them color makeovers: -> -> --> -> And I've also been making new sprites: ...Heterochromia. It makes 15-color limits a tad difficult to manage.
  8. Luffy and all those involved in this fan translation: I love you all. :D I wish you the greatest luck with this project, both in RL and with the project itself.
  9. Agreed. All the emulators I've seen either lag horribly, don't show up correctly, or make my computer fan sound like an incoming jet plane. :/ I find some of the dumb things they DO put money into advertising these days are far inferior to Fire Emblem. The series needs more love. (The games can't help it if noobs can't think strategically in order to win)
  10. I hear E3 is going on now. I'm guessing the lack of posting means still no news yet.
  11. Harvest Moon: Twin Villages (English name Tale of Two Towns) says "Hi" It has been confirmed that it will be released on both DS and 3DS. So they may just release this on both consoles.
  12. PFFFFT. I should have thought of moving it to the SD card. Instead I just flat-out deleted it and its save while I was backing up all my saved data/channels. As for the warranty, the wii is about 3-5 years old, so the warranty has run out on it anyway. It just kinda sucks how I'm going to lose all my Brawl data. Those versus records are going to be the hardest to obtain. Those are two years worth of brawling.
  13. I don't know if there are any Homebrew users here but I'm going to post this in hopes of somebody being able to help me. I was playing Mario Kart Wii and tried to load up the Delfino Harbor battle stage, and the console started making these weird beeps and sounds, then it told me "An error has occurred. Please eject the disc and turn off the console." But I couldn't turn it off because it had apparently frozen at that point, so I had to unplug it. Now it won't load any games at all! I searched it on google and have done most self-troubleshooting methods. I've used canned air to blow into the CD hole, cleaned the disc, used a different disc, unplugged it for thirty minutes, put the wii in a different position...no luck. It doesn't seem to be the lens since it won't even spin the disc. I was thinking of sending it to Nintendo but I'm a bit worried since I have Homebrew. If I deleted homebrew, would Nintendo know I had it at one point?
  14. Revisits of old characters: Banner: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/BlueLeafeon/Sig/lukesig.png
  15. I used another lava cookie, actually. :/ And ice fang only has a 10% chance of status effect, according to serebii. This is the rematch in Survival Zone. I actually traded my whole HG team over so I can level them up for beating Red.
  16. Indeed. I keep meaning to test it myself, but knowing me, I won't be able to get the timing right. It took me years to figure out the seam climbing glitch. (If only I had known about the infinite sword glitch, lol) Luckily, the Collector's Disc version of Majora's Mask has that nifty Owl Statue save-and-remove-memory-card glitch ;)
  17. I was beating the water gym leader of Platinum the other day. My Meganium versus his Floatzel Floatzel used Ice Fang! Meganium was frozen solid! *uses Lava Cookie* Floatzel used Ice Fang! Floatzel used Ice Fang! Megan flinched! Floatzel used Ice Fang! Megan was frozen solid! I'm serious, it happened in EXACTLY this order.
  18. Have any of you heard about the fourth day glitch? I have no idea if this works on the remakes/Wii port but...
  19. What makes the Lords of FE8 unplayable if you select the opposite lord's route? Is it event-related, or is it something more complicated such as ASM? I remember trying to bring Eirika back into play in Ephraim's route when I made Link's War. When I DID finally manage to make Eirika reappear in the route, it raised her level to 15 and gave her a steel sword--like she appears in Ch. 15. When the chapter was over and it returned me to the map, however, it re-removed her. Would anybody happen to have any insight on what causes this?
  20. Where's that topic where they were making fun of that one guy's story? Sean Storm was in it, iirc
  21. Because the person who threw the party forgot that I was supposed to bring the refreshments!
  22. There's a party going on somewhere outside of the internet and I was pointedly not invited. Right? RIGHT? Of course I'm right. Don't try and prove me wrong! : O
  23. Kirby Epic Yarn And maybe, just MAYBE, Pikachu's Pokepark Adventure as well. I doubt I would get that lucky though.
  24. I am the master of the Egg Emergency game on Pokemon Stadium 2. I have gotten a perfect score on Very Hard before. As for actual games I'm incredible at, I can't think of any off the top of my head. There's always people who are better than me at every game I play. As for games I fail at, Mario platformers and just about any game that requires a lot of thinking before action, LOL. Strategy is not my strong suite.
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