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Everything posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Really peppy. I don't know what kind of game Drawn to Life is, but if this is the final boss theme, I would assume that it's something along the lines of Earthbound. 6.5/10 Sinister Sundown from Kingdom Hearts 2
  2. Oh. From the title, I thought you needed relationship advice. After all, there's nothing like too much Splatoon 2 to ruin a perfectly good relationship!
  3. Sorry, but have you ever heard of Conception? I don't know if Atlus developed it or just published it, but that is a stupid game. In fact, you should get the demo just so you can be amazed at the sheer stupidity of it.
  4. Pretty basic. Fits its character well, though. 6.5/10 Main Theme of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
  5. Harpsichord doesn't really suit Mario, but SMRPG is a weird one in general so I'll give it a pass. 6.5/10 Trisection (also known as Answers for some strange reason) from Final Fantasy Tactics
  6. Very short and repetitive. Probably best for quick conversations instead of lengthy gameplay segments. Would make a good ringtone. 7/10 Athletic Theme from Super Mario World
  7. Lots of stress and urgency. Good "running away" music. 7/10 Bonus Room Blitz from Donkey Kong Country
  8. Sad and wistful, but not completely hopeless. Kinda generic, but it would sound OK in the right situation. 6.5/10 The Meeting Place is the Fountain Plaza from Tales of Legendia
  9. Without Luigi's panicked humming, it's half the song it was meant to be. 5/10 I'll Face Myself from Persona 4
  10. Love, compassion, and guilt exist in spite of reason. And they are many times more apparent in humans than in animals. If animals were the only irrational creatures, we would expect them to be hopelessly emotional for no good reason, while we rational humans operated on a near-robotic level of uniformity. However, the last creature I saw cry over Ben and Jerry's after watching a sad movie was not my cat, but my sister. If we humans are supposed to be completely rational, then a lot of our actions don't make sense. Why is it that the humans in our world that do not display emotions are treated as tricky psychological cases? Shouldn't we see them as ideal citizens or as the pinnacle of evolutionary success? When somebody hurts me by accident, they say sorry. They say that so I won't be offended with them and so that they won't feel guilty. But why should they care? And why should I care that they care? To me, there's just too much that a purely rational view of humanity is unable to figure out. That's just my opinion, though.
  11. A very emotional (but kinda lengthy) theme. I know nothing about the game in question, but this theme sounds like it belongs to someone who is intense, yet conflicted. 9/10 Aria de Mezzo Carattere from Final Fantasy VI
  12. Nohr. If you play Conquest, then you actually help them succeed in bringing the entire world under their tyrannical grasp. I can hear Corrin laughing evilly at our stupidity even now.
  13. So I guess there's nothing atrocious about getting rid of the following "irrational" things: Natural parks: all that land just sitting there doing nothing? What's rational about that? Endangered species: there's no rational reason one type of bird should be more valuable than another, so why don't we just let people shoot what they want to shoot? Why let emotional values get in the way? If one species is better at surviving than another, then the rational thing would be to let natural selection have its way, right? Hospice care: they're going to die anyway. Lengthening things just wastes resources. People will be sad when they die regardless. Isn't euthanasia rational? The fact of the matter is that humans are inherently irrational creatures. Our concepts of right and wrong, value, and even our very emotions are tied to that irrationality. When humans attempt to do that which they are incapable of and try to be completely rational, we get a situation like the French Revolution. So while few atrocities may actually be rational, through the belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response many, many atrocities can be committed. The bolded part is actually the dictionary definition of Rationalism as a belief system.
  14. I remember when I first started using computers about 10 years ago. My brother (who is a programmer) came in and saw me using Internet Explorer and was immediately like "What are you doing! You're gonna get a virus! C'mon man, we just bought this computer!" He then showed me how to do the only thing Internet Explorer is good for: Downloading Firefox.
  15. Nazism's Holocaust-inducing eugenics system was based on the understanding of genetics that they had at the time. Marxism and the resulting Communist regimes were built on almost as much economics as philosophy. Now, you could say that those two infamous examples used a lot of fake or false science to support them. But how can you say that that is any different from a suicidal cult that claims to be based on biblical principles or the militant groups in the Middle East that fight for a false understanding of Islam?
  16. Hero for me. I like to take my time and power through things steadily and instinctively, so Strength and Skill are my good stats.
  17. Hmmm... I think they should probably get rid of Roy, Lucina, and Corrin. Roy because he doesn't have a western title to his name and he could always be DLC if people really wanted him, Lucina because she wasn't really that important in her game and we can always find someone else to be a Marth clone, and Corrin because the reason he was included was to advertise a game that doesn't need advertising anymore. I think Marth should stay for old times sake, Ike should stay because he's (apparently) the most popular character in the series, and Robin because Awakening is still super popular and he's not just a swordfighter. Alm and Celica should be an assist trophy, and other games that were overlooked can be represented with new stages. What Smash really needs is Lyn. She's popular, sexy, and she could have a very interesting moveset.
  18. On the relationship between education and religion: Does this really mean anything? I mean, seriously, do you expect people to go to a secular and oftentimes downright anti-religious institution and come out more spiritual? Do high schools, colleges, and universities teach people to accept religion, or to ignore it? There's a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is what we use to make decisions about metaphysical matters such as religion, and it comes from life experience, NOT higher education. Case in point, I have an older brother who is in his mid-20s with a high-paying job and a professional-level knowledge of web design. He owns his own house and has no debt whatsoever, because he decided that instead of going to college, he would spend those four years working hard, making money, and studying his own interests on the internet. He's starting a family at an age where most people would be looking for a job and paying off student loans. I'm not saying college is a bad thing, and it's definitely necessary for certain vocations. I just don't think increased knowledge automatically means you know more about life, love, and religion. In other words, knowledge doesn't equal wisdom. And even if it was true that better educated people were less religious, that wouldn't necessarily determine that religion is a bad thing or that religious people are weak-minded. Sorry if this sounds too confrontational. I might be taking this too seriously.
  19. "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." - Brennan Manning People often wonder how a religion that is supposed to make people better can be full of hypocrites. To those within a religion (especially Christianity), the fact that so many participants have a phony faith life can be extremely off putting. Indeed, it's been hard for me to stay rooted in my faith as I've learned just how flawed many of the people who influenced me to become a Christian in the first place actually are. Ultimately, however, Christianity is a faith rooted in a perfect Person, and not a bunch of perfect people. However, we cannot expect people to know that if all they see when they look at Christianity is a bunch of hypocrites. I know that's how it is for Christianity. I can't vouch for other religions though.
  20. It's Independence Day, everyone! For those of you who aren't from the USA, this is basically the day we commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, which happened 241 years ago on July 4th, 1776. It's our biggest patriotic holiday, and is celebrated across the land with cookouts, country music, and fireworks. While patriotism isn't exactly at an all-time high right now in the US, it's still a really big deal to a lot of people. So do any of you have any great memories of previous July 4ths? Any family traditions you would like to share? Please note that this is NOT a thread for talking about whatever you think is right or wrong about America. That belongs in a different thread.
  21. Beautiful. I'm all about that bass... not sure exactly what that means.
  22. I think War Clerics/Monks look cool. And since all it takes to make something work in Awakening is more grinding, they work out just fine for me.
  23. Anybody remember Zidane Tribal from FF9? He's kinda my avatar... anyway, he isn't exactly a completely perfect character, but he does have that whole complex where he is incapable of not doing what is right in any given situation. However, I think he was very wall done in spite of that. In the game's final scene, we see Zidane about to throw his life away, fully knowing that he will not save anyone in the process but still incapable of not trying. It's kind of pathetic, and the game actually acknowledges this as Zidane comes to grips with the fact that he is basically a slave to his sense of virtue. It takes his perfection and makes it unique. That's why I like Zidane. And I think we could use a few more perfect characters like him.
  24. I like the idea of making Mark a playable character. As long as the story focuses on Lyn, Hector, and Eliwood, with Mark being a simple supporting character like Merlinus. As for the children... well, since there are only a few characters who would be eligible, I wouldn't bother with it too much. Instead of bringing Mark's son back for the second game, maybe have Mark return and take over Merlinus' role as annoying adviser. I like the idea of having a Roy mode and a Lilina mode, though! The biggest problem I can see with a potential remake is with the stories. On their own, the games have decent plots. But they just don't go together very well. While FE7's story is winding and complex, FE6's story is very basic and straightforward. I'm not trying to say anything bad about the stories, but traditionally, a good sequel expands upon the entry before it. However, since the games came out in reverse order, FE7 expands on FE6's plot, both in terms of complexity and content. This would result in making the stories feel exceptionally awkward together. The only way to resolve this issue would be to either rework FE6's story, effectively rewriting it and annoying a bunch of fans in the process, or to release the games in the order they were originally released, which would mean no double feature. It's a quandary to be sure. They'd be better off remaking FE4 first.
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