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Everything posted by SullyMcGully

  1. I played the versions for SNES, N64, and GBA. I've loved all of them, and I would like to get one of the new ones someday.
  2. So, something I've been thinking about lately is the way typical Americans view farmers. I've begun to notice that the entertainment industry has a stereotype for farmers and other country dwellers, where they tend to be seen them as poorly-educated, simple-minded folks with an old-fashioned mindset who can't get up with the times. It's almost as if people think that getting your hands dirty and working with the land are things that civilization has put behind itself, which makes little sense when faced by the reality that food - a commodity essential to life - is the end result of this labor, and cannot be produced any other way. It just annoys me that we expect the farmers, who are essential to our existence as a species, to work for small wages and earn little public recognition while we heap fame and fortune on actors, musicians, and computer programmers who provide us with unnecessary comfort and leisure. Does anybody else think this is a real problem, or is it just me?
  3. I'm thinking of making an "everything breaker" unit, or a unit with all of the breaker skills. Is this possible, and if so, who is the best unit to do it with?
  4. The white-haired dude... did Jeigan shave?
  5. Advance Wars isn't a Strategy Role-Playing Game. It's just a strategy game. I would still play it, though, just for some of its unique ideas.
  6. Don't make Gale playable. His death in the original was supposed to be sad, and with a bit of re-translation, it can be that way.
  7. No problems! I actually really like Legault as well. His conversation with Matthew is the best, even if you have to use two thieves to unlock it.
  8. The Adventures of Matthew! A game that follows everybody's favorite spy in the period between FE7 and FE6, with stealth-based gameplay and cameos from Raven and Priscilla!
  9. It is a kind of pointless question, because nobody has the definitive answer. In the end, though, it's all up to what feels best for you. Helping others? Serving God? Enjoying yourself? I can't tell you what's best for you. You'll know it when you see it. "The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever." That's an old fashioned way of saying what I believe my purpose is. But while I may believe in God with all my heart, that doesn't mean I have a problem with anyone else who thinks otherwise. So in the end, it's extremely subjective. Everybody can provide evidence to support their point, but ultimately, discovering your purpose is something only you can do.
  10. Didn't think about that. Makes sense though. Thanks!
  11. If this is true, then the pro-life/pro-choice conflict won't matter in a few generations. The pro-lifers will be fruitful and multiply while the pro-choice will birth control/abort their offspring into oblivion. We can already see the scale tipping, since the majority of immigrants we let in from Mexico and the Middle East are religious pro-lifers who want large families. Eventually, there will be a pro-life majority, which would go hand-in-hand with a rise in the popularity of evangelical Christianity, various other religious groups, and the Republican party. While I am a Christian and a Republican, an uber-right-wing world frankly scares me. So please, have babies. If only to maintain societal balance, have babies. Don't take this too seriously, folks.
  12. Why do people think HP is less useful than DEF? Just because it is easier to get doesn't mean that it is not as important. Yeah, I know DEF works for you twice if you get doubled, but most players won't use a character that gets doubled. Plus, HP works for both physical and magic attacks. And while a unit can still be feasible with 0 DEF, a unit with 0 HP is dead.
  13. Lloyd and Linus are the best in my opinion. Whichever one you fight first is fighting you in obedience to their father, whom they see no reason to distrust despite distrusting Sonia. When the heroes reveal the truth, that brother will begin to reconsider his position, but is quickly slain. Then the other brother is blinded by rage and is unable to be reasoned with. It makes for some of the best battle conversations in the series, because there is absolutely nothing Nino can do to change their minds, no matter what she tells you.
  14. Blazing Sword is good on supports. Sure, there are a few that would have been interesting to see, but we can't have everything we want in a game. If you want to pass around extra supports, try Path of Radiance. Based off of the unused data, it's apparent that they wanted to add more supports at some point or another but didn't, due to resources or whatever.
  15. I'll represent the "who needs college" opinion here. The sad truth is that, if you're into art, college won't really make you a better artist. Sure, it can provide you with great mentors, friends, and a general direction, but the most important thing to becoming a good artist is unlocking the potential that already lies within you. You can get the experience and guidance needed to do this without college. The only thing you really need college for is getting a degree that proves your capability to future employers, which is (in my opinion) a pretty bad way to judge someone because the fact that you went to college doesn't make you inherently talented. However, while getting hired with a degree isn't very easy anymore, getting hired without a degree is even harder. In the end, it depends on your resources. Do you want to wait four years before going out on your own? Would you be putting an exceptionally difficult financial burden on anybody (yourself included)? In your current position, do you have the means at your disposal to make yourself a better artist without college? One thing you could look into is getting an internship. These are usually short, six-month commitments where instead of shelling out thousands of dollars for room and board, you face very minimal expenses, and oftentimes are actually paid for helping out as you learn. Instead of hearing about the job in a classroom, you actually get to experience doing the job yourself. True, there are internship horror stories out there, but there are a whole lot more student loan horror stories. In the end, though, you should do what's best for you. Just keep in mind that if somebody else is funding your education, it is incredibly disrespectful to take their money so you can postpone growing up for four years, party away your life, or learn skills you hope you never have to use. In other words, while you don't have to have your whole life figured out ahead of time, going into a major commitment like college without considering what your underlying goals and drives are in life is simply a waste of time and money. Maybe your benefactors want you to get a degree in something like engineering, but I can guarantee you, if they really have your best interests at heart, then they would greatly prefer that you spend the rest of your life doing what you enjoy, what you were meant to do, rather than wasting your energy on a job that doesn't inspire you. Those are just my opinions, though. Don't take them too seriously.
  16. Twenty-eight thousand sixty-five (28,065)
  17. Luna doesn't negate anything if it doesn't hit ;) Just make sure you finish him on your turn. Letting him have a go at hitting someone is pushing your luck a bit.
  18. Give the Secret Books to Hector, as axes have the worst HIT and his SKL isn't that great as is. Goddess Icon goes to whoever has poorest LCK. Dragonshield goes to a character with both poor DEF and AVO.
  19. To support, just have two compatible characters end their turns next to each other. Do that whenever you can and eventually you'll see a "Support" option in the field menu. Just remember, you don't have unlimited supports in this game. They only go to A-rank, and each character can only have five conversations.
  20. I'm similar to what you would call "socially conservative". Pro-death penalty, anti-abortion. Here are my reasons. I don't think that killing criminals can make up for the pain caused to their victims. However, it can serve as a warning to others who may consider committing the same crimes. For this reason, I think capital punishment is pretty much useless unless it is publicized in some form or fashion. Probably not visually, because of the danger to children/sensitive folks, but maybe an audio recording of a criminal's final moments. If you aren't going to include that, then the entire purpose of the death penalty is made null and you might as well just let them live. Then again, that's coming from someone who thinks we should bring back the public whipping post for petty theft. Don't take it too seriously. Abortion, however, is something I'm quite empathetic about. Part of that is my upbringing. You see, I grew up on a dairy farm, where we have a practice of "arming" cows for veterinary purposes. "Arming" is just a nice way of describing the process of sticking your arm in a cow's rear and making sure all their organs have proper placement, etc. Well, one moment when we arm a cow is when they are having trouble calving. I've had to do this before, and it really is an amazing experience to feel something living before it is even born. Now, at this point in their development, the calves already have personalities. Seriously. Some will be meek and gentle, some will wildly struggle about in the womb. Some of them are already rather playful at this time. I've even had one bite me before. Saying that these animals are somehow "less alive" at this point seems very unscientific. And I think this applies even more so to humans. Saying that an unborn baby is "less alive", and by extension, that it is less of a crime to kill them, is like saying that I am less alive than my older brothers. Put it this way. Who inspires the most revulsion? A man who murders a dozen grown men, or a man who murders a dozen 6-year-old girls? With human life being as important as it is, this isn't a moment where we can have a double standard. Whew, got that out of me. I wrote this hastily, so hopefully I didn't say something I'll regret.
  21. #5: Lego Star Wars Call me an eight-year-old, but I have so many great memories of these games. As a child, Legos and Star Wars were my two favorite things, so the games were a natural fit. Even though the simple gameplay of the originals has lost its appeal as I've aged, the nostalgia alone has been enough to keep me playing to this day. Now I get to show my younger siblings all the secrets! #4: Super Smash Bros I think everyone has already given all the reasons I love this game. When you grow up with a lot of brothers, fighting games are the standard fare. And Smash Bros is the best fighting game. Ever. Period. #3: Legend of Zelda This series also brings me a lot of nostalgia. Majora's Mask is my favorite, because of its immersive feeling of impending calamity. However, Wind Waker and Link's Awakening have both been great experiences to play through as well. #2: Final Fantasy The story, the characters, the gameplay... but most importantly, the music! You're a genius, Nobuo Uetsamu. No matter how many cliches or flaws a game might have, the music always draws me in, allowing me to empathize with the characters and feel what they are feeling. #1: Fire Emblem Every entry has more than its share of flaws, but the strategic, turn-based RPG gameplay is the only kind of gameplay that I've ever truly enjoyed. The characters, while often cliched, always have the ability to make me feel for them (especially when they die).
  22. No weapon triangle position, please. I think the fact that IS has to put everything in the triangle somewhere is kind of overkill. I liked having arrows and such be neutral, and oftentimes, weapon triangle advantages don't really make much of a difference. One idea I had that could pertain to this class: Remember the Light Rune from FE7? What if that was a skill a certain class learned? Seems like something an alchemist could do.
  23. Big news! We just discovered a hidden support conversation in Awakening that is valid to this thread! Chrom/Lissa S-rank support Now THAT would be wierd.
  24. The concept of a class that uses one-shot items instead of weapons is a pretty neat idea. Maybe they could promote to "Saboteur", with a specific emphasis on bending the rules of the game through special items. I don't think it would be too broken. Most potions only have 1-3 uses before they break anyway. I would give them a backup weapon though, potentially tomes or knives.
  25. In the real world, you decide how great you become, not your parents. Fact of the matter is, many people with a wealth of "special blood" turn out to be jerks in the end, because having good parents doesn't mean you will automatically be good as well. While it is true that the conditions you are raised in does affect your choices later in life, ultimately, they are your choices, and in every situation it's up to you to decide what is good for you and what is not. That said, I think Azura should decide for herself whether or not she embraces her parent's strengths or decides to take on other talents. It does make sense that she'd have a built in aptitude to do what her parents could do due to genetics and such, but just because her parents were important leaders doesn't mean that their skills are more valuable than those of others.
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