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Everything posted by SullyMcGully

  1. I thought about that, but truth be told, there are plenty of units who can become great without a whole lot of grinding. I haven't played the game yet, so it's not like I'm particularly attached to any of the characters yet.
  2. Over the years, I've owned my fair share of different video game consoles, and I've come to notice that, no matter how well-built they are and how carefully I treat them, something eventually breaks. Either that, or maybe something wears off, begins malfunctioning, or gets lost. So, I figured I would make this thread in so we can all share our experiences with our consoles, handhelds, and other devices. Here's my experience: Nintendo 2DS: Rubber coating on Circle Pad wore off Nintendo Wii: Plastic piece covering Gamecube components broke off Nintendo Gamecube: Piece of exhaust vent cover chipped off Nintendo 64: Nothing. This console has been used and abused for twenty years and could still pass as new with a bit of dusting. Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Developed a weird issue where touching the surface of the console would cause it to erase all save game data on the cartridge. This occurred after it was subjected to water damage during Hurricane Isabelle. So what was the first thing to go on your favorite console? I look forward to hearing your replies!
  3. So at this point, everybody knows the recommended classes for the four starting villagers. But it seems like everybody forgets that there's another villager out there: Atlas. What's his best starting class? I kinda want to go Cavalier with him, but is that a good idea overall?
  4. Stahl, because there's no way he wouldn't do it. WCWY want for a congressman/woman?
  5. Funny this should come up now. Today is actually my first day back home after a short vacation at Disney's Old Key West resort in Orlando. I have to say, most of my fondest Disney memories are tied to places and not movies. However, if I had to list a favorite Disney movie, it would have to be Mary Poppins. This movie is so near and dear to me, that, well, there's only one word to express how much I like it (and I'm sure we all already know what that is). I also really liked the (to borrow a videogame word) gaiden to Mary Poppins, an excellent, thought-provoking film called Saving Mr. Banks.
  6. I like your story. However, since story is more my department and you seem to have that covered pretty well, I can only really be useful for critique. Unless you need help with character development or supports. Nice characters, though! Just three sentences and they sound a lot more interesting than the protagonists of most recent Fire Emblem games. I look forward to seeing how you develop them.
  7. Dart. He could help me with the map. WCWY want to marry your little sister?
  8. OK, Erren, I really like your character, but as I believe I mentioned in the original post, the timeframe for this RP is the 1850s. In the 1850s, we didn't have the medical ability necessary to diagnose autism, and the three wrestlers you mentioned hadn't been born yet. Maybe I should have made the timeframe a little clearer. Sorry!
  9. One thing I probably should have mentioned in the OP: there's a deadline. I will stop taking sign-ups at midnight on Friday, May 5th, Eastern Time. If there are not at least four sign-ups by that time, then unfortunately, this RP won't be happening. That's plenty of time if there's enough interest though. So, when this thing actually starts, the actual RP will be taking place in a new, clean thread. I might add a bit more in this thread later with a few more detailed rules and guidelines, once i get those figured out. I'll also start a chat thread. In the meantime, anybody got a good name idea? Something better than "Shipwrecked"? I would still appreciate any constructive criticism, even from people who don't intend to join the RP. I'll go ahead and edit the OP with the deadline information.
  10. Elise, so she would start acting like the adult she technically is. WCWY murder in a game of Mafia?
  11. OK, so before I say anything else, let me get this out of the way: I do not have a lot of experience with RPs. This is just an idea I had that I thought might be fun. If it turns out that there are any glaring issues with the presentation and whatnot, then that is all it will ever be: just another one of Sully's stupid, half-witted ideas. So don't take this too seriously (at least at first). Now that that disclaimer is out of the way, let's start with the basics. This RP will focus on a group of castaways trying to survive on an uncharted island, similar to the books Robinson Crusoe, and The Swiss Family Robinson, or the movie Castaway. The timeframe is the 1850s. The passenger schooner H.M.S. Gazelle is sailing through the Indian Ocean on its way to Australia when a large storm suddenly strikes and throws the ship off course. The Gazelle is tossed around in the midst of the sea until it is smashed against some rocks and begins to sink. While this is happening, land is sighted, and the order is given to abandon ship. However, only a few of the passengers make it to the shore alive. On shore, those who survived the wreck must now survive the challenges presented by life on an uncharted island. Untreatable diseases, lack of clean food and water, and the psychological weight of tragedy and survivor's guilt. The silver lining: the island is a tropical paradise, with many diverse species and interesting resources that, if utilized properly, can help sustain human life. So, hopefully, we can have some fun with that concept. Here are some things that will make this RP a little more interesting: No dedicated sign-up time! You can pretty much jump in and out at any time. If you're joining in, you just need to come up with a story about how you got stuck on the island. If you're taking a break for a spell, come up with an excuse for why your character won't be around for a while. If you're quitting outright, then come up with a gut-wrenching way for your character to die. You can come and go at pretty much any time you want. Talk about anything with fellow islanders! While there will be a few plot-related moments throughout the RP, in the meantime you can talk about pretty much whatever you want as you get to know your fellow castaways better. Just remember to keep your conversation in context. Also, if there is something big and plot-related going on, please save any more frivolous conversation for afterwards. I'll try to ensure that the story doesn't interfere too much though. Contribute to the plot with a unique character and unique talents! I'm not trying to be the GM or anything. Once we get this started, we'll set a recurring date (something like "every other Tuesday" or "the 10th of every month") where one of the players will get to come up with the next major plot conflict. We will then work to resolve this issue, using each of our character's experiences and skills to determine the best course of action. Here are some rules I wanna lay down real quick: Be kind and courteous - so just try to avoid doing things for the sake of annoying others, bringing up things out of context, etc. all the things you wouldn't do in any other RP. I'll be mediating a bit, but I don't think this will be much of a problem because of how understanding I'm sure most of you are! OK, I'll stop patronizing now. Don't let the adventure end - if I look at this RP and decide that it is going nowhere (or going in the wrong direction), then hallelujah! A British warship will find us and rescue us. While I'm sure our characters would be relieved, that also means the game is over. Meaning no more fun. That, of course, all depends on whether or not this RP actually is fun, which still has yet to be determined. If the aforementioned case is about to arise, be certain I will give you a few warnings before ending things off. OK, now for characters! I'm going to go ahead and set a max limit of 10 characters for now, but if people actually like this, then I will make room for more later in the story. I will stop taking sign-ups at midnight on Friday, May 5th, Eastern Time. If there are not at least four sign-ups by that time, then unfortunately, this RP won't be happening. That's plenty of time if there's enough interest though. This game has no stats, just a few bio details will be fine. Remember that the timeframe is the 1850's and that the Gazelle is a British ship setting sail from an English port. Here is your Master Character Creation Template: Character Name: Any name Character Gender: Any gender Character Age: Any age Character Occupation/Job: So what the character is proficient at/used to do for a living Character Description: Describe the character's personality, character flaws, and little quirks, as well as their physical appearance. Character Backstory: No need to get too detailed, you can tell us your whole life story as the RP progresses if that's what you'd like. How Character got to the island: So the story of how your character got here. For the first few players to join, it should probably be tied to the shipwreck of the Gazelle, but after that you can pretty much make up whatever you want. Remember that the timeframe is the 1850's and that the Gazelle is a British ship setting sail from an English port. So here is my character: Character Name: Joseph Wilson Character Gender: Male Character Age: 23 Character Occupation/Job: Chaplain Character Description: Young, inexperienced minister with a heart for helping others and a strong dislike for argument. Doesn't care much for preaching and is generally misinformed on religious matters, but still a nice guy to be around. Has a tall frame, with brown hair and green eyes. Character Backstory: Grew up in the English countryside. Recently graduated from seminary, due to his low academic performance he has only been recommended as a prison chaplain, which happens to be something in high demand in Australia at the time. How Character got to the island: On his way to Australia aboard the H.M.S. Gazelle, he is caught up in the middle of the aforementioned storm and thrown overboard. Despite being unable to swim, he still somehow winds up on the shore of the island, bruised and beaten but still alive. So, I think that just about wraps it up. The actual RP won't be starting for another day or so, and maybe not at all if I get enough negative feedback. Once again, refer to the disclaimer at the beginning of the post. I'm open to any constructive criticism, and I am willing to alter this post or scrap this RP entirely if there are any serious problems with it. That said, if you don't have a problem and would like to join, feel free to submit your character below. I look forward to starting an adventure with all of ya'll!
  12. How should I manage grinding in this game? Since everybody has such low growths and they already gain a bunch of stats upon promotion, is there any purpose to leveling them up other than to get them to their promoting level? Since the Villagers can promote right away, should I even bother with leveling them when units like Lukas need some EXP to be able to promote? Basically, what I'm wondering is should I prioritize giving levels to the weakest units like in every other Fire Emblem, or is the strategy different here?
  13. I've currently got the old 2DS, but this looks like a great improvement. I wonder when it will start selling used?
  14. Final Fantasy V and VI- I actually got my 3DS partly out of hoping that these games would be remade for it. Final Fantasy 3 and 4 had beautiful remakes on the DS so I figured these two would follow. Especially considering that FF6 is considered by many to be the greatest RPG of all time, it could definitely use a remake. I know Square Enix is busy with remaking FF7 at this point and that the 3DS isn't as viable of a system as it used to be, but I'd definitely love to see these coming out sometime soon.
  15. Wow, that's... young. Especially considering that Nino has a romantic support with a serial killer. Oh well. Can't fight canon. I'll edit my list.
  16. I never played FE6 (just read the dialogue) so thanks for mentioning that. I will adjust.
  17. I still think this game is going to do great, but this whole "end of 3ds lifespan" thing worries me. I mean, don't the majority of Fire Emblem fans have a 3DS? All those people who bought Fates and Awakening did.
  18. So, I'm working on a story that takes place between FE7 and FE6, and I've had to put together a list of character ages. Here it is: Since only a few of the units in the game have official ages, most of these are just guesses really. For those of you who want to add on, I'm using North American ages at the time of Eliwood's journey.
  19. Yeah, totally! Everything is awesomer with LEGOs! If I had to pick a specific set I'd like to see, it would have to be the Dragon's Gate from FE7 (with a buildable fire dragon). But they need to come out with LEGO Zelda and LEGO Final Fantasy before that...
  20. The rolling hills of Amelia, VA. I actually live across the street from the house where the man who supposedly fired the first shot of the Civil War killed himself after the war ended. Aside from that, pretty normal countryside.
  21. When the game allows you to grind to get a character to incredible strength, and then kills them off without warning (R.I.P. Aerith). I actually love this from a storytelling standpoint, but from a gameplay standpoint, it's really frustrating. At least be civil and give the player a replacement character with the same stats, like with Galuf in Final Fantasy V or Ninian in Fire Emblem. I also don't like it when a game breaks immersion. That would be when in Fire Emblem Awakening after you-know-who dies. While you're supposed to be on the run from Plegia's goons and feeling awful down, you can still go around grinding and having cheerful support conversations. I prefer how Sacred Stones is realistic about it right after the Ghost Ship chapter. You can't grind like normal because you're stuck at sea in a ship. Duh.
  22. Unless it's Fire Emblem, I usually play all the way up to the last chapter, and then quit. For some reason, that feels rewarding to me. Like in Super Mario Galaxy, I collected every one of the game's stars, and then put it back in its case before the final Bowser fight. I suppose someday when I'm feeling bored, I'll probably just pull the game out and finish it, but until then, I'm in suspense as to how it actually ends.
  23. Happy Easter everybody! I grew up in a very religious family, so Easter has always been a day centered around church and related activities for me. We would usually get all of our "pagan" traditions (egg hunting and intensive candy eating) out of the way the day before. I have a lot of great memories of both days, however, and I'm looking forward to many more great Easters in the years ahead. Plus, I know what to say when people randomly approach you on the street and say "He is risen!" He is risen indeed!
  24. Wish I could help you, but... I'm kinda in the same situation. There is one piece of advice I can give you, though. Don't typify yourself just because you're different mentally from most others. Just because you have Asperger's doesn't mean you can't relate to women the way other men would. As someone who deals with a lot of Asperger's-like problems myself, I've noticed that often the thing that keeps me from forming good relationships is the concept that I have to do things differently due to my mentality. However, in the long run, a woman who is unwilling to deal with your natural eccentricities isn't a woman you should consider spending the rest of your life with anyway. Oh, and one more piece of advice that is not mine, but comes from a good friend of mine with lots of experience. If you want friendly, kindhearted young women to notice you, then treat all women with a lot of respect, especially women you would never be physically attracted to, like sisters, mothers, or women who are way out of your age range. This is one thing women tend to notice, and it may cause your woman of choice to label you as a "nice guy" without even having to talk to you, making any future communication much easier. Then again, I have yet to test it out myself, so take that with a grain of salt.
  25. FE4. Binding Blade could use a remake and Western release, sure, but when it comes to actual gameplay mechanics, it's not very different from the newer games. I see the Echoes series as being IS's way of testing out old concepts on the newer fans. With SoV, they're experimenting with explorable dungeons and villages, different character interactions, and alternate weapon and skill systems. A Genealogy remake could show off that game's iconic giant maps, love system, and storytelling. Then, depending on how players react to these differences, they could be further implemented in future FE games. If FE4 does become the next remake, I would expect it to be the last FE game to be released on the 3DS, before focusing on the GBA games in what could potentially be a completely different subseries. I don't see much of a future for Thracia, except maybe as DLC for this hypothetical FE4 remake.
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