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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I'm not going to say he was a great man. He was pretty hasty to jump to war, and was one of the biggest drum beaters when it came to invading Iraq, which almost everyone seems to agree was an awful idea in hindsight. But I also voted for Hillary this last election, who was also a big war hawk during that same time period, and I can't go "But he wanted war!", then immediately try to act like somebody I supported was much better when they did the same thing. I don't think his missteps should be forgotten or forgiven, but his missteps were at least in-line with damn near every politician(Even democrats were frothing at the mouth to rain hot death on innocent, impoverished brown children in the middle east after 9/11) during his worst moments. As bad as McCain could be, he was rarely ever worse than the bar. And these days he was generally quite a bit better than the bar, at least as far as his political peers were concerned, and he refused to sink to their level on quite a few instances. And anyone who makes an enemy with the Cheeto in Chief is somewhat alright in my book. I certainly think celebrating his death is in poor taste. I'm not going to really take grievances with the people who think his negatives far outweighed his positives(Since I'm pretty much in the same boat), but yeah. Celebration is not at all what I think is right here. Doesn't help that anyone with legitimate issues against him is going to be lumped in with the same people celebrating because he said mean things about ihr Fuhrer.
  2. Disagreed with him a bunch, but I'll respect him for usually sticking to his beliefs and morals. He wasn't one that just followed party lines blindly, even if his personal politics still usually lined up with them. Which shouldn't be impressive as it is, but seeing manginas like Paul Ryan bend over backwards to stick to Trump's agenda after huffing and puffing makes it a rarity. RIP
  3. Axes are already an instrument. As for swords? Don't know. But I'm sure somebody could make one into a xylophone or something.
  4. I suspect they might reveal Banjo and Kazooie as their last reveal. Microsoft and Nintendo have been playing nice with each other lately, and I'm sure Microsoft is aware that Nintendo's been treating other publishers/developers well with Smash. Banjo(And to a lesser extent, Conker) is kind of the last big Nintendo-associated icon that they haven't pulled yet, even if Nintendo no longer holds the rights to Banjo, and I'm sure Sakurai is aware of how much Banjo is wanted. Plus, Microsoft doing this would be a sign of good faith to Banjo fans. Also, Nintendo's going to have to start prepping the N64 Classic soon. If they don't get Microsoft on board to let them re-release some Rare classics, that's kind of a gimped system. They can't even get Diddy Kong Racing without their permission. DK64 is just about the only Rare game they could release on the thing, and that's arguably their weakest release on the N64. It could just not happen, but I could absolutely see it being their "One more thing" on the last Direct for Smash.
  5. Every time there's a scandal in Washington(Or in this case, like, 5 scandals), it always reveals that the idea that conservatives are the "fiscally responsible" ones is total bullshit. Yeah. Sure. Conservatives don't like spending money. As long as it's their own. If they can spend YOUR money? They sure as hell will, no matter how illegal it may be.
  6. Do you know where I can find some sailors?
  7. It sucks that my two most wanted characters right now are Isaac and Erdrick, since yeah, two swordies. Third would be Skull Kid and fourth would be Geno, but Skull Kid is a long shot(I just think he'd have a REALLY fun moveset, and his Final Smash is a no-brainer) and Geno's Squeenix(And obscure). So really all of my top picks that are left now that K. Rool is in the game all have problems to some degree.
  8. I'd be happy if Erdrick from DQ was in. It might help drum up DQ interest in the west, too, so I could see Squeenix going for it.
  9. It's not so much that Cohen pleading guilty and incriminating Trump, and Manafort getting convicted reveal anything, but it removes virtually ANY wiggle room the Trump Humpers have when discussing the topic of whether Trump actually committed crimes. There's no reasonable doubt now. They'll either have to admit that Trump did commit crimes, or that Trump didn't actually hire the best people like he said. And since it's harder to convince them that Trump is fallible and can make wrong decisions, we now will get tons of "Well so what if he committed a crime?" Which is terrible for a lot of reasons, but also really funny.
  10. They actually have a level of care and polish put into them. Just look at the 3DS game. You'll immediately notice something wrong.
  11. K. Rool should be above DK. In every game, it's at least a team effort for DK with Diddy backing him up taking down K. Rool. DK64(Last time we saw K. Rool) amps it up to crazy levels, where it takes five Kongs, including DK, fighting one after another to deal with K. Rool. And it was a boxing match, so the argument of "Oh, well K. Rool doesn't really know how to fight" doesn't add up. And even then he's still up and ready to go after Chunky Kong knocks him on his ass.
  12. Bold move. Now there'll be more context to all the people shitposting about Fire Emblem looking like Langrisser. Them's good games, though.
  13. So like. There's no doubt that Trump is guilty as fuck, right? Even if he does everything he can to stop this investigation and any charges against him and gets off scot free, his hands are redder than a baboon's ass. A baboon's ass that he probably groped.
  14. Fair. ZS Samus and Falcon are definitely fighters, though.
  15. To be fair, Link also got his ass kicked by Bongo Bongo. True enough on the Stalfos, but multiple Stalfos/Lizalfos are also generally treated as a "trial" for Link in at least two dungeons as well. He can do it, but contextually it's considered a challenge. Basically what we see out of Sheik/Zelda is that she's not as strong as Link or Ganondorf, which is to be expected. But she manages on her own when she's not presented with things that would be a challenge for Link. Aside from I think Nabooru(Who goes toe to toe with adult Link) and Link, Sheik is the only person in Future Hyrule shown to be capable of traversing it.
  16. Well, she's specifically OoT Zelda. All we saw of her as an adult outside of her Sheik abilities is her getting captured by Ganon, who is well above even Link on his own. Zelda Zelda in Smash can be anyone from A Link Between Worlds Zelda(Current) and Twilight Princess Zelda(Brawl/4), who, yeah. They don't poses any combat abilities outside of potentially some magic. It got weird in Brawl when it was TP Zelda turning into Sheik, but I'd argue that since Sheik is a OoT only thing, Sheik is OoT Zelda, who is pretty likely to have gotten actual serious combat training from Impa. Compare Sheik to everyone else in Future Hyrule. Almost everyone else is scared shitless of just going outside. Zelda as Sheik doesn't mind going to the most dangerous areas, though she leaves a lot of the heavy lifting to Link. We do see her go up against Bongo Bongo, and she gets handled pretty badly, but it also did the same to Link. Yeah, Samus is supposed to be powerless without the Varia, but I think that's supposed to be relative to her with the Varia, which is very powerful. Losing her suit doesn't remove her Chozo DNA and military training, however, which would easily make her combat trained. Nope, no actual bounty hunter-ing in the games, but it's what he does for an actual living. There is this, though: However, this isn't the Douglas Falcon who we all know as Captain Falcon. But it shows the Falcon Punch is a force to be reckoned with.
  17. Sheik(While not explicitly stated, it's pretty likely that she's been trained by Impa for those 7 years, giving her abilities to get around Ganon-fucked Hyrule and aid Link), ZS Samus(Chozo and military trained, highly athletic bounty hunter even without her Varia Suit) and Captain Falcon(Also a bounty hunter) should be at the very least in the "trained for combat" tier.
  18. Any fan of Canas is a friend of mine, so welcome.
  19. This is true, but Pokemon hasn't declined severely. The most severe decline in sales was from GS to RS, where the series lost about 7 million in sales(From 23 million that GS sold to 16 million), and actually picked up again for DP, and the series continues to hover around 16 million in sales with each gen. Its prime has likely passed, but it's not so extreme that it'd be that significant. A terrible, unplayable mess like HYP! might have sold just over 1 million as opposed to just under 2 million. Nintendo's not going to be hurting in either scenario, and any publisher would be thrilled to have a game that bad sell that well.
  20. People know what a turd is. Hey You, Pikachu! sold 2 million copies despite costing way more than your typical N64 game(Which was already expensive), and the N64 in total only selling about 30 million units. Oh, and that game was virtually unplayable and had about 30 minutes of content in it. But it was Pokemon so people bought it. A small handful of misses in a giant bag of hits doesn't disprove that the Pokemon name is nearly synonymous with massive sales.
  21. Nobody knew what the hell Pokemon Channel even was. I'm still not really sure what it is.
  22. It's a Pokemon game. You could sell a turd with Pokemon trademarks on it and it'd fly off the shelves.
  23. Surf being fast doesn't negate the water routes in Hoenn being nearly universally uninteresting and tedious, and the things you have to do in water, being repetitive. This isn't like the Swift Sail in Wind Waker HD, where you actually WANTED to be in the water a lot of the time and fast speeds helped considerably. "Just use these items that make you not encounter Pokemon in a Pokemon game for a large chunk of the game because the Pokemon, like the routes, are also incredibly limited and repetitive" Still doesn't fix the problem. See: 3 I don't remember Diamond and Pearl being as bad, but saying "Oh, it wasn't as bad as the most generic Pokemon game in the series" isn't a glowing defense. The 7.8 is accurate. A modern score for a modern Pokemon game that lines up with the original scores of the original Pokemon game. The complaint of too much water is accurate. Even if a lot of it is optional, it makes it so roughly half of the map is just something nobody wants to set foot... flipper in. A Pokemon game with a map that is half nothing is a poor Pokemon game.
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