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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. It hasn't aged very well I'd say. The camera angles are bad, the translation is flawed, I'm surprised the story is heralded as "good" after seeing it for myself, and the gameplay is sloooooooooow. To be fair, compared to Fire Emblem all the FFTs are molasses buried in quicksand sitting in a swamp if you ask me, but the original is glacial. It doesn't have the somewhat-charming lineup of fantasy races which the various classes are divvied among in the Advance games either.
  2. That, and the "combat sim" holograms were solely Prone IIRC, since how many hologram models is Monolith going to make for one short cutscene? I'd say changing the "mortal enemies" line makes more sense. Though perhaps Monolith didn't want to weigh down her introduction with too many words. What I find weirder when I think about it, is what Elma must've seen. No Prone uses anything like the weapons of Blades, was it a weird "anything goes" combat simulator or was there an attempt at realism? I should mention people have different widths and heights, Rex is shorter than a typical Prone (who must have height variation, but understandable laziness of models means we see the same one model of one height repeated every time in XCX). Elma wasn't being brainwashed/mind-tripped, which would make her being deceived seem more realistic than holograms. Were they on slightly separated planes of existence and none of their attacks actually hit each other? Each fighting but a harmless "ghost" conjured up by the Archsage, the XC2 Prone phantoms carrying out attacks totally unrelated to the character beneath the illusion? Wrapping my brain around this is... difficult.🧐 And I shouldn't try, because, fanservice.😇
  3. Are you referring to the Special Performances, or to EP, the stuff you use for ordinary skills? SP is slowly replenished with every Session you trigger. You can instantly replenish all HP & EP outside of dungeons via ordering food or a vending machine drink.
  4. Not to mention after the good charismatic first ruler, things might not be so good. Marth can probably prepare a single good heir, but at some point, I can't help but envision the various remote provinces becoming the bases from which second sons and mutinous generals decide to launch their bids for the throne. I'm not so concerned about the people's will. These aren't democracies, they aren't citizens, thats a modern notion, they're illiterate subjects. They don't need to sign off on what the guys living the high life do, they're... subject to what the crowned heads want. Although local nobles can be witches when it comes to telling monarchs to "respect the customs and traditional privileges which they have long held and prior rulers have respected". Hungary's Magyars were nothing but an ulcer to Austria's Hapsburgs. Khadein is not a kingdom, how could it be when it is ruled by a Pontifex? It remains independent at the end of Mystery. The seventh is Talys, founded only thirty years before Marth made it his easternmost dominion. Do ya really need to? Series 1 is junk for story. It's "oh no, the magic cards went wild!" and thats about it. Not to mention you have to choose your timing for these, which isn't clear-cut for a bunch of them, and the Grandmaster set is grind-heavy. Even if it's the "best" DLC in FE, I'd say skip it all.
  5. Different people say different things of the same character. In Eirika's case of a lack of displayed emotion, here is what @Alastor15243 said once: "So of course, Eirika decides to head off on a rescue mission to bring Ephraim back, despite having never actually been in a real battle before in her life. Now. On one hand, I can totally imagine a character doing this. It's a rash, stupid, but entirely understandable emotional decision. She's just lost her father. She only has her brother left, and he could die any day now. She would rather risk almost certain death than simply leave her brother to die, leaving her without any family left at all. I totally get that. ...Or I could, if she displayed even the slightest bit of emotional motivation here. But she's just so... reserved. Calm. Polite. It makes it feel like this is a decision she's made calmly and rationally, which feels... utterly surreal." Not saying I agree, I'm simply offering you another opinion on the matter.
  6. I thought FE1 staffs healed for only their base value, and magic attacks used solely Tome Mt, no Str involved?
  7. Actually...: "Uhhhh, well i found out that you can't actually get Shulk and Fiora until you beat the game. Technically, you do get them upon entering the Land of Challenge but you can't actually bring them out until you complete the Dino Drama challenge, which doesn't unlock until you complete the game. Elma, on the other hand, can be obtained from Ch.6 and onwards as long as you have activated the Nopon Summons pt.2 from the DLC menu." I never deleted the message log wherein you said this to me on April 10th of last year. I got Elma ASAP via Custom cheese with mandatory Corvin hit & run. I used her thoroughly, up to and including the final battle. I'm thinking Finch is your spirit-Blade. I'm unsure what mine would be.
  8. This is in the NES-SNES forum. I understand how you could be a little confused by what they wrote, but they're referring to FE1, not 11. --- I think I remember reading somewhere the best way to level Wrys/Lena/Maria/Elice is to find a chapter with a fort and a thief. Plop the staffbot on the fort, and somehow get it so the thief constantly attacks them. 40 EXP per turn, thieves supposedly have such low Atk that with Fort healing the healer will be fine as the turns pass. As for whether it is worth doing. Well, Wrys has a 20% chance of getting HP, but otherwise the only stats they can get (except for Elice) are Spd, Lck, and Weapon Level. They barely need Weapon Level procs, so they really only gain in two stats. And promoting them, due to how it works I think, would bring them to the performance of Boah and Wendel. Hammerne comes late and there is little lost swapping in her for when you need it. But otherwise, mind you I'm looking from afar because I've merely versed myself with SF's information on FE1 and haven't played it myself, Wendel and Boah obsolete the three first tier staffers.
  9. I don't remember where I read it (538 in the days after the election?), nor the exact statistic, but I think I saw it said somewhere that in the past 70 years, only twice has the party in power in the House (or was it the party of the sitting President?) not lost seats in the midterm elections. Considering the Democrats are holding on to House control by a thread... 😬. And here, after the 2018 midterms, the Blue Wave was heralded by enthusiastic optimists to suggest that the House was practically destined to Democrat forevermore.
  10. I'd say the same of Awakening and Fates. Chrom making one tiny reference to being aware of Fates in yore is just a repeat of his DLC babble from Awakening, and should not be taken the in the least bit seriously. Because, besides that quip, there is no connection, and if the connection is not "real, felt, affecting one or both of the worlds", it might as well not exist, so good riddance with it. https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2018/06/10/making-of-fe-does-page-81-confirm-priam-is-ikes-lineal-descendant-also-japanese-fe-fan-opinions/ And yes, it is possible to be a descendant, but not a direct descendant. I think the word to describe Marth in relation to Anri that he is a "collateral" descendant. Though I'm not versed in genealogical terminology.
  11. Bloody Lobsters would have to be one weak band of assassins (I forget VasaraPerceval's Blade Quest). The Blood Lobster wasn't exactly the smartest in their placement of the bombs, who is going to be around on a rooftop or at the edge of an unfinished section of road? The casualties from many of the bombs would be nil. You could argue convincingly that the BL sought terror over deaths, but what is more effective than death in inducing fear? Blood Lobster wasn't exactly sane, and it was supposed to be a "find the hidden objects" quest, so I shouldn't overthink it.
  12. Isn't it the other way around? Cloud is obsessed with Seph, not Seph with Cloud. Who chased who for the entirety of the first half of VII original? Seph has his plans, and Cloud is just a brat who violated Seph's personal space once and refuses to leave him alone since.
  13. Because, we didn't grow giant horns, we didn't grow big fantails of feathers, we don't dedicate ourselves to elaborate songs and dances, we don't arrange a meticulous circular nest of rocks and shells in the sands of the continental shelf. We too have grown conscientious consciousnesses towards each other, the better members of our species thus refuse to partake of carnal acts without the other's consent. Humanity has neither strict biologically-programmed courtship routines, nor a positive outlook towards the utterly barbaric and evil act known as rape. Thank our creative freedom granted by our big brains for the former, thank our development of morality -which is an objective good- for the latter. I think I can understand you from a certain perspective. I want to say I'm asexual, but I have enough evidence possible to the contrary that I don't believe I can rule out being a sexual creature without a trial run or three. I'm introspective, I've never had friends (which could be evidence I have no interest in a mate), and I could never bring myself to using a dating website or one-night-stand app, but it's annoying I can't make a definitive judgement on this. I just wish I could snap my fingers right before or after a shower and instantly a totally naked person of average or better sexiness would appear and we'd embrace right there. Maybe my concerns the touching and the fluids and the penetration would gross me out would be validated on the first run, maybe the first time would be too charged for me to recognize my real thoughts, maybe I'd need to try a couple more times to experience different forms of activity. Maybe it'd take ten times or however many to get past the allure of something never having been experienced before and seeing if my "libido" remains when it becomes commonplace. Why can't I be satisfied with the Socratic Method, and instead desire empirical evidence? And why can't this matter be as easily empirically answered as deciding whether or not I like the taste of apples smothered in caramel?
  14. Although Medeus has the epithet "Shadow Dragon" in SD, he's only an Earth Dragon. Come Mystery, he has been reborn full of naught but rage and stronger than ever, hence his promotion to a real Shadow Dragon and hence he shed the weakness to the heavenly dragons he used to have. Why is the tooth of a Divine Dragon still effective when a living one is not? I do not know, but if the opposite of Earth is Heaven and Divine = Heaven. But the opposite of Light is Dark, and Falchion is the Blade of Light while a Divine Dragon is not a Light Dragon? Maybe?😅 Correct. The PS2 port of VJ declared Alastor is the spirit of Dante's sword. I timestamped it to right before their little talk. This means VJ and DMC exist in the same world. And because Wonderful 101 has Wonderful Bayonetta and Wonder Pink mentions being on the phone with Sylvia once, it's four worlds that are one.
  15. I counted 35, thats very small. Gaiden has 15-17 units per side, Genealogy 24 per generation, but in terms of an entire "normal" game, only Sacred Stones without including the Creature Campaign has a smaller roster, at 33. Not sure on 3H in practice, it has more characters in total then Berwick, but route exclusives could dip it below BS quite possibly. Character interconnectedness sounds like it could be a little fun if you wanted the wolf axe and were deciding who you would offer to Gerxel (or whatevs the evil god is called) for it. Blonde Lordy is an obvs no, Blue "Incest" is impossible, Brown Beauty comes so late she should be spared solely because if you're gonna go for the axe, why not get it pronto?
  16. Why is the Eryth Sea covered in coral thats not in water? Because, Monolith has yet to figure out how to extend their wonderful open(ish) worlds to under the seas. Therefore, if they want to represent the aquatic aspect of the natural world, they have to bring things that look fishy out of the fresh and saline depths. As for the White Phosphor Lake Filiavents, extremophile organisms, including tube worms -which aren't microorganisms- : exist thousands of yards and tons of pressure under the ocean by hydrothermal vents. Who is to say the Filiavents haven't adapted to thrive on the chemical soup the lake consists of? Also, there is one unusually small Filiavent at the Ensanguined Font in Noctilum. And, out of a little curiosity, I only just noticed what the Japanese for Tyrant is. Spelled in Katakana, it's either "Obado" or "Overed", which apparently has no better translation. Unique Monsters, also written in Katakana, are called the English words "Unique Monsters" in Japanese. Overed sounds bad. Is it supposed to be enemies that are "over the power" of the common enemies? Or is this a bad transliteration of the English word "Overlord"? Overlord would explain the choice to rename them Tyrants, but why did the localizers change it to Tyrant then, "Overlord" sounded too dramatic?
  17. Filiiavents (which are actually Piscinoids, not Insectoids like Germivores, they're not imitation flowers, they're gargantuan sea anemones) don't appear in Oblivia in the final game. There are giant things in the Ibra Ravine (and Sea Whisper Valley?) which look kinda like them, but they're all harmless plants. Would've been great for one of them to appear in Oblivia around that area during some form of weather. There was a level 32 Simius Tyrant in Primordia that got dropped from the final game, their name would've translated as "Bruno, the Iron Fist".
  18. Well if you're hunter-gatherers wandering around hunting things, eventually you're going to encounter animals doing everything. From hunting, to dumping, to humping, to birthing, to suckling, to dying. Cheese and yogurt are hypothesized to have originated when travelers went about with milk in a potable container, perhaps an animal stomach with some of the enzymes necessary for cheesemaking. The travelers got thirsty after a few hours, went for a drink, and discovered their liquid refreshment had gotten turned into a clumpy mess, but a delicious mess. Beer would've originated from having a harvest of wheat or other grains laying around for a few days, no refrigeration, and natural good yeast in the air. All you needed was someone courageous enough to sample the resulting liquid. This reminds me: ...Why do I feel the "it would likely prove" is hiding an "it was"?
  19. Frosties just don't taste like what Five Guys' offers at all, or that I could find anywhere else. I think they're supposed to be milkshakes, but they're taste so terribly fake that I do not consider them the real thing in the slightest. And to think I once liked them, I didn't know any better.
  20. 🤨 It's been years since I last had it, but forced to pick between the old big three burger chains, King is better than Mac, whose fries are overrated and has breakfast as its sole redeeming feature. Wendy projects a slightly higher quality than either of them, though I will never let my tastebuds get within five feet of the artificially flavored as duck "frosties" after experiencing real milkshakes. Considering when we know it's going to run out, I'd rather compare it to something else from XCX.: We don't have a .gif of this counting down though. Nice RexRex image BTW.
  21. The near-entirety of RD. Enemies there have but 4-7 less Res than Def on average besides a few classes (Tigers, Knights, Wyverns, Red Dragons), a gap small enough that physical units can with sufficiently strong buyable weapons basically not care. Although, RD is also saddled with slow mages and weak tomes, so it's a combination of factors that make magic quite bad in FE10. Or, you're like me who never uses it, because it's so rare. You never know when that "emergency" will strike and you're saving it for exactly then, but the crisis never comes, and so it's never touched. To be fair, I didn't burn through all my rare spell or Gambit uses all the time in 3H either, since again, you never know. I guess then if I hoard the good stuff in 3H and traditional tome FEs alike, that I'd prefer SoV. I do remember all the Warp-Rescue fun there. Or Fates, because infinite use weapons frees me to use whichever I want all the time.
  22. Hmm... Sounds like it'd be a problem if you were wearing pants, the sudden laser-charred hole and all. If theres a girl in a skirt not wearing underwear, give them to her, or that fat guy who is a zealous nudist.
  23. Looking here on SF, it says Falchion is effective on Medeus, but doesn't say anything about other Manaketes. A Wyrmslayer is, and that'd be 18 Mt compared to the 10 of Falchion.
  24. I haven't played Persona, but it's worth noting that Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (a mainline title using the Etrian Odyssey engine that is between SMTIII: Nocturne and SMTIV, but isn't numbered) and TMS share a director- Eiji Ishida. Whereas SMT since Nocturne has used Press Turns, extra actions when you target weaknesses, Strange Journey has Co-Op Attacks instead. If you hit a weakness, the initiator shares its alignment with at least one ally, they'll team up for an additional attack. The more that participate, the more damage that is dealt. TMS could be referencing Persona's All-Out attacks, but Sessions could be a natural expansion of SJ's Co-Op Attacks instead. In addition, the materials enemies drop that you can sell for money and unlock new items and equipment in the shop in Strange Journey are called "Forma". Tack three letters on it, and you've got the term for enemy materials in TMS. And you know how the entrance to the TMS final dungeon is in a stadium? It's called the Cosmic Egg, which sounds weird, unless you know the Cosmic Eggs are the eleventh hour Macguffins necessary to radically reform the world in Strange Journey. Fortunately, TMS left out the snowy war hellscape, red light district, shopping mall, and giant garbage dump mocking humanity's sinfulness found inside a giant black hole over Antartica gradually consuming the planet of SJ. There are other SMT nods in TMS, but no others specific to SJ. Enjoy the hot chocolate. I don't mind it, but I never manage to finish mine, too much liquid for me or something. A few sips and I'm good.
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