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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Momohime is an unusual sight, though Jinkuro hogs her body and her spotlight. Muramasa could use some porting. Alfyn is a swell guy, so it's nice seeing him. Bandana Dee, Jill, and Magus (who is a little more awesome when you find out his Japanese name is just a title- Maou) are to my likings too. -- Argh... this seems like a good game, I even realized Mt. Kilimanjaro let me build a viable city in the desert with striking distance of the Aztecs and they never took the spot. Yet, I've hit a roadblock on my Rome Domination. Melee Infantry are suddenly terrible, even as Musketmen, they are bad vs. Field Cannon walled towns using a Battering Ram. And they'll probably still do poorly even with an upgrade to Infantry eventually. Field Cannons are so pricey, but I must convert to them, and luckily, they're Niter/resource free and I don't have any Niter. Lesson of the day, except in a brief Ancient-Classical period before the Medieval Crossbow and Knight, Melee Infantry are pretty terrible. I've still over 300 turns to get myself six capitals, I can blitz them later. But I think I'll play something else for now.
  2. If you consider prophecy secondhand foresight, this blurry clairvoyance idea goes back thousands of years. The Greeks of antiquity told a parable of a how a king went to the Oracle of Delphi, to ask if they should invade mighty Persia. The Oracle, through a servant, received the inquiry and responded that if he invaded, "A great kingdom will fall". The king was jubilant and immediately set out to invade Persia, only to lose everything he had. The prophecy came true, just not as the king believed it would, his kingdom fell. Correction!😜 I ain't no Lyn fan, but I will stand by the quality of this support, a friendship or romance, it's still great. I will concur the Fiora isn't exactly a good support, their similar personalities make it too bland in this instance. Fair point. His 11 stats still average well, on Hard, and I'm a little surprised on Normal too.
  3. *Declares a surprise war on you and unleashes a deluge of Winged Hussars* There is no canon, only my Bombards with "Lynwood" written on the sides. Speaking of which, fire! *Ahem* Your idea isn't bad at all, future sight isn't as powerful as time rewind. And, narratively ...this could still work. Future sight never has to be perfect, Sigurd can see himself in procession outside Belhalla, he needn't see the meteors falling, nor hear Arvis's words. He could see Deidre though, but tunnel vision obscures Arvis from the picture and him saying they're fiancées. A sweet promise so dramatically to be crushed. Sigurd could just avoid concluding that if all his visions except the one with Deidre/Belhalla are blatantly bad, that the Deidre/Belhalla one is bad too. Willful ignorance. I didn't do Larum route, but I've heard it's better than Elffin's, though the plot is the same. Elffin being playable feels better to me, even if Bartre is inferior to Echidna, and Gonzy has a much higher base level on Elffin route. Wade and Lot get two villages that give better stuff and dialogue if they visit them on Elffin route 10 too. C10 is when Thea and Klein show up with Gonz and Geese is delayed to 11, and getting the Whip and Bolt is just as bad. Elffin 11 is probably easier and with inferior design, but NPC civilians you can protect for an Energy Ring are present for a hint of uniqueness.
  4. Uhh... you DID finish Torna, right?😛 Fine, take your golden route, but b/c it involved excessive time-travel Byleth ages into a prune at the end and only by a miracle is reborn as a 6-year-old with all their memories eradicated. The teacher becomes the student. But it's hard to not want a Torna-quality DLC deal. For all the corners they cut on it -the other two Titans Malos sunk are totally and mostly ignored respectively to name one- it was still an excellent addition. Torna and everything else in the XC2 DLC was worth it Corvin > Torna, shame I can't say that of most of this DLC deal. I want the new characters, but the price for them when the DLC has little else of substance, I find myself soberly pulled back from the temptation of spending for it. I preferred the non-warp side of that map. The warp could've been worse, but the inability to see where you'd end up when using a tile was annoying. Still, fix that and I'm good. Whats the problem with Danger Mario? You're always at full health.😎 DLC you have to spend extra for, it's understandable why developers would be inclined to make them stronger, to justify the additional cost. Sure Mewtwo in Smash 4 wasn't very powerful, they didn't have to be being popular, but then go and look at broken Bayonetta.
  5. Nope. Just this tantalizing speculation.: PetrineThe hawk king is not always at her side. Plus, as you know, the Black Knight is in possession of warp powder. If someone of his might has the ability to appear and disappear at will, it may be that he is without equal...W-with the exception of Your Majesty, of course!! I... I mean...AshnardHa ha. I will have to test that someday...But not today. It's not often that one finds a tool as useful as he is. However, in RD, this is said in the Extended Script: So, Ashy saw the BK as at least strong enough to possibly kill him in potential betrayal.
  6. I didn't notice the Direct drought, but I have noticed that Nintendo has no significant games, other than Animal Crossing, with a definitive release window right now. They need to fix this, without rushing things of course.
  7. Wait, she's DLC3, not DLC4 on the SF spell page? Either way will she able to OHKO Demon Beast lifebars with her strongest spell? Be it Now we're going to have to figure out which maps classify as indoors or outdoors. Although I'm inclined to think that 3H favors outdoors, not good for her. Going off of memory, for indoorsy maps... Then we have a gray zone, the Mach attack/defend fight- what do they count as? What about the lava map- RD said its was indoors, what about 3H? Or, does terrain determine what is indoors and outdoors? Does standing on dirt count as outdoors, but a tile/stairs indoors? What about battles in cities/bridges/forts that are outdoors? So yeah, definitely assume for now this is more a good Abyss Mode buff and not so good main game buff.
  8. "Most"? Lysanity Ingridiron Sexy Sylvainia Edelangel with a Faith bane. Balthus, controversial painter of females. Yep, everyone has it. Also, Hapi's Banshee is slightly better on Demon Beasties than Seraphim, assuming triple effectiveness being given by her Personal.
  9. I'd agree with this. For prior FE lords, you have Marthians/Marthalikes/Marth-esque lords, regal and usually mild- Marth, Alm possibly, Seliph, Leif, Roy, Eliwood, and even Sigurd should probably fall here, he isn't bellicose. Then you had the females, who were generally kind and disliking war, despite the differences between them. And, you had Hector and Ephraim, who are the closest thing to Ike personality-wise, and you could possibly lump them together, making Ike not so new. Though Hector actually has some regality and accepts his lordly role, while I'd say Ephraim is usually more bellicose than Ike, besides accepting royal role too. Of course, Ike has differences between his PoR and RD selves, which complicates things. PoR Ike is the brasher and more openly emotive of the two, RD lke is more stoic; one starts as the underdog, the other the praised champion. Then, I'm convinced we get a synthesis in Chrom, the physique and martial prowess of Ike was wed to the lordly Marthian. Of course, we already kinda had that with Sigurd, Hector, and Ephraim, ...but Chrom is new formulation of it. ...But, does Ephraim lose some bellicosity as he settles into being King of Renais by the end of SS? Hector I'd say would, but Chrom starts without this bellicosity, so does that make him different. And by "bellicosity", I mean more than just a love to train, which Ike has, I mean a desire to do more than that. But how I do truly prove/disprove this Ephraim and Hector? ...I'm getting confused now. Disagreeing on the tomes. Fire is fine for doubling Chapter P&1 enemies, since most use -18 AS Axes to his -12 AS Fire, AS can be negative in FE4, and Azelle only needs a one point lead to double. When Lances show up in Chapter 2, so does Thunder, bringing Azelle up to Speed there. It's Swords alone and maybe some Bows which he'll struggle with doubling. The argument I once heard is that yes, you do have to dump early stat boosters, but because she is the first flier, she is worth it. Once given these special investments ASAP, she'll be able to start building momentum and do well, and do well with the precious unrestrained mobility of a flier. But, considering a base level 4 Tana is more or less identical to a level 7 Vanessa, and how late most "early" stat boosters come, I don't see Vanessa being awesome. Ephraim Mode Cormag is another nail for her. At base, he nearly doubles her level 9 Str, can shrink her AS lead to 2 when both use Iron Lances, has 4 more Def, and his Res vs. Mogalls can be fixed with Pure Water/Barrier. Maaaaaybe if you rig a lot of Str/Spd procs for Vanessa as part of semi-LTC play I can see her being amazing, but who would normally do that? It's unfair anyhow.
  10. Has any other ToS for something "reputable" ever included a statement like Article 12-2? That sounds like something that should condemn you to PR 🔥👹. Game Freak, what are you doing? Of course, you will make fixes because of fan ire if you don't, but you're basically admitting here you're still arrogant due to SwSh undeservedly selling so well.
  11. I've fallen back into Civ 6 and are trying to win a Domination with Rome on King. The map I chose was a Fractal, with a very good start for me in terms of location, but the absence of a nearby civ to conquer delayed my early conquest plans. Nor did anyone declare war on me, so I couldn't avoid a Warmonger penalty. Fortunately, I later got lucky and settled Ostia right in striking distance of the Nubian capital of Meroe. I too Meroe easily with a mere 3 Legions and a Battering Ram, yet I gave up about 30 turns later and reloaded my save. I really wanted the Nubian city of Napata so I could spring into my invasion of Poland from there later, and to raze a smaller Nubian city for the sake of clearing a land route to invade China. But too many enemies, not enough amassed Legions, and too much forest around Napata stopped me from ever taking it, instead, Meroe got so war weary that five threatening rebel barbarians spawned in the city. Not good. Now the reload I have to decide, built more Legions and try to take Napata and Meroe a little later, or, do I just try to negotiate Open Borders after seizing Meroe? Hmm... Either way, it'll be off to massacre Australia once I'm done with Nubia. They've got two cities where I wanted one with an Industrial Zone and an Entertainment District possibly able to service with the AoE buildings four cities including itself. I will destroy Australia's pestering outposts to clear the soil for the Roman Empire. Canberra will be taken at a much later date, which, were it not for me being practical over fun, would be assailed using battleships built in my city straight north across a large inland lake. Fortunately, I've another city with a good land border near Canberra where I will make an Encampment. After this, I'm not sure where I'll go, but Poland and China are my allies so far, so maybe the Aztecs. Then China, Poland, Persia, and lastly Brazil. Civ is fun.
  12. Ehh... the artstyle killed it for me. Same artist as his Fates Summer DLC I would guess. I don't think the direction is bad, I just don't personally care for it. Since you're speaking of FE Armors, might as well put up pictures of Protector/Hoplite/Fortress/Dragoon, the closest thing in EO.: I have a full collection of images of Xenoblade Chronicles X armor male and female, with no, some, and major disparities in protection between the genders I could post. But, this is getting off topic, although the topic itself has, fortunately, more or less died by this point.
  13. *Double checks* http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/02/mario_is_heading_to_the_silver_screen_with_help_from_the_studio_behind_minions Yep. Illumination is hopefully up to the task. It's been two years since that article, and it seem like things are still tentative. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/02/miyamoto_explains_why_illumination_was_chosen_for_the_upcoming_mario_movie "We’ve talked together and share the feeling that if we can’t make something interesting we’ll just call it quits. But we’ve already met a number of times to hash out the screenplay, our talks together are progressing, and I hope to make an announcement once we’ve ironed out some things like the schedule." -From Miyamoto.
  14. Yup, Valentine's Day. Best first date movie ever. Let's keep throwing beloved game franchises at the wall in hopes that one cinema movie finally turns out to be al dente. Maybe that'll be the Mario movie in the works, if there is one?
  15. *Rereads the RaighxHugh Support old translation version* Hugh: There you are! I never would’ve guessed you’d be here in this army. I’ve been looking all over for you! Okay, I see how this would mean a long while ago and pre-C12 FE6. It's just kinda easy to forget the specifics. Add a little more clarification to HughxLugh that explains the first meeting of Hugh with Raigh then. Not like FE6's supports can't be longer, but IDK if there is actually a difference here compared to later games. And measuring the average Support convo length for each FE with them sounds too complicated and lengthy to do it myself.
  16. If you search "otome" on the Switch eShop, you will get some results for games full of typical anime hubbies, if you're that interested in seeing for yourself. That said, be wary, this very niche genre can be very cheaply, and poorly translated into English.
  17. As long as there is a distant island where Nyna meets a handsome man named Sumac who gives her all the love she could ever dream of. But a pesky blonde boy marching to the beat of his own drum tries to rip them apart, damn him. Not SoV dungeons again please, but I'd be okay with this if it could be handled better/differently. My XCX likings wants a Sylvalum environment, complete with Spores at the most trollish Fog of War ever. Less jokingly, lets give FE photon sabers and guns! **** your pants Hector, meet my Ziyse!🙂 And I want Sagi, Milly, and Guillo tossed in too, Monolith's earlier work without seeming license issues deserves representation. You could technically make Sagi a sword flier, and gauntlet mage Guillo. --- I'd take a Story of Seasons (formerly "Harvest Moon") with an FE coat of paint and characters/elements for a more chill, less combat, FE spinoff. Why not have a peaceful game considering mostly of the characters you know and love chatting and interacting without it all being tied to WAR!? Or, why not an FE more about strategy, logistics and empire-building? I've never played a Dynasty/Samurai Warriors Empires semi-spinoff game, but that might work. Or, for something even less likely, being from an American developer, a lite Civilization-styled 4X game.
  18. 42 HP and 16 Str at level 5 are insane, but Axe = bad and not perfect Spd at base are flaws. +5 Skl on promotion and a 50% Spd growth weakens one flaw and fixes the other. Still, he has a record of being hit or miss in peoples' opinions. Yeah, I forgot that villages the other thing FE6 uses in relative abundance to compensate for no droppable enemy items, I think the Western Isles are "peak villages". Having Florina ferry Marcus over the hills in Noble Lady of Caelin is a strat I saw used to get past that chapter in LTC. But even worse is probably Eirika Chapter 9, if it weren't for the villages/Amelia, Vanessa could drop Seth near the boss for a quick win. Looking at another website... And, it appears the Pally Brigade is Hard only. Some FE6 reinforcements are like that. Similarly, I remember Fates, at least on Birthright, changed its reinforcement count based on difficulty. Iago Battle 2 had two enemies coming in from each side on Hard, 3 on Lunatic.
  19. I'd blame permadeath and the ability to miss recruiting someone. Nino's support don't mention Jaffar I think- other than theirs' together of course- because it's possible to have Nino, but miss Jaffar entirely. Read MakalovxAstrid in PoR, and you'll see it is possible to write supports with permadeath taken into consideration. But, this would require extra effort, effort and with as many supports as there are now, permadeath consideration could create a small mountain of additional text. Too much effort methinks for the writers, not enough payoff.
  20. A physical version would sound too good, since most FE enemies tend to be physical. Though given how underpowered playable armors are, +3 to all stats wouldn't be too potent, playable armor needs all the help it can get.
  21. Well, of course. Knowledge is only one of the four general categories into which video game difficulty falls. Having more knowledge in FE isn't always what wins the game, wisdom- the beneficial application of knowledge- is also necessary. Some games are known for dumping massive amounts of gameplay information on you all at once. But said games often don't provide much guidance in figuring out how to use that knowledge wisely. Thus, the games can feel much harder for some than they need to be. I've been experiencing that with Civilization VI recently. The Civilopedia is dense with knowledge, and it even does offer some guidance as to how to use each civilization effectively. But the tutorials are terrible and one can easily read the Civilopedia without being able to use its information well enough to win. Thus, Civ starts terribly for a beginner and you'll likely fail several games before you win one, unless you seek further help online. Yet, once you've learned enough, the game can become easy. For FE, I'm always up for more knowledge. I'd be fine if 3H told me long in advance what Combat Arts, Spells and Abilities everyone gets at every rank as soon as I reach Chapter 1. Revealing growths might be a tad too meta, but otherwise I like more. I'd have liked SoV to be as transparent with its Combat Arts and weapon forge system. Reinforcements can remain hidden, but only if they aren't same-turn/ambush, those should just cease to be. And, Fog of War can stay foggy, but the difficulty better be balanced for it, this isn't Advance Wars. If a Rocket in a forest smashes a tank and the map isn't predeploy-only, I can replace it, if a Bolting in a forest electrocutes my Pally goodbye, I have to reset the entire map.
  22. I am suddenly picturing Claude with Sky Forme Shaymin, Edel with Emboar b/c Embaar, and... Sealeo for Dim?
  23. Western badass with one of the worst JRPG-rrific haircuts I've ever seen. 20 years haven't changed you, Ashley Riot. And Sydney, it's a sin you've never been seen again. Edgy, cultic, a tad gritty, but damned if it ain't good.
  24. This was the Year of the Rat, and to be most precise, the Metal Rat. So, characters who are in some way Rat-like would've been ideal. Metal 100% means a banner of Armors. Now who would have been on the banner? Next year is Metal Ox, and apparently all Ox years are Yin (all Rat years are Yang). Echidna, you look as strong as an ox to me, maybe it's your time for an alt.
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