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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. This a simple chart showing which type gets made, most of the time: Clubs are those weird big black things here. The next part of the system to grasp is what makes what specific subtype of weapon within a given type. Every subtype of weapon within a type has a hidden number, ranging from 1-12. For instance, all Royal Blades have a number of 5, and Rose Staffs have a number of 3. If we use the above chart, we see that Blade + Staff = Claw. But what specific subtype of Claw is being made from Royal + Rose? For that we take their numbers and add them together, 5 + 3 = 8. And now we check to see what Claw has a number of 8, which is Artillery Claws. If the combined numbers exceeded 12, what then? Like a clock, it'd cycle back to one and count from there again. So 10 (Aurum) Blade + 11 (Dark Pit) Staff = 9 (Cancer) Claws. This isn't so bad, if you could see the information in game it'd be easy enough to grasp. The game could've easily explained this numbering with some Zodiac mumbo jumbo of how every weapon resonates differently with the starry skies above. It's the determination of what effects are inherited that makes this system very confusing and anti-easy "perfect" weapons. Zelda to me is Action-Adventure, even though the pure "Adventure" genre itself is kinda niche and antiquated nowadays, and probably mostly endures in the Action hybrid. The absence of leveling and plentiful stats to improve keeps Zelda from being too RPG. Only Zelda II, that NES black sheep, is at all an Action RPG to me. Yes, there are RPGs where equipment >>>> stats/level when it comes to what will more easily win the game, but I still don't see BotW as an RPG. People whine that an early raid of Hyrule Castle in BotW will make Link endgame-strong. But that you could have Link kill 100000 Gold Lynels and be no stronger at all than he was beforehand under the same conditions, is why I can't call Zelda an Action RPG. By contrast, if I have Rex kill 100000 Krabbles before he even meets Pyra, I'm sure he'll be a heckuva lot stronger than if he didn't. Obviously won't make a difference when Dagmara rolls around waaay later, but thats just RPGs putting a ceiling on how strong you can get to keep superbosses super. As for Metroidvania, well I have usually lumped the Castlevania side in Action RPG, but always, perhaps oddly, thrown Metroid into the Action-Adventure genre. Different from Zelda, but platforming in Metroid is never exactly lasts as an ingame challenge, b/c the infinite Space Jump upgrade neuters most of it at the end. And going back to the Castlevania side, one could easily remove the more RPG-heavy traits, which higher difficulty settings like Level 1 Hards already do, and get a much purer Action experience. At which point, I'd actually have no problems placing it in the Action-Adventure genre. Copypasting the script from a text dump webpage wouldn't make it so bad, but this is still one extremely devoted feat. I'd stop after the Sword Valley prologue. Reminds me of the one time I read someone had copied the entire Bible Old and New Testaments alike by hand, this belongs in a similar-ish category. Also, it reminds me of this I posted once before: 'With Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, NIS America was looking at a script with 2.4 million Japanese characters. With a rough translation equivalent of two characters to one English word, the 1.2 million-word script alone for Danganronpa V3 would put it ahead of A Dance to the Music of Time, the longest English-language novel at one million words." Video games are wordy in certain genres. Very wordy, wordier than people give them credit for I guess. As an aside, translators can only operate at about 2000 words per day per translator and still make quality translation. When will parents start telling kids to stop watching TV and read a video game? Lastly, if you missed it, XSEED explained why Rune Factory 4 Special took some time to bring aboard. https://nintendoeverything.com/xseed-explains-why-it-took-so-long-for-rune-factory-4-special-to-debut-in-north-america-and-europe/ Mostly technical issues, but adding French and German translations took time too. The game is apparently 1.7 million Japanese characters or 750000 English words.
  2. The new patch gave every Armor and Civilian a name. Every Knight goes with a Civilian whose name begins with the same first letter as their's.
  3. To counter the Mystic Arte spam, I did have to chuck Treats a lot and sometimes Life Bottles- I ran out against Mr. Brilliant Cataclysm!. Gels being single target makes them shaky, and waiting for the AI to patch me up, even with the relative quickness of Raven's Love Shot, wasn't something I was patient for. Martaaaaaaaa! Where is your Radiant Roar I fire off ASAP as soon as the enemy's done with their Mystic? Double checking an old post I made, it turns out I lowered the final battle to Easy. There are anti-aliment accessories, I might have been using some, if not as much as I should've. And I guess it's just Tales being very RPG in their Action-RPGness. Normally, I don't even really notice ailments as being that big a deal, not even Petrify, being they're usually rare. Those two bosses were a nasty exception. Personally, I wouldn't actually call Xenoblade an Action RPG. Being real-time doesn't inherently make it an Action RPG, Active Time Battle is real-time too. There is a measure of reflexes in Xenoblade, particularly with XC2's addition of the "evasion during execution" Arts technically pioneered by Ghostwalker's runway strut of invincibility, but is it enough to be true Action? But, I'm a little too tired right now to ponder the boundaries of the Action RPG genre too much. The 2D/3D Action game with heavy RPG elements classifies, I'd say Bloodstained/the Metroidvanias and Rune Factory and Ys. And Tales belongs here too, being case with a more defined, separate battle arena. What else lay within the genre, can anything else be in the genre? *Yawn* Can't speculate.😪 Agreed that KIU is pure Action. And yes, you're right.: "Weaken is a particularly dangerous status ailment that temporarily reduces Pit's maximum health by half. Skuttler Mages can inflict this condition on Pit with their spells, along with a small number of bosses. The Great Reaper Palm can also inflict this condition, but only in Together mode." The closest to an RPG KI:U comes is weapon traits and quality and fusion. But one RPG aspect does not an RPG make. Speaking of which, I wish the system was easier to get ideal weapons from. Make it transparent these 1-12 numbers that each weapon has which determines the fused weapon, and let me inherit any traits I voluntarily want, within a maximum capacity on the weapon's traits stemming from its Value maximum. Having to farm weapons is okay, but some can handle only so much of that. I can say for sure Ys VIII doesn't. Nowhere there thankfully.
  4. Agreed. Sword Valley is a definite spike in difficulty. EXP-overloading quests are in short supply here too for once. Oiiiiiiiiii. Tales of Vesperia definitely did this horribly. The final boss of the 2nd story arc and the final boss of the entire game kept spamming their Mystic Artes on me, like 6 times apiece. And, they were fond of inflicting Weak with their standard attacks, the ailment that halves your max HP. Well, Etrian Odyssey does usually make bosses vulnerable to at least some ailments. And in the case of one of V's superbosses, the superboss is actually weak to binds and ailments. And you have to exploit that b/c if you don't cripple it and pound away as its disabled, it'll snap you in half once it recovers. --- Finished Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero. The game, like all Shantae games, is short, too short. The game has silly charm to it, and I don't think it's ever been fully tapped into because the games are so brief. 7 hours and 100% achieved. I know Wayforward is a small company, and length =/ quality, but could I get a 15 hour main mode game? On the easy side, partly because upgrades are very strong, but the game did unlock a hard mode right after. And I've a slew of alternative character modes to play. The game looks great, and is fun action-platforming, but I want a bit more meat, and Squid Baron.
  5. FE11 and 12 don't have exactly the same problems as Awakening though. They share same-turn reinforcements on higher difficulties when the lowers don't, and FE12 does have a big jump from Hard to Maniac, albeit not as big as 13 Hard to 13 Lunatic. Yet, while FE12 can still be easy on Hard, the "snowball" effect eventually get stopped on Hard b/c lower stat caps and much inferior dodging. The absence of Pair Up makes FE12's low Mt Javelins and Hand Axes balanced too. Meanwhile, FE11 is nearly devoid of an Enemy Phase orientation, which barring Galeforce grind optimization, ends up being a defining trait of FE13. Yet, it is the case with 11 and 12 that IS had to make very few new maps. They did have to adjust some old ones, on that front, they did little to improve FE11's, but put notable effort into new enemy placement on a bunch of FE12 maps. Their map designing skill might have rusted in this time.
  6. I think you could run the math already. IDK whats normal for 3H leveling though. But, if we give her 19 levels without any class growths buffing them, rounding down in all cases for slightly more conservative estimates.: HP 36 Str 23 Mag 14 Dex 13 Spd 15 Lck 10 Def 12 Res 10 Cha 21 And now, we add the Dark Flier stat boosts, assuming the data in the game already is correct.: HP 36 Str 23 Mag 14 Dex 16 Spd 19 Lck 10 Def 12 Res 13 Cha 21 Well, it looks like her Spd is good, but DF doesn't buff her Mag at all. Yet, assuming Edel certifies for Warlock first, her Mag can instantly become 17, which Mag +2 the ability can increase to 19. Maybe give her a Magic Staff to equip, and now she's at 22. Black Tomefaire will improve Fire to 30 Atk, and Bolganone to 35, though nada for Luna and Hades. Luna is 23 Atk, Hades is 40 Atk. Seraphim if you invest in her to get it (not easy) will be 46 on Demon Beasts. Pure Magical Edel will be annoyed that DF has no Mag growth boost, and she'll want a grind trip in Warlock for Fiendish Blow.
  7. On the one hand, I do like solid late game prepromotes. On the other, I don't like units who join late. Specifically, I'm souring on SoV-TRS styled "both sides played in one file" route splits. All my silly effort put into getting Lina to level 40, and she has... what "good" fights to truly show off her prowess? I had to finish Holmes 2 to get her, and Holmes 3 gets Warpskipped. Runan 3, first battle, but the next two fights don't have the feeling of "greatness" for me. And then the next two fights feel wrong for forcing her off her horse, and few characters make a difference in the very final fight. Similarly, Conrad, poor Conrad, to exist but never have any true opportunity to do well. If only you could be with Alm and Celica alike. But! I do not feel this way towards RD, it's limiting the same, but not so embittering, it just isn't for me. Corrected!😜 TRS has lost some luster for me on a second play. But most games do for me, Awakening, Fates, SoV, and 3H all experienced some loss of wonder and exoticism on the second runs. Not to say I dislike any of these, including TRS. Second plays can be chance to pick up on subtle, sublime flavors you missed the first time around, or to realize "I had mixed feelings on this the first time, but it's actually, sadly, not to my liking I can confirm now". Or, to say you like something generally, but wish it didn't leave that unpleasant aftertaste.
  8. Kirby 64 was released on March 24, 2000. The Phantom Menace was May 19, 1999. Within a year sounds feasible for it being part of an international Star Wars craze. The lightsaber color difference could be a way of avoiding legal issues, or reflects that this is Spark+Cutter's copy ability. Plus, Dark Side Red doesn't suit Kirby, it doesn't even suit Meta Knight. Though your clip is from Gundam, which is 13% of the Japanese national spirit.
  9. I cannot forget the sway they put into its idle animation. Reminds me that I read they made the EON superboss read your command inputs, an evil strat. Not that I've fought it, oddly, I just haven't gone far in Nexus. I've only made it to the old EOIV Berserker boss. And I had to turn things down to Normal for the first boss. The Hero-Highlander-Harbinger-Ninja-Zodiac team wasn't cutting it for bosses. In fact, while I've played EOIV, U, U2, and V on the highest difficulty, I think just have to accept it's okay to turn it down if I'm not having fun. Nor canon acknowledge they exist or have any lore/biology around them. I recall they do that only once, when the final phase first begins. So it's manageable, particularly because, nobody ever thinks VI's final battle is hard I believe. Nor Queen Zeal in Chrono Trigger, Halation never killed me. Best part would be it likely inspired this:
  10. Soooooo Fodlan is 80.7 million years later for Jugdral? Given the general criticism of this game's DLC as lazy, as well as technical and graphical faults in the base game, pure laziness is certainly possible. Or, Rhea is Tiki.
  11. If I counted right for every non-3H game... Between 32 and 77, thats FE's scope.
  12. "If previous Atlus games (games which can be played on other hardware, without adding additional elements) were ported to the Nintendo Switch, would you want to play them? Select all of the titles below that you would like to play on the Nintendo Switch. Port of “Revelations: Persona” Port of “Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Eternal Punishment” Port of “Persona 3,” “Persona 3 FES,” and “Persona 3 Portable” Port of “Persona 4” and “Persona 4 Golden” Port of “Persona 5” and “Persona 5 Royal” Port of “Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne” Port of “Shin Megami Tensei IV” Port of “Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse” Port of “Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner” series Port of “Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers” Port of “Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha” series Port of “Etrian Odyssey” series Port of “13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim” Port of “Persona Q” Port of “Catherine: Full Body” Port of “Odin Sphere Leifthrasir” Port of “Dragon’s Crown Pro"" I'd use auto-translate and fill out this Japan-only Atlus survey. But this is question number 47, wayyyyyy too long. Also, "without adding additional elements"? Welp, there goes a bunch of the titles here. I've played both Persona 1 and Innocent Sin, Sin has a nice plot, but its gameplay has aged like milk you left on the counter of your hot and humid home before going on a week-long vacation. Persona 1's plot isn't even good enough either, and its portraits are best left in the dustbin. Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers is too old-school too, and Raidou 1 is extremely clunky in its Tales-esque gameplay. Again, neither has a good enough plot. And, I love Digital Devil Saga, but I'd want an enhanced version to fix some of DDS2's little faults, I love it too much for them to not get addressed. Etrian would be great, but EO without the touchscreen for the drawable map? -Actually, where is this spiritual successor to EO you've promised us on other systems Atlus?! I'm surprised to see Atlus placed their Vanillaware titles here. But I do enjoy Odin Sphere a whole lot, that deserves more love. And, SMTIII-IV: Apo would be sweet. But Nocturne deserves a remake, and I pray Atlus has the gumption to demand a Dante from Devil May Cry license from Capcom again. Preferably with Pierce added to Son's Oath effects to fix him for the final battle.
  13. So, same premise as the prior to VDay TT maps, an old place with a festive touchup. That map has different enemy placement on Normal and Hard in SoV, very oddly enough. They picked Normal, I would've expected Hard's more symmetrical formation.
  14. "Arc of Alchemist would be bad enough with its passable story and bland gameplay, but we feel that special mention needs to be made about the atrocious performance, docked or handheld. Arc of Alchemist is a visually simple game to begin with, featuring chunky models and muddy textures galore, and yet it somehow manages to deliver these middling visuals to you at a 'nice and cinematic' 20 FPS at the absolute best. Realistically, whether you’re simply running across the map or fighting enemies, your experience will usually be hanging somewhere in the sub-15 FPS range. Given the performance, we were amazed that we didn’t encounter any crashes or bugs during our time, but let it be known that Arc of Alchemist struggles every single step of the way and certainly deserves to be in the running for worst performing RPG on the Switch." "Arc of Alchemist doesn’t have the messy sort of problems like bugs or crashes. Its issues all come down to performance and optimization. For such a visually simple game, Arc of Alchemist runs like it is underwater. No matter what you’re doing, you’re looking at a frame rate so unstable that it kneecaps the action. This is a game with a mix of ranged and melee combat, skills, dodge-rolling and targeting, the works. Even the menu, the crucial space of clicking on text and watching numbers change, runs like butt. This seems to be because the game is fully running in the menu, showing a grand view of your base. In theory, it’s a cool visual to spice up tinkering, but it tanks the frame rate. Even buying and selling junk items is a huge chore. I’m no armchair developer, but how does a game ship when it can’t even handle the menus?" Ah, sweet and light schadenfreude. A random game I have no interest in either way getting thrashed by two different websites. This is funny, reading how something could be so bad. And this is cool.: Kamiya: “Here’s one last thing–a poster our designer created for fun. It was created to look like a movie poster, so the team thought up a catchphrase that we could use to express the atmosphere we were going for. Afterwards, we printed it out and hung it in a place where we could all see it.” Every game developer should do this. Morale at the workplace = ^^^^^^^^.
  15. The Chapter 8 boss, Henning, is generally considered to be very annoying on Hard, probably not Hyman- FE11 Chapter 3- bad. His Spd is too darned high, early promote Rutger is considered here to ease the headache I think. Lugh vs. Lilina is Skl & Spd vs. Mag & Lck. Though Lugh's extra availability, doubling and Anima already being potent makes him a bit preferred tier list-wise. His usual problem is Mag screwage for those who ditch the Banana Mage. My Lugh ended up being rather heavily blessed I remember. Though I don't get how, unless you were taking it slow, he promoted already, mine had to wait until C12 to hit 20 on Normal. His 20/1 averages: Level HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res 1 29.5 15.6 16.5 16.5 11.65 7.85 12.7 So, other than a pinch of Magic, yours is right where he should be. American Adapters Ardently Adore Almighty Absolute Alliteration. "Sword of Sacred Fire" sounds fine and formal, but for me, you cannot do that phrase right unless you carry out seven months worth of rituals to the Master of the Sacred Tower beforehand. Well, Ostia is the name of Rome's old port city. To see it become a Pompeii would be befitting. Fortunately, that will not happen, because Roland quelled the volcano using Durandal as a catalyst to safely vent its destructive potential. In doing so, his people could safely sow the soil long enriched with volcanic ash, and mine the igneous rock that formed. As long as Durandal is returned to its proper place in the shrine within a matter of a few years, the magma chamber of the volcano will not fill. -I joke. But, my objective time records tell me that in 1378 EC, the volcano at last erupted and consumed the entirety of Ostia. ... Just me writing purest fanfict on the spot, because I can.
  16. I have no source, but maybe I remember hearing it's just a design update for the players, and Falchion always looked the same canonically. Nevermind crossovers where the two designs are on display side by side. This was the excuse they used for Mega Man Zero's version of Zero and Omega the evil robot with Zero's original body, not looking at all like Mega Man X's version of Zero. But, I'd prefer an explanation that something like the Falchion has to be realigned to deal with different threats. Grima, although Awakening itself gave us no idea what it was, it's understandable to me that what would work on Earth/Shadow Dragons, wouldn't necessarily be effective on Grima. Naga needed to change the alter the chemical-magical composition Dracodentium Alloy 1.8 into Dracodentium Alloy 3.5 for it to penetrate the flesh of Grima very effectively. Dracodentium Alloy will regardless of the specific formula slice into your grandma's wyvern with deadly ease, but for the very biggest of threats, you may need to adjust it. A common multipurpose antibiotic for a common strain of bacteria, a very specific drug for a very deadly bacterium. I recall seeing a politically colored map of FE13's eastern continent that I can't find right now. But, Altea is actually part of Plegia now, Chapter 11 takes place in the former Altea- Gangrel's final battle. Marth's dynasty seems to have kept the Kingdom of Archanea Nyna gave him at the end of the War of Heroes, but somewhere down the line lost the ancestral home. Not that they probably cared too much after centuries of being enthroned in Archanea.
  17. Or, they add a magical explanation for the attraction. A really weird response to Reflet's being Gimle thing (I'll randomly use their Japanese names just because). She was a Plegian Dark Mage, she might have spent time in the Grimleal, I guess, maybe. Not in any real role, but having become attuned to the darkness, does she now detect its succulent presence in the innocent amnesiac soul of this random guy/girl who preaches tactics? Speaking of which with those cheongsams: Ye olde Eff Eeee Thre. Though, male pantslessness was not unheard of in this pre-FE4 world, FE4 being the first game where FE got serious about its artwork. Well, with Treasure and the original TCG at least.
  18. Most get 2, Kiria has only 1, and Mamori gets none. Itsuki does have them and they're unmissable. Not sure where you got your first Master Seal from, but I remember getting Open Audition during Chapter 3. Looking at my Lunatic file during Chapter 2 Intermission, I've Tsubasa and Touma at Stage Rank 7 already, and Kiria is 6. So since you're around the same point now if you defeated Gangrel, it won't be long I think.
  19. They have a base of 20 points towards the C support, with a growth of 2 points per turn spent adjacent. So 20 turns together are needed to get them to C. Also, don't expect to have anyone support in the same chapter Rutger and Clarine hit A. Why?: Points needed for each level of support: 60 points are needed for a C support 120 points is needed for a B support (60 points to go from C to B) 200 points is needed for an A support (80 points to go from B to A) A maximum amount of 120 points can be accumulated for all characters per chapter. For example, in Chapter 20, Roy and Lilina use up 60 points to go from a C support to a B support, leaving 60 points left for other characters. If Roy and Wolt also use 60 points up in the same chapter, no other characters can gain support points in the same chapter. So, by making RutgerxClarine A, it'll be impossible to Support anyone else for the fight. You can spend the turns together to reach a new rank, but you wouldn't be able to activate that rate until the next fight. The unused FE6 Female Paladin promotion bonuses are kinda good: Cavalier (F) Paladin (F) +5 HP +1 Str +3 Skl +8 Spd +1 Def +6 Res +1 Con +1 Move
  20. At a Stage Rank between 6 and 9, it varies person-to-person, everyone but Itsuki gets a Performa for Open Audition, make that Radiant Skill and they'll be able to tag into a Session whenever. Shall I speak of the first SMT game on the Super Famicom? Where certain, ordinary empty rooms have a 1/256 chance of having you fight one of three enemies called a Fiend. Each Fiend has a 1/256 chance of dropping one of the game's ultimate weapons. So, for you to fight a Fiend and win one of these ultimate weapons, you have 1/256 * 1/256 chance, or 0.0015%. Old school obscure, and old school soooooooooooooo not worth it, they're barely stronger than some other things. I think Ad-Libs are it for Luck, and maybe Duo Arts. I know Eleonora's chance of insta-kill with her Virion Special Performances is based on Skl.
  21. You're making me ponder the possibility of mages who don't dress so mage-y. Now that I think about it, why can't, say, Odin, dress exactly like Laslow and still sling spells no problem?🤔 I want this now. If Male Mages are no longer allowed to feel the breeze of Elwind beneath them like they sometimes did pre-FE7, then mages of all genders must dress identical to every single Mercenary or like class in their respective game.
  22. You can find them in chests, from bosses, and some side stories give them too. I believe the game has 16 total that you can obtain from these sources. With extras being randomly winnable from the lottery the masked Anna specifically hosts, savescum beforehand if you need to. You probably will, the chance of winning a Seal is 3/256 apparently, or 1.17%. But, 16 Master Seals is enough to go through every class change with each character once + 2 extras. Since you need to use another Seal if you want to go back to the other promoted class you unlocked, the 2 spares have a use. However, the only difference other than visuals for the promoted classes is their stat boosts, you can use either promotion for anyone and still beat the game. Each promotion does unlock 2-3 new unique Carnages you can make over the remaining chapters of the game. But, these Carnages remain unlocked and usable even if you Class Change to the other promotion later. Great Lord can use the Balmung and Conqueror the Florete and all their skills without any drawbacks, despite being unlocked by the opposite class. Thus, you should Class Change each Mirage into both of their promotions. With the first promotion preferably being the one you don't want to finish the game in if you have a clear inclination towards one class over the other.
  23. How is not that a sign of imbalance? Like the way a 20 unpromoted Gwen has almost the same stats as a base Normal Mode Melady? A unit who starts weak and very much in need of training, should not turn out to be only as strong as someone who comes later no training required. I mean yes, that weaker unit has availability and if they cross the threshold from a training liability to a competent fighter in that time, then that is something going for them. But unfortunately for FE6, that is a threshold that takes a while to cross for a whole bunch of units. -Though I do believe at the same time prepromotes should have competent stats and not simply be watered down so the weaklings can take all the glory.
  24. Masahiro Sakurai: “I don’t choose the fighters based on my own preference, that’s for Nintendo to bring in.” https://www.siliconera.com/masahiro-sakurai-reminds-us-that-he-doesnt-choose-the-fighters-for-super-smash-bros/ http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2020/02/sakurai_knows_smash_bros_has_too_many_fire_emblem_characters_but_its_nintendos_fault Famitsu reveals that Sakurai doesn't actually choose the new characters. So don't blame him for ByBy, or 'Plant, or probably Bayo and RinRin.
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