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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Whats even weirder, is that I've ignored the wooden hill entirely on several runs and have instead focused on the left flank. And yet, I've seen troops from the eastern enemy army just sit on the hill turn after turn after defeating the opposition there, some taking constant damage as a result. Yes, you have the high ground you evil Lions/Deers, but is Little Round Top strategically essential when it is on fire?🤨
  2. They included the Prologue boss and its possessed human for the TMS selections? Thats Brigand Boss bad. And the other villains + two sidequest bosses are nearly as terrible too. Gharnef is spoilers as well, but it isn't like anyone plays TMS for the plot. Maybe b/c TMS has such a tiny cast they wanted to include filler? Yet, I have a fire growing in my heart for TMS Gangrel, the flying head with the buzzsaw collar of doom is glorious. And, Excellus's metal boobs are right on display in his little CYL4 portrait square. Touma got my first vote if you can't tell.
  3. You're welcome. Unfortunately, whoever showed me this did not attach a link to this, so I do not know if a female version exists. I'm sure someone could assemble one though, ideally an actual lesbian. I'd be curious too, I could learn from it. I didn't know "twink" had this meaning until I saw this it's adding an unexpected dimension to my Paper Mario memories now. If you're looking for unique gameplay possibilities, Tina from Thracia 776 is one. Her Thief staff let her steal anything from enemies- how could FEH make that work? For someone with a more realistic chance of getting in, maybe Natasha? Not a lot of meat left on Sacred Stones, and she is one of the remaining females. But Tatiana is the very last SoV female not in. Lena stands a small Archanea shot too. And, Claud of FE4 has his personal Valkyrie staff.
  4. Schaeffer is too easy b/c he is somewhat memey- Mr. Takes Priests Hostage + Regrets Not Taking Babies Hostage in America. Beyard though? Sounds like PoR... Battle Reunion/Lucia and Bastian's joining chapter? But it probably isn't. *Checks* Oh, the C7x boss of FE7, the man who on defeat, committed suicide as part of the law of the Black Fang and was holding Ninis's Grace. Not 100% forgettable in retrospect. This reminds me of a chart someone showed me, even if it's from a 👬 perspective.:
  5. Unless there are as few voters as there were for the Holy Roman Emperor, I feel one's vote doesn't truly have an impact.-Not to say voting is a waste of time, one should act as if their vote mattered significantly. Or, ignore its external impact or lack thereof, and instead value highly self-expression as found in the act of voting. For myself, one for Sephiran, and one each for Touma and Yashiro, under the assumption that with TMS in now, they'll be on the CYLlot. I'll pick who knows for who else, but no more than one vote per character b/c I'll be leaving slightly fewer people excluded from my ballot that way.
  6. I love that quote. And I love that the Switch has screenshot capabilities for people to nab these moments. -- Poison damage helped with the damage big time on Bloodless. I was surprised to learn it works on some bosses, even the following one despite their love of tossing ailments at you. The boss thereafter too succumbed to poison, with me partly abusing their tendency to get stuck in a wall, letting the poison ticks add up as they ran in place. The underground sands is probably my least favorite area in terms of enemies. Poison from fast and annoying little frogs, Slow from ghosts, and the rest weren't exactly giving me the easiest time either. Zangetsu 2nd match later on I "cheated" with some healing items, I just wanted him done. l'm nearly done with the game, though I intend to do some grind and try on the superbosses. It's a good Metroidvania, even if the optional grind looks to be pretty darned big. I have to agree with the criticism that if you're going to include seven seas' worth of grind, you must decide whether: A noticeable chunk of grind is necessary to make fighting bearable. If you pick this option, then the pacing of the game becomes "ugh", and Metroidvanias are supposed to be quick if you ask me. Or, if none of the grind is necessary for fights to be fair. If you pick this option, then why have the grind at all? It is superfluous, and other, faster methods could be included to make the easier than an optional grind. Who are you appealing to with grind? Wouldn't be better to make every Shard come at full strength for the audience that has no time/will to grind? Still, I'm enjoying this.
  7. Agreed that Reinhardt is shortchanged, thats what happens when you only get one speaking part in the entire game. More talking won't inherently make you better as a character, but for certain FEs and individuals, increasing their dearth of dialogue- and thus screentime in general- would greatly help. Bryce, Gale, Reinhardt, Murdock, to name a few that I think could simply use more words (ideally well-written words). I tried conventionally fighting through the enemies in this chapter, but the reinforcements were too strong for me. They ganged up on my pretty strong Osian and managed via lots of chips to kill him. Instead, I had to resort to warpskip. But not before I Thief Staff'ed Berserk and used it on Reinhardt, here is video of what can happen: Also, don't leave anything in Saias's or Ced's inventories next chapter when you end it. I think I left some captured staffs in Ced's inventory, only for them to be gone the next. It was odd I thought.
  8. Would Lyn have existed were it not for Melee giving a green light to the internationalization of FE? Her main purpose was to be the nice tutorial lady for newbies- namely Westerners. VJ I recall made it into Tatsunoko vs. Capcom on the Wii, so he has actually been made into a fighter before. He'd be great brawler to this day with Slow and Mach Speed. Shame he is too dated to appear anywhere but a Capcom Vs. game nowadays and that VJ3 will never happen.
  9. Same; Kaga liked Seliph more than Sigurd and though Sig's journey was a mere foreshadowing of Seliph's. How odd that seems, given Gen 1 is usually given more narrative acclaim than the second. But who knows how a post FE4 Remake poll would rank them. If every new fighter is getting a stage, then what of a hypothetical Elma/Rex? What would they get? Hopefully not Primordia or Gormott, though they are the first areas in their games, which is a huge help for their chances of being the stage, they'd be too samey with Gaur Plains already in.
  10. I've given Bloodstained a play with its latest update. I blitzed in two days past 50% map completion. Fun, a Metroidvania is refreshing right now for me, and they're never too long either. But, now I've hit a roadblock thats dragging things down to earth- Bloodless. Their attacks are too strong and difficult to dodge, I really don't want to have to farm for High Potions. I'll try to find a way to poison her instead.
  11. And that reminds me, the National Archives was reported to have blurred out Trump's name in some photographs of the 2017 women's march on Washington. The context was protesting signs denouncing him. The National Archives said the photographs were part of an exhibition and that the modifications were to cut down on things that'd make it less friendly for all ages. A historian I saw interviewed was appalled by this meddling with primary source documentation of the historical record.
  12. I had read only today that Japanese Male Robin's usual voice actor outside of Awakening- Yoshimasa Hosoya- is the same as Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE's Yashiro Tsurugi's. Now, I can't help but see Robin singing this: ...wearing only this: 🥰
  13. No. Is the tragedy he was born with the name "Darth Plagueis", given to him by his mom b/c she wanted him to be ready for Sithlordship by age 19? And as part of this tragedy, he was picked on his classmates at the elite Sith kindergarten for having such a tryhard Sith name? And, that even thought he graduated top of his class with a doctorate in Intergalactic Hate Studies at Infernal Heart University, his career as a Sith was cut short after eight years, ironically by means of a tic bite which infected him with Bubopneumasemic plague? If I find myself more attracted to pixel people than real people, do I have a problem?
  14. Pneuma reminds me of this: Shanoa's Pneuma glyph from Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.
  15. My sympathies, inasmuch as they can be offered. Life is so precious, it is profoundly tragic for this to happen.
  16. The next time you can, buy a bunch of these, the final fights will thank you. Well, Mother Hilda is exerting pressure on her to wed, a dutiful daughter would obey. Ishtar knew pre-possession Julius, but that was like 10 years ago, they would've been too young to form a "rational" romantic bond. It'd work better if Julius got possessed later.
  17. In terms of draconic destruction, FE doesn't often do a good job of showing what it looks like, Kurth exhalation aside. TearRing Saga, being an FE in all but name and legal rights, did offer several instances of the physical destruction its dragons could inflict. Nothing but a few ruined walls remain of Leda Castle, and surrounding Leda Valley is barren, gray, a little swampy, and monster-filled after 50 years of being inhabited by Earth Guardian "Witch" Dragon Kranion. Said destruction and probably even more left unseen resulted in the disintegration of Leda from a single great kingdom into a bunch of smaller disunited fiefdoms. Kranion those 50 years prior did make an attack on Salia Castle, which left it looking like a bland rectangle with some holes in the ceiling, no fancy exterior decoration or structures of any kind at all. Although I don't get why in 50 years time the center of Salia's monarchy didn't renovate and restore the place. Nolzeria- It was I think 2-3 years prior to the start of the game when this happened? I'm not sure how long it lasted, but it couldn't have been very long an event I think, no more than a two weeks if that. As Canaan and Reeve discussed peace to end their warring IIRC, Gwenchaos had Water Guardian Dragon Muse annihilate the great city of Reeve. Thousands are stated to have died, and when Runan visits the city, most of its great many buildings bear some scarring. To offer some visual aid: A Laguz Dragon is on the weaker side of FE ones I'd say. But nonetheless, if a novice and pacifist like Kurthnaga could destroy a tower in a single breath, then a group of experienced ones intending to annihilate could do the same as a single TRS Guardian Dragon.
  18. Hasn't done a challenge I had to Sedgar + Wolf tank and warpskip at the end.
  19. 32-bit video game consoles never developed their own distinct generation between the 16 & 64 bit eras. Nintendo didn't participate, and Sega's try at it flopped.
  20. Isn't Goku already in? Except with a sword and some magic? That image looks like Pyra semishifted to Mythra in the face. Finished TMS Chapter 2 again, the boss was as strong as I remember. I could've easily lost were it not for a little luck. I didn't remember its exact strategy, only its major attack, which left me a bit worried. Its usual attack could rip off half of Itsuki's HP, and the minions are no peashooters either. As I was about to win in another ~three attacks, my TV suddenly blacked out, and I freaked, but the Wii U wasn't the issue, and after a few minutes of trying various things, the screen returned to normal and I won. I had to stay on top of my game to win, and the fight was so satisfying.
  21. Even if though they can't attack and rewarp in the same turn, if you find one area getting swamped by multiple rewarps in a row, the strong-ish (~24 Mt hitting a largely nonexistent Mag stat isn't weak for most non-mages) and not entirely inaccurate counters if they hit enough can be a concern if you've split your forces too much or didn't put enough healers wherever all the rewarpers are gathering. -So I thought. As for Linoan I used her and gave her Wrath. She soloed parts of the final fights better than Asbel or others could, 64 Mag-hitting Atk Nos crits were less worrying than dodgetanking. You could technically make Sara do this, but you have to conserve Homer's Light tome for her, and bring her to the C20 Arena with Lara for refreshing- Sara gets a Light tome in the Arena. Once she gets the 50 WEXP for C Light, promote her and viola, Nosferatu access with Wrath.
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