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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. My sentiments. I can't judge Sw/Sh due to not having played myself. The era of third versions is past, much as the era of old fighting game things like: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Super Street Fighter II Turbo Hyper Street Fighter II Online connections allowing for patches and DLC makes enhanced versions, on the original release system, that are mostly the same game utterly obsolete.
  2. TearRing Saga is mixed. Ordinary reinforcements are NA, but when baddies use Summon staffs, the summoned monsters move immediately. Mogall self-division wastes their turn. There are two instance I recall of a tripwire, but neither doesn't causes reinforcements. Instead, the second makes an enemy flip to your side, but they are surrounded by baddies and get 1-2HKO'ed, not good. You want to kill every enemy you can before tripping the wire so you can rush to the rescue easier. The first tripwire causes otherwise entirely happy to leave you alone enemies to attack you. A separate tripwire in the same fight by moving too close to the seize point too can stop you from recruiting a character.
  3. The “Lycian Knight” appears to be the predecessor of Eliwood’s Lord class; it is a mounted class that wields both swords and lances (with a higher proficiency in lances) and promotes into a Paladin. Unused FE7 data.
  4. Considering a post-credits scene is added by saving said second character, they kinda count. Not sure if I'd say "True Ending", but "Ending+" at least. When a game has a true ending, I always feel inclined to go for it on the first play, which usually means reading a measure of spoilers online. I like the idea of extra effort to get something more, though given the length of games and the sometimes obscure (at least pre-bad ending) requirements, in practice I'm not so fond of them. I have to see them ingame to really feel them.
  5. No, definitely not. His okay stats, and good skills and growths don't justify it, the excessive number of enemy Hammers in Thracia limits his usability. He has A Axes and Bows, yet C Swords and E Lances. 1 Authority Star is cute, but that ain't worth the headache. Without him, his map isn't much of a challenge. But going for him makes it a hell that even if you know what you're doing and take it slow, there is plenty that can go wrong. This is unlike say Stefan, who is easy if you know the "how" to get.
  6. I was just keeping it vague rather than spell it out for you. Thats all, nothing to do with the text. I do like Chapter 15, nothing eventful, and fairly easy enemies, but it is a good "breather" chapter. I think Thracia benefits from having one of these once in a while b/c Stamina. OH YEAH! Sleep Staff one of the three Cavs with Sleep Edges, it'll help to have one for FE's most EVIL recruitment. You don't need the Sleep Edge, and it'll still be so dang bad with one in tow, but NPCs can converse with sleep foes, even though player units can't. Just space out the sleep targets- don't tranquilize them in adjacent spaces, make sure each has a space between them, like a checkerboard pattern of empty spaces and snoozing targets. -This will make sense, in time. The other two Sleep Edges you can nab using your first if you want to, not a bad idea. Though Sleep Edges are usually much less reliable than the Staff due to less accuracy and way less range.
  7. Considering that Thracia is usually generous with deployment slots after C9, bringing Glade to every outdoor battle is entirely feasible, I did. There is worse filler than a character who simply by being fielded, gives +3 Hit and Evade to everyone, everywhere. Not a lot, but universally appreciated nonetheless. You probably are liking Olwen too much/have too much invested in her now, but if you pick the coastal /Dorius "A" path and you want to get the alternative Mage Knight, the next chapter is your last chance to kill Olwen, not capture, kill. Here is the replacement's stats:
  8. Possibly, I don't remember what the script PDFs said of that particular line. However, when it comes to the main story dialogue, Project Exile is 95% of the time accurate. They did tone down the victim-shaming and suggested-threat-of-rape-but-actually-a-bug of Tina as one of the cases where they went a little further than just literal/spirit. Much of the village dialogue, but not all, was rewritten with funsies. Many cases of villages/houses are a generic "Thank you for saving/visiting us! Take this item I found!" and nothing more. There are no alliterative Crusader swearings in the original script, nor the Ensorcel staff being made by sprinkling Pure Water on a tree. As this is minor, unimportant dialogue, I personally didn't mind it being altered.
  9. I've heard some people praise Chapter 14 as a good chapter, and I don't see it. Defending is as easy as it tends to be, offense is restrained b/c baiIIsta (sorry if I eave out "I"s, Ietters g trou l sometimes don't wor on my 7-year oId computer's eyboard), but tat is about it. I ust warped Dean to et te Draonpie, since te boss sometimes won't move and tere is a safe spot Dean can sit in after ettin it and before oin for te Nosferatu. I tin te battIe as a ood narrative and potentiaI fee beind it, I ope a remae wi one day wi maximize te drama tat tis capter souId ave. Ieif comes to te pace e as been tod to save since 2x, and fais, a ero to be fops bi time. Sad, but I Iie it. I wiII EDIT tis post Iater wen te eyboard wors aain. 'ust wanted to post tis now.
  10. I agree, it is fairly nice among 3H maps, even with me having zero context and music to go with it, I can tell the feel of the fight, it and the design aren't bad. The CF alternative is fun too. Although doesn't Hanuman have Excalibur here when he doesn't learn it as an ally? Ten days until Tokyo Mirages Sessions #FE Encore edition releases. It's probably going to flop again, but I still like the game. Again, I'm thinking I'll do a Lunatic run of the Wii U version to share in the spirit of TMS.
  11. What? I thought that was the name of the Kingdom of Thracia castle conquered in Chapter 8? *Checks to see "Mease" is one spelling of it.* Did someone goof at IS? Mease is the castle castle directly south of Manster. I very much doubt this is a misunderstanding on the part of either the players or the translators, but it's the only thin explanation I can think of.
  12. I just saw this as the rectangular ad to pop up for me on SF: Cuteness overload.⭐ Finally an ad I like on SF. Too many GoT ones have shown up for far too long, all because I read a ton of articles on the cacafuego surrounding the final season once on Apple News, because watching something collapse can be entertaining. Didn't realize Nintendo let Namco make this stuff. And Banpresto in particular? Kirby piloting Robobot Armor in an SRW please!
  13. TBF, I'm someone who thinks people underrate the strength of Thracia's enemies. They aren't FE11 and beyond highest difficulty nasties, but I do think that their Atk is threatening enough. I recall I actually had a 20 Def (I think), Osian who got killed trying to play Chapter 22 sans 'skip. The reinforcements had enough Atk over 20 to reduce him to nothing no probs. Chapter 15 is where I farm weapons, so many easy swwwwwwwwwords! Must. Collect. Them. Allllllll! So few swords are present elsewhere, I was practically out of them by that point.
  14. I thought Chapter 13 was actually quite fun! You drained the first two ballistae of their ammo instead of moving past them? Ya didn't have to that you dunderhead. 😛 There are three spaces next to the ballista nearest to your starting position that you can range 2 attack it from. Kill that ballista and you only have one of them to deal with, assuming you fielded Nanna as your healer, if she has the Paragon Sword, she might be able to survive a hit from the unreachable second ballistae, if not, just dismount and rescue her until you're past it. Everyone else not Lara or unmounted mages/staffers (and you don't really want to bring them here b/c escape on a big map) should be able to survive one ballistae hit. So just having to ferry Nanna isn't a big deal, bring some plentiful Vulneraries if you need the healingin the meantime. Sure, there is the initial Bow Knights too, but they're no big deal. After you kill the first three, it's only one a turn if you don't block their spawn space. Surely you should have someone able to take on Ballistae + Bow Knight hit. The third ballista is out in the open, how can you not destroy it with ease? I think Karin after dismounting should've dealt with the ballista over the mountains which overlaps with the third ballista by the time you get there. If she hasn't, well it shouldn't take much longer. Since she will be sitting on a hill, she should be able to dodgetank the third ballista. As for Glade's generic blues, you don't get anything for keeping them alive. After passing one of their Steel Lances to Glade so he wouldn't have to waste the Silver, I had all of them head to take out the northwest ballista. The armors don't move I think, so your Steel Bow Bow Knights if they live can pick them off with hit and run, just hope the ballistae aim at you Lance Knights instead. They killed the northwest one, and I think they even managed to take out the southwest ballista afterwards! One or two of these guys despite this managed to survive to the end of the fight, one even leveled up, getting absolutely no stat points (I guess they have 0 growths then). They proved useful. I was also fond the constant stream of fairly strong reinforcements this map had coming in from the north later on. Did you even encounter them?
  15. Lyn, and Celica are the only things from their games around. Their inclusion is very minor, you can't truly say the game has Elibe or Valentia in it. It's token representation. It'd need Eli & Hec and Alm, plus another two or three apiece, to make the representation for those games complete.
  16. Kaga is definitely responsible for at least Arvis and Jugdral's world-building, more or less solely so. And the thing is, he is a single person whose name is known and people can, or think they can, pin stuff to. FE hasn't had a singular figure leading its development since, or at least one FE fans have clung to, and it's harder to develop a mini-cult around an amorphous mass. Other developer mini-cults tend to be mixed bags too. See Kenji Inafune, responsible for the Mighty Number 9 fiasco. How did a mere character artist suddenly transform into the "greatest mind" of Mega Man? Tetsuya Nomura and Hideo Kojima are whole other mixed bags. Even Shigeru Miyamoto has a few stains on his record- Wii Music was bleh and he ruined the charm of Paper Mario with Sticker Star. ---- C'mon Nintendo, add themes to the Switch! Something other than that boring white/black background! And @Armagon a random and very minor Star Wars question this neutral non-fan of the franchise who has seen practically nothing of the series has had pop in their head (this is a topic of anything, so might as well as it here). Can Force Push be used as a rocket jump of sorts? One of Newton's laws of physics says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So would Force Pushing against solid ground beneath you be able to propel you into the air? Or if you happen to be sitting in a chair with wheels on the bottom and Force Pushed a wall, would it send you sliding towards the opposite wall?
  17. Take in a deep breath of the cold mountain air, and while admiring the beauty, ponder which mountains I opened a wormhole to.
  18. Not sure where I'd rank this. It can offer challenge in terms of enemy stats I see, even on Hard, but I'm a bit mixed on map design. It isn't atrocious, but I don't know why I'm feeling the nonaggressive nature of a lot of enemies in this game more than I do in other FEs. Not sure about my thoughts on the class system and character development either. It isn't bad, but I don't know if I love it. The return of Wt is okay for me, and the 1/5th of Str formula with as high Str values as this game can have does keep Wt relevant, if not over-domineering either.
  19. Will know I didn't see the comment as being that trash talky.
  20. Since Christmas, the only thing I've been playing is Civilization VI. I wanted to try out the genre, and the game was on sale, so why not venture into something totally new for me? After several frustrating games I just scrapped entirely because the game is sooooooo unfriendly to beginners, I went online for tips and are now having quite some fun with this game. I've done three full plays so far, once Science, Cultural, and Religious, and now I'm working on another Science win, with Australia because it interested me. Australia's production capabilities are insanely good, it could easily win any kind of victory, even if its Domination path encourages waiting for the enemies to strike first. I want to do a Domination Victory, the logistical challenges of maintaining a giant army interest me, but I feel too guilty at taking out the other leaders. Sure they're only pixels in a game, with zero writing going into them, in the case of some like Tomrys and Gligamesh, they weren't ever real people, and real others like Harold Hardrada and Catherine de Medici did some pretty bad things. Yet, I feel much more guilt wiping out their civilizations than I ever did offing the characters of FE3H of the other houses, even after playing said other houses. Not helping is Civilization seems to cast the other victory methods as reflecting humanity's nobler instincts, so playing Domination feels like it's the "bad victory". And yet, they devoted a good bit of effort into making all the units, policies, and abilities, so it feels not right skipping on Domination too. Mixing some offensive warfare into another victory style doesn't seem like a good idea, since unless you eradicate an entire civilization, a conquered city's yields are halved, so why conquer? EDIT: Oh, using diplomacy for acknowledgement of my conquests restores city productivity to normal. That makes mixing offensive warfare into my other victories much more reasonable. And Cyrus never suffers the occupation yield penalty either. I still feel guilty though.
  21. For desert maps, I'd say, roughly: Scorched Sands (Sacred Stones)- This map is actually enjoyable for me. TearRing Saga's second desert map- the Condor Squad is optional and sorta fun. Five strong Wyvern Riders with Spears, support bonuses between each other that give them Hit, Evade, and plenty of Crit, and they smartly refuse to split their pack apart. And, if you don't mind missing a few stat boosters, you don't need to ever step in the sands. Since you can just seize the northern castle instead. TRS's first desert map, having a clearly-defined road with no Move penalties in it makes things better. And it isn't all desert. Awakening cliffhanger battle Awakening 1st arc ender battle FE3B2/12 Birthright Wind Tribe battle PoR not going for every last drop of BEXP. FE3B1/11 Blazing Blade's not on HHM. Claude Paralogue Divider from fun/bearable to a chore. Shiro Paralogue RD Gaiden's three-four fight mess, herein it's the first battle > last battle >>>>>>> Sonya and Deen alike. Genealogy Chapter 7- It isn't the desert terrain itself thats the problem, it's the trip back north to Darna that bothers me the most. Blazing Blade's on HHM Binding Blade's
  22. There have been cases of silent protags speaking and gaining some measure of personality after their main game. There is the Persona 3-5 protags I think, though I've never played their games. Though you do have SMTIV's Flynn getting a generic "cool and righteous" personality in IV: Apocalypse despite not saying a single word in IV. And, Golden Sun's Issac gained something of a personality when Felix took over the silent protag role for The Lost Age. Meanwhile, going back to Persona, Tatsuya took a speaking role in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, while Maya went silent after Innocent Sin.
  23. How so? My thoughts: High-tier Hussars: Wyvern Riders/Lords are undisputed top-tier. Strong, durable, fast mobile, they can salvage almost anyone physical. Bow Knights the best arrow shooters around, although more restrictions/Maddening should make Snipers relatively competitive due to the increased difficulty of doubling and decreased accuracy from afar. Mid-tier Mounties: Cavaliers aren't great, they're balanced. Paladin is fine if slightly underpowered, the negative Spd modifier isn't too harsh and serves to balance them in some way. Dark Knight is rather balanced against Dark Bishop and Warlock. Fewer spell uses is a fine tradeoff, since you'll actually make it to the combat zone much more often. Turtling/playing it slowly does mitigate this advantage- it's a matter of playstyle. Meh-tier Mamlukes Great Knight is bad b/c slow, but thats what it gets for being armor-related, not so much because it has a horse. Holy Knight is bad, because White Tomefaire is junk and they kept increased healing/White Magic uses away from it to keep Bishop worth using. Pegasus and Falcoknights are bad, Darting Blow aside, because Wyverns lost any notion of Speed weakness. At the end of each of my three Hard Classic playthroughs, my armies were ideally mostly mounted units. Wyverns, Bow Knights, Edel went Wyvern, Dimitri Paladin, Claude had his personal class, and of course there was Death Knight. The only people who weren't mounties were my magic users, a token War Master, and Byleth who had very poor proficiencies and stuck to being an Enlightened One. And, my mages felt the brunt of not having steeds as they often seemed to be left behind.
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