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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Tried for a Cultural Victory in Civ VI. It was going well, until around turn 250 Montezuma started going to war against me. I had only garrisons, he had tens of units, he destroyed two of my cities, not captured, destroyed. That being unbearable, I reloaded a save and started doing everything I could to placate Montezuma, offering all my luxuries and all the money I could to keep him happy, but that never lasted long. This might stem from me capturing the city he made right where I intended to put one in the Ancient Age. Considering it didn't have anything necessary for my Cultural Victory, I returned the city to him, which provided a massive improvement in the relationship. Except it still wasn't enough! He declared war on me tens of turns later, which given the open borders I conceded to him earlier and the fact I hadn't spent anything on improving my army, meant it was still a game over. Even forking 2000 Gold over to him wasn't enough! I didn't have anything left other than the Great Works I need for my Culture win to give him! And the yellow circle was just a hair short of being full! I was this close to winning! Maybe I have a city I can concede, perhaps on the other continent that I don't need for my Cultural Victory, maybe that will end the terror by letting Montezuma war on someone else. But given how things have gone so far, I'm doubtful of it. Edit: Tried giving up a city, it delayed war for 1 turn. Stupid stupid Montezuma! I had Cyrus and Alexander on the same map, yet neither declared war on me despite being so bellicose. I have a turn ~240 save, about 60 prior. I could try to salvage things by reloading this and spending all my funds to amass some forces to attack him. Considering I'm playing with a 500 turn limit, even if this delayed my Culture Victory, I have a time cushion.
  2. Just to fill in how TRS handled its notable dads (TearRing Saga Spoilers!), from what I remember:
  3. Zant started as one of the worst characters gameplay-wise in HW, but like Ganondorf, he got seriously improved in updates that carried over into the 3DS and Switch ports. HW put a lot of love into Zant, almost every phase of his boss fight is put into his moveset, plus the Phantom Zants. He has a little gimmick where his strong attacks fill a gauge that when activated, causes his helmet to go away for like 15 seconds, during which he can pelt with dark magic bullets, or he can spinnnnnnnnnnnnn! Personality-wise, from what I remember, he has somewhat regal and somewhat childish arrogance, not so much the Darth Vader-esque coolness he started with in TP. And, the game through presentation and gameplay likes having fun with his crazier side. I'd like more of the Twili and Twilight Realm too, it's underexplored as is, though ever visiting it again in Zelda would require some good explain'. Also, the Twili weren't cursed anymore once you got the Sols/the Master Sword infused with their light. Just the pic I grabbed off of Zelda Wiki for what is presumably a child Twili. Clad in shadows, with the inorganic rune-like designs of the Twili marked upon them, similar hair color to Midna in her Twili form.
  4. The houses would've given you a Silence staff and the Heim Scroll +30% Mag +10% Lck -10% Def. In addition, if Olwen (recruited in the gaiden you missed) visited the house Mareeta starts at, you'd get a Magic Ring. You didn't miss just Salem, you missed another gaiden chapter by letting the fog clear up. Said gaiden has some real niceties too. If you absolutely want to make it much less difficult on a replay, just S Drink Safiya back, Warp someone to capture Salem, and then have Karin ferry Leif to seize. Let everyone else eat the bandits for EXP as desired. Sleep is worth having, it doesn't work on enemies on thrones/gates, and but it lets you capture anything else with utter ease, including mounted units who will be forced to dismount.
  5. It took me over 400 turns, but I finally completed a Civilization VI run. Gilgamesh went for the Science Victory- launching a satellite, going to the moon, and lastly launching even more rockets to settle Mars. The game is becoming easier to grasp the more I play, though I still fear the logistics of going for a Domination Victory. I think I'll try Cultural next, on a higher difficulty (apparently, the AI really isn't really improved by higher difficulty). I got experience with how to win Cultural when going for Science, since I went crazy after neglecting Culture to stop Pericles from winning that way. Lots of bribing him to steal Great Works to lower his Tourism output and increase my Culture and Tourism was necessary.
  6. I'd say that if anything, the evil Etrurian nobles are FE3's Lang again, well, at least partly so. FE6 is much a remix of FEs 1 & 3 narratively. The Western Isles, that filler arc of the plot, to me is inspired by the Grust Expedition + Macedon and the fight with Lang that begins Book 2's story. The Western Isles trip was a ploy intended to get the Lycian Army under Roy out of Lycia so Bern could take advantage of the absence. Marth was sent to Grust and Macedon under a pretense of a just cause, like Roy in the Isles, but its real purpose was to leave Altea undefended and ripe for conquest. Lombard and Leptor, Lang, or Lekain's cadre, all are much better than FE6's terrible pesky nobles. They have no personality, no real goals, and they spend waaaaaaaaaaaay too long in the plot. More Murdock, more Brunnya, more of the lacking Zephiel, Bern suffers because these pieces of styrofoam exist.
  7. I've started playing Civilization VI, the one game I got for Xmas to venture beyond my usual gaming boundaries. The tutorials are barely useful, the massive amount of information I have to learn is crushingly overwhelming, I restarted like three times within 100 turns until after reading online expand expand expand! is the key to the earlygame, and did just that. Now I'm approaching turn 200 on a standard-sized map I made as easy as possible to learn the basics by playing, moving towards attempting a religious victory with me now trying to convert Spain from its chosen Judaism (the sad irony) to my Buddhism. The game is so slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! My 4 Spd Gilbert was faster than this game is. IDK if I'm doing anything wrong that'd seriously speed it up (I probably am), but it truly is glacial. ...And yet, the grind is getting addictive. The Civilization bug, of becoming insanely drawn to gradual development of your realm, blind to the passage of IRL time, is setting in. It's dangerous.
  8. Shouzou Kaga, the director of FEs 1-5 (and TearRing Saga and Berwick Saga), made the game as a little retirement project (he is 70 possibly) using a new piece of software called SRPG Maker. The game has FE turn-based gameplay with the same general unit and weapon types, random growths, and all the usual things you'd expect from one. No supports, but permadeath and characters who aren't generic expendables carry over too of course. It doesn't have high production values being made as a totally free game in Japan (it's 19.99 USD in English b/c translation costs), but the gameplay should be at least decent.
  9. I had a feeling you wouldn't like this map. A trap, even one where the boss tells you there will be one, I thought would not sit well with you. I totally agree Alfred has to be less random/healable by Physics, he is a bother here that he can die so easily. Note that if you're going for the replacement, you'll have to make the right choice later- the smell of seawater instead of the scent of pine. The game will make something of a big deal out of this. And don't worry, while Olwen definitely has her fans and positives, the alternative has their fans and strengths too.
  10. Hard Classic. And I'm not opposed to using Divine Pulses, which leads to some stupid mistakes and overaggressiveness on my part sometimes. I did a lot of grinding, since I skipped on exploring the Monastery and wanted to spend my team on something other than Skip/Rest/Seminars, my team was almost universally between 40 and 45 at BL's end, but this didn't stop the enemies from packing the hurt, it'd be really tough if I hadn't so many levels. I'd have to slow down and whittle away everything at chokepoints. I'm glad I never really had to do that b/c of the mindless grinding.
  11. Even the translators said they had no idea what the third option Dorius meant was. Chapter 10 is one rude awakening to Thracia ballistae. You're not dealing with just one, you're dealing with seven and a Bolting, each of which hits for heavy and possibly fatal damage, their ranges are sometimes interlocking, with ten uses each, and plenty of tanky armors and rough terrain to make it difficult to reach them. What other game does this? I can't think of one that gives such a no-holds barred intro to a new enemy trick. It felt a little overdone actually, I think the map could've done with a few less, I hope a hypothetical Easy mode for a hypothetical Thracia 776 remake actually removes a ballistae or three. Because I feel this map as is would be brutal to newbies, if they somehow survived the incinerator of Manster. On the other hand, ballistae feel more "realistic" in their layering and great power here. I give Thracia some props for that.
  12. Just finished Blue Lions, I for some reason thought it would be 23 chapters, not 22, oh well. I thought it odd that With this, I've done every 3H route but Silver Snow, which I'll save until the final DLC wave releases, then I'll see about buying it for the four new characters and using them as part of an SS run where at a certain point I'll sub in as many Seiros people as I can by Chapter 14, so everyone but Gil. Byleth + Seiros 8 + DLC 4 + Anna = 14 characters. The most any map allows is 12, but I don't care for Anna, and picking someone to leave out, not sure who that'd be. For now, it's my Christmas gifts that take up my Switch, the comfortable DQXI, the less than technically perfect Bloodstained, the non-RPG fun of Luigi's Mansion 3, and the totally new to my gaming palette Civilization VI.
  13. Monsters usually aren't that bad other than the Sothis paralogue, you can usually aggro them separately. Not to mention the slightest terrain impediment (how does four little steps bring Godzilla to a halt?) or a 1 space chokepoint stops their fight zone cold. And, breaking all their armor is uncalled for unless you want the ore, just one section is fine. Only the spear of light ones were particularly deadly to me. The artstyle reminded me of a recently released game called 13 Sentinels: Which got a very NSFW PS4 wallpaper in Japan. It's the last image on this page scrolling down. https://personacentral.com/13-sentinels-aegis-rim-ps4-theme-change/ Xenogears has a higher chance? Yeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwch! What has a higher than a speck of dust above nil? Given more niche RPGs exist, see a ton of what NISA publishes, I wouldn't say there is absolutely no profitability, just not enough of a profit margin for Bandai Namco. -Or so I'd like to think.
  14. To think of non-Lif possibilities for a Red Mythic: Anri Baldr Od- highly unlikely since we don't even have Shannan yet. Hodr Fjalar Roland Hartmut Athos Bramimond Unnamed Renais mythic with Sieglinde. Unnamed Jehanna mythic with Audulhma. Grado with Gleipnir First Exalt Me want Brami, or Athos. Fjalar is a female that looks sorta pretty: The woman right in the middle with flowing hair, Arvis's ancestor. Lif just seems like the easier pick though.
  15. The Jingle Series can be found in every game except the DS one Wild World. Apparently New Leaf changed it so you could find the furniture at the store during the month of December, but for the 64/GameCube and Wii games, you had to find Jingle at night on December 24th. In the GC game, you had to find Jingle three times around town, answering a question each time to help narrow down what item he'd give you the third time you caught him. After getting a gift, you can find repeat the process again, but you'll have to change your shirt so he thinks you aren't the same person. Eventually he'll stop giving you gifts regardless, but maybe this can be sidestepped if you have multiple characters? In the Wii game, you have need to only talk to Jingle once, but instead of wandering outside, he'll be inside houses without the lights on. Talk to him once and answer his question then for a gift. Change your head accessory and repeat this process until you have everything you want, you can get duplicate items. So, for the GC original, getting a full Jingle Series will require a whole lot of time at night on Christmas Eve. Not the funnest thing in the world. Not part of the Jingle Series, you buy these too: + a candelabra for Hanukkah/Kwanzaa. New Leaf appears to have gone even crazier with Christmasy items. And a "Festive Wreath", and a "Festive Candle" And yes, Santa clothes exist too. If you like the snow, the Snowman Series exists too.:
  16. Odd, I don't recall any issues with killing all the wyverns myself, I don't remember any strays. I just gave up on getting Selphina potshot EXP here, there is the rest of the game for her to get levels. And, just as a precaution if her killing something harmless opened the way for something that could harm her. I'll agree the overall defending here is rather weak, other than the five wyverns, the map is fairly easy. Nanna can equip the sword and get double Staff EXP, to no decrease of the sword's durability. So if you don't need it on someone else, she makes a good carrier for it. His official FE5 art: To be fair, I wouldn't consider this significant father-daughter interaction. Travant seemed to be mostly reminiscing about the past here, if positive of what Altena could do with Arion in the future. While I could've dropped it sooner, or later, this a good time to mention this five-part all-text narrative not in the game that goes with Thracia 776- "Leonster's Fall". It details the events that happened in Manster District after Quan and Ethlyn were murdered, up to Leif and Finn's desperate escape. Wordy, not perfect regarding some details, some visuals to accompany this would've been appreciated, and the names used therein are not the modern versions, but it's worth a read.
  17. My family has been doing breakfast on Christmas day for a while now. Challah french toast with hashbrowns, and eggs Florentine on English muffins as a new addition this year. Only after this do we open gifts, child impatience when it comes to presents is gone now, so it's no problem. We used to be invited other places for dinner, but changes to greater family dynamics means we weren't invited anywhere this year. We're just doing a turkey for dinner, nothing special. I attempted to make yule log for the first time too. Everything went well until the roll got out of the oven, it had holes in it already, and when unrolled later, it broke clearly in two. The recipe seems to be the problem, a flourless chocolate cake lacked the elasticity necessary for a yule log. It still tastes good, it just looks like an utter mess.
  18. Merry Christmas! If only it weren't a hassle, kid me would've completed this set, I wish I could decor a house from floor to ceiling in Christmas adornments IRL.
  19. True, Quan was only the Prince of Leonster when he died, though depending on how old King Kalf was, it's possible that before he went on his western Jugdral escapade with Sigurd, that he did share some responsibilities with his father. Quan was an adult, certainly capable of independent or co-rule. This line could've easily been tweaked to read "your fathers". Meaning the entire Leonsterian monarchal line.
  20. I'd say this depends, if your units are too weak to sweep the enemy phase, then it's player phase. Me on my first run of FE4 felt the 1st Gen was mostly player phase, with some eroding of the edges of the enemy hordes first, before I could like an amoeba devour them whole or at least leave them unable to kill anyone after one big player phase. Gen 2? Yeah, this became much more enemy phase oriented, because the game makes it easier to hit the power point needed to be invincible and sweep the enemy forces. Ideally, both player and enemy phase should matter. But outside of the ideals? Well making a more player-phase game means some combination of: More PP-exclusive stuff- Combat Arts, Death Blow. Lower enemy density. Higher enemy stats (relative to the player). The inability to counter and deal "sufficient" damage to all/most enemies on the enemy phase (SoV Bows, Fates Javelins and Hand Axes). A more enemy-phase game means some combination of: Little or no PP-exclusive stuff. Higher enemy density. Lower enemy stats (relative to the player). The ability to counter and deal sufficient damage to all/most enemies on the enemy phase. I'd say that as with FE4, a game being player or enemy phase sometimes boils down to player skill. Turtling, the newbie surefire technique for victory in many cases is inherently PP-oriented. But, for an FE genius fully understanding everything, what might be so hard a newbie has to PP it, the genius, due to precise calculations and distribution of resources for Unit W to hit X Spd, Y Durability, and Z Offense without it being detrimental later on, can EP that same challenge no sweat. And, in theory, even some PP games, like SoV can be made into EP games, via one stacked Bow Knight. Flawless EPing can be proof you've broken a game. A game only becomes PP-oriented if EP-orientation is intentionally stopped. -Or so I think. But then again, New Mystery on Maniac/Lunatic sounds waaaay too evil for me, so maybe I prefer EP? Not too sure.
  21. Thinks the second Dagas Affinity Chart move is what I kinda find his personality to be. (The arrogant royalty trope isn't all bad, but it's rather eh.)
  22. I completed the Silver Maiden paralogue on BL by going for an early takedown of Hubert, was anything of value lost by doing so?
  23. A Home Alone fan? Saaaaaame here! The sequel is good enough too. 3 and 4 are nonexistent, but if they were, I'd bet they'd be utter atrocities due to losing the original kid.
  24. Dictionaries gotta stay hip. If language didn't change, we'd all be speaking pre-proto Indo-European, except for those speaking whatever the first hominids who created a language made up. For XCX as an initial aside, I just witnessed that a few are indeed chronological. For instance, Mia's 1st has you see her talking to some guy, and then the second you hear about her planning something in the 2nd that stemmed from her talking to the guy, and then you see the results of her plan in the 3rd. But after the 3rd, there is no chronology involving the fourth and fifth. For XC1, I had to gloss over some HtHs to get an idea. To list some of them with SPOILERS mentioned.: Other than the first HtH set I picked, I don't see any subtle progression. Maybe there are ones I didn't scan that do have a progression that gets increasingly intimate, but I don't really see it for the rest. Yes the pink hearts are often more serious, but usually the pink heart HtHs require you play further into the game to unlock, no? Gating via time and place is better than gating with Affinity to me. I cast judgement in your favor, do away with the Affinity requirements I'll say.
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