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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. It's Atk-halving. So if you have 40 Atk before the battle starts, it'll be reduced to 20 and then have Medeus's 15 Def deducted from it, for 5 damage. Atk-halving is not to be confused with Damage-halving ala Dragonskin. If Medeus had Dragonskin instead, it'd be 40 - 15 = 25 / 2 = 12 damage. Congrats on getting Book 1 done! Now you won't have to see any of that again until FE11. When I did a whole big review of my time with FE3, I found the two Books were pretty different experiences. You definitely should hold off on judging FE3 as a whole, but I think it's fine to judge Book 1 apart from Book 2.
  2. Instead, the only Axel English audiences got to know is Axel: "The Gespenst Mk. III!! Die Beowulf! Lamia: "Chief Axel, I will fight you." Axel: "W17! You're a puppet you'reapuppetyou'reapuppetyou'reapuppetyou'reapuppet!" -Throw in "Deactivate the limiter!" Code: Kirin hopscotch. In no almost no way was this guy likable. And I didn't even like his battle theme. It was one of three RPGs at the time that disappointed me for lack of localization at the end of the DS's lifecycle, the other two being FE12 and Luminous Arc 3. I did pay attention the game when it was announced and released. It sounded interesting, but after failing miserably at the Mega Man Zero Collection, I realized I'd never get it. The Empress/Knight and Shinobi/Witch split did seem like a ripoff to me, it's only four characters, who presumably share in all or most stages. The story premise sounded okay, individuals who have had dragons enter their bodies due to sorrow. Even if the story apparently didn't work out so well. And visually, well the MMZ aesthetic shows.
  3. So a mastectomy? Sony must have asked they do it for cancer awareness. Brilliant use of Amalthus. I recall hearing the original had a "panic button" you can activate so people won't see you playing a "perv game". Same with the sequel? Does you getting the game have anything to do with this "Enkoro" girl from the first Gal*Gun game being in that short 8-bit Mighty Gunvolt game? And while I'm not normally one for fanservice (just about thirty seconds of this): This game does its fanservicey dialogue fairly well. πŸͺs for the writers and translators.
  4. And the Persona fans don't see the Persona either- so I hear. No Social Links/Confidants + no psychobabble = πŸš«πŸƒ TMS is an orphan. Not since IV: Apocalypse!😩 I hope the franchise recovers. But, I like the gameplay very much overall, the dungeons have fairly decent design, soundtrack works, the visual flair is good. The FE veneer is just that, a thin veneer, I'd like more FE, but I'm chill. I was raging mad like many others when TMS as it is was initially revealed, but I still went and bought it anyhow. I was won over to liking it. Sure it's no 9/10 or 10/10, it's more firmly in the 7-7.5 zone, but I still enjoy for the gameplay. I can brush off the story and superficially laugh off the idol anime silliness. I'm willing to forgo plot for gameplay anyhow. I can totally understand how others would dislike/not be interested in this game though. But such are they, and such am I. "Sunk cost fallacy" might apply to me. How often would I if I knew in advance go for a 7.5 title? Atlus, arrogant? What a peculiar notion. Where on the Internet would you have found them declaring this arrogance? The Atlus fanbase is not Atlus itself. Anything fans say is not representative of what Atlus the company may think. Atlus is no Square Enix or EA, no *insert other large developer*. Atlus is a small company that outside of the last three Personae, has barely made much in sales or popularity. And Persona is still in some measure despite being their breakout, a "niche" franchise. SMT because darkness is even more niche, and Etrian Odyssey is super-duper niche. They've continually pumped out titles, but they always cater to a small audience, they aren't aiming for sales platinum. And not every title even then that Atlus has made is flawless. SMT: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army has a lovely setting, but is so clunky in gameplay without a great story behind it. Digital Devil Saga 2 is rushed at the end. SMT IV: Apocalypse has thematic disconnect. Plain old IV has poor dungeon design. Atlus is small fries and they know it I would say. Arrogance can only be born of bigness. Or at the least, the small who are arrogant die fast, because they lack the financial and popular sales cushion for the errors of arrogance. -I can understand not liking/being interested in Atlus gameplay or games as a whole, but they themselves aren't arrogant.
  5. As if the old Lorenz was much of a looker: -I only just realized they've been swapping the missing eye. Not sure why they've canonized right eyepatch over left.
  6. The best way to kill the undead: It's the month of Halloween, why not play it again for old times sakes? The Pile Driver in action.β˜€οΈπŸ˜Ž Less skin is more desire, mystery breeds a want to know, it stirs the imagination. Flesh exposed is flesh cheap, flesh hidden is flesh forbidden. What is forbidden becomes the object of obsession. There is even at least one game I'm aware of where the Switch version is less covered than the PS4's. Omega Labyrinth Life I think it was called, a game of flower gardens, mystery dungeons, and girls who get more powerful as their cup size goes up. I did hear of a recent remake of a really old visual novel called YU-NO that did get toned down a little, but I think that was true of all versions of the game. The game, whilst still very risque, is not as blatantly eroge as its original was (though said old game was historically influential).
  7. Solution? Just eyeroll off the silly unnecessary changes (what age do they think this game is intended for?), and ignore the easily spottable in advance Internet criticism. It might be legitimate, but will 99% of the time will devolve into whining that'll make you that much closer to thinking humanity deserves to be eradicated. -I just hope this doesn't mean they're cutting the Japan-only DLC swimsuits entirely from this game. Go ahead and add more fabric to Tsubasa's and Maiko's: and probably Yashiro's.: But I don't think anyone else needs more waterproof cloth to be sufficiently modest. I'm actually surprised that Kiria, the "cool and sexy" girl has as much coverage as she already does. And although Mamori's is not shown here, her swimwear is a very modest and child-friendly top and dress.
  8. Banned to keep you safe from the evil Witch Otaku.
  9. Because, contrary to being under the same "darkness" umbrella, Satan does not get along with vampires. Mostly the white old men vampires, who are arrogant and have a tendency to want to style themselves as the "Prince of Darkness", without taking over an ounce of the responsibilities Satan has on a daily basis. Satan is perfectly fine and accepting of the lesbian vampires though, even if he is professedly heterosexual with a witch fetish and doesn't get aroused from lesbian romance. He will join in orgies with them and bi/pansexuals if invited. And yet, the worst vampires to him are the modern teenage boys who date ordinary human girls. Those vampires turned Satan off from porn of all kinds for five years, and in that time he replaced Lust with Gluttony. He got a "giant, stuck in ice, blue and really fat and ugly" body from all the food, which included plenty of garlic sausage to keep the vampires he now hated away. He is trying to work towards Miltonian sexiness again, but Satan, having gone through cycles of fat and thin before, knows that will take time to achieve. Would you buy and wear a Pokemon dress shirt?
  10. Anime does not usually believe in nipples. This is particularly true of men, where they're biologically worthless, the product of forming in the womb before the biological sex characteristics kick into high gear. An "imperfection" then, an "imperfection" which is promptly removed. Is the aesthetic choice good? Well it is unrealistic, but rather gone or minimized than exaggerated when it comes to teats, for me. I'd be much more welcoming of chest, pubic, back and armpit hair however. I don't need it, but a forest is fine with me, as long as it is groomed and sanitary. Wild and unclean is where I draw the line. My sympathies for this superficial issue. Though I've not FEH anymore, on the token gatcha I do play, I have 77000 in summon material saved up, with a full set of ten summons costing 1200 each, and a *5 rate of 4%. The last time I tapped into it was when the FE crossover happened, months ago. At least I have something to look forward to, a Mega Man crossover at the end of November.
  11. Had to throw in that clause to account for certain religious orders in India. The tiny religion of Jainism (just a couple million followers) has two orders of monks.* One of these orders, the Digambaras, reject the wearing of clothing altogether. Clothing is a luxury, it is a comfort. Asceticism rejects earthly luxury and pleasantries. Therefore, individuals of greatest humility must spurn the protection from hot, cold, and winds, and all else provided by clothing. Such monks are only allowed two possessions in life: a drinking gourd for carrying water, and a hand-fan/brush to move aside all tiny organisms, rather than harm the precious lives by stepping on them. They are otherwise at the mercy of the Jain community for sustenance and support. Jain saints are always depicted naked. Hinduism, the religion of the majority of India (alongside a large Muslim minority which is currently undergoing persecution by a "nationalist" government), has holy men generically called "Sadhus". Many of these ascetics, for reasons I do not know, but may relate to the sacrifice of worldly comforts like the Jains, often go naked or close to it, wearing only a small loincloth. Although some, for reasons I do know either, do apply what I assume is ashes to their bodies for a grey-blue appearance. Perhaps its ashes-to-ashes, a recognition of mortality. Perhaps its because Vishnu and Shiva- particularly Shiva who is fairly ascetic among the deities despite having a wife and two kids- because both gods are frequently depicted with blue skin. Either way, Sadhus do travel around in public places, asking for alms to live in exchange for blessings. *Neither order of nuns in Jainism allows for the ascetic women to be naked. Nor, are there female Sadhus in Hinduism. Jainism has historically had large quantities of nuns, more than monks, but they all must wear clothing. They are subject upon initiation to having all the hair on their heads removed, not shaved, but pulled out by hand. This is a painful process, but such is aestheticism. For Hindu women, asceticism isn't really an option, passionate and deeply devoted Bhakti worship is their, clothed, avenue for showing reverence with possible(?) celibacy. -And let it be stated this does NOT excuse Gandhi's sleeping naked with his late-teens niece when he was in his 70s to "test" his celibacy which he was obsessed with. There can be no such thing as an overload of criticism directed at him for that behavior.
  12. Exactly the same. However, you're less likely to run into the problem. You don't have 2 reserve teams in the 2020s, and characters just sitting at HQ don't get EXP. So you have much more incentive to stick with the same trio through the entire game. It's referencing the life before Kim Kasim, also incarnated in the Zeboim Civilization (the 500 years between Lacan and Fei Fong Wong does not reflect on the distance between every reincarnation). The WE was experiencing a little disruption as it was reincarnating the Contact, and thus it botched the biological sex. But, the WE, being a being beyond biological sex and gender itself, did not bother to correct the error. I cannot tell you whether the Contact incarnation later became a transgender male, or they remained a female and the Antitype was born a man, or if the Contact and Antitype were lesbians. Regardless of these possibilities, the love story between the celebrity and their bodyguard/spokesperson (I won't say which) ended in tragedy. What I can tell you though, is that later in their extraordinarily brilliant career, a leading figure in the music industry approached them. They had a very generous offer presented before them, which they accepted. To unify mankind for a common purpose through the power of music, that was what she had planned. He can club someone to death with a Physic staff then. RD overdid Mage Str. And my best anti-Ballistae unit. Fly her into a blind spot, dismount on a forest, accrue 40+ Fatigue performing her duties over many turns in a single fight, and yet never die. I definitely got blessed early on with her, and used some Scrolls later. Yours has 3 less Def and 1 HP, but 4 more Mag and 3 Con than mine. And yet, mine has 12 Move. Karin is a little weird, she begins as utter deadweight in Chapter 4, but once Manster is over, she is absolutely worth investing in. An investment that paid off big time for me. It isn't an inability. FE4 has Pegasus Knights and Falcoknights. FE5 has Pegasus Riders and Pegasus Knights. -In the new translation that is. And, Pegasus Rider exists as an unused class in FE4, which does have a used Wyvern Rider class; although Altena starts as a Wyvern Knight who promotes into a Wyvern Lord. Dean is a Knight and Eda is a Rider. Think of it as reflecting the smaller scale of Thracia, you don't get Falcoes and Lords because the game's scope doesn't merit it. -But this doesn't explain every other class having their normal promotions, barring Leif. Nor why PKs can't use Swords while mounted. Fair point. And, it's worth adding that according to 2020-II, right from Emel's mouth, she says that she isn't an actual person from planet Hypnos. I know VFD said something like she embodied hate and Aitelle love, but 2020-II made it clearer that it was more than symbolic. When Hypnos was destroyed, I think it went, an immaterial collective consciousness of those who once lived there formed. Emel is part of that enduring psyche, its hatred towards the Dragons given a physical form. Emel says she has gained a small, independent will apart from that hate over time as she has existed, but that is not the root of her being. She is not a life of her own, but the life of an aggregate undying hate. This explains how they're alive for so long, and why the "sisters" look nothing alike.
  13. I can't remember VFD Nyala's moveset at all, Paralyze from a Rune Knight (I really liked that class- a good VFD original) meant Nyala spent so much of the fight doing nothing. Unique to 2020 I think, one of Nyala's wings, the right IIRC, is ruined when you fight it. That is because of what originally happened pre-VFD time travel. Atlantis, Emel states, was able to injure Nyala to specifically that point, but not kill it. Hence its return in the year 2020. Given VFD Nyala is Nyala at full power long ago, it makes little sense why the VDF heroes have such an easy time with it. It takes the entire game for the heroes of 2020/-II to get strong enough to kill one True Dragon. The rest of the 2020s Unit 13 is only killing Imperial Dragons- the mindless high servants of the Trues. But, as VFD was the final game in the franchise, I completely understand why they wanted to fit almost every True into it. The one excuse VFD does have for the early Nyala kill is that they have a Dragonslayer sword. In 2020, the heroes have no idea True Dragons exist, Emel and Aitelle should know, but neither speaks of it. Aitelle concerns herself with Takehaya's precarious physical condition, and Emel arrives in Japan very late in the game, after fleeing the United States which she had for the rest of the game wisely advised in its war with the Dragons. What ends up happening in 2020 is that the heroes climb the Tokyo Sky Tower to confront Mizuchi- the Dragon who they think when slain will end this apocalypse. Because the Tokyo Sky Tower is magically twisted to reach into the outer layers of the Earth's atmosphere, just before they approach Mizuchi, they lose radio contact with their Nav and the rest of Murakumo. After Mizuchi is slain, at last Nyala speaks to the heroes and welcomes them, creating a magic stairway to ascend into Nyala's gilded lair in outer space. Nyala as you ascend and kill their last Dragon minions, gives spiels on dragons and humanity, and then the heroes kill it without having any kind of Dragonslayer weapon. The game does put warp points to return to Murakumo HQ in the final dungeon, but nobody changes their dialogue after you kill Mizuchi. Canonically, I don't think anyone finds out about the True Dragons until after the credits when Unit 13 returns to Earth mission accomplished. As for 2020-II, Emel did in Chapter 4 speak of Dragonslayers being needed to kill Fomalhaut. But I still don't have one in Chapter 5, instead, the plan currently is to collect three more Imperial Dragon samples to forge one.
  14. *Checks* Yeah, they died the year before VFD's release, it being finished must have been Sega being willing to bring it to completion. I haven't played the original 7th Dragon for DS yet, but Nyala is the final boss of 2020, and I think I read the secret post-story bonus boss of 2020-II as well (WHY?). As a final boss, Nyala was fairly tough, loads of ailments, plenty of damage, not quick to die. It gets a flashy ultimate attack called 7th Meteor 2020, you'll always get one turn's warning when it comes, but it still hits for insane damage. And, Nyala can apply Killing React to itself. As if it wasn't bad enough for one of your teammates to die, it'll then get an additional action (which is always fixed to something it'll only use on that extra turn). Still, it only had one phase, which is pretty unusual for a final boss nowadays. Technically there is a second phase, but it's only Nyala being severely wounded and you fully healed, it'll try to hit you with the Meteor again, only to pathetically fail and do nothing. It's a quick finishing blow.
  15. I want the legal right to a self-driving Tesla that I don't need a driver's license for.
  16. That tower appears in the virtual simulator/game that begins the story in VFD. In 2020, it's the second-to-last dungeon (which directly connects to the last dungeon), and 2020-II looks like it'll be doing both. It is used for the game's opening, and Fomalhaut has been hanging out there, so it's all apparent it'll be the final dungeon too. VFD I think is precisely 2100. So eighty years later, and little has changed. Although it'd take some time to climb out the advancement-stopping rubble of two back-to-back global dragon apocalypses. First Nyala and then Fomalhaut, with about six months between the end for the first, and the beginning of the second IIRC. I blame Imageepoch wholeheartedly reusing assets, what you see in VFD are essentially the same graphics as the 2020s, albeit with a little more detail and polish. The optional Tokyo Tower in VFD (not to be confused with the Tokyo Sky Tower- but that as I already said was reused) was directly copied from 2020 too. In gameplay Samurai has the same moveset in all three games, minus the one-sword vs. dual-wielding split in VFD. VFD Agent is just a mix of 2020s Trickster's Gun half and the 2020 Hacker's Hacking half. VFD Mage is almost the same as 2020s Psychic. VFD Godhand is 2020s Destroyer with a brand new touch of healing and buffing. If it weren't for me being into this kind of gameplay, and emulation being free, I don't think I'd leap for these after VFD. And to show a select few NPCs:
  17. As a matter of caution, Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are particularly favored on this site compared to elsewhere on the Internet (and I partake of this bias). I'd rather say FE7/Fire Emblem is a better starting point.
  18. This would be difficult to fix. The easy way would be to set a programming "flag" when a character has reached an A Support with someone else. Since whilst a gimmick might not be "remedied" at the B, it should be by the end of the A. When the flag is set, the game will instead reach for an alternate support for the same rank between the same two characters. So lets pretend Yarne hit his first A support with Lucina and he got over his extinction fears there (I have zero idea if the support does involve them). Then, YarnexNah will select a different version of its C support than the one which would have played had he not A supported Lucina already, or anyone else. The major problem, is how much of the supports would have to be changed? If it's basically the entire thing, then that is a lot more writing the character writers have to include. It'd be bearable only if the support required minor tweaks and adjustments in tone. Another issue is not all supports tread in the same waters. Not all supports revolve around a character getting over their gimmick. Therefore, it'd make little sense for the flag to be raised if a support didn't involve the gimmick. And as such, the programmers would if they were being extra attentive have the flag raised only on certain supports hitting A. But this means more work, and how worth it is it really?
  19. @DragonFlames Remember how 7th Dragon: Code VFD didn't show one True Dragon at all? Well...
  20. "As for how long the game will take, for people who catch on to the battle system quickly, about 10-12 hours. If it takes a little longer to understand the system, you’re looking closer to 15-20 hours." http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/10/feature_little_town_hero_director_on_stepping_out_of_pokemons_shadow Oof. I want Game Freak's non-Pokemon project to succeed, but this sounds like another nail in the coffin. $25 for a 10-20 hour game. I understand an appreciation for shorter games, 50-60 hour JRPGs can be too drawn out and time-consuming. But the price-to-time ratio seems a little out of balance for what most would call a "good value". On sale for $15 later and it'd be worth a look for me.
  21. Is it performance issues? All I have is OpenEmu, being ran on a seven-year-old Macbook. Sure the laptop gets too hot sometimes, as in "too hot to leave on your bare legs", but it has gone through FEs 3-6+12, Super Famicom Wars, TearRing Saga, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, and both 7th Dragon 2020 games and it still works perfectly fine. The initial emulation moments didn't show any hiccups for Soma Bringer, although I never got to the actual action itself. This said, the heating issue is why I haven't tried Xenosaga, the generational increase in emulation demands I'm afraid would push my old workhorse to its limits. And, how far did you play into the game? Did you later watch an LP of it to determine its being all-but-a-Xeno status?
  22. The philosophical implications of this, its deeper meaning if it has any, I cannot dissect what that meaning is. But, I want to believe that it does, and wish that I could know it. Unfortunately, I forget where exactly (definitely somewhere on GFAQs, I've been on the site (not as a member of the cesspit) since at least like 2005), or even why it came up. But years ago, the precise number is lost to me, I distinctly recall stumbling on I think is one of those spoilers. My memory has not allowed me to forget it, to my loss. That being (Xenosaga spoilers?): Because you mentioned it was a Monolith product before, I decided to download Soma Bringer. I checked to make sure its working, but I didn't start really playing it. I'm too tired at the moment, and this would be my third game in my emulation pile that I don't have completed. I don't want to add another, which would metaphorically sit beside my physical piles of unfinished/unplayed games. On the one hand, I can be very monogamous with my video games. I can play just one game for a week or more on end and nothing else. But, the monogamy usually doesn't last until the game is finished. And it doesn't stop me from having "Ooh new shiny game!" infidelity shortly into a new game I'd already only just started.
  23. Just got back into 7th Dragon 2020-II and slew the resurrected butter/dragon-fly Imperial Dragon. For the first time in all three games of 7th D I've played though, I had to skip on killing certain Dragons, because they were simply too strong. I brought Poison-blocking accessories b/c that I thought would be the only worrisome ailment in the fight. Nope, boss has partywide Sleep, and can react to Sleep with a single target followup damaging and Poisoning one of the Sleep victims. I refused to surrender and won out though, took some time. Getting that Imperial slain means I can finally spend my SP, which I hadn't because it isn't until after it can I unlock the majority of skills. Therefore, I don't have regrets not about investing in something, fearing I should have saved up for something else coming later. I know how my Trickster is going: Hide+Bush Trap, Trick Hands, and Assassin's React. My Destroyer is Counter Stance for their singular fundamental move, but the rest is undecided. And I haven't a clue how to build my Idol, whose main Dragon duty is throwing around healing items. Have to check how strong/weak its lone healing skill is at max level. And after having online guides for EOs and the other two 7th Ds as to the exact power of each skill, not having them here only creates little, unnecessary worries that I could invest SP poorly.
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