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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I've been playing the Switch version of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. I had long wanted to try the game, a good old Job system that let me customize my characters just had to be good. And, I had recalled comparisons to the first Xenoblade Chronicles back when XC1 was first released (XII preceded XC1 by 4 years FYI). I overheard FFXII had a weak plot, I didn't mind if the world looked nice, and above all else, the gameplay was good. The game is fundamentally failing me. I've reached the point where I can get a second License Board, and things are just not fun. The Zodiac Job System is a sham, nothing at all like the Job systems of FFV or Bravely Default/Second. It's closer to the Sphere Grid of FFX, but even that I'd want to argue is better than this. Heck, even Octopath Traveler has a better Job system. The vast majority of Licenses are just weapons and armor and accessories that I don't have access to yet, and it has very little in interesting customization. I haven't spent about 800-1000 LP on each character, but I can't see how much good that'd do me at the moment. Severely hurting the ZJS is seeming dearth of skills physically-oriented characters can perform. Of all the Techniques that exist, very few seem actually useful and worth getting. Instead, a physically-oriented character is just spamming auto attacks, BORING!!! Call Xenoblade "Arts Spam!", not without some reason, but at least positional Arts and other conditionals and secondary effects add some nuance. How could Square not give physical attackers a better arsenal? Remember Sabin, Edgar and Cyan? How is an SNES game better off than this one? The fellow PS2 FFs of FFX and X-2 are better off. XI the immediate predecessor probably is too. Mages with their MP pools just throw the usual FF spells at everything when I need them to, so they don't actually play much better than physical attacks. Decoy is about the only interesting new spell. Quickenings appear to be just powerful attacks I can rarely use, no strategy. I'd also like to say that MP, even with gradual recharge, does feel a bit dated here. And it is annoying at this point when money for things like Echo Herbs and Eye Drops are still something that I, rather strapped for cash, need to buy. Silence and Blind could stand to wear off naturally after enough time passes, like the Slow and Sleep ailments. I appreciate Gambits to remove tedium, and setting a couple of simple ones has allowed me to autobattle through most weaker enemies. When that isn't enough, a strong single foe or many weaker ones, I command some Darks, Aeroes, and Curas. If I win, good, if not, well I retreat. Fleeing isn't bad here, but not as good as XC has it. So, the Zodiac Job System hasn't clicked, maybe it won't ever click. How is the world? Well Square hasn't failed in the presentation department, and the movie sequences are pretty. The PS2 Remastered graphics are straining with over a decade of age, but they're able to put up a strong fight and remain good enough outside of, say, armor detail. I'll add the flowery script is being appreciated. Balthier's character and VA are sublime too. But, the world itself doesn't feel that creative. And the world itself is a bit flat, its pretty, but not my favorite to roam, no venue will forever remain with me so far. The absence of XC's Landmarks is inconvenient, the finite Teleport Stones to select Save Crystals is less ideal. This remaster's 2/4x Speed and autosave features are big helps with some QoL problems, and I'm thankful for them. Again, FFXII preceded XC1 by four years, and boy, what a difference it made. XII is downright primitive compared to XC1. I'm going to keep playing XII in hopes it gets better, but this is not the XII I eagerly awaited. Not. At. All.😞
  2. So what is the next step for Brexit? Between a reckless PM, an unliked opposition leader who seems to find sitting in Brexit No Man's Land (neutral/ambivalence) pleasant when nobody else does, the third major-ish party getting a sudden boost by going all-in as Remain but still not so big I guess, and a fringe Farage dude. What will happen?
  3. Lyn should have gained defense once or twice by level 10. So it's a little screwed, but not that much. Lyn's Def growth is only 20%, which is rather common in GBA FE, most Def growths do not exceed 30%. This isn't necessarily true of other growths, 30% is low by Spd growths for instance.
  4. Because IS put Talys at the edge of the map, because IS wanted to have a game where the main hero travels most of the world. Given this all stems from an NES game, I wouldn't place any great logic behind it, the developers certainly couldn't have. And IS has shown little interest in coming up with a logical retcon for this.
  5. About that: My take on Lin is I appreciate the view she provides. Elma by herself would for a dull game make. Elma is on the whole calm, rational, logical, and knowing. Lin is a less calm and less coldly rational. She is not the exact opposite of Elma, but she provides a measure of contrast that should be appreciated, especially since Elma is far from the average person. The issue with Lin stems from how this contrasting view is carried out. In a game that wants to be lightly mature, removed from excessive "anime" frivolities, Lin stands out as a concession to "anime frivolity". She is a cute and innocent girl, and despite her young age, she is incredibly smart, smarter than probably a lot of adults in the Skell field, she is the foremost mind on the flight module project after all. When everyone else playable in XCX is a few years older than her, when there are no other young geniuses, it is odd. And left to wonder why she is what she is, I, perhaps cynically, went assume it was to appeal to the cutesy anime girl crowd. That was a peculiar move, when XC1 had no one in its playable roster so saccharinely sweet, and yet it did very well without them. Lin could be worse. Her personality could be way more annoying for sure. She does have good camaraderie with Elma, Vandham, Lao, and Doug. And she even has a post-battle quip with Alexa, which makes perfect sense by actually grounding Lin's engineering geek side a bit. But, a few more years on Lin wouldn't hurt anything. And, while I'm fine with her liking cooking, the exaggerated use of it before most story chapters is very annoying, her cooking doesn't seem "naturally integrated" into her character for me. It feels tropey, and a little cynically like it was assigned to her to make her into a domestic, because of course women should love cooking. Not to mention her cooking is continually tainted by Tatsu jokes. If they dropped the story chapters constantly bringing this up (a few times, without the Tatsu jokes more than once, would be fine), I'd probably not go after her on this point at all. It'd do a whole lot to help her. Even though Pyra and Mythra are in XC2, which on the whole is much more "anime", and they themselves are in some great measure "anime", I didn't actually mind the cooking aspect of either. Perhaps it is the difference in usual intended tone between XCX and XC2, neither is a sore-ish thumb like Lin. Perhaps its because the cooking isn't so heavily played with Pyra IIRC. And for Mythra, well she downplays it very well in the maingame, while I actually laughed at it in Torna and sorta liked how she takes pride in it (the Milton scenes were my source of Torna eyerolls, but even those I later saw had a clear and good purpose to them), with her cooking style labeled as 'creative" cuisine. The fact she quietly admits she is terrible at cooking in the maingame was a chicken nugget of character growth. And as for Jin, well cooking is there to help humanize him, which was quite helpful given how his maingame self is as I later learned. And to return to Alexa, how can I rank her much higher than Lin when Alexa is much more one-note? Well, Alexa isn't a main character, she is optional and doesn't get anything outside of her HtHs and Affinity Missions. If she appeared in more places, particularly with different, more serious contexts, then I'd demand more of her. As is, I can take her more lightly than Lin. Alexa on the surface blends in a bit better than Lin, being a young woman who isn't notably younger than everyone else. Alexa isn't weighed down by Tatsu either. I'm not saying I dislike Lin, I'm only identifying the criticisms. I harbored no feelings of "ugh!" for having her tag along for every story mission. Nor any similar feeling whenever she appeared. I could absolutely see someone moving Lin up, because I could definitely see someone moving Phog waaaaaaaay down. Though I guess I place Phog so high, because I see aspects of myself in him. Likewise, if someone doesn't like ever being rubbed the wrong way by a character, I could see Murderess and H.B. take drops. But I'm willing to forgive coarse beginnings if things smooth out later (maybe a little too much so), Zeke ended up being that way after all. -I enjoy trying to critically break down my praise and criticism for things. To see whether I truly should be so praising/critical of something, or if I should not. That is a lot more things to rank, since most places have the day/night theme divide. Not that all have a major schism in the quality between day and night, but some do you'd have to consider, like Valak Mountains. You shouldn't forget the town-wilderness divide either. Theosoir and the Colony 6 Refugee Camp should not be forgotten, nor should all the renditions of the Colony 6 town theme that change as you rebuild the place. And since you haven't played XCX, I'll also remind you in particular of its handful of places besides the five regions and NLA with designated music. First there is Don't Worry for flying, I think that qualifies, you might argue otherwise, reasonable I can see the case being. Then, there is the music that play on the handful of isolated islands remote from any region. And you want the Ma-non ship that docks in NLA too. And the Divine Roost, and the Ganglion base theme, and the cave music- not that these are necessarily good. And lastly, the rather pleasant BLADE Barracks theme.
  6. Book 2 explains all the information in the intro, so no worries on that. They're considered backwater or more less, a much younger kingdom in the history of the Archanean continent. Given Ogma and his axe trio is stated to be hired by King Talys in the next chapter, I'd guess it could rely on mercenaries more than having a standing army. But why Ogma isn't there in C1, no explanation.
  7. For the briefest moment, I thought "Why is Battlefield from Smash on here?" Took me a second to realize the blue was solidified gel (it isn't actually ice), not sky beneath a floating platform. To explain the solid gel for the moment, as I remember it: As for your tier list on the whole: My inclinations would raise Bionis Interior by one tier. No exploration in it at all, but it was a novel concept, albeit better done later in Torna. Galahad Fortress would drop a tier. Colony 9 goes up one. ATM, I'm thinking I'd drop Argentum, but I think I am just still sick of the music and for some reason, roaming around it trying to find/do something annoying. But I do like the concept. Would I drop the Cliffs of Morytha? Hmm... Possibly. The dead Titan idea has some appeal, even if it is nothing particularly nice looking in practice. I'm not sure why, but I'd half-consider dropping Uraya one. Perhaps because in gameplay it was going a bit uneven here for me on the first trip, this is the awkward growing phase of XC2 in gameplay, where yes, that extra level or three really does help. The gameplay hadn't fully unlocked yet, and yet "beginning tutorial ease" was fading. Mor Ardain because size is small would be under great consideration for a drop of one tier. I like the desert, but it needed more. And for Mira, I'd kick Primordia down to C, Oblivia to A, and Cauldros to B. Not sure what to do with NLA, but Sylvalum and Noctilum deserve to remain on top. And to do my own little Xeno tier list (note that the purple and yellow tiers are more or less equal to each other, just different criticisms): One could certainly disagree with some/a lot of my placements, I can logically predict reasons why. No probs, it's called opinions, differences are expectable, often wonderful, and usually to be tolerated within reason. I will write an essay to the mods why you should be banned forever if you disagree with one SPECIAL placement on this list though. That one is no opinion, it is F-A-C-T that cannot be disputed or denied. I'll add that I never saw most Heart-to-Hearts beyond Lao's, and that I never did Elma's 2nd Affinity Mission, nor Nagi's last, and maybe Celica's, but I know I did everyone's else's. But I think I still have solid grounds for listing everyone as I do.
  8. KIU was a good one-off. Decent action gameplay, and a well-written comic script that'd make for a AAA cartoon. Though I never did try/was good at the higher intensities all that much, nor the multiplayer. I wish the weapon fusion system was much easier to mess with to get what you want, but I did like the weapon designs. I wish there was a full set of Nintendo crossover weapons though, Pokeball Orbitars, Chozo Cannon, and something for every other weapon type. I played through that in full two or three times solo when I was younger. Having to use several GBAs and Link Cables would make the experience a bit different, with some puzzles being modified to account for multiple players. Though single-player gets its four Formations to play with. The levels (like TFH, they're always fixed and never randomized) are probably a little too long for quick bursts, particularly the later ones, but if you have the time, the game is fun. A nice if unoriginal blend of ALttP and Wind Waker aesthetics. Multiplayer adds a handful of minigames at Tingle's Tower, and a mode where you fight the other players on small group of stages. Hearts aren't shared, but I do recall the handful of times I had someone to play with, that you do have to choose who gets the extra Heart Containers and damage-halving Blue Bracelets -not that'd you know they're in a chest until someone opens it.
  9. Another XG reference? Except this time, it looks like what was silly became badass. Leaves one wondering then why there isn't a Face Merge then. Something negative Monolith picked up before it abandoned Square? Because the broken summon from FFVII takes a full minute & twenty seconds to finish.: If you're playing no/minimal-grind, his bases and joining level are quite good, even if a trained Sonya is more valuable otherwise. SoV nerfed Sonia's spell selection and decreased the difference in growths between the two rival recruits. (Although being forced to promote at 20 is a serious blow to those NES Sonya growths with the same EXP dropoff as SoV.) And, the Accordion artbook did give him a nice backstory, albeit one that would be better in the game itself: Another good fan of A Link Between Worlds, I like that. I found ALBW refreshing after Wind Waker and Twilight Princess had essentially killed off any sense of freedom you get for the first half of the game, Twilight Princess being really bad in that regard. Skyward Sword's dungeonification of the overworld was interesting, but not freedom. By returning to ALttP's format, the strong sense of freedom from almost the get-go (not full freedom- no going to Lorule right away) was restored, and it did so without radically overhauling the franchise as BotW did. I'd rank the Oracles a little higher myself, although I'm honestly not sure where I'd put anything else besides LttP, ALBW, and LA and MC. Also, you left Tri-Force Heroes off that list. But I will say I kinda regret buying it, it just isn't the funnest thing if you aren't playing it with real friends. Not so much the puzzles (though a few issues exist), as it is the bosses and special challenges that are the problem. A noble effort to make a multiplayer Zelda though. You played 3D World, but not XCX. Wii U at friend's house I guess? Can't quite say where I'd put things for 3D Mario, but I do like the Galaxies. Why doesn't Nintendo give them HD remasters for a quick handful of Yen?
  10. Xenosaga has beaches? I haven't really looked at all at the games, but I thought they were a lot of spaceships location-wise. And, why does KOS-MOS in XC2 name her Merc Mission squad that, minus the Sigma? Also, how difficult/hard to figure out blind, is the sidequest line for that thing? I always make a point to regard brokenness with regards to how accessible something is. Accessibility being a combination of when and how hard it'd be to figure things out for oneself without help. And it's been confirmed, the Friends of Mineral Town remake will let you marry Kappa again. But uh, who in their right mind would want to marry a kappa, one that you barely get to socialize with? Not to mention it looks a lot grouchier than it used to: ...I'm never going to get over the art changeover.😒 Though they said they're not sure its possible to get the old art or artist back, and even if they could get the artist, their artstyle has changed significantly since over a decade ago. Understandable. At this point, if I really wanted to try getting back into Bokujo Monogatari (which I question), I might be better waiting for a whole new game, something where the artstyle by default fits, and isn't replacing something I once knew. And Stardew isn't something I'd consider, even if it is a superior product to whatever Marvelous puts out now.
  11. I think the name, if it wasn't stated already, is actually a fan-translation invention. SF on the main site, which hasn't updated to the fan-translation, just calls it "Seiken Reeve", Seiken meaning "holy (sei) sword (ken)", so it is the "Holy Sword of Reeve". Which isn't that cool a name, and the three other pieces of Carluon's sword follow the same "Holy Sword *insert a different kingdom*" template. I guess the fan-translator wanted to spice things up? I can understand why, and it isn't egregious like much worse fan-translation stuff. Level 20. Maruj specifically has to be a Sage when he levels up to get it. On the other hand, he has to be a Mage when he levels up to 19 to get Adept. So Maruj optimally has to promote at precisely level 19. No earlier, no later. He is unique in being so finicky. Meriel has has to decide whether she wants Wrath or Luna though. Level 15 Mage gets Wrath, 15 Sage gets Luna, one or the other you're allowed. Given enemy magic defense is next to nonexistent, this is hardly a real choice to me. And, the idea of intentionally letting Meriel get near-death for a 50+ Crit Aura Rain sounds fun. Given the Zoans, and particularly Gerxel worshippers have lived in fear of persecution, it is possible that this individual had long steeled themselves for a "martyr's" end. An auto-da-fe is a common way of getting rid of heretics. I second this actually. I love good spell animations, don't care where they're from as long as they're cool. GBA FE meets that criteria, Radiant Dawn meets that criteria (in 3D), and TRS certainly does too. Sure, the animations can take forever, but just turn them off if you don't want to see them. I express some disappointment at the 3DS FEs, the spell animations are "practical" in duration, but the price they've paid is a lack of flair.
  12. Then just don't provide so much detail. You can take it easy for Book 1, you don't need to repeat everything you've said again. You're the master here.
  13. HP is average. Str and Skl are both 3.4 above average. Spd is 1.6 above average. Luck is on average/.55 below it. Def is .3 above average. Res is .1 above average. In other words, your Gwendy is blessed without counterbalancing curses. Enjoy your offensively superior Pink Chain-Link Stabber. And be sure to buy her lotsa shoes later. As for the actual location of Mt. Cielo, I don't think they ever say where it is specifically, but it is underground. And yet, I'm assuming it is a stand-in for Augustus. Isn't he supposed to be a Bragi priest in origin? To be fair, I only played for a few months before dropping it from being much too dull for me. And I like the idea of the game, though I agree that the execution be wholly lacking. It's why I made a topic counting what percentage of each game's canon playable roster was in FEH. Archanea is now at 38.55%, Valentia 58% (small roster helps), Genealogy 37.5% (50% Gen 1, 25% Gen 2), Thracia 9.8%, Binding 30.77%, Blazing is 43.18%, Magvel is 33.33%, Tellius 31.94%, Awakening 66.66%, Fates 64.29%, and Three Houses has more than 20% I believe, I haven't counted so much for it. Remember how Binding Blade 21x has those chests that when you unlock them, you don't get any treasure, and instead a War Dragon appears just north of your position? I like to pretend said War Dragons are like bunny girls that pop out of fake cakes, a very old thing that I'm sure is terribly ancient to think about. Same, I just wanted more. More Sierra, more Shigen, more Witch, more Zoa. The characterization cupcake was good, but I can I have a full-sized round cake please? To be fair, it took me over an hour to get through all the ending stuff including credits as I read and took it all in. It's just by its nature going to be long. I'm not familiar with Saint Germain, but isn't he sometimes attributed to be a time traveler? Is this him heading back to kidnap Rishel as a baby and permanently adding him to Gerxel's ranks? Garo turned out marvelously for you. Glitch? Glad to see he has done well either way. Even with Axes being a step back from Thracia's goodness sadly. Raquel exists because Kaga liked Brigid, which is why Eyvel exists. No shame in liking who the creator liked, unless they're underaged or feel uncomfortable about you liking them. I kept the Brave Bow on Raquel too, but it is in a way wasteful on her, given she'll likely waste arrows on human enemies as is the case here. And isn't bullfighting dying out in Spain? Maybe its little modern animal rights, maybe it just isn't popular. Lastly, do you actually use Spanish saffron in your paella, or will you admit the majority of "Spanish saffron" is actually from Iran that has been repackaged and relabeled in Spain? These kinds of "trophy skills" bother me for how useless they are.: Runan's 35 Nihil Kreiss's 37 Nihil Arkis's 38 Canto Garo's (as you've obtained) 28-31 skill bonanza Kate's 27 Canto (it's too late for me- breaking 25 is hard sans grinding without Paragon in this game) Vega's 35 Vantage Maruj's 39 Confront Tomas's 30 Adept Xeno's 30 Draco Juni's 28 Adept and 35 Charm Billford's 26 Nihil, 31 Adept, and 38 Confront Holmes's 32 Adept Meriel's 30 Sol Shigen's 28 Draco and 38 Vantage Alicia's 32 Adept Samson's 29 Adept Attrom's 26 Lethality San's 40 Nihil (more because Nihil is pretty useless than anything else- why hold it back so long?) Raphael's 32 Confront and 37 Slayer Rishel's 32 Adept Narcus's 31 Adept Rebecca's 38 Charm And lastly, Bud's 40 Astra What was even the point to Astra on Bud? Five chances to proc Steal? But whyyyyyy so long when an Astra teacher exists? Why give it to her? Does she have secret Zoan/Yr blood? Good point! And I like that Yoda has a custom sprite for the Swordmaster class, setting him apart from those Vega and Shigen young'yuns. S Somehow, the wooden tank transforms into a ballista, and it can turn into a catapult too. This might be where Nintendo gots its idea for Nintendo Labo from. And I wonder if there is a fourth, forbidden mode that turns Artillerymen into Wood Dragons.
  14. I'd say start with Book 1 until you get utterly bored of it, then skip the rest. It is five chapters shorter than SD at least, and it'll offer a chance to adjust to how things have changed. I do recall Book 1 does have a tiny bit of rewriting to tie it better into Book 2, but that doesn't come until Chapter 19. And though Michalis's map is the same, without cheese, assuming FE11 copied FE1, then you do get a significantly different experience there. Since...
  15. That one I can see being a massive nightmare without a Protector/Beast, but as long as you do have one or the other, the difficulty becomes manageable. Pick a target, whittle away their HP to just above ~50%. Then unleash everything NAO on that target. The other one then recolors itself, keep your Protector/Beast alive for the next two turns, and then have them Force Break on the third to survive the enemy's suicide attack. Although, I still needed two tries here on Story Mode. Why? Because I thought the enemies were immune to Binds and Ailments. Turns out one of them is, but the other is only resistant. I had Flavio used Sagittarius Shot for some reason (was I trying to unnecessarily attempt to burst down the second?) on the enemy I let go suicidal. They got Stunned on their third turn when the Sagittarius Shot landed, which meant it delayed its suicide attack, thereby wasting Bertram's Force Break and leaving me dead the turn thereafter. U2 has arguably my favorite 3rd Stratum as well. It's that or V. I like V's because it is different, it breaks the "Stratum rules", which go: But within the "Stratum rules", U2 has the best 3rd Stratum, and I genuinely like it. Stratum-wise: 1st: 4>U2>5>U1 2nd: U2>5>4>U1 3rd: 5>U2>U1>4 4th: U2>4>5>U1 5th: U1>5>U2(never actually finished this one, only made it to Juggernaut)>4 6th: 4>>>>>U1>5 My criteria being a combination of how I remember the Stratums play out, and their aesthetics and music. I like Gladsheim and Ginnugagap, but I never saw the final floor of Ginnu, and Gladsheim has one major problem with it. And uh, this is one of the most unnecessary licensing payouts I could ever imagine. Nintendo entrusted the Wii Punch Out!! game to a developer called Next Level. Someone at Next Level made a character reading a manga, completely offscreen barring hacking. The specific, small and blurry images in the manga, were taken from Sailor Moon. Which caused Nintendo to admonish Next Level, remove the hidden reference from the North American copies, and then paid Namco (who own the original/poster-child magical girl) for the license in Japan. Pudding:
  16. Not every quest. I know for a fact that you don't need to complete the second fight with the Red Knight, the one with Beelzebub. Which is no small mercy, since the Lord of the Flies can Megidoloan spam. And imagine if the Neutral Ending required you find and kill every Fiend. Ooooooooh the tedium! I should go back and remind myself what EOIV was like, but then again, I still haven't touched Nexus yet. Partly b/c I want to finish 7th D 2020-II first, only one dungeon crawler open at any time. Although I'd take any clunk in IV over U2's bosses. I like the game, but certain bosses make me want to go Casual. They just aren't fun. And, for my Expert Story no-Alter Class, Scylllllllllllllllllla! I still haven't finished the game. And I attribute my terrible Classic Expert team's victories over the above and Harpuia to pure dumb luck. ...Speaking of EO, besides SMTV, Atlus hasn't said anything of the Etrian Odyssey successor they've promised too. All they showed for it before were a bunch of silhouettes, presumably for new classes, nothing else. I recall Nintendo Power did one of their sweepstakes for the first game. Not only did you get a free game copy, you got a free vacation in Hawaii, perfect for soaking in the rays that slay the undead.🏖️ Nope, just those three from what I remember. It was a novel attempt to get the homebodies gamers usually are out into the fresh air. But nowadays we have Pokemon GO for that. Although I'm debating whether standing in the sun would help or hurt if you played on an original Game Boy Advance, with its infamously dark screen. Did the ambient light help, or did too much sun and glare make it impossible to see anything? I forget what it was like.
  17. Our desperate and unrealistic hopes/desires are renewed with TMS Encore. Now that it'll be ever so briefly in the limelight again, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe FEH will take notice of it this time. It's got things going for it. 6 females to 4 males, including a loli armor. Plenty of choices for new refreshers too, including one that flies. I'm expecting Sirfetch'ed Heroes 3.
  18. The GBA carts had a special solar sensor embedded in them.: The games still drained your GBA's battery like any other, but the solar sensor was a core gameplay element of the Boktai trilogy (the third game never leaving Japan). When UV rays from the Sun (it has to be ultraviolet light- no lamps, unless its a blacklight, will work) hit the solar sensor, the game adjusts its sunlight meter in accordance to the strength of the UV light. You need at least one unit of sunlight registered to recharge the main character's essential weapon the Gun Del Sol. If outside in the game world, you can recharge it anywhere, and strong enough sunlight will passively replenish it, but when indoors you need to find skylights. And no sunlight will stop you from initiating the second phase of Immortal boss battles- the Pile Driver. However, a handful of puzzles want you to have less or no sunlight. And, if you play in too much strong sunlight, the Gun Del Sol will Overheat and be briefly unusable until it cools down. The game does have a day-night system operating on real world time, and you can set your IRL geographic location based on a handful of options to adjust the Solar Sensor UV sensitivity. Playing at night is harder than day, but there are places you can bank extra sunlight energy away and draw on later. Solar Nuts can be consumed to replenish a little sunlight anywhere and anytime. Lastly, the first game is non-intense action with bosses, but with stealth being an absolutely viable alternative outside of bosses. And you don't need to consume so much solar energy if you focus on avoiding foes. Since few people have solar panels attached to their PCs, patches are available that lets the player manually adjust the sunlight reading at any time when emulating the Boktai games. The DS spiritual sequel to Boktai called Lunar Knights did away with the solar sensor and swapped to its own non-real world day/night + sun/moonlight + weather system. Not to mention that while Aaron the new sun gun boy continued to need solar energy for all his attacks, Lucian the dark swordsman only needs moonlight to power his slashes if he infuses his weapons with an element.
  19. I've played 7th Dragon Code VFD, and 7th Dragon 2020, and, although I've stopped for no good reason, I've also played far into Chapter 3 of 2020-II (PSP for both 2020s). And from I'm aware, the original DS 7th Dragon has a fan translation too, although this plays differently from the 2020s and VFD. A little more like the DS Etrian Odysseys, which I'm never touching because the 3DS ones are just so much better (but sadly, that means no EO3 for me). I wouldn't call 2020 as good as VFD, but it is a bit harder. For emulation, I just use a spare PS3 controller I have laying around from when my first PS3 got borked. Although it doesn't always connect/work, and then I just adjust to keyboard no probs. But, I'll want it working when I get to this little old GBA pseudo-Tales-lite action RPG.: I played the first game of this simple kiddy "Wanna Be A *Insert Fantasy Thingamabob* Master Anime" subseries. And, I saw advertisements for the sequel in Nintendo Power. But, I never bought the sequel, so I feel compelled to try it via emulation all these years later. And, another niche GBA title that is a sequel I never played despite having played the original: Why doesn't Mr. Metal Gear Stranding bundle these three games together with the solar sensor removed and replaced?
  20. Congrats on finishing NES Gaiden! The 8-bit era is over! And it wasn't FE's best. But TBF, neither was it Zelda's or Metroid's. Only Mario and Kirby made it really work. Mystery of the Emblem is up next. Book 1 is an FE1 rehash, which will be a dry, easy bore for that reason. Although the easiness will be a good transition into what differences 3 has from 1, and Book 2 is relatively challenging from almost the start. Hopefully you can speed through the War of Shadows. By modern standards, FE3 is a bit slow in gameplay speed, and still lacks some other basic features. But given you've sat through the agony of FE1's UI, you'll feel the game is logarithmically better in the playability department.
  21. I commend your mad skillz, even if it wasn't Infernal.😃 On Stella Glow, I've never played it, didn't want it because I felt I'd gotten to the point where the gameplay seemed too slow. But I did play two of predecessors by the same developer, Luminous Arc 1 and 2, but not 3, that never left Japan or got translated, I would've played it had been translated though at the time. All the females, Witches and not, compared, going from left-to-right and top-to-bottom in terms of rough likeability. None of these I'd call Wifeypons though, I want Hubbypons! They're all tropey anime girls, but there is still room for appreciating them.:
  22. To comprise a full list of "borrowings" (includes MASSIVE SPOILERS!) Some major characters and their major supporters: For more minor borrowings: And this excludes TRS having identical gameplay, down to specific skills like Dragon Saint, aka "Astra". Adept even has the same Japanese name- Continue.
  23. There was a lawsuit, and Kaga had to pay up for it. But that was when he called it "Emblem Saga". Kaga intended to set in the Archanea-Valentia-Jugdral world, and possibly to feature Xane I think he might have hinted at. He dropped all emblems (even though there are a bunch of unused items called Emblems in the game's data), and removed all direct connections to the prior games when he lost the lawsuit. He also recolored Runan from blue haired to blackish-brown. But, that didn't stop him from giving Runan the lord an exclusive Rapier. Nor did it stop him from making Sasha's hair blue, or her being the princess of an island kingdom, or promoting into a Pegasus Knight. Does that sound familiar?
  24. Although you got a few fights until Act 5, Gradivus is still there. But how you find it is done very differently, according to what I saw in a Gaiden LP once. Hint- Duma Temple is under Duma Tower? I just assumed it was under Castle Rigel. With a tower so massive, I hope it's all built on good bedrock. Though being built next to a swamp worries me that it might become the Leaning Tower of Rigel later, or that an earthquake would strip away at the tower's exterior. But if it does tilt, well enough of a lean and it could be converted into a magic cannon able to eradicate entire provinces on distant continents.
  25. Well not everything is right, it still has flaws (it could use a hard mode for one), but it is pretty much an FE in all but name. One would end up a little tipsy at points if you made a drinking game out of "spot the FE 1-5 borrowing!", though not flat-out blacked out. Give it try. I just tend to bring up the game because, although IS would never use it as a point of reference, it still should be considered when fans discuss how things might be improved, when there is something in TRS worth bringing into that conversation.
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