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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Well for once it didn't have negative consequences maybe?🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ I didn't consider it was instinct without thought (the cause of police brutality?), thanks for bringing that to my attention. My greater point was that this situation was practically realistically perfect in police response time. It would have required the police officer and the shooter to be in the same small room, so close in proximity that'd I reason the shooter would have to know the police person was there. Which sounds too close for them to try shooting up the place because of how quickly they'd be brought down.
  2. Banned for not currently playing Monster Hunter World and its Camilla mod.
  3. Sigurd doing well is no surprise, everyone is struggling though.😬 Chapter 3 is the hardest fight of Gen 1. Mostly because of the enemies that appear when you conquer the first castle. And unfortunately I'm not an aficionado of how to handle that. If you can get past that, the rest of Genealogy Gen 1 won't be too bad. Hopefully others who know how to handle that particular situation will help you through it. Quan and Finn doing well is good and all, but they'll be leaving after this chapter, which will leave you lacking for manpower in Chapter 4. But only the beginning of that chapter is particularly challenging. As for Lachesis, the trick to leveling her fast is spamming the Return Staff, which gives 35 EXP a use.
  4. Well this is weird. I decided to search "Fogu" to see what Bokujo Monogatari/the former Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons was truly like after having left it sometime back in high school at the latest, and to see what it has become. And I go into the section for Magical Melody, deciding to look over the bachelorettes and bachelors after so many years. I fell in superficial love with Kurt, which is ironic, since I used to want his girl Dia when I younger.😆 I wish I knew which of them were any good. And don't say "just get Star*shot*". But I do get the sense they should have slowed down title production a little. Having at least one title per console makes sense, and some on the same console are not redundant- MM and AWoL have totally different vibes. But I'll throw a dart at 2008 for when things started getting out of hand. From what I've read of HMDS, maybe that though is where the quality of the titles begins a decline?
  5. Wolt made to the final round? I don't particularly love the kiddo. But for what he stands for, I endorse his victory.
  6. Should invest in a good pillow that offers actual support and not go for a cheap one that turns to mush in a month.
  7. Because they weren't offensive at one point. Or people just accepted the offensiveness/ignored sometimes. It might have been the latter, given I once read to bypass morality censors, WWII soldiers and their beloveds would sometimes use acronyms. One of those was ENGLAND- Every Naked Girl Loves A Naked Dick. Will the next Animal Crossing game feature anthropomorphized versions of the Three Houses house leaders each as their house animal with the matching coloring?
  8. Does the monastery have a brewery as is? No Medieval monastery is complete without a brewery. Unless you were a monk or a pilgrim, you likely never drank the stuff, but it's supposed to have been deliciously artisanal. Trappists monks in Belgium still make beer to this day and by "make" I mean entrust it to professional industrial brewers. To go with the strong alcohol (albeit commonly diluted to avoid a day all drunk, but to keep it safer than water to drink), they would make cheeses, strong, pungent cheeses to cut through the ale. So any brewery would have to be accompanied by a cheese production facility. If you weren't a monk, you drank whatever the woman currently assigned to rotating ale duties in your village made. But that isn't a problem. Female empowerment I say! Let the player assign the all-important duty of producing the ale of the month to the lady who deserves it at the school, provided the lady sincerely consents to the job, with a legal contract preventing them from being tried and executed as a witch later.
  9. That is what I'm more wanting of it's true. I didn't mind doing SoV's handful of sidequests, so I'm fine with a little investment into the same here. I'm just not looking to make the game half or more non-battlefield. I'm not a modern Persona fan, the only one I've played is from before it went to its current beloved format (and there is nothing wrong with it, it just isn't for me). And no TMS#FE is NOT MODERN PERSONA! I'm sure actual Persona fans would be utterly remiss at the absence of a school life, a calendar, part-time jobs, and having Social Links/Confidants watered down to a mere three sidequests per characters. They would be so saddened they'd summon Yaldanamiyx to destroy it. I vary on this. For Persona 2: Innocent Sin, I talked with everyone I could, and often took a break between dungeon arcs to see the dialogue. It did a fair bit for the world I think doing this. I talk a lot in Dragon Quests too, since the zesty translations make for good text even when the contents are ordinary. Tales of Vesperia on the other hand, I ignored basically all minor NPCs as having nothing of flavor to say at all. A good teleport system in a home base is much obliged. 7th Dragon has been distilling that into me with its easy to access and quick warp system. I'll probably be also doing without animations, since I played Fates and SoV the same way. It makes things go by so much faster having them on only on rare occasion. Having dynamic map animations like Jugdral and Tellius would be appreciated, since they've a simple, crisp beauty to them. They're simpler and faster than full animations, but I can still feel the solid thuds of hits and the airiness of dodges. Ideally I'd want FE to match Radiant Dawn with its three options of: Full Animations Map Animations that are more than just nudging oneself at the enemy No Animations whatsoever besides listing skill/crit triggers and showing damage taken, dealt, and dodged. Not a single millimeter of movement from either unit. -but I don't see this happening again. It's easier to just have full animations and the basic map animations of 6-8 and 11-15. (And please have No Animations unlocked from the start, that would have sped up Radiant Slog Dawn and reduce complaints.) What school doesn't have a proper lost and found? Why must they leave it to the professors? Can't they find a good and trusting sleepy dog-person to put in charge of that?👮‍♂️🐶 I was hoping the ratio for Three Houses would be to 66% FE SRPG goodness to 33% Monastery, or even 75-25 (ignoring any percentage taken by story and supports, which I can always skip/mash through if they ever hit a dull moment). It sounds like I might be able to manage that if I try. Who knows, maybe I'll come to like the monastery. But I just wanted to err on the side of caution that I wouldn't. Thank you everyone for their answers! I'm a bit more optimistic now and can exile my more worrisome doubts.
  10. I've sorta concluded that FE's maps tend not to really impress themselves outright, a blow-by-blow survey of the GBA era led to me realize how few were truly "great". And to continue this exercise with another game just because: Conquest:
  11. Isn't that one of the teardrop moments of the now-in-theaters remake of The Lion King?
  12. If I understand it right, and that the police showed up 20 seconds after the shooter started firing, and had him dead in 30 from their engagement. Then, is it is really possible for police on the ground to do any more for reducing casualties? If in a mere 20 seconds a shooter can kill 9 and injure 27, then can anything less be achieved by a police presence alone? I'm just amazed an officer was able to process the sound of gunshots, assume it was an active criminal shooter, figure out and move their body in the direction of the shooter, identify the shooter, grab their firearm and take aim, and lastly fire at the shooter. All in the span of that 20 seconds. I assumed all mortals would take a lot longer than that to react through each of the above steps to reach the same result.
  13. FE usually takes much longer than ~10-hour Metroidvanias, and with now sixteen titles to work through, actually 23 runs given the the two books of FE3, semi-duality of Sacred Stones, the triplicity of Fates, and the quadruplicity of Three Houses, that would be incredibly exhausting. And if you took on the highest difficulty settings, by the time you got to FE12 and its diabolical but fair Lunatic, you would be drained and going into the maws of the soul devourer. It might take you so long to do these that Berwick Saga would its get the remaining seven fights and epilogue translated but Vestaria Saga would still be less than half finished because SRPG Maker is hell to translation. And then you might as well add Kaga's two fan-translated Sagas to your load. 25 runs total. Try if you want, but I've warned you this might be a behemoth task. (And I'll assume you skip Eliwood Mode, and only do one run of FE5 and FE6 each despite the route splits. Nor do a Subs FE4 run, nor an all Gaidens FE11 run.) On patching the Switch version of Bloodstained, I'm not sure whether the many little patches or one big patch approach would in theory be better.
  14. The graphics on that look terrible! And "CATS" makes me think of:
  15. Supernova? I thought that was GBA version exclusive, it was cool though. And it the text made it read like a countdown, as if it was a missile being launched at the enemy from afar. Better though, give me Mawlock, he could be so brokenly fun. Having to find every 3H character's card to make him broken would add more Monastery questing for those into that.
  16. Those who sleep beyond the maelstrom, come forth in the name of chaos! This topic lives again. Now factoring in 3H from my very limited knowledge of it. Already, it has a higher PC percentage in than Thracia. And, the Byleths and Balm make 50 Sword Infantries!
  17. Will know the price of a 24 inch/.6 meters Mareep plush is $500 USD.
  18. White Dragon > Heron > Wolf > Black Dragon > Raven > Lion > Red Dragon > Tiger > Hawk > Cat Would you rather: pick the option with the better story, or pick the option with the better gameplay rewards?
  19. And it's almost 2 feet/.6 meters tall! That makes this a life-sized Mareep, matching its Pokedex entry's height, and presumably extrapolating from there its length and width. It's $500 USD though. Still, I look forward to the day when every Pokemon gets a plush or plastic figure made to Pokedex height specifications. How much is the 47 ft 7 in/14.6 m Wailord plush going to cost? I've got an empty garage I can fit it in.
  20. But is it standard for the trope to call yourself Odin, even when your real name isn't that? Cause the minor playable character in question does that too.
  21. A fairly simple question. How much of your total playtime do you think you spent off the battlefield doing other things? I know it hasn't been that long since its release, but I want to get this very annoying inquiry out of my system. I'm asking now that some people have completed at least one route. Although subsequent runs I'd hazard would, due to having knowledge of how the game functions and what is necessary to succeed from a first run, be shorter in terms of non-battle time. I just want an idea of this before I consider actually spending money for this game.
  22. and became place names? Weird. But them together makes sense.
  23. I'm done with Tales of Vesperia, the main story. A certain boss was terribly strong in a bad way: The rest of the plot was still rather weak, especially lacking for villains. But the gameplay remained fun and none of the characters took a jarring narrative hit. The late reintroduction of an old Tales reoccurring element I like was unexpected. To loosely rank the playable characters for their character and plot roles: I dropped the final boss battle to Easy, since I wanted to get it done, and I was down to 7 Life Bottles before it. Unfortunately, to get the shortcut working that’d get me out of there quickly, I need to have a stronger Sorcerer’s Ring, which is optional and I missed it. Bad design. The final battle itself was easy on Easy, but I could see how it'd be terrible on the higher difficulties. Now I can relax and do the sidequest stuff whenever on a second playthrough. I just didn't feel like it, I have to force myself to finish games as is. Tens of hours of sidequests would have stopped that from happening. Overall, would I say Vesperia is worthy of the semi-legendary status that Tales fans generally give it? No. It isn't perfect, no game is. But, it is still a good game. And Yuri its beloved posterboy deserves his reputation, so half of the legend checks out okay.
  24. Valkyria Chronicles 4 (available on Switch FYI). Her name is Crymaria Levin. There is little to deny that the developers were aware of Fire Emblem: Fates, since a minor playable character behaves more than coincidentally like Odin Dark.
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