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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. That would have been great. Field anyone but Fliers, and they plummet downwards on the first turn- causing a Game Over. At least they didn't put ballistae, Shine Barriers, and hidden pitfalls on this map. I guess they're being saved for Petrine's use of the west end of this chapter.
  2. But hasn't peak bloom already struck in Japan? It's a little late for this. They would have done Easter early, and hanami late.
  3. They need more space than that before yet another Tellius. The games have gotten enough so far this year. Give someone else an NH instead: Archanea- last NH was June 2017. SoV- last NH was July 2017. Genealogy- has only 6 of the 2nd Gen in. Blazing- last NH was June 2018 Sacred Stones- last NH was January 2018 Thracia 776- Needs something, anything. Awakening- More Gen 2 I think is needed, and is modern and supposedly popular. Fates- is still missing some Gen 2 units of note, and has a few other populars untouched. Plus, I'm out of Orbs and don't need more Tellius for a while. Are you being serious here? Does a PoR Support count? Titania is practically Mist's foster mother. Heroes with Iceberg could be: Shanna, Selkie, Innes, Forgan, Kaze, Niles, or Flora.
  4. Noooooooooooooo! Another Seasonal! It's becoming 1:1 now. This is too much! Heroes with Wrath is easy to predict- only three characters have the skill: Owain, Nephenee, and Karla.
  5. There are Secret Shops in both Books which sell unlimited non-Boots and Talisman statboosters at the end. Find them and Marth can just load up on those. All he really needs is HP/Str/Skl for Medeus slaying, since Medeus always has 0 AS and negates Marth's Def (unlike FE12- where Lunatic Medeus has 30 Spd and Marth needs to cap his Spd just to live against him). This said, he loves the Boots too. Units other than Marth and Tiki can hurt Medeus, just not as much, and they need the Regalia and at least 12 Str to hurt him.
  6. My mistake then. It applies at least to the word "taco", maybe?
  7. Mozzarepas? Cornbread with mozzarella cheese melted and grilled in between it. I've had it twice as fair food, not sure if eating them means I won't live long enough to have a third, but they're good. Neither am I and Sicilians are still good pizzas, particularly the extra-crusty corners. I will agree to anti-Chicago alliance though. Tacos are the bomb. -Or so I heard. Apparently tacos began as makeshift bombs used in Mexican mines, made by simply wrapping gunpowder in paper. Later, the cooks for said miners wrapped food just as the miners would the gunpowder, which thus led to the miners naming the food after their daily utility item.
  8. Considering the 2 RN system, and team Ike having an uncontested +30 Hit/Evade most of the time, for battles led by Ike at least, Greatlances and Poleaxes having less accuracy was rarely a problem. At least for the Iron and Steel variants- I never needed to touch the Silver. Tibarn and Geoffrey for their couple of battles also offered 30/40 Hit uncontested. Only for Micaiah, whose Part 1 doesn't have buyable versions of these weapon, is accuracy an issue. Actually this part is incorrect. Swords only get Wyrmslayers, Lances Horseslayers, Axes Hammers, Knives Beast Killers. One effective bonus per weapon type.
  9. Haar and the Senators, brings to mind these classic boss convos (RD SPOILERS): How is Legendary Anderson Cooper cursed? And Makalov would be good for a Legendary- if his weapon was shouting to Ike/Marcia saying he is being violently attacked by loansharks, and then while they harbor no love for him, they'll save his sorry bum and attack the creditors. They won't attack the peaceful creditors though- Makalov has to pay those back.
  10. Can I ask why it's on the fence for you? Just curious.
  11. Stronger but less accurate weapons for Lances and Axes do exist in Radiant Dawn. They're called Greatlances and Poleaxes (there is no anti-Cav Halberd or Poleax in RD) there, with Iron/Steel/Silver variants of course. Buyable in unlimited quantities from Part 2 onwards, with a few characters starting with them.
  12. Actually... One radical idea was for the battle system to incorporate squad-based gameplay. Instead of moving single units on the map, like in typical Fire Emblem games, players would move units in squads of ten. This has direct parallels to the Wars series (also developed by Intelligent Systems), which features 10-men squads. ...taken from Making of Fire Emblem, Genealogy of the Holy War section. This idea was probably back when Genealogy wasn't going to be called Fire Emblem, rather it would be Holy Sword Elm Kaiser, wholly apart from the FE series.
  13. Got a Catria on the Odd Wave banner. Now onto Gallia, 163 Orbs going in, I ideally want everyone, but I doubt I can do it.: Setsuna, Priscilla, Direhardt, Silvia, Hinata, Wrys, Kagero, Titania, Hawkeye, Marth, Shanna, Mmorgan, Mobin, Odin, Clair, Matthew, Sheena, Mae, Athena, Ogma, Frederick, Cecilia, Ogma, Lon'qu, Hana, Clarine, Boey, Jagen, Zelgius? This is what I get for posting that vid of him before as a good choice for getting an anti-Laguz weapon. I never summoned the BK, so I guess I'll keep this awfully early alt, since it frees me to put half of my mere 200 starting Grails into summoning another. Draug, Wrys, Frederick, Lilina, Hinata, Olivia, Lucius, Caineghis! Eliwood, Soleil, Hinata, Sheena, Palla, Gwendolyn, Subaki. *Not enough to summon* Well for the first time in this game, I'm flat broke, only 11 left. I do have plenty of untapped story Orbs though. And do I want to muster more Orbs for this. Zelgius by the way is +Spd -Res, not bad? And Caineghis is +HP -Atk, ouch but beggars can't be choosers. I got the BK and he whom the BK quietly deems threatening to him. Now onto a game with a lite gatcha element for the rest of my day- Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
  14. Why? No straight lines in 4? Not that I never messed with it much. Brawl seemed too limiting from what I remember. This said, they could probably do much better than either for all the resources Smash has to work with. Would that effectively contribute much? Probably not. It's only stages, not fighters.
  15. Looking at the CYLs, of the kids not in yet: Cynthia- 137/207/168 Laurent- 331/447/381 Kjelle- 275/344/303 Nah- 140/122/94 Noire- 101/115/204 Inigo- 63/119/135 Brady- 233/346/302 Yarne- 186/215/193 Severa- 47/73/58
  16. Alm has a Falchion. Having no alts so far, he hasn't had a chance for the Royal Sword. His refine does give him a pseudo-Double Lion though, which is exclusive to the SoV Royal Sword.
  17. I wasn't counting FEH OCs, since they can be made to be anything in accordance with this game's wants, desires, needs, or random thoughts. Non-OCs don't have the same freedom in their canon forms, maybe some- Raigh could have easily been Red or Blue Tome- but not as much. (And who is getting Rauorserpent IS? Just as an aside.) Prior to Nailah and the Birds, Tellius had a mere 12 characters, or 16.66%. An increase of 83.33%, a near doubling. If we factor in the BK and alts, then the picture is 19 units (the seven added are: BK, Zelgius, Bike, Like, Hia, Yicaiah, Ylincia), compared to 34 (adding fifteen now because Greil's Devoted means another five). Still a 78.95% increase.
  18. We have four canon Sword Armors in the standard summoning pool so far: Draug, BK, Zephiel, and Arden. And the alt-ish Zelgius. We have three canon Lance Armors in the standard summoning pool so far: Effie, Gwendolyn, Dark Emperor Hardin. We have three canon Axe Armors in the standard summoning pool so far: Amelia, Hector, and Sheena, the last of whom never could wield an Axe in FE3 or 12 actually. That is bad. Not a single new canon Axe since Amelia in August 2017, Lance since Hardin in Feb 2018, since Arden back in October 2017, or Zelgius in January 2018 if you count him. We aren't getting more why? -Because Mordecai is a fluke- a man like him is usually not getting into FEH. And Armors tend to be men like Mordecai. My sentiments. Tellius should cool it for now. It got two NHs in a few months, a dedicated Seasonal, and Brave Micaiah was decreed. Outside of Farfetched, it can stop for a while now, give other games the time and attention they deserve, and to spare Tellius from favoritism flak. Furthermore, I will repost this: "Lastly, I'd like to end by saying with this NH Banner + GHB, Tellius has reached 22/72 of its non-Trial Map, non-BK playable units being in FEH. That is to say 30.55% of its PC roster. If do not count the Substitutes for Genealogy, this means as a percentage of its PC roster, Tellius has moved from 9th place, second only to Thracia 776 (a distant dead last), to 7th place. It beat out Binding Blade's 30.63% by nanometers, and is but centimeters behind Archanea's (FE1/11 & 3/12 combined) 31.33%. Magvel is likewise but a few meters away, at 33.33%. Like Archanea and Binding, 3 more banners would let Tellius hit 50% PC inclusion (well Archanea needs 4 without 3 PC GHBs, but that is now rather likely). In other words, while there are still issues owing to Tellius having the second largest roster in FE, it is now fairly well represented at least as a percentage." Emphasis added. Tellius is now on par with SS, Binding, and Archanean representation. Tellius is now in the tight lower pack, and therefore it is fair that other members of said pack be given their turns now.
  19. I'd add to DD's issues a failure to correct problems from the original two games. Neither of them were perfect and both had flaws Dark Dawn simply did not touch upon. A list: Psynergy is useless offensively. Being able to multiple all enemies is an okay feature, but their damage output from the very start is rather lacking. Str goes up much faster and limitlessly than elemental attack, and stronger spells don't do enough. The only useful offense Psynergy are the single-targets like Ragnarok, Heat Wave, Quick Strike. Unleashes by comparison are still too strong, DD by placing four on each weapon did lower the trigger rate of the strongest, but that only helped Ragnarok et al on the Psynergy side. Having a class system, but doing nothing to explain it or encourage people to play with it. Sticking all Djinn of a given element on the character of the same element works perfectly well from beginning to end. Summon-rushing is still a valid strategy. Characters are pretty lacking, reliant wholly on charm, never developing nor getting much attention in the main story, and without sidequests to provide more fleshing. This charm too is devoid of anything like Dragon Quest's Party Chat feature. Characters are generally quiet, and in the case of DD, the last two playables don't even have to be there, the former is only there for a ship, the latter just to have a second Earth Adept. On the villain side, we got a third dose of Saturos and Menardi, with a final boss that was another third dose. In both cases, they're flavorless, and it becomes pretty clear fairly early on you're being dragged into doing the bidding of the villains. The central narrative ends up being weak. The Broken Seal (GS1's subtitle in Japan) was fine in its narrative, one Lighthouse early on, another at the end, if a little wandering in the middle. However, a lot of The Lost Age was spent just roaming to get to Lemuria, the first Lighthouse, the raison for the journey, is held off until about 3/4s through the game. Dark Dawn starts with a fetch quest to repair a broken wing, and ends up being a very wordy adventure with little said in those words. And with a lot of sequel-baiting which we will likely never see actualized. Not to mention DD went and kept Matthew silent, while Felix and Issac technically weren't, and added those silly emojis for him. The cutesy animal people weren't needed either. Honestly, I'm not sure if we could fit everything a fourth game would have to address in one game. We've:
  20. Yup. For a few tips on dealing with reinforcements in Book 2, I'm just putting it in spoilers if you don't want it:
  21. Yes. Although I don't find it as bad with them as FE12. Using save states can help minimize losses. And most of the time, you can tell where reinforcements will show up- forts and caves.
  22. To be fair, Tigers are supposed to be the tanky, although the Lions in RD are better everywhere. In both PoR and RD, in comparison to Muarim (and Kyza), Mordecai is the physically more durable one. And to be precise, in RD, by margins that can be slight or large: Mordecai HP/Lck/Def, and is last in Spd. Muarim wins Str/Skl/Res (although it is still a mere 10 unshifted/20 shifted at the cap), coming in second in Spd and last in HP. Kyza wins just Spd, and is last in Str. In PoR, Mordecai wins HP/Str/Lck/Def, Muarim Skl/Spd/Res. Lastly, in PoR, Mordecai has 16 base Def, 32 shifted, which is something a Beorc needs to be tier 3 to reach. You can steal a Dracoshield in 2-F and buy one in 3-3, just one can bump Mordy to 36, and both brings him to a monstrous 40. BEXP is very likely to provide Def procs too. Mordecai is terribly slow, he lacks that so valuable 1-2 range Beorc have, and has to deal with the transformation gauge, these are all serious faults. But RD Mordecai does have very strong tanking from the start, he's just more a wall than a tank- he'll take the pain well, but he just doesn't shoot back as well as you'd want him to. Just because I feel like providing comparisons now that I've done the Tigers. In PoR at level 20: Lethe wins Spd by less than a full point. Wins Res by 3, Lck by ~7. Does have a gargantuan availability lead though and is good in the midgame. Ranulf wins everywhere else statistically. In RD at level 40: Lethe barely wins HP by .2 of a point, hitting its 65 cap while Ranulf does not. Hits Def cap, but it's lower than Ranulf's uncapped Def due to gender class differences. Hits 20 Spd cap, but later than Lyre. Second best Res and Str. Has worst Skl and Lck. Lyre wins Spd, hits Skl cap sooner than Ranulf so wins that too. Has 1 point of Res over Lethe and falling one 1.1 short of the 16 unshifted cap. Beats Lethe in Lck by 1 point. Has worst HP by 7 points, worst Def by 2-3, and is worst in Str by .6 of a point. Ranulf wins Str by 2-3. Wins Def by 1. Wins Lck, caps at 30, by 2-3 points. 2nd place in HP and Skl. Loses Spd by .1 of a point. Loses Res by ~4. You're welcome! And to be precise about Stefan's PoR joining strength. He comes in Chapter 15, around the point your units should be promoting, you should have you team fully promoted by the time the four-battle-long Chapter 17 is over as a guideline. Stefan comes as a Level 8 Swordmaster. His bases are: 38 HP, 19 Str, 27 Skl, 25 Spd, 5 Lck, 12 Def, and 9 Res. His Str and Spd are 5 off their caps, which he'll hit with 50/55 growths, he is only 2 off Skl and is certain to nail it too. His Lck is awful, but his Res ends tied with Mia's for the highest, and he loses to Zihark in Def by just 1 point on average, which is a point more than Mia, and 3 over Lucia's Def. Lucia, despite coming later at Level 12, has worse bases everywhere but Luck and Magic- a fairly useless stat for a physical unit sans using the one-of-kind Sonic Sword and Runesword. So in other words, Stefan's super bases in PoR are matched by growths that make him outside of Lck, comparable to everyone else. What keeps him from breaking PoR in two is the lack of a mount, absolutely not Genealogy or Binding Blade necessary here , but they're just good in this game even with much smaller maps than those two. And more importantly- Stefan is locked to Swords, in a game where Swords don't have common 1-2 range and it's a good thing to have for smashing things on the enemy phase. RD Stefan comes at tier 3, being a Part 4 unit. This doesn't mean much in itself, Oliver also comes as one, despite not being canonically strong at all or anything other than avarice and a joke. However, while Oliver is pretty useless, a healer with bad offense and a mere 20 base Spd when the cap for all tier 3 units is at least 30, and like Stefan his usability is restricted to the five-battles-long final battle. However, Stefan does have amazing bases yet again. As a level 8 Trueblade this time (the numbers to the right are the caps, the left his bases), he has: 53/55 HP, 27/32 Str, 37/40 Skl, 36/40 Spd, 20/30 Lck, 21/26 Def, and 16/24 Res. With 350 in total growths, he caps everything but the Lck (15% growth), comes .2 off the Def cap, and falls just 2 short of Res at 20/20/20. (Magic excluded, Magic-using physical weapons don't exist anymore, so it's even more of a junk stat for him). So in other words, Oliver is a healbot poor at anything else, Stefan comes with Endgame-ready bases and growths to equalize with all the rivals you've had to invest stuff in the entire game. You get two SS Swords in RD, so if you want or need someone to use the second, Stefan, who even brings one of those swords, is a mighty good choice. He is like FE6 Karel from a gameplay perspective I could say, if lacking for legendarily unparalleled growths lasting but one level up. Ena is good as a character in FE9, and not bad in RD either, if a bit less important there I think. She is also beautiful her own way, and is rather uniquely a female dragon who isn't a little girl. Kurthnaga I like as well, even if his RD mini-development arc is rushed into the end of Part 3 and some of Part 4. And Nasir is just a cool guy, both visually and as a person. A mature-ish character who certainly can appeal to those not into bishonens and lolis and an army of other bright youths. I like him. He is our lone White Dragon. And if he gets a stand-in for White Pool in a slot, well he's at least going to be decent fodder for those who don't like him. Goldoa might not be as developed as one would wish, but it did have than the mostly dead dragon tribes of prior FE have had, and have largely stayed even since- a low bar admittedly. They a little more grounded in reality than the other dragons have been, if still rarefied and extremely powerful. I had already dug up one of those lines for you. And explained why it isn't the best barometer of how strong Ranulf is in the context of the rest of Tellius. This said, to find another from Blood Runs Red: GiffcaA warrior such as you, wounded? Did a beorc give you that bruise? [No, the Black Knight] Giffca can be kind obviously, so I wouldn't say this is a line outright extolling Ranulf. And it doesn't provide that much information. There is also the fact that Ranulf was with Caineghis the night of Greil's death. As this from the same chapter points out. RanulfI saw you that night...Standing in the light of the full moon. The night you murdered Sir Greil.Black KnightHa ha! So you were the one traveling with the beast king, eh? Interesting. By measuring his aide's strength, I will naturally learn more of the king's true power.RanulfHate to tell you this, but my king is not to be measured against the likes of me. He is far beyond that. Why Ranulf was with Caineghis might be a sign of strength, but it could also have something to do with the fact Ranulf was deployed to Gebal Castle at the end of Chapter 7, where Ike and co. took up temporary residence. So Ranulf going with Caineghis could be to have a guide very recently familiar with how to get there. Although the fact Ranulf was sent to rescue Princess Crimea's bodyguards from harm, and that he continued to work with them, and then became Skrimir's aide in RD, do all indicate good abilities. It just doesn't provide conclusive and defined evidence of his power levels vis a vis others. It's like saying with know Douglas is strong being one of Etruria's top three generals, but how he compares with Murdock or Perceval or anyone else, we cannot tell so easily. Nor have I found a line directly stating to the effect "strongest of all Cats". He does some impressive stuff in both games, and if there was a stronger Cat, you'd think they'd be fighting with us or at the least named. But this doesn't amount to an outright declaration of strength.
  23. Caineghis got the short stick of the accessories, why not just let us wear a wig of his red hair? Ranulf got it good though, and they poured their soul into Mordecai here. Did they choose him for the banner just because accessories?
  24. Killing Naga's spawn when they're most vulnerable, sounds reasonable to me.
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