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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. For the postgame, the Dragovian Trials are fine, if a little too easy with Red and Morrie (and some Metal King Slime grind). Memory Lane however, I made it 2/3rds through, decided to stop because a certain somebody kept Disruptive Waving away my attempts to Magic Burst him, besides the much too plentiful 1HKO critfest that place turns into. Speaking the glitch Marcello's name instance, I noticed that for that event, he could use Kafrizzle, which I think was intentional. My reasoning being how they modified the one scene to having him shoot fire instead of stabbing himself, and his boss battle never actually had him cast a fire spell IIRC.
  2. How about our National Parks? You want them, don't you? Why do I loan them to you for the time being? A dollar a year for 2-6 years, ~20 at nightmarish worst. *Levitates each and every national and and state park to your vicinity* Deal? I'd like some social democracy better public transportation and more solar panels and wind turbines. And peace of mind.
  3. Nope, they're not worth it. They're just clips that show you how to beat a given boss, the problem that makes them worthless is that you have to have won against a given boss to see its clip. Also not worth it are the spells, they just show you the inputs for each, it doesn't unlock them. So if you already know the inputs, you don't need the spells, and the inputs are easily found online.
  4. Musashi is also a sword user, katana + washizaki I believe. His IRL sword school was called the "School of Two Swords", the two swords he meant were likely so large that it'd be impossible to dual-wield them. Either Musashi was lying, or he was super strong. And as of Samurai Warriors 4-2: We also have: Also, you're right on the Yato thing, my complete and utter mistake there. Not hard to be a good healbot when Magic plays next to no role in healing. Mag/3 + base means the difference between a 0 Mag unit, and one at endgame with 30, is only 10 points. 10 for all the leveling it took to get there. Add fixed Staff/Festal ranges, and the only time Mag matters to one is when trying to inflict a status condition, which is rather rare.
  5. And I believe you're correct. Not all Japanese swords are katana, earlier Japanese swords weren't curved, and without a curve, it can't be a katana or related type of sword like a tachi. Yato in Shadow Yato form looks like a European blade, while Blazing Yato has a curve to its tip, as if it was trying to become a katana, but couldn't. Ginchiyo Tachibana in Samurai Warriors seems to use a similar blade to the Omega Yato, although no Japanese name is given for it on Koei Wiki, which just calls it a "Serrated Sword". Using Wikipedia, it seems the proper term for the Omega Yato would be some form of "tsurugi/ken". A tsurugi being a straight, double-edged sword. Apparently, the Kusanagi, one of the three Japanese Imperial Regalia, was a tsurugi. The sword was given by the god Susano-o to his sister Amaterasu to apologize after being exiled from heaven for slaying a goddess. Kusanagi was found in the body of the evil multi-headed serpent Yamata-no-Orochi. I think "Yato" means snake in Japanese, and the symbol representing the Yato in Fates is support to be a serpent. So Yato being a tsurugi would make sense. It'd be Japanese, but pre-katana, and hence not-so Hoshidan.
  6. I tried one of the Standard level raids, failed miserably. I tried the Standard boss battle on solo, every one of my allies died and I barely survived. The extra rewards were sweet, I just wish it was easier. Who is presently for a game so new able to do Expert? I'm not sure what to do to get stronger, I stopped after Chapter 3 in the story to focus on the event. If a gradual grind is that remains, well for this event then I'm not going far. I'm still going to try to get a Pele before the event ends (at ~280 items left in the summon pool- got the eyeball gold material). Just one will suffice for me, merges are something an FtPer unwilling to devote an inordinate amount of time to this game can't do. I'm also thinking of holding off on standard summoning for now. I still only have two Wind- mister axe freebie and a mage. Given the first banner was Fire, and the current Water, the next will probably be a Wind unit, before they move onto Light and then Dark. If that tweezes the summon rates for a higher chance of Wind, I'm all for it. I don't know how frequently they plan to do events, but given the Water banner has coincided with an event that favors Water units, perhaps we'll get a Water dungeon with a freebie Wind unit as well.
  7. Ryoma isn't THAT necessary. Not to mention on higher difficulties of BR and Rev, I've found he suffers against mixed enemy groups. Ryoma can dodgetank Axes and Bows, or Lances and Shuriken, but not both. Swords are also continually a bit dangerous for him, although Tomes are continually safe due to low Tome and Tome user accuracy. Xander, to mention Ryoma's parallel, can consistently tank mixed groups, except for ones with magic users, which is something Ryoma can handle. I won't deny Ryoma can be good, I've had him solo select portions of maps, but I don't think he can do them in their entirety). I've done Classic Lunatic (no Ironman though) no-grind on BR without Ryoma. Spear Master Hinoka with a proper DS pal and the Guard Naginata was able to survive pretty much everything but Berserkers. She tanked the whole of the west side of C25 (which became easier as time passed as the enemies lost so much Str from trying to pelt her with their Silver Bows for turns upon turns), this and C23 were the worst of my females-only run (that was trio'ed by Dstone+ Corrin, Hinoka, their DS pals, and Sakura to heal them, all in an alleyway), and maybe C22. C24 fortunately can be flier-skipped. I felt BR was okay in the map design department initially, only the Izumo fight was particularly problematic early on (you need one durable unit with a DS pal able to Javelin to secure your way out of the starting room). I'd say it's after the first Iago chapter where things started going south. The funky stats Sevenfold Sanctuary battle was okay, but the two endless Faceless fights were too easy and the lava fight a bit tedious, besides being a difficulty downturn. By the end, whereas CQ might have had one too many debuffs, BR has too much a battle royale mentality, with just too many enemies.
  8. That was true of FE1. They abandoned this somewhere later along the line. When? Not FE5, certainly by FE7. Although FE4 and Gaiden seem to have also been out of tune with this idea. FE6 might have kept to it, even while adding Supports, but it might not have. The two endings- normal and true, is directly inspired by FE3 Book 2. Get all the Starsphere fragments and the other missable Gemstones, and you get the true ending, otherwise you don't. FE6 of course was a return to Archanean simplicity, and also filled with remixed plot and character ideas from Archanea. The choice to force you to keep certain characters alive was not in FE3 B2 however. The point was to integrate more characters into the plot a little, since the characters you have to keep alive are connected in some way to the Divine Weapon they lead you to. In writing however, this was so thinly integrated SIn, Douglas, and Melady make two quick opening remarks each, nobody does for Ilia, that it really shouldn't have been done. Take what I'm about to say with a few shakes of salt, going purely on averages and what i hear about the game. I'm just trying to help. Lugh the green-haired Mage? Well he joins the earliest, and is fast and accurate, unlike Lilina (his Spd and Skl are 50% & 50% to her 35% & 20%). His lower Mag growth (40% to Lilina's 75%) is his weakness though, and him being screwed in it is the most common thing to happen if he goes awry from his averages. Still, as long as he gains Spd and isn't absolutely Mag screwed, being able to target Res guarantees a decent source of damage. Sue has only a 30% Str growth, but she is fast with a 65% growth. Being more mobile and having an easier time doubling likely compensates for Wolt and Dorothy's higher Str and durability. Sin is just slightly slower than Sue, but still fast and is stronger to boot. Bows are decent in FE6 due to plenty of Wyvern Riders. Looking at 20/10 averages, you'd probably be right. Trec has a significant Str lead on Noah, and loses notably only in Skl. Alen is stronger, faster, and has no significant losses to Noah. Lance is still stronger than Noah, but less than the other two, and faster with no significant losses again. Noah does have 1 more Con, but that is nothing really. He has the highest base level and C Sword rank compared to Es elsewhere too, but those are minor advantages. I do not believe so.
  9. I think people here might be underestimate the capacities of the GB a bit. They DID manage to make the original Pokemon games fit onto the original colorless Game Boy. Sure it had boatloads of glitches, but they fit 151 unique playables. The Game Boy Wars games, released only in Japan, featured 36, 50, 54, and 60 maps respectively. Pokemon shows they could have possibly fit a full FE cast, GBW shows they might have been able to fit an entire FE campaign. However, in practice I would expect: Not more than 40 characters, a little less than 1, 3, and 5 in roster size. Possibly less than 30 even. Not more than 25 maps, which would have worked since neither of the individual books of FE3 or FE1 exceeded this. Even if they had conceived of the Supports idea, it just couldn't have worked. Too much text. If the SNES had space limitation issues, the GB certainly would have had them too.
  10. Have you at all done the first story snippet for the event? She'll probably join after that. At the least, she will by the third battle I know. She probably joins right after the first story bit or battle. I didn't realize she had joined initially because the Optimize function isn't guaranteed to include her on your team.
  11. It's their command skill that you have to charge up via attacking first. Not very convenient, presumably it'd be faster and easier with stronger character and Wyrmprints. So this new firey limited time event with the new katana girl. Looks like it'll be a serious grind if you want all the rewards. Fortunately, the Blazons if I understand it only give Wyrmprints and Pele, and using a separate summon material makes it not seem so bad. But how do you get the Emblems? I might have skipped over that. That seems like the grind I'd really want more. As for the girl herself, I didn't realize you had to put her in your fighting four for her to gain friendship for two battles. This said, I appreciate a freebie character. She gains 6-10 friendship per battle I see. This event goes on for 10 days, do 6-7 battles with her each day for ~50 friendship, and by the end you'll hit 500 to permanently recruit her. NOTE- you do not have to use her in the raids or any of her related event, I used her in the daily money battles and story chapters and she still got normal friendship. This lets you kill two birds with one stone. Got my first 5* character, the female Dark Archer Nefaria. Can't be bad I'd guess. And just a thought. Given this was codeveloped by Nintendo and unlike FEH doesn't have a massive backlog of beloved characters to include, could there be a chance of Nintendo IPs getting into this game? Charizard, Bowser, Link and a Xenoblade character, to give some ideas.
  12. Looks like he is getting through, Collins in favor it looks like. Despite each side taking totally opposite views on the FBI report.
  13. And now make take on the last of the Beasts, the Tigers: Kindhearted Warrior: Mordecai Desert’s Water: Muarim Dutiful Assistant: Kyza/Kysha
  14. Let me take some time to look over the map design. Pre-split: Eirika Mode: Ephraim Mode: Reunited: Compared to FE7? FE7 has better overall map design, but weaker enemies, or so I think. I should do a blow-by-blow dissection of that game's maps later, and for PoR too. I've more or less in my head defined RD as Good-Ugh! & Ahh-Good-Baaad & Finally Decent going Part by Part. Not to call SS horribly bad, I think at the least it is average. It has highlights and lowlights alike.
  15. She already has at the least face set in stone: And this group portrait shows her dressed conservatively, to the lower right of the central figure (Hartmut) However, Durban looks like Hector here, and his spirit in FE7 is clearly shirtless. So if they wanted to, they could throw Elimine in a miniskirt and a top that emphasizes her cleavage more and claim prior grounds. However, the true legendary wifeypon of Elibe will be Hanon, Lyn's Sacean ancestor. Brave Lyn will be naught once she arrives, even if Hanon is surprise! a clone of Lyn visually. Also, Fjalar is strong, confident, and possibly sexy to some. She could sell an ocean of Orbs on her own. The middle one with the earrings.
  16. All four options have some potential grounding I guess, even if things haven't always worked out well in practice. RD, and Vanguard to be more precise, Ike had good reason to be legendary, that is Ike at the height of his power. And RD and PoR Ike being visually very different. Lephraim had weaker ground than Like, but maybe still some concerning distinctiveness since it is based on his SS promotion. Kyoma? Yeah, this is when it just becomes alts for alts' sake. Tiki is in herself okay, but could they have not given us another her for at least six months after Lolisicle girl? Which category would I like the most? The last, not because Sephiran- he is likely to be the next RD GHB (I hope). More because I like lore, and I really like Bramimond. Give me my Buddha of Darkness, a feat no other character in FE has achieved. Let the ten million evil sorcerers and sorceresses cackle and scheme. Let Tharja play with her hexes, let Henry joke, let Niime experiment, let Sophia speak... in ellipses..., let Raigh protect his friends and family, let Knoll be sorrowful, let Canas die, let Salem hang with Perne, let Sierra warp, let Owen be cursed, let Nyx tell fortunes, let Odin be Odin, let Ophelia Ophelia, and let Leo pose nude for the fangirls. But Bramimond alone of all these has walked the thin line between becoming a vegetable and becoming a madman, he sacrificed, but endured, and alone has achieved the true depths of Elder Magic! Moonbow? No. +300% damage Goddess Astra. She also needs minimum of 36 Atk, since Ragnell and Alondite have 18 Wt each, and we can't have her slowed down. Distant Counter, +10 Def (five from each sword) and PoR's critical hit immunity in the form of nulling enemy Specials, all must be on there too. Add Mantle just to make absolutely sure she isn't afraid of dying. Altina is a broken sword lady I would approve of.
  17. Technically the most shocking roll would be 5 +Spd Blue Olwens.
  18. For Philosophy of Religion, I had to read his Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. I believe the reason why the Prolegomena was written, the modern editor/translator's introduction said, was because when Critique of Pure Reason, Kant's signature masterpiece came out, he expected everyone to love it. However, it turns out nobody could actually understand it! Wow that is bad if the intellectuals of olden times who had all the time in the world to think about far fewer things that we presently can couldn't grasp it. The Prolegomena was supposed to be the "Critique of Pure Reason for Dummies", arguing the same stuff but in a different, "simpler" way. Apparently it worked for the people of the late 1700s but I don't get how they could. Making things even worse, the whole point to reading Kant was to get his ideas on God- which didn't show up until the very end of the text, so the ordeal was sort of unwarranted, a passing by professor after class even said Kant for undergrads is cruel. Most of the games are disconnected within the many games of the franchise I think, a few direct sequels, but there is no vast overarching world. Overall, good review, a bit more positive than the other ones I've read for this game, which cast it as pretty average. They also mentioned a Refrain Mode option that turns 2 NPCs into playable characters. It sounds like something I'd really like, particularly after Eternal Sonata's PS3 edition turned Prince Crescendo and Princess Serenade into playables (and Serenade was strong). Although I too heard that in this game, Refrain Mode adds some new spolierific commentary, and therefore one should skip Refrain Mode on a first play. Did you play in Refrain Mode or the standard one? If the game gets cheaper and I've a drought of new games, I could see myself getting it. Roughly the same place 7th Dragon fell for me. Not bad for lovers of the genre, just not a first pick.
  19. Although you could spin that to his advantage. Sigurd is a legendary tragedy, which some might prefer over boring massive success. A glorious terrible end is very heroic and celebrated in some IRL stories.
  20. Owing to procrastination, and liking this prompt, I was actually able to whip together a backstory for an old vague idea I had years ago, but which I never actually put to paper. You don't have to consider this an official entry, I don't think it really focuses on the immoral character, but I'm putting it up anyhow if you don't mind, a moment's (well it felt like moment in subjective time) quick writing. Just call it "Oh I am Slain!" I (the Roman numeral). In reference to a little Macbeth line that proves not every quip Shakespeare wrote was gold. I'm terrible with coming up with titles, and I can't think of something not utilitarian for this. Surprisingly only ~1721 words, guess I could do more if I chose to address what I mention at the very end more. Anyway, here it is:
  21. Although I'm not a formal participant, owing to doubts of me being able to truly finish writing anything or with good characters, may I ask the following? Does their immorality have to have presently ceased? Must they have guilt concerning the immoral act? Must the act have been lacking in any reasonable justification? I expect the latter two questions to be answered "no" for more creative freedom, but I wanted to get them out the way for others. The first question however, I'm less certain as to an answer for.
  22. I've completed SMTIV Apocalypse on War difficulty. Final boss I heard was EVIL! and even with preparations from online, I barely eeked out a victory, in an exhilarating way, which would have been rage had I died. Losing all three of my demons in its assault, I got an ally turn break on them, and then, still going to lose because I had no way of restoring MP and then getting a full heal. I summoned my Shiva who hit the boss's Phys weakness I gave it before my weakness-giver died, and which I had ignored since I don't use Phys demons normally, that Shiva was just sitting there. Nataraja used Akasha Arts in a desperate, unexpected to kill hit, and dealt the last 900 damage needed to complete the game! Phase 1 of the boss battle was easy, it wasn't until Phase 2 when things started going south. The poor quality of MP regen items combined with the final boss's party-wide MP drains was really unfair. Bead Chains and Soma, the very best, rare, and limited healing items, give next to nothing in MP, Chakra Pots/Great Chakras give only 150, which at most gives you 4 endgame spell uses. Is the final boss fair? Well it's on the boundary I think. The rest of my thoughts Phew! Now I have this game off my back, onto playing another JRPG to love and by the end burden myself with!
  23. This is going to be atrocious. Konami, why? Critics and the masses alike are going to step all over it.
  24. Which way to take him though? Adjectival Naglfar? Adjectival Gleipnir? The Dark Stone he carries holding Formortiis's soul? Being weaponized as a Tome? Summoning of the Demon King's full power in the form of Demon Light or Ravager? The Demon King's Nightmare spell as a Staff? While I wholly disapprove of retconning the Demon King into a Demon Dragon King, I would be fine if they made Formortiis Lyon a Breath unit. Demon Light seems perfect for this. And given Formortiis has a physical weapon in Ravager, and a magical weapon in Demon Light, the freeform Def/Res targeting of Breath weapons seem appropriate for Fyon. It'd be the best way we could get a playable Formortiis too, given like Grima, he is too big to fit in this game in his normal body. One thing I would like from a Fallen Lyon, would be for one of his quips to mimic his Two Faces of Evil act to Ephraim. As in "That "I'm the Demon King having possessed Lyon" thing? That was an act, I'm in full control.". Obviously he isn't, but he thinks, by virtue of the Demon King manipulating his mind so that it clouds what is obviously true, that he is.
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