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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. And instead of country fried chicken, it's fried oreos. Both are fried foods, but totally different in nature. You could go further and says its country fried chicken vs. takoyaki (Japanese octopus-flavored fried doughballs), but that might be taking it a little too far since the combat system is generally shared through both series. I think SMT and Persona have separate development teams, so SMTV should only to a small degree if at all affect the coming of the next Persona. I know Atlus is small, but between Etrian, SMT, Persona, and its Dancing spinoffs, how many teams can it have and of what size? And yes, my mention of takoyaki is thanks to Mr. Hotsuin the second best route in DS2 (I think you know which I like the most). Never mind I tried to kill him several times and defy his monopoly on the information and power in apocalyptic Japan, Ronaldo I've come to see is just that much worse. Normally I prefer the Neutral outcomes to SMTs, but eh. Yamato might be arrogant, but he's otherwise likable.
  2. On Saias, I don't there is a hard rule demanding that the firstborn gets Major Holy Blood. Saias existing wasn't necessary to explain why Julia or Julius didn't get it, it just could have been pure random luck that the Major Fjalar Blood didn't get passed on. There is more evidence than just Ishtar and Ishtore about Major not always going to the firstborn. Cairpre clearly appears to be younger than Lynn (the other artwork doesn't make it as apparent, but it is still true visually in those cases), but if given Lewyn as a father, Cairpre and not Lynn inherits the Major Forseti.
  3. Pokemon Shuffle managed to get in 986 in its run of three years. Almost every single Pokemon there is plus loads of variants. However, I do recognize its comparing apples to a ten course gourmet dinner comprised entirely of foods and drinks involving oranges. Pokemon Shuffle had far far far farrrr less complexity in what skills and powers its Pokes had compared to FEH characters. Furthermore, you don't need to hire artists or VAs for the little Pokemon icons, it is much much cheaper to make them. Therefore, FEH it is true will likely end up with a more unfinished roster by the time it dies. I'm rather sure from earlier discussion it takes ~4 months for them to listen to issues, and then conceive, design, and implement responses to those issues. They can't be responding to complaints about Grobin yet, they must have already planned this as they were making Grobin. Since the fanbase surprised IS by picking Hector (whom they were Seasoning), Celica (whose soul they were selling), and Ephraim (whom they were Legendizing), I speculate very loosely that they might have Bridal!Veronica in the works. But I'm not sure if they already had June planned out before/during CYL2. They most certainly did Easter- so it must have surprised them somewhat to see the Heroes OCs ranked so high when they were thinking of Alfunny and Share.
  4. Males can admire other male bodies without being gay. What are bodybuilders then (no Japanese stereotyping here)? And are guys experiencing envy over genital size necessarily gay? Not really, they can just be envious of the potency of the other men, perhaps in a straight way of just envying that their bigger stuff will get them more ladies. Males can have male cosmetic vanity, even if it can be often ignored because misogyny attributes female beauty as the only visual vanity, while male manliness/badass/handsome vanity is not considered vanity. Consider this, around 1900 in the US, pink was considered a young boy's color, because pink is a pale "immature" red and red is the color of blood and manly men don't mind blood and guts. ...Moving away from that, Navarre does look good, but I think I heard all the guys in FEW share the same musculature. Or there are only like 2 different male naked bodies with minor height adjustments for everyone. In FEW, it's the clothes (and their head and weapon) that make the man distinct from his fellow male colleagues visually. Navarre is shirtless, Marth has classy modest undergarments that one could mistake for a track suit. I like them both.
  5. Why has it got to be this way!!??????? FE has ~463 playable characters, not including NPCs, Villains, Trial Maps, or other theoretical variations (but it does include some minor overlap with things like 4 Leif and 776!Leif and double Whitewings). The number would be higher, possibly breaching 500 with NPCs, Villains, and Trial Map additions. As well as "reasonable variants" like Beloved Celica and Rag Celica, and Lucina and Masked Marth (could we get an Unmasked "Marth" version that chucks her mask at enemies as a Dagger unit?). I think we have room for upwards of 550 sans totally noncanonical things like Seasonals, Braves, and Gleipnirika, I have my doubts about hitting 600 though. Fine, Alva and Roger don't have to get in, but there is still plenty here. How many years does IS plan to get out of Heroes? Pokemon Shuffle released in February 2015 and officially died and ran out of new content about a month ago, so a 3 years lifespan. My calculations using FEH's current rate of new additions places the theoretical lifespan at around 9 years factoring in the one year past already, with a maximum of ~15. If IS doesn't want to in practice make it last this long, then they should do us a favor an increase the rate at which they add new non-variant/Seasonal/OC characters. What do they have to lose?
  6. Well Robin does use Grima's power for good at the end of Awakening. Ideally they use it to stop stupid Chrom, and then somehow live in spite it, making this one choice, like the rest of 4 story choices total in Awakening, meaningless (well better than Fates). But this is much too soon a variant of someone already in the game, I'd rather have Alva instead. I'll get over it, but this game is resorting too much reuse of old characters in non-Seasonal capacities too soon, that I will continue to say. Pelica (BZ was fine, but the zombie aspect isn't), Gmobin, Geirkia, Hrom, Lephraim, Vike, Zelgius. Of these, Geirika and Hrom don't deserve to exist, the rest should not have been added so soon. What ya gonna do a year from now when you want another Ephraim in the game IS? You'll run out of good excuses sooner or later and come to rely 100% on awful excuses.
  7. I actually just finished or started one of the subquests which I think mentions something being an heirloom from Queen Zofia I. It was one of the ones completable by Alm in Act 3. Maybe it was the Rion Shield one? And with this goes my unofficial fanfict timeline- I don't regret it though. This new timeline makes it clear Rigel and Zofia seem to be relatively young political entities at 211 years old despite the Mila-Duma War being 3000 years ago. Although much of Jugdral and Archanea are even younger. How did Mila and Duma rule the lands beforehand? Young vs. old political entities, I don't care too much, as long as they get decent explanations/world development. It's a little sparse for details, but the coveted Tellius timeline, which admittedly has a few big gaps and flaws, is a labor of love to an extent which no game actually needs save out of devotion by the developers. I appreciate the world-building devotion though. And why don't they put these timelines somewhere in the games? It'd be good for fans to get more immersed in things. Having the Tellius timeline certainly adds to the feeling of the centrality of Laguz-Beorc relations (a major theme in the duology) in Telliusian history, which historicizes and enriches the present ingame moment.
  8. Referring to Alm and Celica or some unnamed heroes of yore? If the former, what opportunity existed to give them dragon blood? Celica had the resurrection I guess, but I never heard any chance that Alm could have had of getting Duma's blood.
  9. Hands belated tissue. I care. So Seasonals are getting more personal weapons now? Well maybe not making them all inheritable was a good idea, but they shouldn't go too far down this path. Wouldn't the Whales be more inclined to pull more if there are more non-personals on Seasonals? Since there is no off chance of obtaining them while pulling for other things. Kagerobbit's and Alfunny's weapons should still get the Sperms, Blues, and Belugas to spend. Are you not familiar with human anatomy? As for the Colorless Breath speculation:
  10. Thanks a lot Fallen Heroes Banner! You've set an new ugly precedent. Sephiran, please avoid this fate. You too Dheginsea. If Lilith comes, can we get a Mess Hall? Or to be a little fancier, a Cafe? Never enough resources to load up on in a game like. An army marches on its stomach- introducing Culinary Campaign! An endurance mode where your army's stats must be kept up to par by sating their hunger! We also need more things for the cute sprites to do. Snapshotting Zelgius having made a strawberry shortcake and posting it on SF sounds very appealing. Or Fae preparing a stack of ribs. But of course we need Marth making mochi, or Sakura some takoyaki, being a Japanese game. Lilith herself? Give her a healing assist or a second variant with Astral Blessing. And actually that food idea wouldn't be bad if you could use to customize Lilith's stats with certain limits, in addition to SI.
  11. Lucina shows her eye to Chrom to show him she is his daughter, only for the Brand to turn out to be a contact lens that falls out midway into the scene and reveal her as a total hoax along the lines of Anastasia. When Ashera makes everyone stoned, it instead makes everyone stoned. The insatiable munchies that follows lead everyone to die in anguish being unable to find enough food to sate their hunger, but they're too kind from being stoned to fight and eat each other, but necrophagy does end up happening. Almedha somehow musters dragon form in rage and sorrw despite not being able to, and kills Micaiah for killing Pelleas, which she threatens to do in the Japanese script. A Warp Powder malfunction in PoR causes Zelgius's body to remain in Fort Pinell but not his armor or clothes, awkward! I could think of more, but some are too sleazy to be worth posting, and non-sleazy stuff takes more work. I'd think this would be more an FFtF thing, but oh well.
  12. A mix of passion and not so passionate desires. SMT V Octopath Traveler- will wait for reviews The Etrian Odyssey "celebration" they have not described at all FE Switch (of course!) Bravely Third Mega Man X Collection (but only if it has restore points/save states) Wargroove (I have no hopes that this will be particularly good, if anything I expect it to be alright at best) Rune Factory 4 (waiting for price drop/sale to $20) 7th Dragon: Code VFD (also waiting for a price drop/sale to $20) I'm not really in a rush right for new games right now, I've got enough backlog that I'm set for a while. Heard about, but never saw that artwork before. The aesthetic of the first picture says Impressionism to me. But the other pic is quite different in aesthetic and there is a high likelihood Male(?) Sword Protag and Miss(?) Little Red Riding Crossbow could undergo a design change by the time the game releases (I'd expect 2019 if Monolith shows it off at all at E3, XC2 will have been out long enough by that point that they can officially move on to XCX Switch Port/X2 this mystery game). Never heard about them announcing this. Not particularly great from what I'm aware, and the majority of the big cast of playables being online only when online died fast didn't help. Nor did having the four story playables be a very bare princess, a zombie girl in her underwear, a tomboyish decently dressed thief, and an effeminate male elf. I'd still consider it on sale as long as the big cast is usable offline. Also it's already out, but I'm waiting until the current semester is over before I get Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth. I’ve been contemplating my potential first team. Any tips? I haven’t looked at any skill data guide or anything, and don’t plan to until well into my first run. I just want to know if my plans are basically solid.
  13. First, what I had posted in a different topic so I don't have to retype it: Easter 2017 vs. Easter 2018 ounds like it'd be fun! Let the rage multiply like bunnies in heat! (Meaning all the time, that is why rabbits multiply so fast. That and a naturally high rate of genetic mutation mean inbreeding isn't such a problem; maybe Leo can have Spring!Camilla after all. And I can have Spring!Chrom!Owain!) He will need your support at certain hours but not others according to guesswork, winning a VG is a matter of establishing cadence with all the fellow players across the world on your team and feeling the rhythm of your opponent. Barring that omnipresent and omnipotent accomplishment, it's all the numbers of points generated randomly by fans, like FE true, except truly random and not just an algorithm. Any bile borne of the VG is how you felt the many times you got RNG screwed. And thinking about bunny reproduction, Easter Engagement make perfect sense for a VG, what with massive multipliers and all.
  14. Sounds like love/lust at first sight. And to be fair, they had been together for no more than a year, minus the Valentia voyage. They by no means were at a point by which they could have been 100% assured of their love and compatibility for each other. But what am I thinking, this is FE! One year or less is enough to establish true love! I never heard anything about Peri and Jakob filing for divorce. None of the endings in FE3 outright state who anyone married. Partly I think because didn't they bother to write alternative version of the character endings in case one member of the couple died. Also, apparently Lena was originally going to be married to Michalis: Ya know, I'd have liked a boss convo in SD for this, but they didn't do that for Marth-Jiol or Linde-Gharnef and metric ton of others so it doesn't surprise me. Michalis is the only boss who really gets any, Medeus gets a little line with Nagi, and Camus gets a pseudo-boss convo with Marth with the way Nyna interjects halfway into the fight. Male Infantry Breath and Female Infantry Sword? Male Infantry Staff (Hoshido Noble) and Female Infantry Tome (Nohr Noble)? Or they could just toss Male Corrin a long awaited Yato upgrade. We haven't had a non-Seasonal dedicated Fates Gen 1 Banner yet. A Corrin, a girl (Charlotte?), and somebody else (Silas?). Actually, ♀︎Corrin-Kaze-Silas would likely be rather popular and have a solid theme running through it. Something-Dagger-Something Cav, okay for variety's sake.
  15. Brilliant reference to his double life as Odin and having a magical mom while starting as a physical unit in Awakening. What they need now is to take this skill and bring it into mainline FE, hybrid offense units would love it! (Ignis exists I know, but that is merely a proc and has to compete with Luna and other procs.) Now they could actually outdamage units who use only one of their attack stats. Galeforce is a good reference to the ultimate skill of Awakening, which Olivia does get access to. And Destruction Pact, nothing unusual, but risk and reward is good. And it might reference how Sorcerers in Awakening and Fates have Vengeance.
  16. What Color to give her though? We know her stat spread would make her fall into the high Atk low Spd category of Tome users (15% Spd growth loses only to Benny and Gunter), And will she bring an, ideally inheritable, scroll from Fates with her? Rhajat not having one was something of a missed opportunity. I'd pick Snake Spirit (and Hayato can have Horse Spirit). Or maybe in honor of Snake Spirit, throw her one of those new -Serpent Tomes (they only share a name resemblance, but I don't care).
  17. Sounds like it'd be fun! Let the rage multiply like bunnies in heat! (Meaning all the time, that is why rabbits multiply so fast. That and a naturally high rate of genetic mutation mean inbreeding isn't such a problem; maybe Leo can have Spring!Camilla after all. And I can have Spring!Chrom!Owain!) Because everyone would be fanservice in Bombastic Berserk Bunny Battalion Brigades Battle, there should hopefully be no sexualization toxicity developing there, since you can't point the finger at just one person. Well I stand corrected about Catria being obscure. And this is pretty much how it has always been in gameplay. Palla's base and Str leads have always been outdone by Catria's greater potential (barring maybe FE3 B2), and Est has been junk. And to think people say they like Ests, they clearly do not like the original at least. Nino yes, Est no. I'm more of a Palla person myself.
  18. Nobody not Marth, Nyna, Malledus, and Gharnef (and possibly Camus) has any lengthy presence in SD. Mystery does make Child Tiki a little more memorable, going into more detail about her. But alas, international players only got the inferior first half of Marth's journeys. Is this at all like Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate? Reset a maxed level character to 1 up to 10 times, each time adding additional stats to their level 1 bases which stack with the prior resets.
  19. I don't plan to stay for long, no later then Friday, after that I'm gone until Thracia drops, then I'll return for a few days and leave again, it's healthier for me that way. And when FEH finally features a banner with a character I love enough to starting summoning, expect possible squealing and fanciful prose and celebration on my part. By the time that comes, I should have 200+ passively obtained orbs, which from what I see on this site should be enough to pull 1 copy of a character I want on average (I'm not going to try for more than that, if my Pent is Calm (+Res - Atk) I'll just have to deal with it, gotta be frugal with the Summonspheres). And with that said, the Illusory Dungeon is going to return in a few days. New music and new ending surprise (how about they leap into a field of endless flowers?) I would hazard to guess. I'm just hoping Illusory Dungeon eventually leads to TMS representatives coming along. Although if they get cameoed without being playable, one tablet will meet its demise. Not sure whether it'd be my fist or a TV remote that skewers it, it'll depend on what I have on hand at the time.
  20. Amen. Even though that likely won't be enough still to get me playing, having the last of the lords in and some improved measure of representation for every game over FEH's base is good. Although FE4 Gen 2, 13 Gen 1, FE14 Gen 1 and FE6 are still on the outs for dedicated banners, so there are still grounds to complain. I might try for Finn or Leif if they appear on a rehash banner later though. Leif will not drop, but who of Finn and Nanna will? Nanna should be a Staff unit, that sounds bad enough to drop, but if they choose to use as the newest and greatest Staff unit in nearly a year with a brand new powerful personal Staff (Rune Staff?), then they might want to make her a 5 lock. Finn will either get a Brave Lance or Finn's Lance (which should be the Amiti of Lances not Deen's Dragonspear). And on that note: The next new Standard Banner is the 11th? That sounds a little late, and we already know it is Thracia (unless they’re being slightly cruel and delaying it until late post-23rd April). Of course, after that, assuming they keep on the trend of double Standard new to single Seasonal, then that means there is one surprise still in store before June. The next new Banner should be the 24th of April or so, so it should end early-mid May. But what kind of Seasonal could they do for May? I think it’d be a little too early to do Bridal redux. Will they go ahead and do that? Do something else? Give us a third consecutive new Standard Banner? June, well I’m assuming the old Bridal banner is going to repeat itself, but what will accompany it, I do not know. Hopefully Gallant Grooms or something not marital, but what else does June have worth celebrating? Though now that they’re doing more male-slanted standard banners (thank you IS, you’re realizing you were burning through the females too fast in a series where they’re 1/4 to 1/2 of the roster at best), they might want to use a few more Wedding Bouquets on some ladies as a counterweight to restore gender equality. Actually, besides being the start of summer, June is when E3 is, from 12-14th this year apparently. If we don’t have anything on FE Switch by then, well E3 should tell us practically everything we’ll find out pre-release or close to it. And even if we do know stuff about it before E3, E3 should say a lot more and give the lucky attendees a chance to sample the game for us. More importantly, FEH could possibly do something related to E3. I heard Dissidia Final Fantasy (the intraseries fighting game crossover) featured as its representative villain for FFXII a character who isn’t actually that important a bad guy at all, simply because he appeared in the beginning of the game and it hadn’t released yet so they couldn’t give the true big bad away in a crossover (whom they have finally added to Dissidia). Perhaps IS could toss us a pre-release FESwitch Banner of the MC with a non-legendary or sealed/unenhanced power legendary personal weapon, one or two of their close early game comrades, a GHB for an early villain, and a TT for someone else. At the very least, any chance they do an E3 Celebratory Login Bonus? One login bonus of 20 Orbs too much (they gave one for those DICE awards)? By the way, this is late, but I saw there is apparently an expression in Japan, “Fall of the Arts”, which would likely be why we got Performing Arts. I saw this when I happened to glimpse Pokemon Shuffle and saw they made a Pikachu (one of two million variants) for this theme. Given Pikachu has a bunch of other variants for distinctly Japanese days or themes, does anyone know what Japan-centric holidays/themes we could get in Seasonal form? Tanabata I know, Children’s Day I forget when it is, but that seems like it’d be more a good time for a new Standard Banner for some 2nd Gen characters or other young people like Ryan and Ross than a Seasonal. However, they did, for this year at least, resist the urge to give separate Valentine’s and White Day Banners, so we never know when and if they’ll go for Japan-centric Seasonal Banner themes. Lastly, after June, it is July. And July is the roaring of Summer, is it okay for me to be cynical about it? I forget the chronology, but weren’t June and August just double Swimsuits and the first of the 3 Character New Standard Banners in the form of Dauntless Crimeans? Then again, was Sacred Stones 1 in the Summer? Maybe I shouldn’t be so cynical? At the time, my memory says Summer was a bit of drought for new Standard additions and it’ll take until September before we’re wet with them again. But it could be faulty. Love Abounds means they might not go with swimmies again, but I’m going to doubt that. Gratuitous skin showing in waterproof societally-acceptable-in-public underwear will sell orbs (it’s cheaper though to just look at the stuff online for free- but that is just me). I’m just wondering who it will be this time. Will Ike Emblem be completed with something like Angler Ike? His PoR bod on first thought would be more likely chosen to show off, but Srederick, who isn’t at all a typical young adult male JRPG protagonist in form, indicates they could choose to give us the more muscular and mature Vanbod. Not that I care for Ike that much or anything, but Seasonals lean towards favoring already favored characters, and Ike like it or not should for this reason will get a Seasonal eventually. I just hope they don’t go out of character with him and make him silly. Ike is not very funny, he is rather stoic, kinda dull actually, though I find Ranulf and Reyson do a good job of making Ike pop out a little more. I do think they might run out of purely beach-themed weapons quickly though, so they might want to go Hot Springs (is this more wintry?) or Camping or something else summery for weapon ideas at least, if not actual visual character designs. (If they do Hot Springs- well they left three out four Awakening CG swimsuit wearers out of Summer 1, so while I’d expect HS!Lucina, her friends would likely be skipped for others.) And then again, was September to December that amazing for new Standard Banners? They did throw PA and Halloween and Xmas and NY in. And in that time… what new Standard additions came? Oh yes, CYL2. which I’m not big on this since it’ll just be variants of have-beens; popularity smopularity, it is a a good idea to include consumer input, but I just want everyone in FEH and don’t care that much for variants. Some like Vike make sense (but he came too early), and I’d approve of Tome Flier Camilla, Blue Tome Lucius, and Blessed Sword!Olwen. Farfetched did bring all new characters, so that was good, and Gen 2 Fates did the same (although some criticize the choice of Rhajat’s inclusion as being another way to shove Tharja in), anything I’m missing? Gosh it all seems so long ago. Is it just me being not fully into it that does, or do ye the actual players feel a similar sense of distance?
  21. So this is how they sate demands for FEH OC upgrades for now? It'll work only partly, since character score bonuses may still use the original version and not these new ones. Throwing in an Archanean (who are tautologically obscure to some degree barring Marth), and a random Fates character. Different, not bad. But like all Seasonals, this is not of interest to me. Have they said anything about rerunning Easter 2017? I haven't paid attention in a while. And thats a lot fanservice derailment now that I notice it. But since IS has been doing male-slanted regular new character banners, I'm okay with it. Use Seasonals to compensate for any lady lacking in the normal ones. Not perfectly sensical, but it works.
  22. Avatars and Silent Protagonists have existed from the beginning of gaming, and continue to remain popular. Some like Cross in Xenoblade Chronicles X are totally customizable and totally silent (in the important story dialogue- they can battle yell all they want), with practically no backstory. Others like Link, whose name is literally a reference to what they are between the player and the game itself, are silent, but have fixed appearances and defined backstories. Robin and Corrin in FE have customizable appearances, but talk and have fixed backstories. The Rune Factory protags talk, and aren't customizable, but generally have dull personalities and weak backgrounds (Aden and Sonya the exceptions), the same for TMS's Itsuki, so you can project yourself onto them somewhat at least in dialogue choices and fantasies. A key premise behind these figures is you're supposed to relate to them, for them to reflect on you, to be you and thus be yourself in the game. But how often are you actually this immersed and feel like you are the character and in the game and to what extent? For me, I'd like to think that I don't get that immersed. I'll vehemently deny that Robin is ever me, and I sure as anything will revolt on seven continents at the notion that Validar is dear old dad. Even someone like Cross I don't fully invest myself into. Partly because I base my answers to most questions/decisions on what will benefit me most in gameplay, there is often an incentive to not be yourself, to be instead a courtesan pandering to every character's wants or developmental needs. Contrariwise of course, it being only a video game means if I did not care about gameplay benefits, I could be true to myself without worry (whereas in reality, I have more reason to kiss up/be restrained than be myself). But, I do think I let myself get into the characters more than I'd like to admit. The game wants you to be that person, so I give it a little effort.
  23. Did you complete the Thabes Labyrinth in SoV? Or get lucky and summon Grima in Heroes? Or you can look either thing up. That is all that has been explained of Grima. As for how he did so well initially. Well a new evil after centuries of peace will take time to adapt to, there will be some destruction and bad times until a new hero is found. But once this was so, Naga was able to check them by modifying the Falchion and Binding Shield to work on Grima, presumably the Earth Dragon/Medeus threat was no more and hence she could retool the items without worry.
  24. I haven't played FE6, and 20 uses per Divine Weapon is low, bumping it to 30 like the Sacred Twins might make them more balanced between too many and too few. However, perhaps it was done because some Divine Weapons are obtained so early? Durandal is only nine fights in. Armads still has a little less than half the game, and Forblaze maybe a third. Having an infinite Durandal (albeit nobody would likely be able to use it right away since weapon ranks grow slowly here) without nerfing it in gameplay would be too strong. Actually, why not make it so upon Zephiel's death they all get a slight power boost and full durability restore? Since now they're all gathered together again and that power does reveal the Dragon Temple's location, it has an excuse for happening. The rest of the DWs? They have less excuse for being so fragile because of how late they come. Another thing Days of Ruin, and I believe Dual Strike, fixed. Enemies are forced to play by the same rules as you, as opposed to just having a clear advantage. Although FE will always find FoW trickier than AW since if you lose a Medium Tank to an unseen Rocket in AW, it'll hurt for now, but you can buy a new one later, the same can't be said of FE units.
  25. I think Fog of War could be made better if they took from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, and made it so all the spaces a unit passes by while moving within their vision range is lit up for one turn, that was a huge boon of several DoR made to FoW (although making properties hiding places and changing the effects of rain were bad). I wouldn't mind if there were a few units/skills able to hide their location in FoW on certain terrain (like Thieves on Forests), but nowhere near as much hiding as in AW, Torch should be able to mitigate it, and the enemies that hide should not be that obnoxiously strong. No hiding Killer Bow Snipers on every single stray piece of forest!
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