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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Victory music is amazing after i critted that one guy
  2. ah yes. You gotta figure something out iirc Like rush him with Elincia + dance and Amiti his face
  3. instead of Thracia randomizer iron man (since it turned out to be pretty zzz XD) i am doing a i yggdrasill iron man xD
  4. be careful of who you call Lyn in middle school xD just revisiting yggdrasill while waiting for new version xD ok that's for awakening then hmm if i had fates on hand i could'Ve checked Fates as well, but i don't XD 3H is definetly AS + skills though, as seen here
  5. definetly not 3H 3H was AS only. Also Fatesawakening was AS +1/2LCK, not 1*Lck iirc I can imagine xD But yeah, outside of Hit/Crit and lvl ups, RNG shouldn't be a thing, and even in Hit you shouldn't deal with below 80s unless during certain cases
  6. Also the calculation formula. In older games avoid was 2*AS + Lck. Which made evasion absurdly easy. Since DS remakes they reduces Avoid to AS + Skills. You can still get high avoid, but Skills/Terrain needed. Hit formula was changed from 2*SKL to Skl as well. 3H also had the powress skills which gave hit and evasion buffs. Also thank god 3H moved away from proc skills to combat arts and conditional skills. Sometimes i think Crits should be removed as well, but that would massively nerf crit based classed like Swordmasters and Berserkers, so eh. R;B1 is a defeat boss map though iirc, no?
  7. Lck though Honestly, i prefer it when they make Iron Sword 90/100 hit, Lance 85/90 and Axe 80 hit. Maybe 75. Any lower than that and it's a headache waiting to happen. You're finally out of Rout hell, congrats!
  8. except Thracia gives your axe users awesome prfs (like pugi) and decent skl stat
  9. 57 hit 49 with Wta Axes should've 75 before WTA, not after. They are dead useless, they and lances. Your 75 doesn't take enemy avo into consideration
  10. that's factually wrong. Unless you mean 60hit wta is accurate enough for you
  11. dunno. It was never really frustrating if you place your units well.
  12. Man all the Nep memes the news today spawned 🍿 should be enough early game. Also you really should arrange your units in such a way that not all of them get hit by enemy Aoe. Don't just tank everything face on
  13. same price as xbox for 'normal' while digital is more expensive huh
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