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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. I just voted. Apparently it lets you vote twice. It's neat to read all of that French. I remember alot more than I thought I did. J'aime le Fire Emblem. Vous aimez-vous le Fire Emblem? C'est une magnifique!
  2. Oh cool, French is sexy. Welcome to the forest! Don't worry about your English, we have dealt with much worse.
  3. Dracozombies are weak to bows? I did not know that. So is Nidhogg x2 or x3 effective? I'm guessing the x2 takes priority over the x3 for bow. You beat me on Chapter 15, but my Chapter 10 was better. GGs Horace.
  4. I know what you mean with the irregular sleeping patterns. I also work nights. Winter is the worst because its so cold here and there is very little sunlight. I've actually gone a whole week without seeing the sun...
  5. ^ Naw, Lute's 15 warp range is 1 short of getting Neimi over there. Besides, Morva's DEF is way too high. Even with max STR Neimi with a Killer bow would only do 8 x 2 damage. With 2 crits, thats only 48 out of his 66 HP. Although, with the Nidhogg she could have 2HKOed him, however I would have needed a 3rd staff user to get her over there for a 1 turn clear. Neimi was a beast on this playthrough though, Her longbow use saved 3 turns alone. I found it funny that warping made the swiftsoles completely useless.
  6. Congrats you two. Haha, Integ was just saying like 2 weeks ago that he didnt want to be a mod. I think he finally gave in to his lust for power.
  7. fe8 skirmish draft the 4th #35410 completed in 93 turns.
  8. Chp 18: 5/89 3 warps, piece of cake. Chp 19: 1/90 Lute torchs and the warps Neimi who kills Riev. Chp 20: 1/91 Myrrh eat all of my statboosters then is warped in to kill Morva with a 17% crit. Refresh Lute, Rescue Eirika, Warp Eirika seize. Final 1: 1/92 Myrrh is warped in and kills Lyon. 1 of 4 hits had to crit at 18% or I could have planned better and just leveled her up to have the 19 STR she needs for the 4HKO. Final 2: 1/93 My super-bad dudes raped Fomortis. In the end I never used the swiftsoles, and I still had 6 potential uses of warp left. I find it funny that despite grinding being allowed Myrrh was STILL the only way I could kill Morva and Lyon with respectable chances. And I even forgot to properly level her.
  9. As long as you play semi-efficiently, there is a ton of Bexp to go around. The turn limits for each chapter are pretty generous, and if you stay under them get stealth in Chapter 10 and pacifism in Chapter 15 there will be roughly 10,000 Bexp through the course of the game. So if you want to train Mist or Rolf go for it. Just DONT train BOTH of them. Just keep a "core" group of units that you use in every fight of about 8 units. Give Marcia and Jill about 5-10 levels worth of Bexp as soon as you get them. Use 5-7 Fliers/Mounts. And use Bexp liberally. There is no point to leave ~500 Bexp in the bank and be bringing frail under-leveled units into a fight. As long as youre not training 20+ units, or doing some other stupid thing, FE9 HM is actually really easy.
  10. What are you talking about his Luck is so blessed!! Haha, thats really bad.
  11. Chp 14: 6/78 Got energy ring and dragonspear. Recruited Rennac after he got some swag. Chp 15: 4/82 Lute goes for Valter. Franz get Caellach. Got boots, warp, and Metis' tome. Deussel joins my group. Chp 16: 1/83 Natasha warps Eirika around the wall. Lute warps Neimi 14 spaces up. Lute is rescue take dropped, Tethys refreshes Lute, Lute warps Eirika into throne room, Neimi crit + hit kills Orson, Eirika seizes. I had to skip the purge for the 1 turn clear. Chp 17: 1/84 Warp Neimi, Neimi crits Lyon x2. crits not needed since she would have 2RKO'ed him on EP anyways. Now I have my full team. Syrene get Metis' tome, and I will be powering up in the tower for the last time.
  12. ^ You probably want Erk and Lowen/Fiora/Heath. If you miss out on a flier/mount now, there is a good chance they will be gone before your next pick. Cyron you should use this format in the OP: Kalas - Florina, PKL - Sain, Cyron - Kent, Breezy - Erk, Fiora, Capitolization and puncuation helps Integ out when you submit this to the DTE.
  13. L'arachel is under rated imo. Especially in drafts. She is a mounted staff user which is extremely useful for Chapter 14 where you need to carry Eirika to the throne and open doors.
  14. Reyson's refreshing gets him a 10 in both categories? I thought they were separate... "Utility/Flexibility: 7.5: Oscar offers all-around wonderful supports to his entire support list, bolstering evade immensely with his earth-element and matching up well with his entire list." Zero negatives, all positive remarks for Oscar. He gets a 7.5. I know you dont want everyone scoring 7's and above but your list is extremely flawed this way. Gatrie, Brom, and Tauroneo will all score roughly the same way despite the first 2 having a huge availability lead. Evidence: Marcia scoring slightly ahead of Tanith. The average can still be a 5 as long as you get real with yourself and give out just as many 1's and 2's as you do 9's and 10's. Marcia, Jill, Titania, Oscar, and Kieran are all 9's and up. Lucia, Bastion, Tauroneo, ENasir are all 2's and lower. ding ding ding! We have an average of 5! ^ PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS LAST PART ^ I dont want you to ignore this and focus on my minor points. (like usual)
  15. Snowy, Oscar, Kieran, Marcia and Tanith form a support diamond. They are 4 of the top 6 or 7 units and they dont get a 10 on a category that is based entirely on their support options? Meanwhile, Reyson supports Ike, Tormod, and Tanith and that gets him a 10? This leads me to believe that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. That fact that you say that you, "dislike giving out 10's, especially since I'm trying to focus on 5 being 'average', not a 7." means that you are actively sandbagging scores to fit your mold of what you think a tier list should look like.
  16. Snowy there are so many things wrong with this. This is not a tier list. Tier lists place characters based off of how well they perform at meeting the criteria of the list (most cases LTC, FE7 has an S-rank tier list, etc). Your list is just the average of 3 arbitrary categories. Everyone's combat is rated too low. Boyd and Jill have only an 8? Boyd and Jill are definitely 2 of the best in terms of raw stats. On a list like this the best should have a 10, and the worst should have a 1 (or a 0), and everyone else should fall somewhere in between. The 3rd category is retarded. The fact that Marcia and Tanith support each other should give them a 10 if you think about it. This is more of a character ratings guide, and a pretty poor attempt at that... Although, the list it sounds like you want IS a rating guide. Try that with the categories of: Combat, Durability, Availability, and Movement. A list like that will be different than the tier list and I think you might like the way it looks.
  17. In 232 years America had accumulated 10.5 trillion dollars of debt. In the last 4 years under Obama, we've added 5.5 trillion to put it over 16 trillion dollars of debt. There are idiots who want 4 more years of that? Obama hasnt done a single thing he promised 4 years ago. One of his promises was that he would cut the deficite in half, ooops, he INCREASED it by half, haha, thats close right? No. He has failed miserably. Life is right, not only is America fucked for the next 4 years; the whole world is.
  18. Chp 9: 7/56 Niemi clears the way for Franz and Natasha to charge to the boss. Got dragonshield, and recruited Amelia for the speedwings. Chp 10: 4/60 I was surprised I could 4 turn this. My 3 mounts escourt Eirika to the throne. Lute can now promote! She is going Sage. Chp 11: 4/64 Got the secretbook. A Longbow user is needed for the 4 turn. Franz x Natasha go right, Lute goes down. Chp 12: 7/71 Longbow!Niemi saves another turn! 7 turns is the fastest clear without a flier. Chp 13: 1/72 Hmmm, Niemi's longbow made this one possible too... Sage!Lute 2RKO's Aias. Gilliam can finally promote!! He is going Great Knight.
  19. Castor and Gordin seem a bit high to me, and Wendell seems way too low. Wendell can be recruited by Merric instead of wasting turns to have Marth do it, and Merric only costs 1 turn? to recruit. Does he even cost a turn? I cant remember. Anyway, Wendell should go way up. edit: Elice above Wryyyyyys? She only has 2 Chapters of use. Wrys is there for the entire game.
  20. What is the point of waiting until after the draft? No one else has your team and no one can "steal" your strategy. You make no sense. @ Bananas - Well yeah, he obviously used the armorslayer. I just dont understand why he needs to keep that info a secret.
  21. ^ Ross doesnt need to promote that quickly. Chp 7 Is the key time you need his water walking, and that gives him a ton of time. It should be easy to have him reach LV 10 during Chp 5. @ Terrador - We are supposed to log our progress and give general stategies of what we do. Why do you think your strategy is so special that you cant reveal it? All I asked was that you say more than "Colm wasted Saar". At least say how he killed him, ie: the weapon used, how many hits it took... There are 4 or 5 soldiers on the way to Saar who 2 hit ko Colm with 55-65% hitrates, plus the archer, a few fighters, and Joshua who has a ~80% hitrate with a 25-30% chance to 1HKO Colm. Since youre not willing to give brief descriptions of your chapter strategies, it makes it look like youre abusing the RNG. Even though I dont care if you do it, we are still in a competition with more people than just us.
  22. Haha, I first read that as "Why do herpes have to die?" It makes them seem more heroic.
  23. ^ Uhhh, please elaborate. Colm shouldn't have the durability to make it up to Saar. I assume Eirika or Artur got the Armorslayer and an undrafted Nessie? traded it to Colm, but come on. Your TCs are too low for Colm to be more than LV 7 at this point? And how did you recruit Joshua? I would have had Colm and Artur start on the tiles closest to the boss. Turn 1: Eirika full moves, Artur moves ahead of her and rescues her and Colm full moves ahead on them. Turn 2: Artur moves next to Colm and gives Eirika to him, Colm full moves and drops Eirika ahead. Voila, Eirika is now 5 spaces ahead of where she could get to on her own.
  24. Chp 4: 4/22 Eirika took the North reinforcements, Gilliam + Niemi took East, Vanes took the South. Chp 5: 4/26 Gilliam + Niemi get the Secret book. Vanes gets the shield turn 1, grabs Eirika turn 2, and drops Eirika turn 3 for the EP4 bosskill. Chp 5x: 7/33 Standard, got 2 chest keys. @ Terrador - did you go across the snag or East across the bridge for Chp 4? Hmmm, You could 4 turn Chp 5 if you're very clever... and lucky. I know you're lucky; the question is: are you clever?
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