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Everything posted by PKL

  1. ^ No, as in no, I dont want them or No, I wouldnt be opposed? I like the idea so I may add the rule if everyone is ok with it. Would help with the spotpass paralogues.
  2. So, I take it Fred is banned? Nowhere to be seen in units list or in the free list.... EDIT: HORAC SO NINJA
  3. Well, despite the conveniency, 1 level is kind to Nowi in Chapter 9 considering the layout. We're not assuming babying here.
  4. @ Interceptor- Why not? Forges are an option that's there and there's a LOT of money in this game. It seems I was wrong with averages due to forgetting Ricken's base level is 3 not 1. Anyways...Even if Ricken promotes early, it won't hinder him much later on. The fastest enemies around are in Chapter 17. With 22 spd heroes (iirc) and 24 spd valkyries. Since Ricken can take care of himself as a Dark Knight more than as a mage, he will be able to get lots of kills and stay functional. With A Gregor support Ricken gets +6 spd +4 def from Gregor, his HP growth is 100 and his def growth is 40. His durability will only get better. If he doesn't promote to Dark Knight, he can still do fine and get some kills of his own with 28 HP and 10 def. With a tonic thats 12 def and with a Gregor support, it's 15 def. Enough to at least be 4HKO'd by most of the enemies. Ricken can also go Sage to abuse Rescue and get lots of levels with it by spamming it, but that's another story.
  5. Chapter 5: a wyvern kill, maybe the closest myrmidon to Ricken/Maribelle. Level 4.20 He can get another kill but let's sandbag him. Paralogue 2: 2HKOs Fighters here, same with archers, can get around 4 kills in the 5-7 turns you take here. He's like Level 5 now. Chapter 6: Chips, can double dark mages with an Avatar support/can help Avatar ORKO stuff if her mag isn't up to snuff. Can get 1 or 2 kills here in 3-4 turns. 6.00 (chip) Chapter 7: If you're seriously using him, an Elwind forge is handy OR a mag tonic + a mag pair up from maribelle. Can OHKO Wyverns so we'll assume he gets 2 wyverns in 2 turns. 6.60 Paralogue 3: There's pegasus that he can elwind, armors that he can ORKO, etc. Usually this map takes around 2 (with the correct team) to 4 turns. Let's assume he gets 2 armors and a random enemy. 7.50 In Chapter 8, depending on whether Avatar is peg or not, he can carry Tactician Avatar through the desert to help with the clear and get some kills of his own while doing so (the dark mages). Let's assume he gets 4 kills and then switches to Avatar for the rest. 8.70 Chapter 9: wyverns, can kill at least one or 2 of them, with a def tonic and Gregor, he's not very likely to be 2HKO'd. Let's assume he gets 2 of them. 9.30 Paralogue 4: ward him and res tonic him and give him NOWAI's lunch area. 4 kills. He's likely Level 10 now. Chapter 10: Since the enemies here suck, let's assume he gets 3 of them. (Possible because he's not 3HKO'd iirc and concoction and healing). He's now Level 11. Chapter 11: Promote to Dark Knight/Sage. Sage: 11/1 HP 32 Mag 19 Spd 13 Def 12 Res 9 Dark Knight: 11/1 HP 37 Mag 17 Spd 11 Def 17 Res 9 With spd and def tonic: Sage 15 spd 14 def Dark Knight 13 spd 19 def Let's put him in Dark Knight. Apply a ward and maybe a res tonic, and he can take a few mage kills, if he's Dark Knight, he can take the Hero portion easily. I don't remember how much res hp the hero has, but I remember he didn't double Ricken due to support and he could 2HKO back with Elthunder. Assuming either, he gets like 5 kills as Dark Knight easily. 60 exp is a safe bet. Chapter 12 enemies sport an unimpressive 22-27 Atk like Horace pointed out. 17 def + 2 from Tonic and 37 hp gets 5HKO'd from the toughest enemies (Silver Lance Paladins) unpaired. With a Gregor C Support or an Avatar support, he can double the cavaliers and 2HKO pretty much everything. He will have issues vs the Paladins due to their high res and he can't double them though. But assuming he tanks a few knights and cavaliers and ORKOs them, he can get like 2 levels (1.60 already) even as a promoted unit easily. Which puts his def and spd at like 1 more point. Then comes Henry and let's take a look at them: Level 11/3 Dark Knight HP 39 Str 11 Mag 18 Skl 15 Spd 12 Lck 18 Def 17 Res 9 Level 12/1 Dark Knight HP 36 Str 9 Mag 16 Skl 19 Spd 11 Lck 10 Def 18 Res 6 He's not that hard to train and with the right resources, can be a nice unit. Dark Knight is an amazing class, who doesn't like 8 move, bulk and ORKO'ing by hitting res? He's dependent on tonics and the right supports, but there's enough money and we shouldn't penalize units for being used the right way.
  6. Ive had Ricken tank the entire left portion of Chapter 12. He also ORKO'd them due to hitting RES, your point is moot. What I see here is people cherrypicking who can get away with that spd base. Ricken has ways to contribute right away with his Elwind and is also easier to feed kills to for me than Miriel. If Ricken's durability affects his growth, then I shudder to think what Miriel's durability does to her. Back on the topic of NOWAI: she's thouroughly mediocre in her join chapter. Getting 2HKO'd by stuff at base and a combination of a fighter and 2 dark mage hits will kill her. She's not exactly invincible on join. She HAS to be babied. You're just on denial.
  7. The thing that bothers me about this Nowi hype, is that the people that hype her feed her like an entire map and sometimes even slow down for her. If units like Cordelia, Sumia, Stahl and others are almost invincible too, what's it matter if she takes 2 damage vs their 5 out of 48 hp (just an example) when they do it faster? The Nowi hype is unwarranted, I can see why some would consider her OP due to her defenses when BABIED but I don't agree with it. It's hard to convince me. It also doesn't help that Ricken gets a lot more flack for his 5 spd base in Chapter 5 than Nowi gets for her 5 spd base (after Dragonstone) in Chapter 8, and they have the same growth and support the same dude (Gregor).
  8. What happened to Donnel? Anyway, Lon'qu: Joins after Chapter 4. He has a C in sword rank which is pretty cool, since it lets him use the Killer Edge he brings. His base spd is really cool. He's a bit good in Chapter 5 with his Killing Edge vs the axe enemies. This doesn't hold true for the rest of the game though. He has str/def issues and lacks 1-2 range throughout all of Valm. He also sucks vs Generals, like forever as a Swordmaster. Being a foot unit with no 1-2 range until Yen'fay drops the Amatsu makes him mediocre in my book. He has the option of going Wyvern, but his low hp and def make him a pretty terrible wyvern. On top of that, he loses his sword rank. He's ok for a few chapters, but falls off during Lanceland and will never 1-2 range before Yen'fay unless he sacrifices his sword rank. 6/10 -1 bias because he's overrated and his voice is way too deep 5/10
  9. Idk, I always blazed through that one in drafts, but I guess that's different. The only one I sometimes have an issue is Chapter 23.
  10. Olwen, I find Chapter 15 2 turn one of the easiest @_@, same with Chapter 7.
  11. It can also be 2 turned without galeforce by rescuing Tiki to one of the sides and having her killed. The rest of the enemies suicide on your units then.
  12. Kellam. Poor Kellam... He has 4 move and poor speed base, thankfully, spd is easily fixed in this game. However, move is a pretty big thing and him having none of it makes him a pain to train. His bases are solid otherwise and he gets tinked in Ch3 and Paralogue 1 with the right supports. He's also Stahl's best buddy until Cordelia joins so that's something. His pairup boosts are impressive and investing in him can be worth it thanks to Great Knight. Problem is that he will just be an inferior Frederick even as a GK. It does fix his move problem though. But lack of discipline is disappointing. 3/10
  13. There were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order: Doofina Racer Randa PKL
  14. I prefer Rescue. Was a lot more strategic and less broken. You actually had to think when using it.
  15. I was keeping it rig-free. If the Chapter 7 vid doesn't work though, I will redo stuff all the way from Chapter 6 and get better levels X_X
  16. Basically, the game moves units with REDAs. If the unit in question has a REDA, it will move to the spot the REDA tells it to. If you take out the REDA and the REDA pointer or w/e it was called (its the number before the REDA) will still be on. So turn off both the REDA and the REDA pointer before it and you can start placing units where you want to. Idk why leaving the REDA number before the REDA causes that though. EDIT: UNIT 0x8F 0x41 0x0 0x25 [5,9] 10b 0x0 0x1 0x8B455C [0x28,0x6A,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x3,0x9,0x0] UNIT 0x91 0x19 0x0 0x25 [13,1] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x000000 [0x2E,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x3,0x9,0x0] UNIT 0x8F 0x41 0x0 0x25 [6,15] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x000000 [0x20,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x3,0x9,0x0] UNIT 0x8D 0x13 0x0 0x14 [2,15] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x000000 [0x3,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x9,0x0] UNIT 0x8D 0x13 0x0 0x14 [3,15] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x000000 [0x3,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x9,0x0] UNIT notice the first unit has a 0x1 0x8B455C and the rest all have 0s in them. The units with 0 REDA will move to the coordinates I told them to move to, while the other unit will move to where the REDA tells it to.
  17. Well, so far, Donnel has costed a ton of turns (and more likely than not: reliability), so it IS inefficient to train him. That's what I'm trying to say.
  18. Galeforce 1000/10 I'll give her a 9.5/10 Joins in chapter 3 as a pegasus knight. Can ORKO right away with the correct partner. Flies. Can get Galeforce. Her str and def can be problematic from time to time depending on how they grow though. She never gets def for me and superflous speed.
  19. 1-P 4/4 Derp. 1-1 3/7 Go up with Ed. 1-2 5/12 Having Nolan saves 1 turn here derp. 1-3 3/15 Go down Sothe. 1-4 4/19 Go up through the wall. Got the robe. 1-5 3/22 Brolug took 2 soldiers. The rest was Sothe and Ed. 1-6-1 4/26 Welp. 1-6-2 3/29 Welp 1-7 5/34 ^ 1-8 4/38 Nailaaaaah 1-9 4/42 Micaiah capped hp with the robe and mag and res. So i could bexp her skl spd 4 levels which was enough. This micaiah was slooow. 1-E 5/47 Doop. Edward is ready to take a crown lulz. Nailah leaves me ;_;
  20. No can do, I told you already. Not everyone has access to them. It's hard enough finding enough drafters who have all 3 champions of yore. Btw, yes, DLC prince marth roy and micaiah are draftable, theyve been in the unit list, I didn't think that needed a rule stating it since its obvious.
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