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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Flier. Auto silver and killers. Enough spd to double. Comes just in time to help in chapter 18 and 20 with her flight. Her durability and bases suck though. I give her a 6/10. Thats with a bias point bcuz peggy.
  2. All units in prologue must be recruited, if i have both cain and est...well, i cant recruit both so i lose.
  3. Err...est if it doesnt prevent me from playing prologue. If it does, then malice.
  4. Insta crown in 4-2 and he can help with the reinforcements with a thunder forge. He can eat an arms scroll in 4-5 and help a 1 turn completion with rescue. After that, hes pretty mediocre, being another staffbot with mediocre mag...he does help a bit though. As always, bad availability puts him down for me. I give him a 3/10.
  5. Tibarn got a 7.6. Only a few more! Day 61: Pelleas
  6. Is rapier trolling or something? Why come here in time, say hes late and leave without picking? wtf
  7. Im so gonna shadow the vanessa team :). Tomorrow i start. Btw, whats better? take my time getting levels or rely on the turn buffer thingy to get more score?
  8. Sanaki got a 4.6. Now for my review of tibarn: see what soul quoted. Except availability is a bigfactor for me and i dock more points for bad availability. 7/10
  9. If he appears and picks, let him, sure. Idk if ill be on 5 hours from now though. If he doesnt pick, i go with kent. If he picks, hes probably gonna pick kent and i will have to reconsider.
  10. Kent. Thats lame for rapier though.
  11. Ive never used her. But she seems to quite the endgame boss nuke. I give her a 6/10. Comes late but grows quickly and is useful.
  12. ...so we wait 96 more hours? FE9 is so unpopular for drafts :(.
  13. For joining and making us wait :3. Nah, haha. RNG works for the DS games but probably not here. *Imagines rebecca as first pick*...
  14. I got a 133 turn clear for the main game in my own normal mode FE11 draft.
  15. Why not play the much more awesome RNG game :3.
  16. Im at chapter 27 atm. Wondering how to get resolve in 5-6 turns. My TC right now is 136.
  17. Ill join because i finish Fe11 in 2 days when its normal mode >.>.
  18. Who cares insane dude? I picked fiora because i can and because i actually enjoy using her. Unlike kent.
  19. Cutting it here since i dont think anyone else will vote. Day 60: Tibarn. Sanaki total rating tomorrow.
  20. But if you dont have the OTHER mage, why would she face resolve competition? This is assuming a draft dude. Sanaki WILL receive major favoritism to solo the desert if she is drafted. Who is gonna touch her with resolve+daunt or resolve+miracle? Even the crossbow guys struggle to hit :/. You aso forget that you can leave her for one of your late round picks and shes effectively the same as calill except without the 3-9 awesomeness.
  21. Damnit, now why would i draft pent? lol no warp :(.
  22. Why would you ever first pick fiora? :/
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