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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Zero Awakening/Fates characters won last year but a ton of them ranked very highly. This year we will have Fates/Awakening winner(s) and a lot in the top 20 of male/female. For compensation how about all the other games that weren't represented in the Brave banner? Where was their compensation? Fates is the most represented game and that is before considering alts, it launched with a ton of characters, when you add alts...together Awakening/Fates is half the units in the game. Again even disregarding alts, both Fates and Awakening have most of their characters in the game something that can't be said of games before them. Genealogy was the only old game that got decent representation this year. 2 new hero banners, no seasonals. However what about the other old games? Let's take Camilla out of the equation, if top 20 males/females of CYL had zero Fates/Awakening characters it would likely lead to a huge change but since it is full of them things will likely stay the same or get worse. Why do people target Camilla? It is simple she has the most versions in the game, and now it looks like she will get a seventh. It isn't even that she is Fates, cause remember all the Lyn hate for her 5th version? So as far as too many alts and all that, Camilla is the one that is the most egregious example of that. The no Fates brave version is again cause of the oversaturation of Fates in Heroes already. If things were more balanced few would care. This is also when Fates got another new hero banner, even without alts some were upset. Cause there are so many games that aren't getting anything or barely anything even considering seasonals, new hero, legendary all the types of banners. Also that Camilla would be fan servicy is cause all her alts aside from Adrift is very much so. I don't think they would do that for a brave version realistically though, I hope not that would be in very bad taste. As far as the ZZZ, I mean yeah that is rude, but there are a lot of similar comments about older games. Man the Thracia banner was bashed so hard by many people for example, not just the banner but then the game itself. I know there are many that take care Camilla seriously, I like her for those serious interesting aspects of her personality it is just unfortunate that IS felt the need for some of the other stuff. Remember I like Fates, that's the thing though I love the whole series. So my wanting more balance isn't anything against Fates or Awakening specifically just to better represent the full scope of the series. All the wonderful characters across the many games. The 8th and 9th version, of course nothing is guaranteed. However if they just gave Camilla a 6th, and she wins CYL to get a 7th, and the objective is to make money then it seems like since the approval is so high for many versions of her that they would continue to give more versions.
  2. Cool I hope so! Also if can get a defense mythic hero then can reduce losses on that side which will help a lot too.
  3. Is there a lot to look forward to boss/enemy design wise and in terms of story? Also is it very grindy?
  4. Upgrading my defensive fort and increase to 6 characters helped me, only loss 20 lift last loss and 40 before that. I've made it into tier 20 also, but it is getting really tough...looking like whale only territory. Don't think 21 is a possibility hope I can at least stay in 20 the coming non light blessing weeks.
  5. Yeah that is why I'm thinking it is (hoping) someone else. I guess we will find out soon.
  6. Yune is a way to get to still be a god character and still Miciah, what about that destroy structures thing though that doesn't sound like Yune/Miciah?
  7. I don't have Leif so I will go with Ethlyn who is also awesome.
  8. You also think this is just a popularity contest that doesn't matter and that Camilla winning would be good for the community. You also put most of your votes towards Camilla for her 7th version (and likely cause of winning CYL an 8th and 9th version this very year). What would actually be good for the community is if IS didn't screw over older games so bad. What you have is one group that is heavily favored, and one group that is getting hardly anything. Then you have the heavily favored group enjoying and encouraging continued favorable treatment. There is the source of friction, so resentment from the shunned group goes from just against IS to against the favored group. If things were anywhere close to fair most complaints would go away. That is so true, it is Chrom's story, Robin is second in importance. In Fates it is Corrin's story, and no one even comes as a close 2nd. I hope Three Houses it is done like Robin if there is avatar, or even better like Mark from FE7...almost nonexistent. Yes if her armor was practical she definitely would receive less criticism. Now having impractical attire by itself isn't going to cause tons of complaint but combined with all the other aspects of her character it makes her seem like someone created first and foremost to pander to lonely teenage males and the most fanservicy character by far in the history of the game. Oh yeah I remember that lovely cut scene, I think in her supports with Corrin she wants to go with Male Corrin to the hot springs, then you have Leo confessing his love for Camilla his blood sister and that being the primary reason he is jealous of Corrin. That classy big sister fetish and Camilla's assets thrown in the player's face constantly, there isn't any big mystery why she has taken so much heat since her creation. @Interdimensional Observer Yeah that panty/bloomer shot was like WTF? Apparently the Japanese version is even much much more perverted in regards to Elise, thankfully they cleaned it up a lot before release here.
  9. That is easy to say if one doesn't care for games pre Awakening. A contest and a single banner is a drop in the bucket, influence on a year's worth of banners is a lot more than that.
  10. Okay. Hopefully rest of channel is good, and if there is Hero Rises needs to be done differently. Maybe can choose from the top 4 or best would be everyone can get a unit of their choice. Definition of mythic: Relating to or resembling myth. I hope this means they don't just do other lords but the god like characters of fire emblem. Legendary Miciah would be cool, but this month is mythic and I think they should stick with the theme probably the only chance to get these NPC never playable characters of myth and legend. Edit: In addition IS stated it would only be god characters as mythic heroes, so if they are just lords like legendary heroes that would be a flat out lie and very disappointing.
  11. I see. Legendary Ike was introduced in a Feh channel right? If that is so then guess they would likely do the same this time.
  12. Story is okay but it is much longer and more in depth than many games of this type I think. I like most of the characters, I think Jeng Yun is bi but it is very tastefully done. Meat Balloon I guess is this sad otaku type that is very annoying and Ririn yeah she is lesbian but they make her a harassing horndog towards other women. That she is poor and trying to support her siblings is nice but everything else about her is bad. It isn't Atlus though, Sega is the ones doing the game.
  13. Anyone think Leanne is cute enough to get a seasonal? She has the most adorable lines and is stunningly beautiful. I like Elincia Queen. Well I like you Leanne. Maybe we get trailer tonight? Or maybe tomorrow, hope tonight though. On banners one thing that is on my mind is I am assuming Reyson is going to drop which is why I stopped summoning on the Beasts banner, with him, Naesala, Tibarn and Leanne that is an awesome 3 move flying team right there! However if he doesn't drop, I guess my team will be on 3 wheels only for awhile.
  14. Wonder if Masked Marth found Hot springs Ryoma attractive, she seemed a bit flustered. Anyways I only have Leo and Xander as bonus units so using Leo and then Leanne, Tibarn and Naesala. There 3 move and dancing makes it super fast to clear maps much of the time. Of course Leo kind of is a downer cause the first turn can't transform everyone, but whatever. I guess when I get Hot spring Camilla I can use her.
  15. I think a lot of Fates bad writing can be blamed on Corrin. Part of the reason I am very much against avatar characters. All the characters around him have to worship him/her like a god and want to sleep with him/her just cause it represents the player. Camilla's attire yes obviously very much not for practicality but just to show off her assets for the otaku playerbase. She could have been attractive and have some nice platemail armor, or if going lighter chainmail and such but no of course not. Of course all the bad aspects of Camilla can be seen in a single scene, one that I'm sure anyone who played Fates remembers.
  16. Yeah that's it. It does have a lot of grinding elements, but it is cool that is has fusion and the HD 3d models of demons which I have never seen before.
  17. It is quite accessible as Interdimensional observer has explained, he also explained it pretty thoroughly. It is very different, I enjoyed the action RPG stuff but yeah it could be smoother, wish they would try another game with this type of system. The different era, the different mood and feel is very fresh and stands out. I know this was fan translated awhile back, I think I started with book 1 but you start right in a dungeon and it was hard for me to get into. Have you played book 1 also and is it worth going through? I have no bias towards older games, love many games from the NES era so 'dated' won't be a turn off. Also anyone play the mobile SMT?
  18. I get the argument but it is quite a stretch still. 4chan I've heard of it but never saw it til now. Wow so essentially the general consensus there is if you don't have a big tiddy big sister fetish you are gay (they use that f word instead of gay). On that note, Camilla is my favorite Fates royal and a character I like cause of her other elements. I HATE the pandering elements and the big sister fetish thing is disgusting, do people really want to screw their own sisters? It seems every Camilla in the game focuses on this, it treats the player as if they are Corrin. Oh don't blush, massage me, etc etc. I think that element is what generates a lot of the hate and makes people not notice the other aspects of the character. What about the fierce almost bloodlust crazy in battle axe general, or her traumatic upbringing and emotional issues? What about that she is a strong confident woman who rides a dragon, wields a weapon usually reserved for men (axe) and on top of that can burn you to cinders with magic? I assume those very pandering elements are what are drawing the whales to spend tons of money though. We will likely get succubus Camilla for Halloween.
  19. I understand the want for a legendary version and very grounded alt, but the initial argument was reaction of Eirika fans CYL2 and Camilla fans CYL3. The argument that was posed is Eirika was a 'serious' alt while none of the Camilla were. The legendary Eirika is indeed a serious alt, it is her promoted form very fitting, well done. However that was just a few months ago. Tome wielding Eirika is a kind of fantasy thing comparable to Adrift Camilla, I don't think one is more serious than the other. If they bring back Jedah will he be invincible except for every 4th turn (if I am remembering correctly)? Anyways 6th vote to Altena. I'm doing what I did last year all my votes going to one character (Lewyn that time).
  20. Adrift is kind of an alternate universe Camilla, I think very comparable to the tome wielding Eirika (she couldn't even use magic in her game). She's actually more accurate cause Camilla can wield magic in Fates she even does with her base class. Besides the dagger wielding one we just got, the rest wield tomes and fly very fitting for Camilla and very canon. However you are right lots of generalizations and assumptions going around.
  21. One other thing about Eirika vs Camilla fans that I didn't address, Adrift Camilla is just as "serious" as an alt as the wild far fetched Glepnir wielding Eirika. That tome wielding Eirika was the only alt of her in the game during CYL2. Legendary Eirika, since people are talking about Bolverk legendary Camilla, only came in November long after CYL2 finished. So the serious alt argument doesn't really work here.
  22. Fans of older characters, we know that there is not much food at the table for us. So we share as much as we can. That is the discrepancy between Eirika and Camilla fans. Eirika fans were like...ooh that is enough, there are so many other important older characters to get in. However if Awakening/Fates is all one is into, then most of the important characters are already there, so why not just have more alts of one's favorite?
  23. Yes beach Ike would fit but then that would have to be a half Tellius banner instead of half Sacred Stones, and the yukuta banner ended up being half Tellius. The opportunities for old characters are so thin. Realistically cause Yukuta banner was Tellius, Ike had no spot the entire year. Being male is tough, being male and from a game pre Awakening is just brutal. Yes Ike the most popular character of all by some margin, can't get any alts. He got a CYL version voted in by the players, and a legendary version something most lords seem to be getting. Yet no spots for him to appear elsewhere. How sad is that?
  24. I think what these results will do is give them the go ahead to keep Fates/Awakening and alt heavy this year. Perhaps that was the initial plan but if these results showed that wouldn't be a good move they would change it drastically. In addition I think we will see an addition 1-2 alts of Camilla besides the CYL version this year. If she wasn't #1 but #5 or below I think she might not get any. It will also influence what characters get alts, and yeah maybe Reinhardt gets another and Sigurd gets a legendary version so small silver lining but otherwise it looks pretty dire for fans of older games. One thing to bear in mind about oh these older characters were popular but didn't get many/any alts. Well I said males are rarely on seasonals, and usually those are all Fates/Awakening or 50% Fates/Awakening and 50% mixed or some other game. So where does Ike fit in? The yukuta banner, too bad that was half Fates, and so he couldn't make it. Otherwise there would have to be a banner dedicated to his game, and there was the first banner in January with Miciah....and that's it the whole year. So where do they put alt Ike? These popular characters from older games that are male likely won't get on any seasonal, very tight fit being male and from older game. In addition since not even one banner will release a year with that game sometimes, or one at most....there is very room to fit them in. So yeah I think these CYL results determine a ton. This last year was terrible with introduction of alts on new hero banners, tons of Fates/Awakening and other than Geneology getting 2 nice banners really terrible for older games. The Thracia banner was the joke of all time, and then there was one Blazing sword banner that was okay...I guess. The January Miciah banner was good except they put Zelgius on that, our first alt on new hero banner. Old games are going to continue to get screwed over hard, maybe more so this year. That is nothing to be excited about unless one hasn't played or otherwise dislikes all those games before Awakening.
  25. Well guys are much less featured on seasonals which is still where the majority of alts are on.
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