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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Oh not for a special bundle like this, but 140 orb pack is regularly 75 bucks. I agree that for this special bundle maybe 30 bucks or something a lot more people may have considered it. Ooh....Advance Wars. I loved that series, and I thought all the games sold well. The last one, days of ruin took it into a darker direction but I thought it still made a good profit. I don't think Fire Emblem will go down that path regardless of Heroes cause the recent main games have sold a lot. Though maybe more profits made from Heroes can be used to fuel more ambitious visions for the main games.
  2. Wow this really shows why the gacha games make such insane amounts of money compared to other models. So the normal price is 75 bucks....well over the price of a AAA full game, to get 140 orbs which will get you 1-2 five stars depending on type of banner on average. So again 1 to 2 five star characters (maybe not even the one you wanted) in a mobile game, 75 bucks. So one could buy Fire Emblem Three Houses and go see a new movie in the cinema, or they could gamble with 140 orbs to get on average 1-2 five star characters in Heroes. Yet enough people must be whaling on this and other gacha for them to pull the ludicrous profits they do annually. It is hard for me to understand.
  3. Well if we assume the majority of whales are heterosexual males or at least primarily attracted to females it seems what we are getting is what appeals most to these folk. Usually very busty, attractive, highly suggestive facial expressions and clothes exploding, legs that go forever, the butt/boob spine twist pose, and of course many times very suggestive dialogue pandering to Kiran...ie the player. I like those three characters too. However even for people who don't know or care for those characters, their looks could draw them in. This is the big difference between male and female characters and why even an obscure character from an old game Karla can be in and make bank. Like you put a male character, fans of the character who played the games they were in and enjoyed them will want to pull. However what of those who are unfamiliar with them? They will likely pass without a second thought.
  4. People wouldn't know this from Heroes but males actually vastly outnumber females in the main series. However females can be drawn and dressed sexily and the money rolls in like no one's business. I guess that is gacha standard.
  5. Well it is just very unfortunate for people who started Fire Emblem before Awakening. It is called Fire Emblem Heroes, but yeah with over 50% of the cast coming from Awakening and Fates obviously it is a very poor representation of the series. I feel really bad for people who came to heroes without any experience with the main series, they probably think the series has only been around a few years and has a couple dozen characters and that is why there are so many repeats. Not much we can do, except wait for a non 3ds banner every 3 or 4 months and hope its good.
  6. Whatever offense losses I've had was against a team with Surtr, and most of my defense losses were against a team with at least one Surtr. He is definitely busted, especially in Raids. That is why in the other thread I said not having him is like a severe handicap, you're right in that strong reds can many times not even get him out of wary fighter range in a single round which is absolutely ridiculous. I might just take my Sanaki which already has TA3 on her, and give her axebreaker so I don't have to deal with his BS anymore. It is just sad that I have to use one of the hardest hitting red mages in the game, give her TA3 and axebreaker just for that purpose of killing a single green unit. I mean Jesus Christ.
  7. I think as mampfoid was saying it will actually be a negative for units that want -HP for easy desperation range or -spd cause they want to be doubled to trigger their specials. However overall it is going to hugely benefit many units. It will also be easier to get ideal nature for merge project, like low rarity unit that has the perfect boon but a bad bane, well that now is awesome. Though they say merges done before the update will get the boost, maybe I'm paranoid but a bit nervous about merging extra copies I recently pulled and would rather wait til that update.
  8. Guys the new Laegjarn was made for a team with Hrid/Gunnthra. Their seals will debuff Atk/Spd while she debuffs Def/Res with her B skill and lance. Atk/Spd bond is also awesome reward.
  9. It doesn't have to be a thing in these games, just cause it is the status quo doesn't mean we should support/accept it. There are many ways to make units worth pulling besides blatant power creep. Besides which it is really lazy usually. Let's up BST from 170 to 175, let's then up it to 180. Okay whales pull there are units that can score even more now! Ah dance the best support skill, well what if we give the refreshed unit an 1 extra move as well. I'm in tier 18 now with Aether raids and every loss I've had has been to a team with Surtr on it. I don't want to see this new Azura everywhere giving Ophelia fully charged specials 3 move, so 2 move plus 3 move and no ramps or anything. It is going to enable really stupid things and like Surtr those that don't have the unit will pretty much be handicapped. They have gradually increased power over time, but now it is rapid and honestly incredibly offputting like big leaps in power within very little time.
  10. Yeah the reason they are continuing so heavy on alts and Fates is cause they are selling a lot probably. It takes months to make characters, well we have been talking about alt fever for most of the year and still no changes. The ship has sailed for alts, they are obviously making tons of money cause they haven't cut back on them at all. Again the gray waves and the rapid power creep is really much more concerning and almost a killer for me. This is worse than BST power creep even, one extra movement range is a ton and for those that don't have her they will really really feel it.
  11. Gray waves a complete and utter power creep of the already excellent dance skill, that is my biggest problem with this hero. Oh and she is a flier the best movement type as well. God like Surtr wasn't annoying enough in Aether raids, now we will have 3 move Ophelias and Lewyns and flying blade mages. I guess it is a good strategy just release an absurdly power creeped and thus 'must have' unit to draw in the big spenders, we also have another duel skill as added incentive. Wonder where that leaves us in a couple years. Maybe a support skill that refreshes and bestows teleport to anywhere on the map and buffs all stats by 25.
  12. Pretty sad that IMO the best mode in the game revolves around one unit, Surtr. He excels in other modes like arena as well, but in aether raids with the much more cramped space and the turn limit as well as how blessing can stack he stands that much further above all other units. Thank goodness he isn't a bonus unit anymore.
  13. I mean that's kind of the other thing. Reinhardt is a piece of paper that dies easy player phase to most units always has, his only power is when you wanted to bait him and even then it wasn't a big deal. Surtr meanwhile either phase is a near unkillable monster unless you take multiple turns.
  14. Yeah the big difference between other top tier armors is you can take them out easily with melee units. So Surtr is immune to melee and ranged....well those are the only 2 types of attack, so Surtr is has no holes unlike every other unit. Hector with buffs could take him out too. Also 4 is more than one. The number of course grows much more with DC. Surtr's counter is one in Dancer Miciah. That after the much larger roster and all the seals we have. So Zelgius with vengeful fighter which he doesn't come with and will that allow him to kill Surtr or just survive one engagement? VF is expensive rare skill as well, so if we are counting DC being rare/expensive we can't really just slap on VF on Zelgius and call it a counter that many can use. Also giving up the valuable B slot for axebreaker is pretty garbage. One doesn't need it for other axe units, so one is using that B skill just for a single unit. With Reinhardt there was no need to sack any of the skill slots, you could run an optimal for all purposes battle build and still counter Reinhardt as a bonus.
  15. Surtr also trivializes many ranged units that can't dent him, and even red nukes that can't one shot him. So if you can't one shot him you have to reposition that unit out of the way or they die next turn regardless of color cause of Surtr weapon effect. It is especially problematic in Aether raids with the blessing buffs, where a single Surtr can take out entire teams by himself regardless of color. Reinhardt was never threatening, there were always tons of units that could kill him on first battle that were also strong in their own right. With Surtr, Dancer Miciah and maybe Death blow 4 Forblaze heavy merged Lilina or something? I don't even know if my TA3 Sanaki can one hit shot him, that is absolutely messed up. So then what, need a dancer to get to attack 2 times? Or reposition and waste another turn? The 20 damage insures if you don't one shot regardless of melee or ranged you die unless you use extra actions to move that character out of the way.
  16. On Surtr since he is mentioned a lot here, he's a lot worse than Reinhardt ever was. All you need to counter Reinhardt is a green that could counter at a distance, melee unit with DC or any green mage. There were a million units that could fill that role. Surtr requires much more specific counters to actually take him out. Do you have Dancer Miciah? Great. Or you have to run axebreaker and TA and crap like that. His A skill prevents one from cutting through his defenses, so sorry no Black Luna for you or Regnal Astra or whatever. Also Reinhardt and Bow Lyn were dependent on dancers to be a nuisance, as if no kill on first engagement the dancer could refresh it and with their large movement they could go after a vulnerable unit on your team. Surtr needs no one else, he is a one man wrecking crew that the AI can use faultlessly. There are really powerful units in the hands of the player, Surtr is that in the hands of the AI or player. Defense, offense, special teams...whatever. Man, I thought having most of the other green armors I didn't need him but it seems I missed out on the best chance to pull the strongest unit in the game. I don't know why he isn't in his own tier far above the other greens. There is like no point other than busywork. I'm not a vampire or some other immortal creature, every second/minute doing such a repetitive monotonous task could be used doing something actually worthwhile.
  17. 1. New hero banners would be every 2 weeks like clockwork, no exceptions. This means we would get new story chapters every 2 weeks which would help so much, the pacing is like molasses. We aren't getting Tolstoy here or whatever, so we have to wait 3 months for a few lines? One of the big reasons book 2 failed besides not living up to potential, poor writing was it was spaced out way too much by the time the end happened no one cared. Okay so that. The other thing is new hero banners would now be alt free and if no TT attached or GHB unit attached would be 4 units if there was it would be 3. This means every 2 weeks we would be getting four new characters debuting in the game. Alts can still appear on the monthly seasonal banners and legendary banners. Mythic banners will be OC and mythic NPC charcters from the main series like Altina. 2. Arena scoring no longer factors in SP or BST. It does factor in merges and rarity. My arena run today was 5 straight matches of merged armors. All 5 had H! Myrrh and L! TIki, 3 had Surtr. I mean how boring and tedious is that? Jesus. 3. No more sexualization of children. 4. Cut out much of the repetition of quests, instead of beat this 20 times or 5 times or whatever....it will be beat this once. Training sanctum beat 10 with armor team 15x, infantry team 15x. Kill me now please. Are we robots, but we do them for the rewards I guess. Let's cut out the repetition to pad the length/content. 5. Fix the pools as follows. First All year one 5 stars are demoted that haven't been yet, secondly no more units available at 4-5 star, you can be 5 star locked or 3-4 star. 5 star pool is super bloated, but then this would also make the 3-4 star pool even more bloated. Sometimes it takes months to get a Selena or Barst for reposition, it's bad. So there will be a huge mass demotion there too. The powerful low rarity units as well as the ones with desirable fodder (Fury,, desperation, reposition, draw back, etc) will stay in 3-4 star pool, the rest will drop to 1-2 star pool. We get a free summon every day that will give a 1-2 star unit, maybe some other way to get them for people whose fav is in this group. One final thing to fix summoning the pity percentages of non focus and focus are independent. If you pull a non focus 5 star it doesn't reset the focus percentage and vice versa.
  18. This is my definition too. Skills like Fury, LnD, Renewal, etc. Considering the average pulling a 5 star is like 120 orbs, I wouldn't call any 5 star locked skill FTP friendly. Still Cecilia looks really good and seems worth expensive investment. She is the only colorless dagger armor (Kagero is green dagger), and has a good stat line. However I am still waiting on VF for Henry and Jakob, and Bold fighter I have other units that need that too. I guess QR2 or something will have to be a cheap substitute for now.
  19. Echo the sentiment of others that Sharena is just so adorable here. She not only gives away the gifts Askr won to Ylgr, she innocently still believes in Santa. Pure of heart and despite her age has kept the innocence of a young child. Alfonse saw him!
  20. Good Aether raids- Renewed my passion for the game and I think the best mode by far. It has problems and favors whales but it is a much better competitive mode than arena. Also building defense maps is a lot of fun and one can encounter many different buildings/formations. Combat Manuals- I am naturally a hoarder IRL and in this game. I never want to send someone home who even has a small chance of being useful in the future. Just an immense relief, summoning sessions aren't nearly as stressful and I never fear of running out of space. Heroic grails- The free units, some of them have rare 5 star locked skills which besides whales are hard for many people to get much of through summoning. Then some of the free units are actually really good and/or unique and this is a way to get merges on them. Free summon tickets- Doesn't need explanation Unit quality- Generally units on banners are more worth getting than 2017, most of them have better statlines and seem to come with skills that make sense. There are quite a few that come almost completely built and set to go. Bad Duel skills- Yes this allows one to run lower BST units but it closes off them changing Arena scoring in the future. BST will always be a part, which sucks IMO Alts on legendary banners- These banners hyped me so much not just cause of the no off focus pity breakers and high rate, but more that we were getting original characters as legendary heroes. It seemed to foretell a bright future of more original characters and maybe NPC characters from the main series. Instead they alts got their dirty polluting hands on this banner also usually using heroes that already have multiple alts already. Alts on new hero banners- When the game started alts were limited to seasonal banners, and not being a fan and much preferring new characters being added I was fine. At least could look forward to new hero banners which would add to the cast, many times 4 units sometimes even more. Of course such bliss couldn't last and they decided to start putting at least one alt on just about every new hero banner of 2018. You a fan of side characters or ones that aren't the most popular from their games? You'll likely be waiting a long time or maybe forever to see them.
  21. It was actually pretty poor and simplistic by death metal standards. Death metal has the growling but the music is often highly technical in addition to heavy. I actually love metal, but not the growl stuff that is in some of the subgenres. Anyways certainly fitting for book 3.
  22. There's a strong bias against player phase units even though they are much harder to use and much less problematic. Thing is they take real skill, not just inching one's infinite bulk mixed phase unit forward with triangle advantage. Which I guess many people complaining about ponies and refreshers want to do. Surtr is actually getting some heat cause his bulk is to that much of a ridiculous level and how it works in Aether raids along with that C skill. They are already tilting in favor of enemy/mixed phase units but if they tilt completely that way I'm out, sorry but it is too boring. I've playing long enough that walking a tank up for no damage, and killing in response has lost any small sense of satisfaction it had. On topic though. The biggest + is wow no Fates/Awakening units. This is only the second banner in the entire near 2 years of this game which has done that. The last was way back near the beginning of this year. That was of course after a year of near 100% Fates/Awakening units on seasonal banners, with the lone exception being the Bridal banner which was still half Fates/Awakening. Really if things were fair (which of course they aren't) we wouldn't see another Fates/Awakening seasonal unit til 2025 or so. Okay besides that we have Fae getting her first alt, which is fine. However we already have a green armor dragon (Grima), she really should have been colorless also she has armor march but Myrrh has that already. Most importantly, do you have spare Hectors? I don't, so besides recently pulling M Grima not too much interest cause I don't know when I'll have DC to give her. Armors need it so badly. Well except for the new Ephraim who wants to go away from his allies, and is completely geared towards player phase so the focus should be on that and he comes pretty set to go which is nice for those of us not in Forbes magazine. Eirika as an armored healer is the spotlight the star of the banner, looks like an amazing support unit with that staff and her C skill. She comes with dazzling staff, so you just do wrathful refine and you are set! On the other hand...armors again. Halloween was all armors, and now Christmas. I mean these seem heavily targeted towards whales (Eirika will likely have some ridiculous BST for a staff unit like 170 or 175 too) rather than the general populace. For the general playerbase they are fairly split on if they like or dislike using armors at all. However most of them love fliers and don't mind infantry or horses. Also 4 Ephraims and 4 Eirikas isn't a problem at all. We have tons of Fates/Awakening characters now with 4 or more versions. All in all I am going to have to go "Bah Humbug" cause my terrible luck trying to get Mia on the Halloween banner, the only unit that really interests me here is Eirika but I am not dropping hundreds and hundreds of orbs into colorless to get nothing again. Hopefully the new NY banner is all fliers, but with beast units coming up I am going to be extra careful with my orbs even though it seems we are getting a large amount in the coming weeks.
  23. We are getting what looks like an armor dagger as a free unit, that is incredible and the art for Cecilia is great! If she is infantry that will be super lame, but I won't get my hopes up until we know for sure. As for fanservice. Majority of big spenders are male and thus art caters heavily towards them. This is a topic often discussed, but the explanation is simple. $$$ that is all. Fierce stance is a great seal.
  24. Well I'm a long way from that, however doesn't that mean you would have to have blessing on the bonus unit? That isn't something feasible unless super whaling.
  25. X-Ray my player phase bro! I completely agree. Plus player phase takes so much more skill to use and strategy, and is a million times more fun. Seriously what the hell IS! These better not be seals but 5 star seasonal locked skills, at least then I won't see much of it.
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