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Status Updates posted by MacLovin

  1. Happy Mirthday!

  2. Would you recommend the Disciples games? I'm trying to find some good low-end games to try out.

    1. Jedi


      I'd highly recommend 1 and 2 and its various expansions.

  3. Happy Bird Day!

  4. Would you recommend The Agarest Games to an FE fan? If so, which one?

    1. eclipse


      That REALLY depends on how you view fanservice. The gameplay's not really FE-esque, and I think the graphics will be a bigger turn-off than anything. I'd go with Agarest Zero - it's shorter, and there's only two generations as opposed to five.

    2. MacLovin


      I don't mind fanservice. What's the deal with generations? Is it like fe4?

    3. eclipse


      Hey, I'm bad at reading my own profile! :P

      It's somewhat like FE4. . .if Sigurd was unpaired, was the only one with a son, and he only had three marriage options. The mother contributes to the moveset/latent abilities (passive things that are anywhere from relatively minor to "LET'S BUILD A CHARACTER AROUND THIS")/stats of the child (father does, too, but it's most pronounced in Generations). Zero had the option of making the main character somewhat t...

  5. I'm thinking of getting a Kings Quest game. What would be the best individual one to get on Steam? KQ:Crossworlds?

    1. Jedi


      You should try the free remakes at AGD interactive. Look it up.

  6. Late, but Happy Birthday!

  7. Did you catch a certain major non-Norse Thor villain in Agents of Shield?

    1. Thor Odinson

      Thor Odinson

      Didn't watch AoS, too busy with school unfortunately

  8. I love that avatar. I'd also recommend comics that feature overly manly characters, but I'm sure you're aware of most of them through Lumi. :P:

    1. Nightmare


      lol yeah

      But thanks for the offer!

  9. Since you are a really big fan of Robinson's Starman run, (Can't find the Prince Gaving or Will Payton runs) have you read his current Invaders now run? It's got a similar feel and tone.

    1. Ϲharlie


      I haven't read Invaders yet, but I've heard good things about it. It's definitely on my to-do list.

    2. MacLovin


      Did you ever find the Shade miniseries that Robinson did?

    3. Ϲharlie


      Yeah. I read it a couple months back.

  10. holy crap you're alive!.

  11. Happy birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday!

    1. Specta


      hey thanks!

  13. Happy Birthday

  14. Happy Birthday


    1. Darros
    2. MacLovin


      I'd like to chat on Skype sometime, up for it?

  16. Happy Birthday

  17. Happy Birthday

    1. Refa


      Thanks Sharpy! I assume you are Sharpy, I don't really know but you're the only one I know who changes his name so much! Anyways, thanks!

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