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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Parrying only exists on FE10, and I don't understand how the hell it is activated. >:
  2. FE4 and FE10 are the best, imo. The FE7 version is also nice but I hate the GBA's sound quality more than the NES'.
  3. FE is the first SRPG that taught me people die when they are ki-- oshit too late Also, shields are useless I'm forced to wait until my enemy's turn is over I'm forced to take an attack to the face when it's my enemy's turn... or dodge depending on pure luck Thunder is very easy to dodge and unlethal. Ballistas are jokes. Unless it's FE4 Chapter 2. Sitting on a throne like an Odipose Rex makes me stronger. The power of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP gives me strenght (or other stat bonuses) Rapiers are useless Horses have fear of injections, I think this is why they are weak to Rapiers. Oh, yeah An army of 12 people can beat an army double or triple their size, fight agaisnt an entire country and WIN, and survive without casualties.
  4. No flips? Was he janitored? @Broto For some reason Shirou is retarded on the Fate Route and awesome Up To Eleven on Unlimited Blade Works. I shouldn't have judged his brilliance so soon. >:
  5. Because I'm not actually made. This is pretty funny, really. But I decided to stop not long ago.
  6. Also Not really. People die when they are killed.
  7. You know, I was going to call Shinori's logic Insane Troll Logic earlier. Seems I was right!
  8. You seriously need to watch Star Wars before you die. It's one of the most awesome movies out there. The Godfather included. what is this I don't even why did you say he was going to die if he's your scumbuddy? why did you say I'm his scumbuddy if you know he's your scumbuddy and there are only 2 people? it makes no sense
  9. I smell an Order 66 to Shinori's crime organization. Oh well. If they were Corleones, they wouldn't have failed so soon. Are you town/neutral/scum!puppetmaster?
  10. Right, now out proof that I'm Mancer's scumbuddy. Or are you making shit up without base?
  11. Since when is scum beneficial to town? Also we aren't supposed to be posting after hammer
  12. Now you're really desperate, aren't you? Well, whatever.
  13. Since there are two Mafias confirmed, I think I can assume we have 7/2/2/1?
  14. This doesn't mean he can't be right about something. Like how you're scum. I won't let you prolong your life more by lynching Mancer instead.
  15. If that is so, then tell your scumbuddies to kill him this Night and stop complaining. We can also lynch Mancer tomorrow after I confirm you're not a grasping scum trying to live for another day.
  16. Funny thing is, ITPs can't kill people. Unless he opens his box and unleashes all evils of the world onto us. Then again, since his condition when he opens it (if he hasn't already) is "you win if you're the last one standing", I suppose he is Neutral and not scum. If Shinori is really town, Mancer's my next target. ##Vote: Shinori
  17. @Renall You have a good point, but isn't it possible that permadeath influences people to let their characters live because they have an importance plot-wise? For example: Fin, on a FE4 second gen/FE5 setting. You know he's important to Leaf, and you know about his objective and how loyal he was to his father. Maybe seeing him guide his liege's son and help him, thus fulfilling his oath, would be a motive to let him stay alive for the duration of the game. All we need is to give him more plot importance and see how well he fares out so we can care about him. It's hard to invest on a story where all the characters can die because they can't be plot important if they're dead already, I know it. But I still think they need more work on character development, even if it turns out as a wasted effort (for those who don't care about letting characters survive or isn't interested on them). Something that makes the characters have an impact on the plot, even if it's slightly. Something that gives them importance.
  18. Also which is the address of that Mafia IRC? I need to get into this OC business.
  19. Actually, isn't there an easier way to determine if Shinori is lying or not? Mancer can tell us if he didn't omit something in the convo.
  20. Yay, I can't wait! Although I think D1 is pretty boring on an OC setting because you can hardly discuss with anyone on the early phase.
  21. I just said I'm the cop, the most important town role there is! obviously You're a scum conspirator!
  22. no I am the cop lynch the fake cop who posted above
  23. GODFATHER :3333 I WANT TO WORK FOR YOU I'm an anti-social sociopath that's why. Also, I've got info telling me there are 7 players on the Town side. Let's hope there isn't a nasty Neutral lurking around us.
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