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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. How is it wrong to defend your opinions? That doesn't mean Cam is instant buddying with Prims. Else, I'd be buddying with Shinori. Also, sorry Psych, didn't read your huge post. Well you DO have a point, and I'm glad you are still here. By the way, I feel better about Kay. She was being too defensive, but at least she's been saying nice things.
  2. My problem with him is that he voted Prims, being the only one saying he's scum, and then he unvoted him and said 'lol nvm it was just a way to start a discussion' and then he says he does not find Prims townish at all. What. And I -do- find him quite vague about reads. Point taken, I realize my mistake. No, I'm just saying that Shinori's slip/however you call it is not enough to call him scummy, or suspicious. One thing is trying to dig deeper into his post, but thinking he's scummy just because he associated third parties with hidden players is another completely different thing, as if it were a big slip. That is exactly what I said about her, so what is wrong with my read? >_> So you are basically neutral towards him, okay. Okay. People I find quite scummy: Elie, because his policy lynch and looking scummy intentionally to start a debate and stop RVS is something I don't buy. Besides, he had not enough info on Prims, how could he say he was scum? Or even town? What if you did lynch him, how would you justify that? I dislike it when someone does something scummy and then says 'lol jk', would not mind lynching. People I find odd: Psych, because he came to say we're all idiots and Prims looks obvtown, gave some opinions and then disappeared LIKE MAGIC. SB, because he has been too lazy to even state his opinion about Elie being scummy. Hi opportunistic scum. Marth because he has been asking more questions than stating anything, as if he is poking around trying to find a hole. Then again, this is also my playstyle... Kinda. However, was there anything that could have made you think Prims was scum in particular? Or town? You are only basing yourself on meta to judge him. While I agree that he is a lot more tame and not so active when he's scum, I don't think it is that easy to judge someone just from start-mid D1 behavior. I said you look like a third party, not that you are. And your vote alone is not the only thing that makes you believe you are suspicious.
  3. I have a feeling that I missed something important, then. You said you only called Prims for his roleclaim for the sake of discussion, and for the sake of presenting an argument worth of a debate. Then you took the vote out of him and, in my view, said he was town. So, really, what do you think about Prims? Yeah, I do have opinions. I'm buying your Town PGO claim for now; I'm not buying the case agaisnt Shinori; I don't like how Kay has been writting huge passive-agressive paragraphs as people stated before since they don't really help, and speculating about your PGO claim being fake or not is kind of pointless, and she's been fluffing more than contributing; I'm not buying the case agaisnt BBM, he defended Shinori from the crows who took opportunity of his single slip/typo that clipsey found because he found the whole reasoning behind it wrong, what's so bad about it? For me, it can be an opportunistic way to myslinch based on a single mistake that wasn't even that bad or relevant to begin with; And lastly, Elie has been confusing me more than Evangelion ever did. Would you state your reads to us and stop acting as if you don't have any opinions already? You say you're trying to contribute, but all I am seeing is you acting as a third-party (no, I'm not refering to the role/team/whatever), in third person. Unvote ##Vote: Elieson
  4. I remember when I was playing FE11 for the first time, and Est came to deliver Marth's sword just before an enemy archer OHKOed her on the next turn. I laughed hard. XD
  5. But the roles are still treated as if they were scum/town roles from their respective games, right? If that's the case, it's impossible for you to be from the town, since the town is forced to pick a town role. ... So everyone's got different restrictions? Meh, forget it then. I believe Prims is Town, for now. To get town points early on. After all, a good PGO would roleclaim so that nobody will visit him. It is really a good role for scum, however. But since we can't really do anything based only on his claim, I'd rather leave it alone for some time. ... What. So you always thought he was town?
  6. Okay then ##Vote: Shinori Scumnori.
  7. Rine tried to find that "Elroy" person, though he did not manage to do that alone, and had to ask for directions once. His bow was the only thing he used for a long time, so he didn't feel any need to have any more equipment with him... Still, it sure would be a nice addition, so why not? When his turn came, he approached the merchant, staring at the weapons first and then facing him. "I'll want a Broadsword, a Buckler and a Light Armor. Oh, and a Crossbow too". Demanding so much felt odd for him, especially after what he's been through all those years.
  8. yaaaaaay although you saved me from that tragedy on D3. I thought RE was someone experienced trolling around at first, then I thought he was Shinori. >: YES you know, it's hard to notice a difference between scum!Aere and town!Aere. He'd be my lynch target in any way. =P ... clipsey wasn't that great on this game. However, Prims for MVP gogogo. it's because you should stop being Jesus in Purgatory. which reminds me... BECAUSE WE WON
  9. Rine observes the discussion, thinking about the mission. Sometimes, it was better to listen than to speak, and the commander would probably call him out for what he would say. Still, he decided that it was necessary, so he gave a step forward and left the crowd for a while "I'll be on the supply run mission. Is there any information about the city we are going to... loot?".
  10. I'm not sure, I always beat him using the best weapon agaisnt him. I've never tried to beat him with plain buster shots (without charged shots). Also, beating him with the X/Falcon Armors is such a pain. >:
  11. I like Handsome. Now we just need someone to hack FE9 and change it, along with Horsebirds and Lizardbirds. /o/
  12. Ironically enough, all the shows I love have started as this (with very few exceptions). The most recent case is Neon Genesis Evangelion, the first episodes were plain and boring imo, until the plot developped and after some character development... Now I love it. =P
  13. I forgot about one boss: Infinity Mijinion, from Megaman X6. If you fight him without any special weapon, he sure is a pain. Dodging a lot of clones and their attacks while dealing with the real deal itself is pretty hard. I felt like I was playing Touhou on that stage, because seriously this is absurd. >:
  14. *activates Miracle, sidesteps* *throws a recorder/what's the name that keeps saying 'There's a message from Lord Nergal: I await you on the Dread Isle' even when it's shut down*
  15. Best: FE4 Chapter 5 END. Worst: Hector's death.
  16. Oh well. I noticed a few things I could improve on my sign-up, but I'm not sure about how I could do it. Name: Rine Sex: Male Nationality: Castrian RPer: Rapier Age: 19 Appearance: Considerably tall for an archer (1,95 meters... Yeah, I dunno how to translate it into feet); weak, thin build, although his arms and legs are stronger than the rest of his body; his hair's color is a mix between brown and blonde, thus making him look blondish on the sunlight and light brownish on the dark. Brown eyes. Wears a dark blue cloak along with black clothes. Personality: Confident on his own skills and capacities, that trait oftenly mistaken as arrogance. Basically, an arrow himself: If he's got something into his mind, he'll pursue it without stopping or changing ways, whatever it is. At first he isn't socable, acting coldly and straightforwardly, but after he gets to know a little more about that person that attitude changes. Values everything he successfully accomplished deeply, almost giving a vibe that he lives for it. Backstory: Born in a rather poor family, he had a simple life. There were times when he had nothing to eat, and oftenly he saw himself using clothes that were too small for him. Through the hardships of the era he has been born, he lived his childhood. As a teen, his parents decided to support and persuade him into training and joining the army on his comming of age, putting into his mind that his talent on hitting things with utmost accuracy would help his family, and just how glorious it was to serve one's country. Decided to master the arts of the bow, he put his mind into his training and on it only, motivated by the hardships of poverty that he had to face, thus resulting in making him a lonely person with only 1 or 2 companions at best. When he was 16, his skills were already taken highly and his confidence and folly were on its peak. On an ordinary day, a mercenary came to him and acknowledged his skills, offering Rine to join his group on route to their meeting site. He said that the road would be dangerous, but the archer accepted it confidently. His parents let him go after hearing the sum he'd be paid with and after hearing that he might be used again on the future depending on his performance. The trip lasted 4 days, they were a small group with a lack of rations and weapons at their limit, some were stolen from bandits and hostile parties fought along the way. Two men died, five were badly wounded in the end. Rine survived through it with few injuries, being paid for his work later, but he had also been caught on a trap: The money wasn't enough to return home or get a living from it, and the path was dangerous to travel alone, so he was forced to work for them for a while. It looked like almost everyone was on that situation, too. On the camp he met a true master of the bow whose skills were said to be able to hit a man on his neck within a 40 meters distance, but the fact was that he was indeed dangerous and talented with a bow. Rine got to work with him after his skills improved and they entrusted him with more dangerous and risky tasks. Soon enough they developped a bond, since he admired the man's skills and the man himself was impressed with Rine's skills in that young age. After a while, the man decided to take him under his wing. When he was 18, they've discussed about leaving the camp and starting their own company, because the "trap" was currently working agaisnt the own person who set the trap: They had to pay more heads, so everyone was getting a much lesser payment than before, and it was even rumoured that some of those fresh recruits were killed during the missions in order to dispose of them after they're used enough. Along with other 3 trustworthy men, they chose to leave the camp at night, stealing only the necessary provisions before heading out. Unfortunately for them, they forgot about the incomming war and just how close the enemy was. The group was ambushed during their escape, one of them was disposed off instantly, while other 10 came forward to kill the remaining 2 and the others pursuited Rine .Rine's master had been hit by a javelin in the knee as they tried to flee, The boy had been able to escape by pure luck: The path led him to a hill, and below it was a river, the only way he could escape. And he accepted it. After that day, he tried his best to join the army and have his revenge agaisnt the ones who killed his mentor, his friend. Class: Archer Level: 99 minus 98. Attributes: Str/Dex Skills: Offensive Equipment: A bow, some arrows, a light leather armor. STRENGTH: 9 STAMINA: 3 DEXTERITY 7 AGILITY 6
  17. What I mean is, the best thing that we can do is:
  18. Stupid question, maybe because I'm sleepy but, can I just copypaste my old sign-up?
  19. Oh well, sorry about that. When I typed it, I was thinking about "People who are pros have started as novices at some point". XD
  20. ... When I first beat MMZ1, 2 and 3, I didn't know I could make my life bar bigger. However, I used save states to go back to the second the fight started on the first game's case (although Copy X is a ridiculous yet fun boss =P). About Zero 2's bosses, I find Zero 4's harder. The final boss is weak compared to MMZ4's.
  21. This is awesome. - First run: - Second run: - Third run: - Fourth run: Oh well I suck at this. =p Is there a way to prevent the explosion? I just want to know if it's possible. Don't tell me how to do it.
  22. I never said every first draft is going to suck. I'm just saying that, compared to the experts who actually write for a living, fanfic writters generally have less experience and knowledge since most of them are strangers to writting or reading. Still, fanfics can be good, and the writters can improve.
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