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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Meh. I wouldn't be surprised anymore if someone came and said that Fiona and Leonardo pwn.
  2. Lol no, I was lynched as soon as I was subbed for slipping something up and not answering why I did that (because of FE10, which I've been playing on that time and nothing else mattered).
  3. Hmm... Meh. 5 Gatrie = Ilyana<BR> 7 Mia = Meg <BR>
  4. Well, couldn't he have done it just to make lemonade with his lemon? But... I guess you're right. Meh, I'm tired of this discussion. By the way, Clipsey's summaries should help.
  5. How is one supposed to judge them? So what's wrong with me, thinking that Sho was an opportunist when the persuader voted on Nightmare?
  6. Yeah, correct a scummy player to see what he'll do, and then forgive him. That doesn't work, man. DX
  7. Also wouldn't my case be just like Sho's, following your logic? :/
  8. So you mean that people with bad logic should be ignored rather than questioned about why they keep believing in it so vehemently...
  9. How can you guys give 9 to Edward? He's always 2HKO. o_o
  10. Sho has my sympathy for being able to think even while he's as nervous and agitated as a person who's dying of asthma. I'd stop picking on him if he weren't out trying to hit me with a hammer. >:
  11. See just how ridiculous your own logic is?² So you don't like us because we're agaisnt you, I SEE.
  12. Well, it's easy to pin the blame on Blitz. He wasn't doing anything useful, he was being random, and whenever he appeared he came with questionable logic. There isn't much to say regarding that, and we kinda lack info and play time. Nighty didn't have a solid opinion about anyone, so he decided to bet on Blitz as his final judgement. Is it just me or is he keeping a good look/track at the time? Clipsey, mah former Obi-Wan Kenobi of Mafias, nailed him in every aspect. Sheeped. He was going after Sho, then he decided to give up and vote on Blitz without a former opinion about him. In summary: 13th was too lazy to think, and Nightmare kept track on the hour and thus wanted to leave his final judgement before the end of the turn. Aside from that, I see no problem with the ones who voted him.
  13. You still don't realize that your Lolgambit with 97 chances of losing and 3 chances of winning would be a mislynch? How sad. I stay behind my words and my sword's ready, come at me bro.
  14. Let's see: 1. D4V3 (Rein) - Sir Talkalot except not. 2. JB - Nails people like a boss, then disappears with the BK's magic teleportation powder. 3. eclipse - Nothing much about her. Seems to be scumhunting and working hard even though she's been busy, so yeah, Clipsey's Clipsey ( Captain Obvious). 4. Core - Thinks that sheeping isn't bad in some cases, and I didn't understand that part. But meh, after I decided to vote on him, I began to like his behavior. Seems more helpful than he was on FE4 Mafia 5. Bizz - Who? 6. Shinori - Kaoz got subbed just now, Shinori appeared briefly but tried to help whenever he could. 7. Nightmare - Knows well about the game, but he's silent, and stated that he won't say much unless he's pressed. His timid gameplay kinda bothers me. 8. Kay - Has been counterargumentating more than scumhunting, but I guess that's her way of "scumhunting by pressing/questioning/justificating" or whatever. Seems town for me. 9. Rapier - Is Zordon in disguise. Wait, this isn't Power Rangers?! They're all the same, meh. 11. Iris - Doesn't appear much, but votals are a pain and she's trying her best to keep them. Town imo. 12. Strawman - Acts like JB, but he makes sense and participates on the discussion rather than nail someone agaisnt the wall hard. 13. 13th - Mindfucked me, but I get Town newbie vibes from him so idk. I won't make the same mistake that happened with Blitz. 14. Sho - "classic case of missunderstood genius", a mix of Oliver and Dr. Eggman aparently. Claims that at that time Nightmare was the best option for a lynch, and following the persuader's will is a good idea because it's D1 and stupid ideas should be followed. I still take him as a big opportunist, changing his vote to 13th as soon as he saw that he might be the persuader and his plan had failed. Then some people began to ask why Nightmare was so quiet, and Sho decided to make his motif again (well, it's HIS opinion, can't judge him because of that. But if you have followed my version up to now, you know that everything matches like a jigsaw). My motives agaisnt him aren't case makers, but he's my best bet for now. He voted Nighty because he's silent, but hey what about Rein who doesn't, like, help with anything and disappears with the BK's magical powder after making comments?
  15. Be careful, the webmaster of Serenes Forest is quite... erm, crazy for Herons to say the least. D: Challenge question? Math? Mix these two and your hit is super effective agaisnt me. >: Congratulations with that. Also, good luck with Seisen as it's different from the other FEs, but it's actually pretty fun when you get into the game. ^^ Last but not least, welcome!
  16. Marcus. I still don't see how the fuck people say that he survives after Chapter 24, plus compared with other promoted units he isn't very useful. Let's not forget that the other units need less EXP than he does, and Marcus can only beat everything on his own until next to the Endgame.
  17. You know, that's a fallacy. No one thinks the same way otherwise you'd think you're scummy, and thus would vote yourself.
  18. Oh, lol. I have done it because it's the only lead I've got. We had only three possibilities: Lynch you to know if you're Mafia, Fool, or something else; Lynch Blitz because he's random; or lynch Sho because he was insisting on voting Nightmare with lulzy reasons for quite some time. I chose to vote a more active person because manipulating and participating is for pros, and Sho seemed to have a game while you two weren't really doing anything.
  19. Lol @ Core being suspicious in your eyes, yet you put him near the top... Besides, who is to say that Iris hasn't a life? Some are more dedicated to this game than others (Clipsey... Meh, how's someone able to do a good job while drunk? *claps*), and maybe that's also Strawman's case, and all the others who you say are inactive's case. Nightmare knows well about what's happening on the game, so that's not his case (I'm not saying he doesn't have a life, lol). Also, it's kinda hard to judge by lack of posts because people are still celebrating the New Year + Timezones. Why am I scummy, anyway? People have said this over and over but I never got it. >:
  20. Except you wouldn't get anything from lynching Nighty. That answer would've work if this weren't following what I said on 1. Just pointing out, dude. Even so, I've got to point oddities... Well, the others have played with you more than I did, so I guess they know better if you really like to bet on pointless or risky things. Your behavior is odd, and odd is your behavior. ARGH THIS IS MINDFUCKING ME, HOW CAN'T I PICK ON SOMEONE IF HIS EXCUSE IS "I'M LIKE THAT"?! I give up, it's pointless to continue.
  21. 1 - So you still suggest that sacrificing a potentially good Town is the best course of reaction to a random/planned persuasion that wouldn't lead us anywhere... 2 - He claimed, that's why. Your logic was to lynch Nighty to learn about the persuader, so lynching the persuader himself after he claimed was the sanest thing to do in your case. 3 - Picking on someone's gameplay is the easiest way to accuse them of being scummy... Well, that could or couldn't be, so I won't comment on that. 4 - Read 2. 5 - How so? 6 - Because... Meh. "He's always like that, give him a break" isn't a nice justification, and I've got no other leads, soo... And in 13th's case, I was referring to his personality rather than his gameplay tactics, the last is your case.
  22. I'll pick Barth, as I think I'll need him to backup my team.
  23. Not so much info Yo. I don't see how my theory or logic is flawed. That's how I see it: - Sho's tried to vote Nighty because he's an oportunist ("We should lynch him to see what's up with the persuader!" even though that makes no sense), then after we picked on him enough he decided to go for someone else. Later, after we kept saying just how Nightmare was being vague, Sho tried to make a motif agaisnt him again, before finally giving up before he looks more scummish than he is now. Even if he isn't the Persuader it still makes sense. Well yes, there's the excuse "Oh, my logic was really bad, sorry everyone!", but Sho isn't stupid enough to do something like that imo. :/ I still find his behavior very odd. Also, Nighty made a post before saying how Blitz and 13th act that way even when they're Town, and I fully agree with him on that part. Sho's known for his odd behaviors and tactics, but I'll insist.
  24. Rine searches for the nearest tree, and then runs between them until he finds a good distance from Jachart. He knows that, if there are testimonies left to point where they have gone, it'd be bad for the group and for him. So the best action now was to kill the unlucky soldier. He readies his bow, runs to the next tree that would put him closer to Jachart (still not close... He just wants to have him at range) while still trying to be far from the soldier who are engaging the meele fighters, and then fires an arrow.
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