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Everything posted by Esme

  1. So... why not make him less useful?
  2. That is fucking disgusting.
  3. Come back safely, k...?
  4. Esme

    Your worst fears?

    Falling upside down and walking on unstable ground. ;____; That's... pretty much it.
  5. Will the shadows be tall and slender and wearing suits?
  6. Well, I'm having a luxurious 5-star goose dinner today, so I think I'll just be with the family during christmas day tomorrow. CHRISTMAS IS AWESOME
  7. Have you been doing crack? 'Cause you sound like you're on crack.
  8. Three hurricanes? Holy crap. You know... as scared as I am of thunderstorms, I really want to experience a hurricane irl.
  9. So there's a storm going on right now and the thunder is so close to my house it's shaking it. And I swear to god those black clouds are watching meeee and they want to kill meeee...! sdjbskdcjbaskdjbasld So, um... have any of you ever experienced a REALLY bad/scary storm before?
  10. Dude, that's terrible. D: ...Let's hope for a Christmas miracle!
  11. When I finally figured out how to get my 3DS' internet connection to work, the AP was already over. This sucks, man. :<
  12. I know right! I just want to eat him up~
  13. oh wow how neat this story is so interesting i wish i had a skinny girl margarita oh look here's one now go on~*~*~
  14. Radiant Historia. It was the coolest RPG I had played in a while. So far, though, I haven't met another person who plays it.
  15. Oh boy I love spoiler trains! :D
  16. Meg is cute, of course I would~ Would you rather have everything you've ever done in front of a mirror televised to the whole world or have everything you've thought about for the last week shown to the entire world?
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