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Everything posted by Baldrick

  1. Well, it does exactly help that some TCs have massive backlogs themselves...
  2. You'd better be changing that before Integrity yells at you.
  3. If you're any kind of smart, she's seeing combat approximately 0 times ever. Still, her magic growth's not too bad, if you painstakingly raise her to 10/1 she might be an OK staffb... E Staves? Fuck this shit. 0.1 minus 1 because she's another goddamn loli but without the power to make her worthwhile.
  4. Obviously that should be prevented, but it's not quite the same situation. Saul and Ellen are more or less equals (Saul's better because of his combat, but assuming 5 heals per chapter between 2 and 6, he's got a mag lead of 2 - 10% with a negligible staff rank lead). Cecilia's losing magic by 8 (being super generous and giving her 6 levels between 14 and 19/20) and staff rank by about a whole level. It's not really a contest.
  5. I always thought it was "Franz: Not Seth 1/10".
  6. OK, raise it to 3/10. I think it's a rather strict interpretation of "Not X", though.
  7. Back on topic... (FE3) The Even Greater FE3 Draft, #28535, finished in 350 turns. Oguma, Katua, Kashim, Luke, Hardin, Barts, Maria, Astria, Chainy, Est.
  8. (FE3) The Even Greater FE3 Draft, #28535, finished in 350 turns. And there's a typo in my team. It should be: Oguma, Katua, Kashim, Luke, Hardin, Barts, Maria, Astria, Chainy, Est.
  9. Cecilia! You’re riding around Providing chip passable daily Oh, Cecilia! I’m down on my knees I’m begging you please To gain speed Gain some speed Bad bases for a prepromote but Cecilia Could be your second (staff-user) But her staff rank Hurts her case When you move on to Bern Niime’s taking her place! 2/10
  10. Then the voting should be for Second Drafter of the Year.
  11. It would work something like this: def PSL(t1_level, t2_level, base, growth, bonus, cap, base_level) > #set t1_level to 1 for prepromotes, t2_level to 1 for unpromoted units > levels = t1_level + t2_level - base_level - 1 > for i in range(1,levels): >> stat = base + i >> if t1_level =! 1 and t2_level =! 1: >>> stat += bonus >> if stat > cap: >>> stat = cap >> prob = (factorial(levels)/(factorial(i)*factorial(levels - i)) * (growth)^i * (1-growth)^(levels - 1) >> print stat, prob But it only works for one individual level, and isn't formatted very well.
  12. Miredy was already pretty broken. Then some schmuck decided it would be a good idea to give her HM bonuses. She provides a bad time for the enemy from her joining chapter, instapromoting to become a flying fortress of doom or waiting a few levels to allow her rather good growths to kick in. Her very slight weaknesses are easily fixable, (but she can tolerate Sacae even without Delphi Shield) and she even has a fastish support with a decent unit who can hang around her, which is more than most units can say. 10/10.
  13. Marcus and Limstella look badass, so I'll vote for them instead of Pent and Echidna (since they're winning anyway)
  14. Those are a lot of tags. Anyway: 19x is 8/8, so the LTC points should be reduced (though I wouldn't object if you boosted the Exp points instead. :)
  15. My theory; Marcus: Hey guys can I have super EXP gain IS Programmer: Uh no Marcus: *Glare* IS Programmer: OK fine! Just avert your piercing gaze and I'll program it in!
  16. I normally don't like doing "what this person said", but That was exactly what I was going to say. Even the bit about him being cute. But I consider it worth a 6.5 -> 7.5
  17. Experimenting to see who should get the kill on Cameron. Eliwood - 100 EXP No surprises there. Lowen - 80 EXP Not half bad! Let's see Marcus, at his level, if he gets more than half of that it may be worth giving it to him... Marcus - 95 EXP I casually fall out of my seat. I try Lowen again, just to be sure. Lowen - 80 EXP It's official. Marcus has become the anti exp stealer. My cup overfloweth with exp. AND IT IS GLORIOUS.
  18. No it doesn't, at least to my ears. Swordmanship was historically considered an art, so it makes sense for there to be masters.
  19. And when combined with a FoW level, the results are devastating. Battle Before Dawn is basically 75 free SEXp.
  20. Lancemaster and Axemaster sound kinda silly.
  21. Awesome. Now I'm going to try to get Canas to A Staves before Warp just to one-up you!
  22. Gonzales is a very durable unit, with insane HM bonuses, but he has a glaring weakness; he simply can't inflict enough damage on his opponent. His skill is through the roof, and his weapons all have plenty of hit on them. WTC after promotion is, frankly, overkill at this point, since he's lucky if his damage goes into the double digits, even against generic mages. His growths are spread even across the board, with no high growths so he can deviate from his averages by a long way, and his promotion gains are pretty pathetic, so there's not much hope for him. On the other hand, he has absolutely no competition for his promotion item, so unless you're selling it, you might as well promote him, and he has several fast supports with the best units in the game. He's also useful for chip damage, and when you absolutely have to connect to finish off an opponent, the first unit you look for should always be Gonzales. 7/10
  23. I never said you were either of those things. Besides, you're an American now.
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