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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. Well that will depends of if the support for Dimitri and Claude is one sided or not.
  2. I think the endings are trying to be canonical with the kind of stuff Gaiden already did with their endings; and in Mathilda's solo ending she actually remains as a commander pretty much taking Clive's place and outperforming him despite her grief (and maybe also because of it). Clive in the other hand ends in a much more pathetic way if she dies. Which it also applies to Gaiden too. Well I actually have a similar idea about Celica and Eirika xDU.
  3. After playing some other games I wonder why FEH didn't have some kind of idle mode for recollecting stuff... Something that makes me curious though it's the fact FEH apparently didn't reveal everything about the mode; I'm waiting for it with a small but existent optimism :3. --- Micaiah it's so beautiful! I like ATK/RES Bond 4; it's not really better that Brazen but has a nice side effect to make it effective in dealing against one of the weakness of the skill. I'm wondering which I should free summon though...
  4. Actually Ashnard's weapon it's a Sword... Yeah I know, it's weird for a post-Sacred Stones Dragon Rider to use Swords, but it's right.
  5. Other than the Lords and Hubert/Dedue it's possible to get characters from other houses; it's harder than the neutral charaters, but perfectly possible. But yeah, it's overall the game that has the less amount of characters playable at the same time. __ This also means this game would actually get to have most of it's playable characters in Heroes because they would require a very small number of Banners to get them (Only 8 if they're banner units, and even less if some of this characters are used for GHB or added directly into the summoning pool after a special event). Each character has a space in the writing and support several characters, even the professors and knights.
  6. Oh okay let's see... There is Byleth; the 24 students (eight in each house) and other 9 characters between Knights of Seiros and Professors. So in total are 34 characters (35 if you count each Byleth as their own being).
  7. That was going to happen eventually considering the fact Three Houses it's more relevant and was going to at least get the same treatment Echoes got (at least). But yeah, it's a bit funny.
  8. As far as I remember we hadn't have a Legendary/Mythical Banner that features more than one version of a character. Someone remember if that is the case? Maybe that is the reason they're delaying the Red Seasonals despite being the logical next step.
  9. Echoes was pretty much the replacement for "新" (Shin... aka New) in the remake of Gaiden... because calling a game "New Side-Story" was kind of confusing.
  10. Probably not a figma, but hey, it's actually completely possible that all three of them got Nendoroids eventually xD
  11. Well, I guess it makes sense, making something too interesting would accidently spoil stuff... The game is still not officialy released, and this Forging Bond seems to work more as basic presentation of the kind of character you're dealing in the actual game.
  12. Regardless of if the event it's GHB or TT The Free Unit will most likely be a Three Houses character... Unless they pull a Gharnef.
  13. Maybe Solon it's actually a well intentioned extremist, but who knows... We need to know what is the kind of salvation it's he talking about.
  14. I guess that is the trade-off for having overall less options to promote prior to Master Class; having access to a pseudo Advance-Class that makes any character good at flying even better.
  15. They're more specific in their effects (targeting two stats instead of all of them), kind the trade-off it's being able to affect characters from both Melee and Ranged Weapons and have a base debuff effect. We still don't know if the Skills have restrictions thought.
  16. For anyone open minded 4 Chan can be a quite fun experience; but isn't for everyone of course. Seeing people talk with pretty much no filters it's quite funny.
  17. 4chan is pretty much real free state (?) Don't try to act "purist"; then nobody will care about you; which is a good thing xD
  18. We don't even know about Seiros' japanese voice, which it would be annouced a lot faster if they wanted to share it... so it seems we'll have to wait to the credits.
  19. Uff, even Raphael doesn't have problem as a flier xD
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