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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. That's one of the reason why I hate otakus. In fact, I remember posting something like that on FFtf and got in a huge stupid fight with Cythina. I can not see why anyone want to be a proud otaku after learning what is the origin of that word. The Otaku Killer was just one sick man, I mean, he freakin' ate one of the girls IIRC and sent pictures of their decaying bodies to their family for God's sake!
  2. So you have defeated me...But remember . . . my will shall never die! As long as humans Pokemon retain control, madness will priest!
  3. Jean Grey (go learn some comic book history). (Also, remember, I'm Snow_Storm . . .yep.)
  5. Sango and that monk were the only characters in that anime I actually like because of the comic relief. The only good thing about Inuyasha is this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpTmqcGIslE One of the best character/battle theme I have ever heard in any piece of media.
  6. DID YOU FORGOTTEN I HATE MY OWN RACE!!! I'M A PROUD UNCLE TOM!!! (I hope nobody take that seriously)
  7. I'm worried that some freakin' kid will find the Sword of Seals, along with Legendary Weapons and wipe my armies out in my life story. Not only that, but to be poisoned and almost murdered by hitmen hired by my own dad had a toll on me in my story. And I once never was able to have Idoun or Brunya put out for me. Yeah, so I'm not going to get a paired ending anytime soon and I don't think I'll live much longer after all the bullshit I did upon this world with the dragons and shit. (OKay, so I am taking this King Zephiel thing a bit too serious.) I have and always will be the main character in my story. Nobody could ever take this role from me!
  8. Puberty was a bit strange for me. At age 10, I started to grow sideburns on my face some people would harass me for having sideburns (they were jealous because they were still boys and I was becoming an awesome, mighty strong man!). Around 11-14 years of age I started growing hair on my knuckles, arms, legs, armpits, and private areas and I was thinking to myself "Great! Teenage life's about to start! This should be fun!: Also, at age 12, I started to develop some bad acne and I was tease for having such horrible acne. Annoying as fuck when you got some ignorant ass kid trying to play Tic-Tat-Toe on your freakin' face. Oh, and the sexual horomones was wokring their magic. So many erections for no apprently reason. Worst case was I was wearing some not-so-baging shorts and I got an erection during class WHILE I was in front of the class. I had a new nickname later that day. Puberty is just one wild adventure that only last for about 8 years and once you get to the end of your journey, you'll be very happy that forceful trip to hell is over.
  9. It usually snow in the midwest, but seeing I live in the city, we don't get hit with much snow. But when we do, it can be pretty rough.
  10. [quote name='Toa Lord Sothe' date='Dec 15 2008, 12:10 PM' post='259547' Overall it's okay for making a cookie cutter RPG, but for a really massive project you may or may not wanna invest in some game design classes. You know, you don't really have to go to school for game design. All you need is a few books, rimw, some good software, and passion. What's better: A guy with no degree, but tons of completed (or near-completed) games and mods or a guy with a college degree with no game design experience of his own?
  11. HSM isn't a real musical. It doesn't even have music, it just crap. It is even more pathetic than soft rock.
  12. Oh, I want to see it. I heard it was so good. You should check out "The Music Man" and "The King and I" if you want some good classic hits. They're both pretty great imo.
  13. Man, that robot looks like a cheesy character from a mid-90s educational P.C. game.
  14. Give me $10.000 and I'll make sure their anuses are destroyed. Ah yes, the classic "(S)he was asking for it" case. More than likely, Masu that other guy are gonna get anally rape.
  15. Real game designers design games with flash and scripts.
  16. I try to be somewhat sensitive, but come on! What is going on in your life that you must get warp up over things that you know are not true about yourself? Most people who talk shit online are cowards, so why trip off of some immature shit online?
  17. I truly agree with your post. Honestly, I am getting tired of people bitching, whiny, and taking the internet too damn seriously. Oh wow, so some fuckin' coward from behind a computer screen insulted you? Get over it, you are not going to see that guy in your life. What is so important on the internet that you must get so angry over some minor shit online.
  18. IT's because of whiny bitches who BAAAAWWWW at anything un-family friendly is the reason why I don't get to see cool things like that!
  19. My mom ALMOST caught me with his "Penis" sig but I scrolled down to something worksafe.
  20. From great (Friday: Ice skating with a friend and watch XMEN 3 over at his house, while wisecracking about superheroes, super powers, and anime) to Shit (causing a trojan to invade my mom's laptop because I was being a selfish jackass.)
  21. I just freakin' got this new computer. I'm not gonna ruin it.
  22. I sleep best on top a pile of $50 and $100 bills
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