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The Spanish Inquisition

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Everything posted by The Spanish Inquisition

  1. :P Thanks for the tip-off Peppy, Sam have a Dorcas.
  2. Phew.... I thought I was getting someone good... Like this guy, too bad he takes FOR-EVER to arrive Sam, meet HARKEN
  3. Dear Sam, How do you like them bows? Love, Louise
  4. To be honest, by the same argument, having your meatshields and shopping carts be unmounted won't make much of a difference. Then, the main argument boils down to being more true to the original FE8 infantry drafts, which is kind of a moot point for me. I respect the time and effort that went into the original rules, but I argue that I myself spent an equal amount (maybe not equal but a significant amount of time) on these rules, and kind of like them. Also, reclassing allows you to never have to field mounted units (once you can reclass, that is), which is kind of the spirit of an infantry draft, so why not utilize it? Then, since IMO, spirit of a law>tradition of enforcing said law, I'm going to leave it as is. Fair? I realize I also didn't have to give this full-blown explanation, but I'm a math major and enjoy logical arguments/proofing.
  5. So, Dozla or Syrene.... Let's go with Just because that makes Kyle the team pimp in b4 anyone argues Ephraim, Ewan, and Ross are on the team, they're just boys. Kyle gets all the man's work
  6. Prologue 2/2 Whee! first hit's a crit! Seth ran off like the little boy he is Realized the trick for a 2 turn win was an RNG'd crit on the boss, now feel really guilty about it based on the last two posted runs... Chap 1 5/7 Lucky crit on boss helped a lot Chap 2 7/14 Vanessa is useful, and Ross trains under Eirika's guidance Eirika crit the boss for the 3rd map in a row Vanessa at base Chap 3 16/30 Ross chipped from safety, Eirika went N, Vanessa broke into little treasure room Thief stole Eirika's vulnerary, she critted him in response, Eirika critted 4th boss in a row considered retrying, but Eirika has to keep up her title of Boss-slayer... Chap 4 11/41 It was the Monster Mash Vanessa trained, Ross became a Hoss, and Lute's village was ignored. Vanessa needed a level, so Eirika is no longer Boss-slayer. I completed Chapter 5, but level screencaps will come after 5x... Also, how do you make those character stat listings so neat?
  7. I thought of that problem when I was making the list. I figured there were enough unit types such that the type limit issue would never be a problem... I'll check this out on my own, do you remember what level reclassing begins? EDIT: This isn't a problem until Wolf, Sedgar, Hardin, and Vyland come in. (Four horsemen of the Apocalypse, anyone?) I'll take your suggestion and run with it
  8. As an impartial observer, shouldn't you guys wait 'til 10:44 PM EST (Now is 5:17 PM EST) for the next pick? Rapier ought to at least have 1 full day elapsed after the last pick made before picks are made for him...
  9. Base rules didn't copy/paste well, should be legible now, now to get the spoiler to work... Edit: Fixed. (grumble grumble \ instead of / )
  10. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Marth, Jagen and Nagi/Gotoh are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on Normal Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, and shop. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors. 3. Gaiden and prologue chapters do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken. 4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want, except mounted units. 5. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 19 before Turn 5. 6. Non-infantry units (cavaliers, pegasus knights, etc.) are treated for all intents and purposes as undrafted units, with few exceptions, see below. 7. When you become able to reclass units, you MUST reclass all non-infantry units as infantry units. 8. All replacement units are considered undrafted. Other: 1. Forging, Wi-Fi Shop, and usage of the Warp staff are strictly prohibited. 2. You may not use loaner units. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Drafted mounted units are not treated as undrafted units by rule 6 until you are able to reclass them. 2. If you cannot reclass an undrafted mounted unit to an unmounted one, then they may remain a mounted unit, but not deployed. Once you can reclass said unit to an unmounted unit, you must do so. 3. If you cannot reclass a drafted mounted unit to an unmounted one, but have an undrafted unmounted unit, you may switch the classes of said units, since you must deploy all drafted units, and exception 2 goes into effect for the undrafted unit. Credits: CrashGordon94 Eclipse Players/Teams: 1. PKL: Barst, Navarre, Caeda, Hardin, Radd, Gordin, Elice, Vyland, Xane, Est, Lorenz 2. Iron Champion: Sedgar, Merric, Draug, Palla, Matthis, Darros, Maria, Astram, Tiki, Bantu, Samson 3. The Spanish Inquisition: Wolf, Frey, Cord, Julian, Caesar, Linde, Dolph, Norne, Catria, Ymir, Minerva 4. 13th: Cain, Wendell, Bord, Wrys, Horace, Etzel, Roger, Roshea, Tomas, Boah, Arran 5. CrashGordon94: Abel, Ogma, Lena, Athena, Jake, Beck, Castor, Rickard, Midia, Macellan, Jeorge [spoiler=[size=2]units remaining][/size] Note: Due to my never actually finishing FE11, I may need to change the rules as suggestions roll in. So please, mention any mistakes I make and enjoy the draft!
  11. Since Eirika can't use Lances... EDIT: Also, where's you're prologue? NVM, your chapter count is off...
  12. So... two pre-promotes left. Marisa or Knoll.... But both are terrible to train Screw it, I pick Marisa.
  13. I actually finished this a few days ago and was debating whether or not to make another try of it. Anyway, no shame in performing horribly in your first draft, right? Finished the LHM+HNM Welcoming draft in 371 turns. Spent too much time gaining levels, not nearly as efficient as I could have been. Also took no penalties.
  14. Have YOU checked out the options menu? It was lacking the key swapping functionalities I wanted (AKA I tried that before posting) So unless I have an old demo version (which I downloaded a few hours ago?) Then again, I think I grabbed the 1st demo. Time to check the 2nd... Nope, only difference is ability to enable shaders... So, my previous post is still valid? EDIT: Sorry about double posting, internet lag shenanigans occurred
  15. Yes, When I went through the options menu it was lacking the qualities I described
  16. My only annoyance with the game is that I can't use wasd for movement instead of arrow keys, or map a control to punctuation keys. That said, my "normal" vba set-up uses both, and I'm quite accustomed to that control mapping. Any chance of extending the functions/keys to adjust?
  17. Prologue 5/5 For some reason game counted 6 turns... Standard 5 turn run Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 2.33 17 5 7 10 6 2 1 Chap 1 5/10 Going only with Lyn's a little on the slow side, but great level ups! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 4.64 19 7 8 12 6 3 2 Chap 2 7/17 Lyn began 2HKOing! Glass was Glassed. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 6.22 21 7 9 13 8 3 4 Chap 3 11/28 Ignored Wil until a rogue bandit terrorized my undrafted peeps. Lyn has really slow movement, but great levels! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 8.xx 22 9 10 15 9 4 5 where x means I realized later that I forgot to write it down Chap 4 7/35 game counted 8 Ah, the old protect 5 units with only one unit chapter. 'Nuff said. Took a bit to realize that I could also protect dorcas without missing any fights. Also ran out of iron swords with the last kill. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 9.61 23 9 10 15 10 5 6 Chap 5 8/43 First new unit! Hello, Erk! Erk was babied, Lyn had a good level up Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 10.69 23 10 11 16 11 5 6 Erk Mage 2.16 17 6 6 7 3 3 4 Chap 6 7/50 Rath is here to spread wrath! Lyn continues to have great levels, Erk not so much... Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 11.29 24 10 12 17 12 5 6 Erk Mage 3.xx 17 6 7 7 3 3 5 Rath Nomad 7.31 25 8 9 10 5 7 2 Chap 7 7/57 Wild units appear! Wild Lucius and Nils were caught! Rath critted ketchup guy on the enemy turn for an early win Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 11.29 24 10 12 17 12 5 6 Erk Mage 4.61 17 6 7 8 3 3 6 Rath Nomad 8.38 25 8 10 10 5 7 3 Nils Bard 1.60 14 0 0 12 10 5 4 Lucius Monk 3.55 18 7 6 10 2 1 6 Chap 7x 7/64 Erk had a great level up, Nils was attacked once, and Matthew grabbed the hammer (which I never used ) Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 11.58 24 10 12 17 12 5 6 Erk Mage 6.29 18 8 8 10 4 3 8 Rath Nomad 8.83 25 8 10 10 5 7 3 Nils Bard 2.21 14 0 0 13 11 5 5 Lucius Monk 4.29 19 8 6 10 2 1 7 Chap 8 6/70 Rath sent to deal with mages, Nice level ups all around. Erk ran out of Fire. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 12.15 24 10 13 18 12 5 7 Erk Mage 6.66 18 8 8 10 4 3 8 Rath Nomad 9.16 26 9 10 10 6 7 3 Nils Bard 2.82 14 0 0 13 11 5 5 Lucius Monk 5.94 19 9 7 11 2 1 8 Chap 9 11/81 Wallace is a pain to keep from fighting. Lyn had an almost perfect level up from killing Eagler. Lucius is almost out of Lightning... Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 13.88 26 11 14 19 13 6 8 Erk Mage 6.66 18 8 8 10 4 3 8 Rath Nomad 9.81 26 9 10 10 6 7 3 Nils Bard 3.92 15 0 0 13 12 5 6 Lucius Monk 6.81 19 10 7 12 2 1 9 Chap 10 12/93 Yeah, I slow-rolled it, no penalties for me. But huge level-ups for all (except Rath)! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Lyn Lord 14.59 26 13* 15 20 14 6 9 Erk Mage 7.82 26* 9 8 11 4 3 8 Rath Nomad 9.98 26 9 10 10 6 7 3 Nils Bard 4.92 16 0 0 13 13 5 6 Lucius Monk 7.30 20 11 8 12 2 1 9* * means Power Up used:Energy Ring for Lyn, Angel Cloak for Erk Chap 11 6/99 Picked Hector normal mode, game tells me I'm starting with Eliwood. Hector crits Wire Back to sub-par stats... Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 2.46 21 7 4 5 3 8 0 Chap 12 9/108 Lowen and Marcus! Too bad they're too far away... Ughhh, where can Hector learn to hit... Oh hey, a secret book! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 5.57 24 10 6 5 4 9 0 Lowen Cavalier 3.69 23 7 5 7 3 7 1 Marcus Paladin 1.22 31 15 15 11 8 10 8 Chap 13 12/120 Hi Guy! How are you doing? Hector is STRONG. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 7.27 24 12 8* 6 5 9 0 Lowen Cavalier 6.03 26 9 6 7 3 9 2 Marcus Paladin 2.28 32 15 16 11 9 10 9 Guy Myrmidon 3.74 21 6 11 11 5 5 0 *Secret Book for Hector Chap 13x 7/127 Game counted 8 Crappy level ups all around... Also didn't notice until Chapter 30 that meatshielding was allowed... (AAAAAUUUGHHHH) Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 8.30 25 12 8 6 5 10 1 Lowen Cavalier 6.83 26 9 6 7 3 9 2 Marcus Paladin 2.65 32 15 16 11 9 10 9 Guy Myrmidon 5.03 22 6 11 11 7 5 0 Chap 14 14/141 Erk! No, don't run away! Come back! Yay! Also, Marcus, dat level up Took forever to get both Prissy and Erk Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 9.04 26 13 8 6 5 11 1 Lowen Cavalier 8.03 28 9 8 7 3 11 3 Marcus Paladin 3.75 33 16 17 12 9 11 10 Guy Myrmidon 6.41 23 6 11 12 8 5 1 Erk Mage 9.13 28 10 9 12 5 3 9 Chap 15 7/148 Game counted 8 Erk got lucky with a Goddess... icon. Sealen was annoying, but after Marcus killed him, the level got very quiet. AKA would have been done in 5 turns... Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 9.66 26 13 8 6 5 11 1 Lowen Cavalier 9.77 29 9 8 7 4 12 4 Marcus Paladin 4.69 34 17 18 12 9 11 11 Guy Myrmidon 7.00 24 7 12 12 8 5 1 Erk Mage 9.80 28 10 9 12 7* 3 9 *Goddess Icon for Erk Chap 16 10/158 Last level w/ Marcus... But Lyn comes back! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 11.78 28 13 10 6 6 12 2 Lowen Cavalier 11.59 31 11 8 7 4 13 4 Marcus Paladin 4.72 34 17 18 12 9 11 11 Guy Myrmidon 8.40 25 8 12 13 9 5 1 Erk Mage 11.90 30 10 9 12 8 3 11 Lyn Lord 15.28 26 14 16 20 14 6 10 Chap 17 16/174 Long chapter with lots of loot is long... Lowen took care of reinhorsements w/ horseslayer Good levels, though. And Lucius is back! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 13.72 30 13 11 7 7 13 3 Lowen Cavalier 14.05 34 12 9 7 6 13 5 Guy Myrmidon 10.53 27 9 14 15 10 7 2 Erk Mage 14.99 32 11 12 14 9 3 13 Lyn Lord 16.61 27 15 17 20 14 6 10 Lucius Monk 7.30 20 11 8 12 2 1 9 Chap 17x 9/183 Not a mooncalf, despite what Fargus claimed on the last turn. Lowen and Erk protected Merlinus while the rest fought through trees. Canas contributes another Secret Book and Vulnerary. Lyn went shopping for more Lightning, so I don't run out again. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 13.72 30 13 11 7 7 13 3 Lowen Cavalier 15.57 35 13 10 7 7 14 5 Guy Myrmidon 11.05 28 9 15 16 10 7 2 Erk Mage 15.33 33 12 13 15 10 3 13 Lyn Lord 17.78 28 16 18 20 14 7 10 Lucius Monk 8.28 21 12 9 13 3 1 9 Chap 18 8/191 Hector gets even more skill tutoring. Once Guy killed longsword dude, Lowen and Erk raped the East ship. Lucius Holy-rolled the west ship, except Zoldam. Ran out of dudes on turn 6, derp.Moved Hector next to Zoldam, attacked, prayed for no crit Lunas, and managed to end the chapter early. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 14.71 31 13 13* 8 7 13 4 Lowen Cavalier 16.42 36 14 11 8 8 14 6 Guy Myrmidon 11.77 28 9 15 16 10 7 2 Erk Mage 16.12 34 12 14 16 10 3 13 Lyn Lord 17.78 28 16 18 20 14 7 10 Lucius Monk 10.30 23 14 10 13 3 2 10 Chap 19 9/200 Dart rescued Fiora from taking away any exp Lyn had her 1st crappy level up in ages, but that's A-OK! Erk killed off Uhai on turn 9. OMG Hector's speeding up, and Guy's pumping iron! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 15.31 32 13 13 9 7 13 5 Lowen Cavalier 17.39 37 14 11 8 9 15 6 Guy Myrmidon 13.01 30 11 15 17 10 7 2 Erk Mage 18.06 36 12 16 17 11 5 14 Lyn Lord 18.58 28 16 18 20 15 7 10 Lucius Monk 13.28 24 15 11 14 4 2 13 Chap 19x 12/212 Sent Erk ahead to scrounge as much exp as possible before Kishuna. Promoted Erk at 20 Lucius guarded against pegasi and mages. Apparently Merlinus can dodge mages like whoa. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 15.84 32 13 13 9 7 13 5 Lowen Cavalier 19.66 39 14 11 9 11 16 8 Guy Myrmidon 14.93 31 11 16 17 10 7 2 Erk Sage 20/01 41 14 17 19 12 8 17 Lyn Lord 18.58 28 16 18 20 15 7 10 Lucius Monk 14.88 24 16 12 14 4 2 13 Chap 20 11/223 I finally have a healer! Lowen went straight up the gut, earned level 20 on opps turn, promoted immediately. Lowen is basically an FE8 General with huge movement and resistance to armorslayer Lucius leveled up a lot! Decided to give him the icon, so he could maybe have a little luck. Merlinus can dodge like a boss! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 17.45 33 14 13 10 7 14 5 Lowen Paladin 20/03 44 16 13 10 13 21 9 Guy Myrmidon 16.20 32 11 16 19 11 7 3 Erk Sage 1.94 41 14 17 19 12 8 17 Lyn Lord 18.96 28 16 18 20 15 7 10 Lucius Monk 18.35 27 18 14 15 6* 3 16 Chap 21 6/229 Hi Ninian! Lyn guarded Eliwood and Merlinus. Promoted Lucius at 20, who has ungodly high magic. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 17.72 33 14 13 10 7 14 5 Lowen Paladin 3.36 44 16 13 10 13 21 9 Guy Myrmidon 17.38 33 11 16 20 12 7 3 Erk Sage 2.94 41 15 17 19 12 8 18 Lyn Lord 18.96 28 16 18 20 15 7 10 Lucius Bishop 20/01 32 20 15 15 8 6 19 Ninian Dancer 5.42 17 1 0 14 14 5 6 Chap 22 10/239 Rath's back! Getting tired of hauling Eliwood along. Killed Heath on the way to get treasure. Feels like Serenity, reavers EVERYWHERE. Guy killed Eubans on my turn 10. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 19.53 35 16 14 10 7 14 6 Lowen Paladin 4.62 45 16 13 10 13 21 9 Guy Myrmidon 19.74 35 12 16 20 12 7 3 Erk Sage 3.26 42 15 17 20 12 8 18 Lyn Lord 19.16 29 16 19 20 15 7 10 Lucius Bishop 2.30 40* 20 16 15 8 6 19 Ninian Dancer 6.43 18 1 0 14 15 5 7 Rath Nomad 12.37 29 11 13 12 7 8 3 Chap 23 6/245 Killed Paul earlier than I thought I would... Sold my second knight crest, lol. Didn't pick up any items, but Guy promoted at lvl 20 Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 19.53 35 16 14 10 7 14 6 Lowen Paladin 5.30 46 16 14 10 13 21 9 Guy Swrdmstr 20/01 41 15 16 20 12 9 4 Erk Sage 5.06 44 17 18 21 12 8 19 Lyn Lord 19.16 29 16 19 20 15 7 10 Lucius Bishop 3.54 41 20 17 16 8 7 19 Ninian Dancer 6.93 18 1 0 14 15 5 7 Rath Nomad 13.52 30 11 14 12 7 8 3 Chap 24 3/248 Rath got Afa's Drops, since he has the lowest level except for Ninian Erk sent East. Lloyd charged ahead to attempt to kill Hector, but instead got killed the next turn Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 20 36 17 14 11 8 15 6 Lowen Paladin 5.63 46 16 14 10 13 21 9 Guy Swrdmstr 1.60 41 15 16 20 12 9 4 Erk Sage 6.99 45 17 18 22 12 9 19 Lyn Lord 20 30 17 20 20 16 8 10 Lucius Bishop 3.64 41 20 17 16 8 7 19 Ninian Dancer 7.13 19 1 0 15 16 5 8 Rath Nomad 13.92 30 11 14 12 7 8 3 Chap 25 9/257 Ballistae declared Open Season on Erk Lowen was a tank and Guy and Erk were Glass Cannons. 1st two forts capped on turn 5 Ninian got lost in the woods (so slow...) Declined Farina like a boss Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 20 36 17 14 11 8 15 6 Lowen Paladin 8.86 49 16 16 10 14 23 10 Guy Swrdmstr 3.38 43 16 18 21 13 9 5 Erk Sage 11.50 48 20 22 25 13 9 21 Lyn Lord 20 30 17 20 20 16 8 10 Lucius Bishop 4.04 42 20 18 17 8 7 20 Ninian Dancer 7.83 19 1 0 15 16 5 8 Rath Nomad 16.53 33 13 17 13 8 9 4 Chap 26 11/268 Game counted 12 Lyn became a Blade Lord Made Lowen tank up by the castle for exp Guy went south, but couldn't reach the village in time Rath reached 20 on the last turn. A few close calls with the wyverns attacking but overall, a fine chapter Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 20 36 17 14 11 8 15 6 Lowen Paladin 10.77 51 17 17 10 14 25 12 Guy Swrdmstr 5.77 44 17 20 21 14 9 5 Erk Sage 12.26 49 20 22 26 13 9 22 Lyn Bld Lord 2.59 34 19 23 20 17 11 15 Lucius Bishop 6.00 44 21 19 18 9 7 21 Ninian Dancer 8.84 20 1 0 16 17 6 9 Rath Nmd Trpr 20/1 36 17 20 15 11 13 8 Chap 27 11/279 Rath's a real trooper! Finally, we have Karel. Skipped the Guiding Ring chest. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 20 36 17 14 11 8 15 6 Lowen Paladin 11.67 52 17 17 10 15 25 13 Guy Swrdmstr 7.26 45 18 21 23 15 9 6 Erk Sage 13.22 50 20 23 26 14 9 22 Lyn Bld Lord 5.04 36 21 25 22 19 11 15 Lucius Bishop 7.93 45 21 19 18 9 7 21 Ninian Dancer 9.85 20 1 0 17 18 6 10 Rath Nmd Trpr 4.82 42 19 22 16 12 15 8 Karel Swrdmstr 8.27 31 16 23 20 15 13 12 Chap 28 15/294 Game counted 16 Merlinus has a wagon! First time through, Jaffar and Zephiel both died , Reset... Lyn killed Ursula turn 8 Finished around turn 11, time to wait... Forgot to have Nino and Jaffar talk. Oh, well.... Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Lord 20 36 17 14 11 8 15 6 Lowen Paladin 13.00 54 18 17 11 16 25 13 Guy Swrdmstr 10.72 48 18 24 25 17 9 8* Erk Sage 13.42 50 20 23 26 14 9 22 Lyn Bld Lord 7.55 38 23 25 23 20 11 16 Lucius Bishop 8.28 46 22 20 19 9 7 22 Ninian Dancer 10.87 21 1 0 18 19 6 11 Rath Nmd Trpr 7.85 45 20 24 18 12 16 8 Karel Swrdmstr 9.39 31 16 24 20 16 13 12 Chap 29 13/307 Gave Ninian Boots... Fast Dancing is fast! Hector became GREAT! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Grt Lord 20/01 39 17 16 14 8 16 11 Lowen Paladin 16.12 57 18 17 12 18 25 13 Guy Swrdmstr 14.94 50 19 25 27 18 9 9 Erk Sage 17.04 53 22 24 26 15 10 23 Lyn Bld Lord 11.85 41 24 27 24 22 11 16 Lucius Bishop 13.02 49 25 24 22 10 8 25 Nils Bard 12.11 23 1 0 19 21 7 13 Rath Nmd Trpr 14.71 52 25 27 21 13 17 9 Karel Swrdmstr 12.10 32 16 25 22 17 14 13 Chap 30 10/317 Nils swapped for Ninian, hope those Boots work for him, too. Nils played for Hector throughout, but Lyn killed Kaim. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Grt Lord 4.48 42 20 16 14 10 17 11 Lowen Paladin 16.12 57 18 17 12 18 25 13 Guy Swrdmstr 14.94 50 19 25 27 18 9 9 Erk Sage 17.04 53 22 24 26 15 10 23 Lyn Bld Lord 11.85 41 24 27 24 22 11 16 Lucius Bishop 13.02 49 25 24 22 10 8 25 Nils Bard 13.05 24 1 0 19 22 8 13 Rath Nmd Trpr 14.71 52 25 27 21 13 17 9 Karel Swrdmstr 12.10 32 16 25 22 17 14 13 Chap 31 11/328 Game counted 12 Missing Nils... Erk handled Upper Right Swarm, Rath and Lucius the Bottom Right Simple Enough, Tons of Levels, yawn Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Grt Lord 7.05 44 22 16 14 11 18 12 Lowen Paladin 16.43 57 18 17 12 18 25 13 Guy Swrdmstr 17.01 50 21 25 30 20 9 10 Erk Sage 18.94 54 22 25 26 16 11 23 Lyn Bld Lord 14.82 42 24 29 27 23 12 18 Lucius Bishop 15.xx 50 25 25 22 10 8 26 Nils Bard 13.05 24 1 0 19 22 8 13 Rath Nmd Trpr 16.87 53 25 27 23 13 17 9 Karel Swrdmstr 13.xx 32 17 25 23 17 14 13 Chap 31x 5/333 Game counted 6 Still Missing Nils... Bought Silver stuff. Arena, Yo. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Grt Lord 7.85 44 22 16 14 11 18 12 Lowen Paladin 16.43 57 18 17 12 18 25 13 Guy Swrdmstr 17.01 50 21 25 30 20 9 10 Erk Sage 19.04 54 22 25 26 17 12 23 Lyn Bld Lord 14.82 42 24 29 27 23 12 18 Lucius Bishop 15.63 50 25 25 22 10 8 26 Nils Bard 13.05 24 1 0 19 22 8 13 Rath Nmd Trpr 16.87 53 25 27 23 13 17 9 Karel Swrdmstr 15.07 34 17 27 23 18 14 13 Chap 32 16/349 Hector encouraged by Nils northward, Guy and Lyn follow Lowen NE, rest E Now Open Season on Guy and Rath Bandit attacked Renault's Ruins (Oh, well) Karel dealt with reinhorsements until wyverns threatened civilization as we know it Chapter got really scary when Horses/Pegasi nearly killed Nils in NW, but Erk saved the day! Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Grt Lord 18.56 54 27 21 19 13 26 16 Lowen Paladin 19.38 60 18 17 12 19 25 15 Guy Swrdmstr 18.94 54 21 26 30 21 9 11 Erk Sage 20 55 22 25 26 18 12 23 Lyn Bld Lord 20 46 24 29 30 27 13 19 Lucius Bishop 20 52 25 26 24 12 8 30 Nils Bard 14.35 25 1 0 20 23 8 14 Rath Nmd Trpr 19.19 56 25 28 25 14 18 10 Karel Swrdmstr 19.01 35 19 29 25 19 14 14 Chap 32x 11/360 Brought Guy, Nils, Rath, and Legault (for thieving) along. Dominated. Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Grt Lord 20 56 29 22 20 15 28* 18* Lowen Paladin 19.38 60 18 17 12 19 25 15 Guy Swrdmstr 20 55 21 28 30 21 10 11 Erk Sage 20 55 22 25 26 18 12 23 Lyn Bld Lord 20 46 24 29 30 27 13 19 Lucius Bishop 20 52 25 26 24 12 8 30 Nils Bard 15.48 26 1 0 20 24 8 15 Rath Nmd Trpr 20 57 25 28 25 15 19 10 Karel Swrdmstr 19.01 35 19 29 25 19 14 14 Final Chapter: Light 11/371 Hi Athos! First Attempt: Erk critted by Lloyd and Eliwood killed by a Bolting Let's try this again. Athos critted Lloyd Dragon killed Karel at Longbow range Athos's Eclipse knocked out 40 of dragon's health on the second try Lyn finished off dragon on turn 2 Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector Grt Lord 20 56 29 22 20 15 28* 18* Lowen Paladin 20 60 19 18 13 20 25 15 Guy Swrdmstr 20 55 21 28 30 21 10 11 Erk Sage 20 55 22 25 26 18 12 23 Lyn Bld Lord 20 46 24 29 30 27 13 19 Lucius Bishop 20 52 25 26 24 12 8 30 Nils Bard 16.xx 27 1 0 20 25 8 16 Rath Nmd Trpr 20 57 25 28 25 15 19 10 Karel Swrdmstr 19.01 35 19 29 25 19 14 14 Athos Archsage same as always Game total: 379 My total: 371 In my defense, first try to LTC (normally arena abuse with tons of units), and I took no penalties. Hector Started off a little rough on skill and speed, but turned out awesome. Well done, monsieur Lowen AKA the FE8 General on a horse. Shrugged off any physical attack thrown at him, but SLOW AS MOLASSES. Still worked well as a mobile wall. Guy I originally cursed the thought of you, but this is the first run I've had in which Guy actually had decent Strength. As a result, he was a killing machine. Erk Not as great of a mage as I had hoped, yet still managed to tank through rough spots. Hero of the team. Lyn O M G Best Lyn EVAR! (for me at least) Capped at least three stats, if not a fourth as well. Also generated enough bow rank to be dangerous both near and far. Lucius My best Lucius ever! Also capped three or more stats. Main healer of the party due to auto C staves Ninils Danced and sang, weaving an epic tale to be told throughout the ages. Rath AKA Afa's Drops Beast. Capped three or more stats as well, and killed many undead morphs with Rienfleche (once Uhai graciously passed it on) Karel Surprisingly useful, despite being a late pre-promote. His low HP let him get killed by the dragon, though And that's it! I will most certainly perform better in the future. EDIT: Trying to make this look better. Any suggestions?
  18. Soooo, I guess I shouldn't send my picks to Eclipse (no offense meant)... Kyle Oh, and PKL, feel free to shadow my team
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