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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Curse you. I wanted Seedot so much. Oh well.
  2. Aww, I want Seedot along with Houndour. Seedot's line is cool.
  3. ... or 1, that could also work. So either one new person or two, preferably 2 though.
  4. Seventh Monday of the month? Don't months usually have about 4 Mondays?
  5. You know, maybe you can add an option for people who are ambidextrous? It's just a thought. I'm not that, but it should be an option for people that are. Anyway, I'm a righty.
  6. It looks pretty cool, but the nose looks a bit weird to me. I like her hat a lot though, and the thing on the left shoulder.
  7. Oh yippie, I have Total KO. Now I have to restart. Good ol' Turtwig is coming on out.
  8. Progress Update. Ch19: 9 Turns Flo, Matt, Dart, and Kent went towards the Secret Shop with Killers, Wil stayed behind for the Killer Bow Archer and the bottom reinforcements, and the others went towards the throne. Matt got the Brave Bow, and then Flo carried him towards Kent and Dart who were knocking the wall down. Marcus did most of the upper work, and Eli almost got the boss kill, but he was one point short. I got a good bit of Killers, Legault was not recruited, and I only got the Brave Bow chest, but I don't really need any of the others besides the Blue Gem maybe. Ch20: 3 Turns Everybody ran right. Eli got boss kill and I got the Whip. Ch21: 3 Turns Bah, I don't want to right these description things anymore.
  9. Progress Update. Ch17: 3 Turns Marcus, Eli, Kent, and Wil went left and down, and the others went right. Wil got some swords and mid-range weapons and killed a guy, Eli and Kent cleared Marcus's way and got the reinforcements, and Marcus beat down the boss. The other three just kinda got some EXP from the mercenaries at the side. Ch18: 5 Turns Dart and Matt went up, and the others went down. The others kinda cleared the way for Marcus, so he can kill Uhai with a crit from the Horseslayer. Fio died, but who cares. Ch18x: 8 Turns Skill book went to Dart. I didn't want to keep on resetting because Flo died by Arion (or whatever his name was) or because one of those Peg Knights killed her or whatever, so I did it the long way. People seem to be getting good levels finally. Matt stole the Silver Card.
  10. Finished Richter's FE7 Knickerbocker Draft #34220 in 264 turns.
  11. Uh, I don't have really favorites, but this is one of the ones I really like.
  12. Critical Magical Leaf is painful. Plus, 2/3 of my team was weak to grass.
  13. Hello, and welcome to the Serenes Forest Forums. I hope you have a great time here.
  14. Woo, Gardenia almost wiped me out. I have two pokemon left. The ones who died from here were Johnny, Rocky, Geodudette, Chingle, The Duck, and Jerk. My only two left are Unbreaking the Shieldon and Doofinator the Bidoof.
  15. Naw Richter, it isn't just this draft, it is also the other FE8 drafts I have been in. It is also that FE8 isn't that enjoyable of a game for me. I mean, I'll still play it every now and then, but not that often and not that much at a time. I'm just taking a break from FE8, and its drafts, for a while until I think I'm in the mood for them again. The only problem is that I don't have any clue when that will be.
  16. Wee bit more progress! Went on the Map for a bit of shopping. Ch13: 9 Turns Promoted Josh and Cormag at base into Master and Knight, and Ewan into Mage. Cormag flew towards the center because his 15 speed can double everything besides Selena. Amelia went right to save Tethys, and the others went left. Franz, Colm, and Ewan then went up, while Ephraim and Josh went down to take on those enemies. Cormag helped Amelia after he finished the middle enemies. Got both villages. Ephraim: +HP&Str&Skl&Spd&Lck Franz: No Level Up Colm: Level Capped Natasha: +HP&Mag&Spd&Lck Joshua: [HP+5 Str+2 Skl+0 Spd+0 Lck+0 Def+2 Res+1 Con+1 Mov+1] Amelia: +HP&Str&Skl&Lck&Def,+Skl,+HP&Spd&Lck&Res,+HP&Spd&Lck,+HP&Str&Spd&Def Cormag: [HP+3 Str+1 Skl+2 Spd+3 Lck+0 Def+0 Res+1 Con+0 Mov+1] +HP,+HP&Def,+HP&Spd&Def Ewan: [HP+1 Str+0 Skl+1 Spd+2 Lck+0 Def+1 Res+2 Con+1 Mov+1] +HP&Mag&Spd&Lck&Def,Repeat Tethys: No Level Up Ch14: 15 Turns I don't care, I am finally done with this stupid chapter. Ephraim: +HP,+HP&Skl&Lck Franz: +HP&Str&Spd&Res,+HP&Str&Skl&Def Colm: Level Capped Natasha: +HP&Spd&Res Joshua: +HP&Str&Spd&Lck&Res Amelia: +HP&Lck&Def,+HP&Skl&Lck,+Str&Spd&Lck Cormag: +HP Ewan: +HP&Mag&Lck,+Mag&Skl&Lck&Res,+HP&Mag&Skl&Res,+HP&Lck&Res,+Mag&Spd&Lck Tethys: Who Cares? You know what, I'm done. FE8 is proving to be very annoying, and sorry Richter, but I quit. If any of you wants to finish this and take my place, PM me, first come first serve (You most likely will also have to tell me how to send this to you, because I don't think I know). If no one wants to, oh well, this is where my progress stops. I am also at least temporarily (I don't know for how long) quitting the FE8 drafting scene.
  17. I think you just plain need to beat it 15 times. Easy, Normal, and Hard should work. Random and Fixed should also work.
  18. Triple post, but Progress Update the $th. Let's see, Janine was pathetic, Sabrina was a jerk, Blaine was easy, Blue was a big jerk, and Red was fairly easy. Nobody really stood out with Janine, she just sucks. Integrity pretty much saved the day against Sabrina because she is a HP tank. The water people beat up on Blaine. Everybody helped with Blue, especially Integrity and I-Hop. After the really hard Blue fight, I got everybody up to level 55, from like the low 40s. Once I got to Red, I kinda beat him down besides that freakin' Espeon. Whopper got Pikachu, ZM got Venusaur, Integrity got Blastoise, Whopper and I-Hop got Snorlax, Integrity got Espeon after Yusuke and I-Hop went down, and Brotodile got Charizard. So yeah, Silver is done. Final team is Brotodile with stats of 173 144 143 108 112 110, and with the same moves as last time. Yusuke is level 55 with stats of 140 86 86 152 86 133, and with the same moves except replace Night Shade with Dream Eater. Whopper is level 55 with stats of 195 135 132 104 104 71, and with the same moves as last time. I-Hop is level 55 with stats of 165 95 115 90 123 148, and with the sames moves as last time except replace Poison Powder with Mega Drain. Integrity is level 55 with stats of 221 91 93 114 114 103, and with the same moves as last time except replace Flail with Take Down. ZM is level 55 with stats of 159 111 102 126 99 138, and with the same moves as last time except replace Future Sight and Swift with Confuse Ray and Psychic respectively. I am not going after the legendaries. The main reason being that I don't feel like it. Anyway, I am going to rate my team members on how useful/helpful they were throughout the run. Feraligatr>Jumpluff=Quagsire>Lanturn>Xatu>Haunter. The reason why Haunter is last is because pretty much Clair (or maybe Pryce) and afterwards it kinda became a nuisance to train/deal with. If I had put Thunder on it around the E4, it might have been better. So then, see ya until I eventually do my next PMP, which will be a while.
  19. Okay, the ghosts are getting Bastian and Volke.
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