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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Of all the various character flaws a human being could have, this is possibly the most damning of them all. Anyhow, I voted RP as most awesome, Catboy!Soul as most sexy, and then Crash as biggest pansy and the one I hate the most (I don't actually hate him). Now for justifications. RP is actually a pretty clever guy. He has intelligent opinions about some things. He's not so bad really. He's just completely socially inept (or was), but recently he seems to have started improving quite a bit.
  2. Maybe, maybe there is a beast... What I mean is... Maybe it's only us.
  3. I dunno about raping him in the thighs, but I'd definitely give him water dessert.
  4. 8] Gosh I love this sort of thing. I'd probably be too busy crying tears of joy though.
  5. Biology dissections motherfuckers. So, one dissection, a classmate decides to slap me in the face with a motherfucking giant preserved earthworm. This displeased me greatly. Later, I achieved revenge by slapping him in the face with a squid. This only further sparked his passion, and he later hit me in the face with a giant chunk of frog skin. I got the last laugh though. At the very end of the class, I reached into my frog's stomach, up into his chest, and pulled out it's heart. Then I snuck up on him while he wasn't suspecting it, and smushed a frog heart into his face. Defiling the dead bodies of various animals has never been funner.
  6. n0 u u r rong!1!!!1! zihark is mroe pritty she hasrly nice ahir nad face
  7. Oh god, how could I have forgotten? But now I'm wondering how many more things we have to research before we can get to Future Tech...
  8. Hmmm... I was pretty sure it had 26 Protons, but perhaps I was wrong...
  9. What does this taste like? Man, it tastes like a certain metal... What was it called again? It began with an "i" I think... Gosh, this will bug me for the rest of the day. On an unrelated note, isn't this the country that kills people for drug trafficking?
  10. lolwut Dude. Dude. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. I know what you said. It was dumb.
  11. Radicals are dumb. That's pretty much it. I could probably rant for pages about how completely lacking in any form of positive qualities religious extremists are, but I think everyone already knows, and I don't really feel like bothering. So that's all I can say. They deserve to be mocked, and it's obscene to threaten death towards people who mock you.
  12. Legendary != uber. Regardless, for this discussion, no Legendaries, as opposed to no ubers makes more sense, as Legendaries are unique, one of a kind, single instance Pokemon, whereas all the other Pokemon are species. Besides, no ubers would mean I couldn't have my Wobbuffet. 8]
  13. Oh my god that is amazing. Especially the "vote Tory we go broke" one. That's hilarious. Although I've heard that recently the Labor party has become more Right wing and somewhat Authoritarian...
  14. So when I said lrn2Science, I meant lrn2Science, not just keep on talking. I mean, do you understand what scientists do? Do you understand how science is done? I really don't think you do. Our survival and continued advancement is ALREADY a number one priority for Science, but it's not like you can or should just say "let's put all our SCIENCE into THIS". That is not how Science works. And why shouldn't we look at the stars? We certainly could learn a lot about them! Besides, isn't discovery for discovery's sake good enough? Do you even need a further justification?
  15. I was going to make a hilarious post where I responded in a longwinded joking manner to this topic, however given recent events I will now just state that Phoenix should lrn2science. And lrn2think.
  16. For a fanfiction, pretty good so far. I like it. Keep. Doing. This. If I can tell you one thing, it's that keeping unnecessary exposition down is a GOOD thing. You've done pretty well, I think, especially considering most information is only imparted through dialogue, as opposed to you just telling the reader. So far, even if I didn't have much Pokemon knowledge, I think I would not feel lost, but more feel interested. So yeah, keep it up, this style of writing encourages the reader to think, and generates interest.
  17. I agree on the Wendee Lee part. That's the only part I can really identify her in, and I've only seen a small part of the MoHS dub, but her voice just really threw me off. To me it actually significantly changed the tone of the show, and I think it would have given a very different feel.
  18. Awwwwww. You killed my lame joke. Though to be honest, it was a pretty long shot anyway, I'm pretty sure only a very small part of Iran is in the Fertile Crescent anyway... I should have made, like, a Persian joke or something.
  19. Indeed then. I tend to see content as a "Why should I play this game?" thing too, but I find "being able to do the same as before but in larger qualities" decent, and one of my favorite parts about games is sitting there and going "I could never get through all the options this game has given me, huzzah!" Whereas, as far as I can tell, you would like them to keep it simple, albeit it interesting and probably innovative? I dunno? Of course, I also enjoy many games that are more simple. <3 World of Goo.
  20. You guys are forgetting the most important advantage of being short! The case of building collapse!
  21. You just got a good old Fertile Crescent smackdown. Well, actually, maybe not. Nightmare, do you live in the West of your country?
  22. Elvis Costello would be proud! And uh, I don't know a great deal about UK politics, but hey "Conservative" always sounds suspect to me! :P
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