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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Pikablu poofed for a few months. More recently, though, I've actually seen him.
  2. I was implying that you're just another person, yeah. I could also say that hiding it is your choice, though perhaps you shouldn't say that you wish to hide your identity in such a way where it seems like the forums might end if you did reveal your identity. It just makes people want to know more and attracts unneeded attention. To be fair, though, you make it pretty obvious that you're a girl. Whether it matters or not, I was just clarifying for Razgriz. I can generally tell, so that's why it doesn't matter much to me. There's just about one person that I can't read and frankly, they don't really give you enough to read.
  3. People who hide their identity are just more people.
  4. I'm pretty sure she's a girl. And I've not been here for very long.
  5. It's still not as easy as LNM. It's rather on par with ENM.
  6. You all take life too seriously. I, for one, can say whatever I need to without remotely caring what is said in response. And if I do consider the responses, I actually *consider* them. I don't write them off. And I certainly don't look for the responses first thing. Somewhere along the line, all my wrong choices in life, the universe, and everything are actually the right choices. And to be fair, I've seen much worse than this.
  7. No, the numbers are general. Interracial mariages account for 1 of every 20 weddings in both the US and Japan. And it's 1 in 50 in the UK. 10 generations is an early estimate, which is more likely to lead to error, but it's not that far down the line. 500 years at most.
  8. Yes. Assuming humans last another ~300 years. About 10 generations down the line, with all the interracial marriages, skin tones will fade. Black people wouldn't exist in the times of Star Trek or Star Wars, for example.
  9. It was great. I just wish it came out at a different time. Haven't been in the mood to play a game straight through in a long while. But I'll probably read a storyline guide eventually and then play again.
  10. No such game as Alpha portable. AP is cool, though. Though I've played J, W, Z, A, R and OG1+2. And I'll play Alpha as soon as I find it.
  11. Then again, confusing convinces and continues isn't an easy task.
  12. I'm well aware that they're small chapters. Which is why I never went around claiming that he'll promote 6 chapters earlier, or even 5. Maybe something like 3. Negligible but existent. Like I said, you can stick to heal because no one will take so much damage that Rhys needs 10 more damage healed. Also, in the rare case they get attacked, Rhys has better avoid and defense before Mist gets supports. And even in a game where you can buy anything, saving money isn't an awful advantage. And I suppose you could forge a Light Magic with full crit, though it won't exactly activate often enough. After a certain point, Rhys will have more defense than Mist's support+Mist's base can provide. At which point, she'll have 80 hit. Maybe. So she's two rounding things ~2/3s of the time. Rhys is two rounding everything. He's probably even one rounding that enemy you just posted. He also has 1-2 range, so unless Mist can say the same, he's got a clear offensive lead. Then there's the Knight Ring, where the number of characters that actually do better with it is a bit limited, or the Archer Band, which gives him. . . competent speed. With that, he'll have equal or better offensive. 25 kills? Unless you're looking for Wyverns(which are rare), or the leagues of Peg Knights, I'm not sure you're going to get 25 kills. Unless you're attacking units at half HP in the first place. Anyway, I say two chapters because Mist is a target for enemies. Crap HP, defense, and average avoid. Even if that's not the case, were talking 6 chapters at most, probably more like 4-5 if you burn them all at once. Regardless, you'll be out of uses for the Sonic Sword by time you get the Runesword, and you simply don't get the same mileage from it as the Sonic Sword. Mostly saying that (if) he's better for at least half the chapters you have Mist, and you have him for longer, then he's probably better overall.
  13. I realized after the post that he wasn't quite a giant monkey. Mostly because he's still wearing clothes. However, that's what he's supposed to technically be. An Oozaru is a giant monkey. And at this point in Dragonball, he doesn't have a tail or the ability to turn into that.
  14. Gatrie could be using his girl hunting as a cover to boost his masculine image.
  15. Took you a bit. You're *forced* to use Rhys for the first six chapters. While that's not completely true, thus the asterisk, most people will use him until they get Mist simply to make playing smoother. Using heal over Mend isn't a huge loss - a level to Mist every 100 staff uses. One level. Not a huge deal. They heal roughyl the same amount - generally enough. Money saved is money saved, and he can have Mend to heal the big wounds. Considering how much Light magic costs to forge, it actually pays off a bit later. 4 Heal staves and 2 Mend staves work well to get Rhys to promote. It's about 2000 gold overall. And you can sell the arm scrolls with Rhys. That's enough to account for 3 +2 might -2 Weight light magics if Mist is getting +5 might Steel Swords. Or you can forge for someone else since no, that isn't exactly a huge payoff. When Physic does finally come into play, Rhys is much better for it before and after promotion. Mist's earliest support with Titania doesn't appear until chapter 12. Mordecai's support doeasn't appear until 13. So Rhys is cheaper for three chapters and thats the only outstanding factor between the two for chapters 10 and 11. And if Rhys is at least level 16 by then(or if he starts with some base defense), then you'll probably have to wait for her Mordy support for it to matter. Rhys is also clearly superior after he promotes until Mist promotes. Without something forged or magic imbued, I don't think Mist is two rounding things. She'll help someone else One round things, but that's another story. Then the Magic weapons give her 40 uses - Probably about 19 kills, or two chapters worth of offense. With everything I've outlined, I'm sure you could find at least 12 chapters.
  16. That's not exactly how it works, I'd imagine. Like it or not, if no one never said a word of stats about a character on the subforum of the game, there wouldn't be as much traffic for any of these games. No, the topic doesn't need to be bogged down with the discussion, but it also doesn't need to be bogged down with the discussion of where the discussion should take place either. If the topic were to appear there, I'd certainly take the argument to the topic. But otherwise, I wouldn't worry about where it takes place.
  17. For Nasir? Nah. Ena isn't entirely awful, you can beat BK without Mist, and Ashnard doesn't need more than Ike and Tibarn/Giffca to be beaten. There are better reasons to use Mist. Since they are primarily healers with generally crap for offense, durability isn't going to be playing a huge role. Mist has some nice supports. After promotion is my big thing. Rhys comes about 6 chapters earlier. He's much better the first chapter you have Mist simply because she needs to get a staff level up before she can use Mend and Rhys is healing so much more. Then Rhys is cheaper for the next few maps, depending on when Rhys promotes. After Rhys promotes and until Mist does, he's clearly superior. Although Physic gives Rhys some nice Range - Not better than Mist with a Psychic, but generally equal range, maybe a square less. That's about a chapter or two there per physic. Rhys is better half the chapters you have Mist. Mist is better the other half. Rhys is around longer. His point. Yay for lazy debating. Magic Swords give her better offensive, though it's limited and not exactly incredible. And it's not entirely plausible without those Arms scrolls. Her supports come in big here, though. If she has an edge, it's here.
  18. I'd say Rhys is better, but no one wants to go down that road.
  19. Stefan comes at level 8 before every other character promotes, so suggesting you have to 'raise' him is. . . lol. But anyway, boots to mage obviously.
  20. Don't both games come with that? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guitar_Hero_W...ur#Custom_songs
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