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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Very possible as well. Just saying that simply saying one has a much better song list than the other in this case isn't worth it. Although Rock Band still has something like 500 songs going for it.
  2. There were Drum simulators before that too. I never said it was original. I just was pointing out that it's not a cheap cash in.
  3. That's cool and all. But it probably isn't a great excuse for much longer. Rock Band 2 and World Tour share like 11 songs and 4 instruments. And considering a much larger song list and more experience in the matter. . . As for challenge, the songs are more on par with the second game. They're very possible, but not so easy that it's boring.
  4. Activision bought Guitar Hero 3. Leading to iffy quality in said sequel. Harmonix made another guitar game.
  5. Considering the guys who made Guitar Hero 1 and 2 made Rock Band. . .
  6. It's kind of why I prefer Rock Band. Guitar Hero 3's definition of hard is 'throw notes out at random and hope you can't play it'. I've heard that World Tour does a better job at that, but I haven't had the cash for it. And Rock Band 2 still isn't out.
  7. The song is cool. The notes aren't entirely playable because it wasn't done all that well. Thus beyond broken.
  8. Raining Blood is beyond broken and stupid.
  9. Dude, all I'm saying is that not all girls have boobs. A fair number of them are completely flat chested.
  10. Guess no one got what I meant. Well, I look 16. And I'm 18. Makes it hard to get a date. Even if I do get hit on by 14 year olds. But no.
  11. I just was thinking that judging an argument to be outright better sends the wrong message. Of course there's a need to be conclusive, at least in the sense that some people will genuinely repeat the same argument with a different wording multiple times regardless of how wrong they are. But beyond general regulation, there isn't a huge need for 'judges' or judging. Especially not on a point for point basis. If you stick with the idea, though, I'd at least want people who have different opinions on characters and unit worth. I'd suggest Sandman. Though Sandman and SS would be just awful.
  12. I didn't know this was a beauty contest.
  13. I've been told that I have great hands by multiple women, if you know what I mean. ;)
  14. You know, to be fair, there are psychological arguments that, if provided, could turn this topic into a completely different weapon.
  15. I think more of a code or an outline would work just as well. RULE NUMBER 1: DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE DEBATE.
  16. I heard that there is a no Watchmen Trailer packaged with it. That's about the only reason I'll go see the film. It helps that I get movies for free.
  17. To be fair, you drag Arden across an entire FE4 map and tell me you're still sane. Even then, it's more like 50% at most if you consider the number of characters that don't get a horse until after promotion, and then it's never really 70%. And as for pointing out that the class structure is bland in general. Well yeah. But more than that, there are only 6 Pallies. Even if characterization is a bit low in FE9, you have about 35 other options that will all allow you to complete the title. And as for being more useful than 80% of the characters, it depends mostly on how you play. Though I'm sure I could name 10 characters that are more useful.
  18. Only in movement. And speed. Also, while there is nothing wrong with a team of pallies in theory, it's dreadfully boring.
  19. By far? Not really. He has is a decent time advantage and slightly better bases, but his speed isn't *amazing*, his defense and strength are garbage, and all the other Sages will have better tomes to ultimately do similar damage. Illyana does just about as well until roughly around when Soren promotes. And Tormod is just a bit underleveled, though he's probably better statwise. Supports are iffy, and skills are hard to deal in. Big issue is that both of the other mages come 5/6 levels higher with only 1 more point in base speed. While both could use a one point boost in 3-5 stats to do better, 1 point to speed would have been a nice place to start. But it's not a huge difference. You'll probably be using them for character. And whatever reason you'd use a particular unit.
  20. Too bad they all have the same speed cap and that's the only cap she'll hit. From there, Generals have far superior boosts from promotion. Paladin's have the worst.
  21. I wouldn't say that. It could have definitely been more, but it's far from the worst in the series.
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