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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. No one else? I figure it's either that or Devil's Rejects.
  2. I know what it's about, and I'm sure a few others may know too. But I want to see how many people say I should watch it before I do. If you don't know what it's about, you probably don't want to. And don't spoil it for others if you have seen it.
  3. Because as different as Canada wants to be from the US, and this isn't meant to sound as antagonistic as it does, but Canada wouldn't survive very well without US support. It's the same reason the Canadian economy got sucker punched worse by the recession. If it helps at all, the only thing that makes Mexico better off is a decent language barrier. As for the topic, I've haven't had much faith in the skins lately, so I saw this coming. But I'm kind of hoping for a McCain upset myself.
  4. I mean, he had like 50 strength, speed, and skill. Though I did the same for Haar once to add some Transfer bonuses. Honestly, every prepromote in PoR could have used a single base point to every stat and each would be better. But that's neither here nor there.
  5. Life sucks. You think on it too much, and everything falls flat.
  6. It just bothers me a bit for them to use a Sage that doesn't work for me. It'd be a completely different thing if *all* the other Sages were better. Which is one of two reasons the Haar situation is completely different. Jill is comparable. The other is he's not knee deep in the story.
  7. No, he's not the only option, but Soren has like the highest Growth Rate Total in the game for a tier 2 character at 370 and has the best skill of all the Sages. I wasn't saying that the others are unusable or even that Soren is broken, but both FE9 and 10 are designed so that you pick up benefits in using Soren. And it doesn't seem accidental, like Levin/Sety in FE4 or Lugh in FE6.
  8. I turned Mordecai into something one could compare to God once.
  9. It would still use her strength stat. It would just also use her magic stat. The damage would ultimately be fairly similar. Higher, but not well enough.
  10. I used Tormod and Calill my first playthrough.
  11. It's annoying how FE9 and 10 shove him down your throat.
  12. The game basically forces Soren on you. Expecting Ilyana to beat him is. . . Not going to happen. It also happens in FE9, though, if it makes you feel better.
  13. Yeah, but you'll die like 4 chapters ealier. Oh, and it gives you a large build, though what that means specifically. . .
  14. Wait, so Wist wasn't born in Serene's forest?
  15. Just saying 'scientists are atheists' isn't all that fair or accurate. More will show up in the right fields, but there are also some that think a lot of religion's completely valid and the bible is just a bunch of technicolor.
  16. It's not. It's about 360. As for everyone else, Razgriz is fine. Matt is running about 475 though.
  17. I agree with the concept. But I don't think they had the ability to do it. They would have had to expand part 1 first, and added a few characters to make up for it. I can see doing both would make almost all characters more balanced from part 1 more balanced, but I think it should have been associated with transfer bonuses. Though honestly, I don't think a tier three is completely needed when you consider just how many characters are near impossible to use in the last chapter/part 4 because they're under leveled and when you consider how much easier part 3 is because you start with a team of monsters.
  18. While I'm not sure what TC has against 7(and if he didn't like 7 he probably won't like this), I can see why some people may prefer Tellius titles over games in Elibe. Most people in the english playing community discount skills too quickly. I say it that way because what I understand of the JP community is that that's part of the reason the GBA titles are less appealing in Japan. I also personally feel they could have added skills to this title, but I can respect keeping it mostly pure.
  19. Nolan's low strength growth is. . . understandable. They already had a strength ramming Reaver. He runs base 12 strength, with two promos totaling +3 strength. And 45% with 48 levels gives him an average of 37.05. 5% more growth gives him an average of 39.5, and any more than 55% would make him a cap rammer.
  20. Supports should be held completely against the developers, all things considered. We're talking 2-7 supports per character in a game with a cast of 60+. Admittedly, after FE9's slightly disappointing support numbers, FE10 with it's 60 characters would have probably had about as many supports total as 7. But then again, since most characters don't actually have a lot of chapters in the game, the issue is understandable. In other words, they'd be fairly limited. I missed Largo too, but the cast was large and honestly, they probably should have slimmed the cast a bit more. Yeah, it was really stupid to only cut Largo, but I would have cut 20 characters. As for my own gripes. Among other things, while Michaiah's chapters don't need to be any harder in part 3, Tormod's group should have been on Ike's side during part 3. And there should have been some compensation for not being in chapters. Like, a 4 stat level up for every 4 chapters you can't use a character after their appearance or something similar. Otherwise, there probably could have been a few more chapters for Mich's team in part 1 and 3. Maybe another chapter or two in part two. Overall adding something like 6 chapters for 50 total. And I've felt that the way they try to shove Soren down your throat is even worse in FE10, though it was annoying in FE9.
  21. A Port can be a remake. It's stupid to expect them to change everything up, so beyond graphics, a few more characters, bug fixes, a few more maps, and a bit of balancing, a port=a remake. FF Tactics is more of a remake. Also, a Golden Sun remake of both games would be cool. Making it into 2 games would be a dreadful waste, though. FE4 would be awesome. SRW A had a nice remake, so R and D could go for cool remakes. But most of the things I'd go for our remade already.
  22. Sophia has CON issues that make her less usable than Ray.
  23. FE7 is one of the few games with them, and they aren't bad. Problem is that they'd be more useful in some of the other titles.
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